Webmp4 Thread

Post dem webms.

Other urls found in this thread:








how much they charge for a succ? moar



Oh no I seem to have gone deaf.

Fuck off back to 4chan, child.




He didn't imply; he outright said it.

All my fucking rage



what the fuck, I was hoping this was happening in the Middle East and some muslim jew was going to come up and lop off their whore heads with a sabre.
I am disappoint.

Hang yourself race traitor. Fuck your shit. Rage so hard I want to abort that little fuck with a shotgun to the face.







The chink on the right is cutest ^- ^

take another look,bro
@ 0:01 she's missing teef

could someone make a webm using the first clip from here;
with this music 3:14;

How about I'm not sorry because I'm an individual and what other people have done has zilch to do with me? I'm not my country, I'm not my race, I am me and you are you.

Sounds like you're a faggot.

Where is that from?

See the filename






As much as I love the idea of "remove kebab" The fact that they are just going around attacking people who are alone while they are in groups is cowardly.

i dont get it, what is happening

Old Middle school teacher is now the judge I'd assume

So basically, /k/ and /mu/ meet up IRL?

They are ridding the Eastern Bloc one kebab at a time.

Anyone know the song? Shazam is not giving me anything.

I'm usually a music snob who doesn't give sauce but since I posted it I will this time.


Thanks a lot!

yeah animefaggot is stupid
this is war
muslims invade and conquer
it's a territory war
i have a pang of hope that the didnt target hardworking honest citizens though

Anyone have sauce on the bro & sis webm?

No problem.


















They went to school together, how did you miss that?

So women really can be autistic after all. Neat.

We should have dropped more goddammed bombs on those fucking gooks.



post more

this was a shitty webm thread.

what do you want
i have some stuff






Always be on the lookout for signs of a beta uprising.

All the savour of russians


I recognized the music instantly. Now I feel bad.

request on source of music, will pay 0.005 bitcoins

Always the same stale columbine webms

What kind of next level autism does the columbine poster have?


antispam bump


i need sauce on all of these

Better than nothing i guess…

make webms great again

never forget

It should be Dovarich…Kameraden was the german.


who is this? i want to recharge my batteries with her

What's funny is that the black guy immediately starts crying because he thinks she's about to say, "because I know you personally, I'm going to let you go free"

That's the way the believe the world works for white people.

found it

suk yo own dik

you dont understand how territory war works do u

My favorite thing about GoT is that this rape happens in the first season - he throws her down and fucks her even though she doesn't want it. Nobody had a problem with it because OMFG HE'S SUCH A HUNK!!!

In the last season, the exact same thing happens to Sansa, and everyone lost their mind, because that guy was creepy and weird.

Who's the artist that made this?

oh shit sorry muh ruski is horrible

Comrade Cat.webm it is then

dont talk shit about lord ramsay bolton







Do you have more of the TMNT webm from left? I remember those where they cum on a pizza, do you have that? I need it!





K, now that I've fapped to michinohime, time to share some webms


is the flood over…?

The Pornhub video is corrupt and can't play :((((

I hope so, I'm sure the faggot will keep going.

no one had a problem with it because there weren't hipsters watching just so they can say "lol im totally geeky". soon as something gets popular people want in the club, regardless of what the club is actually about.

welcome to Holla Forums, here we have webm with sounds. welcome newfriend, welcome.

works on my browser…. hm. sorry user, my internet is pretty shit and cuts out half the time. The filename should get you the actual video though if you go to the site. she's got an account there and it's pretty easy to DL from there

Ah, thank you! Maybe it's my browser too. Sorry to hear that it cuts off :/






are you just saying characters to bump from spam or something? why not post webm's m8?

We run out of webms.

I have a massive folder collected since I came here. my internet is a fucking potato though and the number of retries it takes for me to upload anything bigger than a MB is fucking awful


I had to format my whole Harddrive anything that was important was corrup and can't be used anymore :/

I was bump like 15 threads at the same time m8
had to stay ahead of the spam sperg lord



fucking spergs ruining everything.

ah forgot about her.

shit, wrong webm, maybe it was this one?



he was married to her dumbcuckfuck!!
















deceived well there with the end one

first one reminds me of this.
also, this reaction image was born from the webm you posted




i want 97 to come back


if you're wondering


I thought it was odd too since Tumblrinas like to cry about rape culture.
In the books it's not quite full on rape though. On their wedding night Khal Drogo takes his time getting her wet and willing. After that it's more of an issue that she's not used to riding horses all day and getting pounded while you have saddle sores isn't fun.
What's even more odd about people not crying foul is that in the books Dany is 13 when she's married to Drogo, and 14 when she gets pregnant from him.

