Nintendo SWITCH specs revealed
Nintendo SWITCH specs revealed
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i might get one if its cheap
people saying its going to cost $399 looking at it would probably only cost like $80 to make the thing
>>>Holla Forums
damn them 3 lots of dubs
NX was better names
sure was
Nintendo always gives its consoles shit real names after giving them better codenames.
Literally only happened with the Wii
im playing the nintendo switch right now
Not if it actually does have a Tegra K1 or X1.
were they trying to make something worse than ouya?
nintendo has become the apple of the console industry
The market they are looking for is Japan. Nothing about the Switch is attractive to the Western audience.
Ultra 64 was much cooler than Nintendo 64.
Marketing teams give the final release of products different names to be more marketable than the names the engineers gave the prototypes, news at 11
Also, the Wii was called the Revolution before it was released
Don't you mean, lebolution?
Nintendo uses GPL code heavily actually
And you just have to take a look at the Ouya to see how well a console that doubles as a development kit does. Their shareholders would give them shit if they allowed users to make their own games on it and rightfully so.
but when will we get a port for car jumper if users can't make their own games?? shame on nintendo is all i can say tbh.
nips are pretty normie, after all