Man Holla Forums fucking sucks now Hotwheels is gone this place is now run by SJW mods and a cuck admin also way to many fucking moralfags normies anti-pedofags SJWs newfags Redditors and 4channers coming in i fear if we get way too much traffic we may end up going mainstream and completely die like 4chan did also to the fag mods STOP FUCKING CENSORING CONTENT THAT DOESN'T VILOATE THE RULES all of you fucking newfags are cancer and do not belong here and so i say to all of you GET THE FUCK OUT!!.
That is enough
And your point??.
My balls itch
Good for you faggot.
I'm from 4chan and I only come here because i can post using vpn.
Succ them fuck boi
Understandable 4chan does not let you do that.
hey, if you don't like Holla Forums fuck off.
you'd improve it by your absence
No (you)
No thanks.
You gargle 10 gallons of nigger cum and eat half your weight in dicks everyday but you won't even succ my itching nads? Why are you so cruel?
So edgy WEW.
You know you want them. You can't fight nature babe.
He said no thanks motherfucker. Now take the hint and scatter before I call over the big dogs.
Call as many bitches as you can but if your treat you'll have to wait your turn.
been here a long time and you know what you ruined cuckchan now shitting up here. how about fuck off to tumblr douche nozzle
Real low quality thread my friends
Is that that it? You aren't going to save this thread by tossing something that weak my way.
thats it, all i have left to offer. wasn't trying to save the thread but this place use to be fun and sick, the pedos kept all the normies out, then jim nukes the place lowcard leaves and its lost its soul.
Im sad this place was shit, but now its just bland mainstream shit. Just a slow extension of cuckchan
Mods are way out of control pic related.
Speaking the truth.
This :(
this board wipe is not as good as they used to be. at least the barth2032 guy was interesting
Very true.
The Beauty of Holla Forums:
YOU CAN CREATE AND MOD INFINITE BOARDS. IF A BOARD GOES TO SHIT BECAUSE OF A BAD MOD, YOU CAN CREATE A NEW ONE, MIGRATE PEOPLE OVER, FILTER OUT THE SHIT YOU DON'T LIKE, AND HAVE AN AWESOME BOARD AGAIN. The only problem is the majority of you people who complain about this are too lazy to do it yourself. The rest of us don't give a shit.
To be fair if it wasn't for Jim and his minions this site would never had made it past throwing hotwheels out.
Pedophilia is taboo and Hebephilia and up is more common and normal.
Stop being an edgy faggot OP, where else you gonna go? 4chan is shit, Endchan is on life support, Or dead at this point Freech is that site nobody fucking cares about and full of hipsters who were too hipster for this site, Masterchan is cancer, Librechan is thankfully dead, and 16chan is dead.
Okay, hombre. Why don't you go on ahead. I'll meet you there.
OP implies he's an oldfag but sounds straight outta Reddit.
p.s, i found OP.
did you just assume my gender you rape addicted menace
Pedocucks get out
Are the cancer
Lel, pedos BTFO
kys pedo fag
I correct, they kept all non pedos out by spamming their pedoshit everywhere, regardless of the topic.
I'm happy with the pedos being btfo, they can just die.
get out, and don't return.. pussy
.. i mean, you can't handle change? get out faggot, newfriends are coming, pedofags are not welcome to share cp here, if you can't handle that please leave and don't return, we don't need pussies who are afraid of newfriends anymore, your useless.
cheers and nice dubs :)
exactly, OP is a cry faggot, he shouldn't end his life but just leave
to be honest im a newfriend, an anti-pedofag when it comes to cp (WHICH IS NOT FUCKING WELCOME HERE OK? OK!) i started watching threads on 4chan in 2014 or 2015, i started posting in 2016 where i found Holla Forums, fucking love this place, best place on the internet so don't you fucking tell me to fuck off fucking faggot op! if anyone should fuck off its you whiny boy, stop crying and get the fuck out. as said, your useless here, no one wants you here so just keep crying and get the fuck out
Pedos are not welcome and were never welcome
Pick one
take your heads out of the mod's backside and kys, moralfags.
You are the reason this place is dying off
Sure does keep the spam down…
You're a moralfag too, you just haven't met your trigger.
so you admit you're triggered?
No pedo, YOU are the cancer.
fuck off pedo, make another chan great with your shitty pedocrap
Perhaps, you are the pedo. Why not browse a different board or make one yourself? Perhaps, you want to contact these children's parents and inform them that pedophiles are watching them.
Nah, you'll just shitpost on Holla Forums
YOU are the one who kills Holla Forums by not accepting newfriends here.
Have you ever visited librechan? ooh it was so cool right? All the pedoshit EVERYWHERE, but right, that's so essential for true freedom of expression. I forgot! lel
I came here from 4chan
you mad now OP?
The go back to reddit army has arrived. They need to send the same message 20 plus times to make sure they are original and the joke is still funny. Keep fighting the good fight kiddos.
There are other places man I mostly hang out 420chan and krautchan /int/ at this point.
It's a gas lighting technique but truthfully Holla Forums gets way madder about other stuff. If you wanted repetitive boring replies though you came to the right place.
You have to post examples of shit that effects everyone.
If its just pedos getting banned for no good reason everyone just says "well I don't like them so censorship is okay in this case" and then before you know it you're the one banned for no good reason because the collective doesn't like you anymore like 4chan is now.
dmca and spam are pretty good reasons to ban someone
actually my bad, I didn't see they were perma-banned for DMCA, that's not right. It should either just be deleted or if the same person keeps posting it maybe like a day ban or something
No (you)
I don't understand your frustration, but we have top men working on it.
Im pretty sure almost everyone on here came from 4chan at some point
from experience I've seen quite a few anons who say they've never gone to 4chan. A better question is, who got banned and was forced to migrate vs who left willingly.
Op is cancer or a shill.
Ignore that bitch guys.
I agree barth is cool
There is a new imageboard.. why not move there ?
this pasta is so old it's from 2014.
>hello 2015, yeah, you can keep josh moon
Seriously, stop your whining, Holla Forums hasn't been a shit heap since jim fired josh.
Shut up tripfag.
Get the fuck out anti scum.
you are the leddit
No (you)
Spotted the newfag so anti-pedofag is actually a closet pedophile.
Don't like it go to masterchan
Oh wait, masterchan is gettting shut down
No its not that was all a ruse.
Dude, the freedom of speech part was only a meme
Dont take it so seriously
No more cartoon bae porn.
That's the problem
Are people really getting banned for that??.
OP is right
Thank you
I want OP here. I like his balance with you.
Thank you.
No (you).