I don't watch Game of Thrones but she was literally smiling by the end of that webm, don't fuckin' tell me she didn't want it.


Who is the slut in the webm? I don't care about her ass to woe neckbeards, but that god damn beautiful nose.
please help

My sides fam

That webm would be nice without the shitskin music.

Also that looks like the most inoffensive, doing literally nothing Kebab.

that webm started off so interesting as you are wondering if she is gonna try stealing something or smash the window then it just gets boring


I want to punch this person.


forward the bitcoins to Sam Hyde

Forgot the part where Dany, still 13, takes Drogo by the hand into the middle of their camp or where ever the fuck they were at and as the book says proceeds to fuck him outside while under the stars. Meanwhile everyone watches them.




the baby in the perambulator survived

I'm just retarded, the facial motions and combinations with the music slightly pisses me off.

I know I'm late and I know (((Google))) would delet ths, but is there a youtube link?

Don't worry, bruh, you aren't alone.

he's fucking rhymning.
god damnit.

check it i found the leek on pol

Anyone still here? If not I will save the ones I found in my old HD for the next thread.

*snaps fingers*



sauce pls


that webm sucked. I expected him to crash.

Read the name of the webm. She's a French pop star.

thanks brother, nice liber trips btw

4chon pls go


See you all tomorrow, have a goodnight anons.


But why?

That's a lime you fucking idiot








disgusting nigger

I've been trying to find the name of this song for like 3 years and could only find shitty soundcloud remixes. Thanks for the link

oh shit

kek bless you

Thats a big webm


those arent strawberries faggot



crazy arkansans

just throw the cat down the hole

it might get hurt if you threw it

he's a big guy.


I knew the name of this song at one point.

how the fuck can people find people from the east attractive?
theyre so ugly holy fucking shit


post this on /suicide/ until they love it.

you realize your mistake now?

you realize your mistake now?


why is she wearing men's undergarments in the second pic?



i heard asian girls are naturally greasy but that's a bit overwhelming

why is this so fucking hot

it's called a muscle shirt. lots of guys wear them.

fruit softcore fetish



there is no spoon









This a rekt thread now?


fuck, I hate big trucks.

Tanks are scarier


I can watch people getting abused and misused all day without giving a single fuck. But when people fuck with animals it makes me feel incredibly uncomfortable.

get a grip, hurting animals is alright

fuck, what are they then called in English?


I think it's because humans are self-aware and can kind of understand what is happening. Where as a doge or catto has no idea what's happening only that it feels pain.


No idea why no one is just carpet bombing isis regions.

There are innocent people, that's why.

also humans get years and years to reflect on future pain or death whereas animals dont


Because western politicians would rather have barbaric savages and fuck up Europe in the processes then have Assad be in power.

you mean women breeding new soldiers and kids growing up to be soldiers.

Assas is not an extremist, he allowed different religions to be practiced in his country. The 'rebels' want to bring strict sharia law and unit all muslim countries to the 'Levinant', they are currently , rapeing, torturing, murdering and enslaving anyone that does not follow their ideal. Assad has to remain in power otherwise there will be even more bloodshed. The terrorists will move on Turkey after they have Syria, in fact they already started I think.

When the fuck those goat fuckers like women? They rather have gay anal sex and cock sucking with their hairy beard.


I have more :^)

I actually read an article the other day about a HIV epidemic in ISIS territory. Because it's mostly lonely young men with almost no woman they turn to each other for their sexual needs.

Here a classic but that's it what I have that is actually funny on isis. Just one or two raps in arab and russian.

songh name
give m,e somg name

do you live in Ireland?

I wonder how many jihadies see these webms and get triggered.

The Cafeteria

I hope many.




thank you my friend









good luck with erdogan and the firepower of incirlik. they may not be the smartest of god's creatures, but isis aren't stupid.
wait. yes they are. incredibly stupid to hope for a caliphat and a religious war and a mullah in the whitehouse, so maybe you are right and they'll bite the hand that feeds them. popcorn?












Im usually open to white or 'cloud' rap but this shit is shit imo

=You can hide it if you don't want it.=

I agree, they are trash same for J Kole or whatever this niggers name is.

