Let's get shit done.
Let's get shit done.
Other urls found in this thread:
Remember to upload all finished art to the booru for preservation:
Also, check out >>>/loomis/ for drawing tips, guides, and tutorials.
Requesting Candace enviously groping Melissa's tits with extreme prejudice.
This got triple dubs last thread but no one checked it.
Wait a sec…what happened to the last thread (and everything else?)
Beyonder messed up in background checking his mod candidates
Gave mod to a crazy guy
Crazy guy decided to nuke Holla Forums
Would you believe that Power Girl Autist has had a grudge against a specific /jojo/ poster with a "unique file naming system", and has been plotting for MONTHS to become a mod so he could delete some threads?
Because… that happened. And then he started a thread on Holla Forums to "celebrate" but everyone made fun of him and I think he got upset.
But no worries, we'll rebuild. Even better and stronger!
I see some new threads coming forward. glad to see things are going back to normal.
Well that's not very nice of him.
I can actually praise such autistic patience
Wrestling and Holla Forums seem to go together pretty well. Anyone want to just prattle off a bunch of Holla Forums characters and appropriate wrestling poses or moves, since I can't think of any at the moment?
I could sketch some up. Gimme Holla Forums mascots and related characters
Board-tans or characters from Holla Forums media?
Would like to keep it Holla Forums in here. If I remember correctly we have about 5-6 strictly Holla Forums characters
That's kinda narrow, isn't it?
Okay maybe for starters would like to see a friendly bear wrestling match between Future Holla Forumsnrad (the big guy 4U in the blue suit) and Bos/co/ (the masked bear).
My wrestling suggestion is the iconic Hulk Hogan vs Andre the Giant faceoff, but with Colossus vs Juggernaut.
I got conflicting results on their height, but the Official Marvel site lists Colossus as 7'5" (armored form) and Juggernaut as 9'5", which is about the height difference that I think would make for the coolest picture anyway.
More like WrestleMania edition…
Well I don't know how many there are…You can do a lot with 5 characters.
how about something along this , with bos/co/ at the center and a bunch of DC&Marvel characters trying to take him down ?
Requesting the couple from an old advertisement for Midland Bank (Animated by the Richard Williams Animation Studio, Uploaded by TheThiefArchive:
This makes me think… are there any comic or cartoon characters that could mirror the rivalry between Bret "Hitman" Hart and Shawn Michaels ?
Requesting Candace Flynn from Phineas and Ferb getting raped by My Life as a Teenage Robot background character Jeremy.
Well, that's kinda interesting, but couldn't Candace be raping him?
OR here, depends on who's interested and whether the artist will have Candace commit the act against MLaaTR Jeremy or the other vice versa.
OR again, I meant just vice versa on the last part, not whatever kind of broken English happened
Which one is Jeremy though? The one with the spiky hair? Jenny herself?
That gave me an Idea
I request Infinity Holla Forumsnrad, Holla Forumsnner, Tomo/co/ and Bos/co/ as the Hart Foundation
OR here, it's the spiky hair guy. Here's the image I should have used (most sincere apologies for any confusion and inconvenience).
Ah, I see. Thanks for the heads up.
To be honest, Candace would tear him a new asshole; she wrestled an alligator once without getting a scratch.
Huh… interesting to note. I guess that could be feasible for a revenge follow up, but I digress. (OR btw, posting on my tablet this time).
I think we need a new Holla Forums.
Yes we had Holla Forumsnrad on 4chan but just like Tumblr he has been cucked. Just like we have Punished Holla Forums would some drawfags consider creating the new board tan to embody 8/co/
user, we already have five board-tans. Do we really need another one?
I…I don't follow
Holla Forumsnner
Holla Forumsnrad
Are the ones I remember.
Read the thread. The first two images in are Holla Forums's five board-tans.
For 4chan, sure but we're not 4chan
We're the X-men
…Future Holla Forumsnrad is literally Cable. And he, Holla Forumsnner, Bos/co/ and Tomo/co/ are Holla Forums creations.
I think we need a board-tan that represents the busty superheroines of comics.
You just want an excuse for more big tits to be drawn, and you know it.
