Upcoming black Hannibal movie from the director of "Birth of a Nation".






Was anyone in history not black according to these people?

I thought Hannibal was always a nigger? I know he came from Africa, but most depictions of him I saw were always darkness.

Carthage was a colony of the Phoenicians.


Hannibal is supposed to be more Semitic I think. Descendant from the Phoenicians I think.

Sandniggers maybe, seriously they were more Greek than Nubian round there. Frankly everyone should be olive skinned instead of white or black


Far superior hashtag too.

Imagine if someone remade Zulu but got whites to play the parts of the Zulu's and the British Soldiers. This is exactly what it's like when they cast Blacks as Olives.

Olives are a proud and noble race of people who have had their heritage stolen from greedy blacks and whites!

Well then, BLACKED history has been going on for a long time.

Kekistanis are technically olive too.

That doesn't make any sense. Nice meme faggot.

didn't david griffith die something like 70 years ago, though?

Not the superior film, the newer one by Rape Turner.

What's with all these shitty nigger movies lately? They sell like shit as it is and afrocentric loonism on top of that.

Oscar bait generally doesn't do great at the box office

We might get a clash of jews, who want all the shekels, and blacks who want muh awards.

So they'll just meet halfway and make another Planet of the Apes film?

I bet they'll use CG elephants instead of real ones.

But they will use real monkeys.


The next one comes out this year.

Why do people just accept this historical revisionism? I can guarantee if anyone makes comments about how this movie is inaccurate they're just going to get drowned out with people crying racism. How far does it go?
Why do these people cry about appropriation but then go right ahead and fuck other nations and cultures out of having accurate depictions of their history?

Because they're malicious and hateful, and when you call them out on making shit up they go full projection mode and accuse you of being a racist bigot who denies history.
It's pure insanity and there is literally no way to make them realize how wrong they are.

Because kikes and liberals shilled enough of the population to make them think this was the right thing to do.

Whoops, didn't mean to sage

Because it's not our fight :^)
Literally people will not do anything till it's far too late, too concerned about their own little worlds

Only idpolers care about history.

Because kikes control the media and academia. That's literally it.

This shit drives me nuts. And I'm pretty sure I got a C in a college social psychology class for saying that Afrocentrism was long-debunked nonsense.

Same reason they accept whitey northern Europeans playing Greeks or Egyptian gods.

How this is even possible?
Birth of a Nation is over 100 years old, how could it be the same director?



Kill yourself, cuck.


He created a different movie with the same title so that people would forget about DW Griffth's version. So much for that.

Because cumskins are docile, after 6 decades of indoctrination that "distractions = life, thinking = sadness".

Why do niggers even bother coming onto a board where they're not wanted?

That's what you get for thinking niggers have brains to begin with. Especially commie niggers

Why do cumskins even bother coming onto a board to bitch and moan about how the real world isn't to their liking?

You natshit cumskins are the ones not wanted here.

I really hope they show Rome breaking down and screaming about the end times when Hannibal kills 15% of the fighting age male population in one battle. And then getting their shit together and start to outsmart Hannibal. Seriously any other civilization at the time who lost 15℅ of the fighting population in one battle would've surrendered. Romans were truly made of sterner stuff

I love how both big leaders of the Punic wars both end up dying away from their country and hating them.

They didn't, Hannibal under-smarted himself, he went through the Alps during winter and his army and elephants died, so he got his ass kicked when he got to Rome.
He overextended too quickly and non-strategically, Rome got lucky, that's all.

You mean the moron even regular retards don't like? I can see this is gonna get dropped to the bottom of the bowl real fast.

Abraham Lincoln is apparently "disputed".

Birth of a Nation

Sand-nigger esque.

The whole we wuz nonsense is a jewish ploy to stir anger among other people against communities. It's working.

You know these Romans were alpha as fuck when God himself speaks of them in the scriptures.

And was worried Caesar would come and bitch slap His followers if they didn't respect him.