That's a harrier, you moron

Ah, once these SJWs get results they don't like they twist facts and bring in pseudo-scientists.

we 300 posts nao

And that's when I suspected something was wrong with this man's brain. Lo and behold, he was then making up bullshit to explain why the darkies' brains are just like a human's despite showing us merely SECONDS prior why they are not.

Rin how are you so cancerous? Are you 10 years old?

Dirty namefag

she was so hot when she was young and didn't have sailor moon tattoos

this is ingenious




Anybody know the song?

first webm is located in the netherlands.
the language is a street language mostly used by white trash like this.

le good old dumpert
I don´t know who i hate more niggers or white trash.


Death is both beautiful and terrifying. The close thing to art that exists.

So far, 2017 is mirroring 1917 in many ways.

We gonna get WWIII and WWIV?

Realistically, those are both inevitable, as well as V, VI, VII and so on. Humans are bound to get that pissed off again eventually. It's just a matter of exactly when. Could be tomorrow, could be 2000 years from now but it's going to happen. Probably over something stupid, too. The last two WWs came out of left field for dumb reasons so I won't be surprised if III and IV are over something just as stupid. The only reason WWNEXT ==wouldn't== happen is because we're all dead from the last one.

I bet that chick is super entertaining to be around and super fucking exhausting to date.

Haha, at this point I'd date a fucking xenomorph if it meant the crushing loneliness and self-hatred would leave!



found the muslim



Speak to me.

Sing with me.

Rage with me.


Confuse me.

Real life with me.



Thats not how systematic oppression works jfc




anyone know the song?

Without ISIS, rekt threads wouldn't be no where as good. Stop acting so entitled


god dammit! that caught me by surprise.

the fuck is this about?

My gosh, how rude of you









Sauce on the third one please?


please sauce on the last one

That was funny.



but it was a very ODD building built over and around to an existing building, that housed critical infrastructure. so it wouldn't act like a normal bulding

what the fuck is that

what the fuck is that

a penis.


This is war. Dehumanize yourself and prepare for bloodshed.

The basketball-american seemed like she was genuinely trying.



No, you are your race, you are your culture, you are your history, and you will be your race's future.
All you have is your people.

Need Sauce. Or at least a name.

fuck niggers lol

Gooks with a proper looking face are rare to find

t. cuck

8 years, bitch

You should see a doctor and have them sort your brain problem.



isn't that Leafy ?

Yes. Yes, it is.

hold up

is she dressed like a Minion







what the music played in my webm?



Can someone make this video into a Webm. This user would be grateful










need more

Best .webm i've seen in quite some time, well done user. Have one of my favorites in return.

choice of music is stellar

Which race? The half Polish? The 16th Cherokee? The 32nd Welsh?

Song name?

I really need it




this is what brainwashing looks like

Full video of Obama himself saying that there is no way that the election can be hacked, only a few months before Trump won






i hope your mom finds these on your computer and you get expelled from school








who is that guy in the second webm



a guy from Switzerland. youtube.com/user/Nervli




00 dreamscape or some shit, come on you should know this or are you 7?





more like OP?

all of the above you fucking mixbreed

sure thing

omg im hooked
the music by itself would be good too
thx user you are my an hero


here you go nigger

Aksnes is the best






some oc of things i do not comprehend

does anyone know the name of the song ?

forward the bitcoins to Sam Hyde


that's not an f-35 you pillock

It's a special kind of feel

Congratulations user welcome to the family.


thanks m8

y-you too

that's not how sex looks like

Missed my favorite accidental electrocution. The guy who flips his pen into a socket at work and attempts to remove the pen. Anyone have this one?

What a waste of perfectly good fruit.


Calm down newfag. All zeros just means it's a TOR ID.

who the fuck even takes scientific facts from actors.






FYI Claire is an Xian now. Source: efukt.

Thanks user. (check'd)
Awesome trips, dude


Those are Raspberries mate

he fired 20 rounds before needing to reload, it looked like a standard mag.
It needs to happen soon, I've been counting on a draft to save my ass. Either that or Ill end up self ded'd.

Life isn't pretty, neither is death. Faggot

So Jew led Communist coup attempt next year?

Ministry - the land of rape and honey (the song on the album)
pretty good album

What faggot made this?

its a shitty antispam feature that doesn't stop spam and bans innocent users

I was expecting worse from a claw trap.