Not that I blame you
While we are at it, why not make something that would represent eurocomics as well. It's tough to think what it could be, though. Only three things that come to my mind are either something surreal and Moebius-esque, a grizzled man like Thorgal or Dredd, or adventurous girl that loses her clothes once in a while that many French comics seem to feature.
We should keep those spinoff Holla Forums tans in check, though.
Judge user
A faceless figure that keeps everyone in line from breaking the law and acting like total retards
Now draw her naked.
Well, that was um… better than planned.
She's hot.
You know that's a pic that someone else drew a while ago right?
Are you RPing someone who's just started using an image board for the first time?
Was it from Holla Forums by any chance?
Requesting Vicky the Harpy drawn in a more realistic manner.
Old school Mohawk Storm, jamming on a guitar on stage, with lightning strikes behind her as the crowd cheers her on. Perhaps the bottom of the pic could just be the outstretched hands of the crowd below stage.
What is the ritual to make cuckchan's drawfags permanently migrate to here?
I miss when Storm used to be cool before she became a political prop.
I doubt any ritual would be powerful enough except meme magic. There's just too many opportunities back there, not to mention a considerable potential public to drawfag for.
Requesting Genji Tartakovsky
IIRC it was delivered last thread but then it got deleted by a rogue mod.
Do we really want any significant portion of cuckchan's userbase?
The vast majority of us came from there 2 years ago, why pretend each of us is default better? Having more drawfags is always good, no matter what one or two anons will say about it.
I've been thinking, what is holding back the number of requests? There are enough of us to request a fair bit, and it doesn't all have to be pure gold, because a lot of it will never be drawn anyway. Are people holding back because some requests will be judged other anons? Who gives a fuck? The only judgement that should matter is if ever drawfag that visits passes that requests by, and you still LOSE NOTHING. I think people are afraid to accidentally violate the 8/co/ culture, while I don't feel that we've developed that culture yet. Even 2 years later, and all people seem to know is "I don't want it to be like 4chan" but they don't know how to make it the way they DO want it.
Personally, I'd love a larger population with more differing opinions. This isn't meant to be a rightwing safespace, this isn't meant to be ANYONE'S safespace. So what if people butt heads, as long as they're not just going for the cheap shitpost, and we see more shit done around here.
Would you say it is a zone that is dangerous?
Because we willingly chose to leave despite having no idea how this would/will turn out and they chose willingly to stay behind despite everything that has/had happened and if that means absolutely nothing and it's all the same to you then i would suggest you start making your way back there it's not like we never had our share of concernfags before that tried to entice people with beads and shiny trinkets
And last time i checked no mod is banning you from Holla Forums because of your opinion , so a buzzword like "safespace" does not apply just because people happen to disagree with you and they may or may not be in the majority ; if i think your opinion is shit i will say so and that's that
Good. I'm glad you can repeat what I said back to me in your own words.
So quit being a pussy about it, if people come here, from anywhere, we judge them by what they say and do. Because coming here shows they want to improve themselves. I honestly wonder how many of those on 4/co/ now even know 8/co/ exists.
I would concur with your hypothesis, and furthermore, I put it to you the putative existence of a thoroughfare giving access, a highway, if you will, to this theoretical "Zone of Danger".
So… how about (a) Peridot as a Green Lantern? An easy request, i'll admit, but I suppose Gems would have a Green Lantern member among their race.
Or Ben 10 trying to understand Saiyan biology (since, let's be fair, if he absorbs a Saiyan, nothing would happen, since he doesn't have any Ki to speak about)
Or draw this man tumblr account. I don't know.
Nice user. I'm surprised DC hasn't come up with that yet.
i rounded the hair cuz it looked weird to me
pls no bully
Or a scorpion girl. A really sexy scorpion girl.
Holy shit this is great
Nice! Thanks user!
Nicely done, user.
A lot of them probably do, but pretend it doesn't exist because muh "stormfrontchan".
I have interest drawing some obscure characters, which constantly /trash/ suggesting. But no, forget it I don't post there anymore after the backlash happen and you can't have good discussing staying for months.
I could post them here if their is any problem.
Not at all. Just post all you have.
Tell your /trash/ comrades to migrate here too; cuckchan ain't worth shit anymore.
Requesting a little team-up artwork of Andrea 'Mania' Benton and Robbie 'The All-New Ghost Rider' Reyes.
Or just Andi posing suggestively on the hood of the car. Whatever works.
Lewds of this girl pls.
I want her showing off her killer curves.
She's an obscure waifu and I'd like to at least have one Lewd of her
but I want the bikini one to get the lewd
bump for lewds
Requesting Batoria(left) and Nofre doing this funny scene please.
Just in case, I leave more references of Batoria and Nofre
Requesting Ingrid Third painfully transforming into a scorpion girl via an injection administered by the Mad Doctor from the Mickey Mouse short of the same name. Here's The Mad Doctor for additional reference material (Since I can only upload five images a post):
And here's the scorpion girl (same reason as before):
Requesting a Slugma, try to make it look like a super hero, give it a cape or something
Pic is of a slugma
Or this
Is this looking good so far?
Cool job, user.
Nice, though I think she needs the pincers, right underneath her human waist.
needs bigger boobs and more muscle
Godamn user thats a real specific fetish
Hold on a sec what was this show about, I vaguely remember the niglet being basically Not Morpheus
I get that this is Holla Forums, but that's some impressive usage of some rather colorful metaphors. In all seriousness, here's the Wikipedia article on the show:
I'd say it's more of a scenario I thought of on a whim. But hey, to each person their own.
I'll see your DL link and raise you a stream so you don't have to deal with the dowbload throttling.
Sorry bout that X(. Probably should have done that, but didn't think to do so. Oh well. And I forgot to remove the mobile part of the URL. Oh poop.
Ok then.
Requesting Judy Jetson getting groped and fucked vaginally by two anons (consensual or noncon up to whoever decides to take up this request).
OR here. Thank you!
We can request porn in these threads?
You can request anything in these threads, so long as they're Holla Forums related.
Getting deliveries, on the other hand, is another question entirely.
For example?
Not the same user, but an example of a request would be say, Requesting Ami from Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi jumping into a crowd and getting gangbanged without her consent. The show debuted in the USA, so it's Holla Forums related.
So… i'm a amateur. I can only draw chibies, and I decided to draw something.
I drew Slugma
and Juggernaut and Colossus
Is not the best, but I wanted to try it! I don't have an scanner, so sorry.
Also, I drew this, because of reasons.
A naked Ben 10 with a Green Lantern with Mikitaka Hazekura.
Green Lantern Peridot*
The art isnt the worse but there's a whole lot of improvement to be made but honestly its passable. Just either get a scanner or a drawing tablet.
My scanner don't want to work :( And is midnight here, so I can't go anywhere.
Requesting Frankie from Rooty Toot Toot (Here's the link:
Source of one of the references in case you wanna see it in full: Cafe Junkie Ep. 2 (Eng. Subs)
Oh shit. Forgot to mark as spoilers.
Whoever marked one of the images as a spoiler, thank you and I am sincerely sorry about forgetting to do so, no excuse.
Then I can request this boy tied up, being brutally sodomized in this way meanwhile tiny threads of blood, shit and semen trickling from his virgin butthole all this meanwhile he is crying for his mommy? I can?
You can. But don't expect a delivery to occur. It's completely luck based as to whether you do or not. Heck, sometimes if someone gets extremely annoying with particular characters, people will not want to draw them for a long time.
Requesting Nate Wright (left), Greg Heffley (middle), and Rafe Khatchadorian (right), all three of them in their underwear (Nate and Greg wear tighty-whities, and Rafe wears boxers) and with their backs facing the viewer, doing a little dance.
Requesting Ed from EENE to poorly pose in a JoJo style with a nametag flying behind him that says "Hi! My name is JIBURO!" or simply JIB.
This is why we don't get many drawfags anymore.
I'm kind of tempted to draw Mania in Tradd Moore's style. If I get a moment I'll give it a go but might keep it colourless. Reminder to call me a cunt every now and then to remind me.
Will do, ya cunt!
Also, thank you.
What the fuck is this Meouth lookin' gay tumblr mexican oc sanic donut steel eyes bullshit?