I have no idea what that means.


like a cross

It's Xtian.

'Xian' sounds like a Chinese surname. Because it is a Chinese surname.

It means 'western peace', which is ironic because Christianity is neither western nor peaceful.

fedora spotted

jeshua ben iosef was a jew. christianity is a middle eastern religion.

Someone please, sauce on this song?

oy vey!
too bad christianity absorbed and unified many european religions


all my stuff is political [serious and non serious] and a few porns mostly for b responses
hope you enjoy lads

this is unfair

you too can bang girls like this
just get tinder or get on some popular dating app in your area

Then you hear this shit.


this kind of porn is fucking hilarious




Dubs preach the truth


is there more of her?

Lots of span tonight.

I meant spam.

Holla Forums is certaily magical today

Holy shit. There isn't enough WTFs to explain this shit.


I am now boner.


Tips menorah.




kek. cant belive this faggots actually belive all the hate they preach. dont you understand hitler would kill you for being subhuman you obese pice of shit.


All of my keks

Need to rename your file. Those bottoms are def body paint.


dont care… stilll cute… rite?


I'd say less cute and more scrumptious.


Oh my…

carpet bombings are now illegal by the Geneva convention, thanks USA for Vietnam.




You think those side tassels on her left are just growing out of her skin?

Seig fucking heil

That first video…mmmmm…Malena Morgan. An actual, honest to god lesbian who occasionally did straight porn for the money.

I heard she fell in love with some female costar and wanted to start a life with her and all that. Got her little heart broken when the other chick said she only fucks girls but doesn't love them. She quit porn after that, or at least for a little while. I don't know if she's making new videos these days

She's one of the most beautiful women on the planet, and I don't even know wtf she's ever saying


You're as limpwristed as they come. Go back to reddit.


I consider myself pretty well versed in pornography and pornstars. But I need sauce or a name for this chick

I would named that Common Core




This video is such bullshit. You don't just hack away at an animal until it's head falls off. It struggles, which can endanger the staff, and the stress spoils the meat. People don't needlessly throw livestock around or hit them with crowbars because they cost money to buy and raise.

And if this happens in some third world shithole, which maybe it does, you're advertising to the wrong folks. This shit is like showing someone being hit and run by a car, and saying no-one should either walk or drive anywhere.

I'm sure he's as dumbfounded as most people in the country that sewage plant froth could be elected. He's probably glad to not have to be a president of idiots.


thanks for killing my boner that bitch is nasty and needs rehab+treadmill


anybody who dares post this sort of faggotry on any image board will burn. Jew faggot.

I'm willing to bet this skank cannot even fry bacon.


That turned me on, is there more?


the girl died of cancer shortly after filming that video.

mfw I was just told my new best friend died.



rin-fag is here



so is this original user content?
the one with the 8ch logo is sweet, thats real cool
but i like the song in OP and the slightly longer vid
more stuff like this, please

Who knew Chan culture would be the standard bearer for fighting modern degeneracy

Chan culture has an aesthetic to it.
Modern degeneracy is self hating and self destructive.





yeah its oc all i did was add a backing track

;- ;
not nice

Really dude? samefagging to give yourself more attention. Sad.


Namefags are one thing. But a double name/same combo? Sad.

gay thread


i assume you think that was me who said rinfag is here but it wasn't me. im on mobile and cant post webms

First you steal my image from the other thread and now try to spread gay shit? En garde heathen

BE the posts you want to see in the thread - gandhi, probably



Anal is overrated

Did you draw it? Hm, didn't think so. Fuck off back to deviantart

Do you have the acceptable copyrights and licenses? Yeah didn't think so now return the image where you found it or i will see you in court.

ur retarded

no u

anime is gay so that makes u gay nigga, i ain't gonna argue with a gay because it isn't worth my time

are you calling me gay? HOW DARE YOU SIR.

I am a proud member of the ANTI gay community

It's okay user, this thread has lived a good life. It has had its ups and it's downs, but I believe that it is best for us to move on to greener webmthreads and let this one die. ;- ;



time for some classics

Anyone know the song name?

I've cum to that webm before now - thanks

Hey now, this isn't a nigger thread.


Her YouTube channel

You meanie.

God bless your soul sweetie.


lots of cunts

song name? song detection sites can't pick it up through the explosions n' such

Is there more?


well whatever you did it looks great
keep making em
that old republic stuff seems nice so thats a good direction to go
TY FOR OC my user!