That's nuMarvel for you.
So when are you gonna color it, in addition to the other suggestions?
Cage fags plz go
faggots leave and stay leave
Just gotta move it over to get more of the claws in the picture.
That better be highres by the time it's done, drawfag. Also, you need to work on her face; make it prettier while also more devious due to the fact that she knows she's a sexay scorpion lady.
Other than the shoulders, this is some pretty solid work user, well done.
Also, I'm struggling to get my drawing on today, so if anyone has a request that is not too elaborate, I'll see what can I do.
Not the artist of scorpio-Vicky, but what's wrong with the shoulders? Just wanted to hear feedback from you so he can take note before he colors it.
Anyway, I'd like to request Judy Funnie from Doug playing the saxophone. Listen to some Weather Report and Jamiroquai while you're at it.
On a second viewing, It's more a problem of the size/length of the torso. The shoulders look huge and mannish as a result. I hope this gets the point across more clearly.
Sounds good. Do you prefer show style or shall I go crazy?
Heh, I didn't realize how fucked up the shoulder-torso ratio was; I thought it was just like that perspective wise, and I was too focused on the face. Hope the Vicky drawfag heeds your advice and increases his skill with the female human (and scorpion) anatomy. Anything else about it you had in mind, like the tail or Timmy?
Go nuts with Judy. Give her G-cups I dunno.
nah, getting a little tired of drawing big tiddies lately. A normal-chested character would be a nice change of pace.
She does have a prominent chest though.
something like this? I can do bigger though.
Maybe one cup bigger?
/r/ing Neopolitan with a symbiote.
Something with her eyes still different colors would be preferred, but obviously I'm not going to get picky. Thank you
Requesting someone draw Sibella in their own style.
I will provide more references if asked.
Requesting this one with a black eye, a nose bleeding and trying to not cry.
requesting any of these couples interacting
Will they fuck?
How about we don't do that.
So, any updates on this, user?
You forgot to call him a cunt.
You will now be sentenced to death by Scorpio-Vicky sting.
Not really happy with how it ended up, awkward posing and other issues, but may as well post it
requesting any of these images colred
Looks nice, user. Gonna color it soon?
A obscure character that need it porn. It's niko a one shot character from capitol critters.
Requesting Maggie Pesky sucking on Creepie Creecher's clit, resulting in Creepie with an ahegao face.
I'm looking for someone who would be interested in doing some Flash animation or a YouTube web comic. It's a mish-mash, hodgepodge of absurdist cyberpunk/occult/wasteland/dirty sci-fi black comedy.
Just looking for an artist to share my idea with and possibly collaborate.
Feel free to email me for more details and my experience!
Requesting a magical crossover of Thundarr the Barbarian and Korgoth of Barbaria: Specules the Wizard's head grafted onto the body of Princess Ariel like some kind of unholy Frankenstein abomination, holding up her severed head. Punchline about "losing your head" or something similarly corny optional.
Did they pluck that last bear's teeth out? That's fucked up.
Also, it seems bears aren't as strong was people say they are(Strong enough to crush you with ease(Literally crush you)), if these picks are legit.
That's fine, so long as he delivers the promised artwork to my tombstone.
nah, I'm unhappy with it already. I don't want to mess around with shading and stuff. I'll try on another request later.
Sorry. between practicing female figures and some running around looking for work I've been distracted. Still on the list of things to do but eta is a week or so. I like to take a day so if I enjoy how things roll I go full colour.
Man Tradd is godtier
Requesting BMO(human version) wearing this outfit
waste of dubs
Don't be like that user.
then again chris chan is proud of his work
Ok, how about she just at a corner like pic related licking is own blood?
So, what kind of requests are you interested in?
requesting a coloring
And I request Red Hot Chili Peppers coming out of BMO and shouting "Surprise Fuckers !", while BMO has an expression of confusion and fear
How am I doing, lads?
Vomit could use a little more detail compared to the pouring stream, otherwise, not half bad chum
dannit mang
Heres something simple, didnt want to deal with the blue coloring/grayscale so yeah, it's pretty basic
Nice lines
I like it. especially appreciated the detail you did with the changing shadows.
what he said
can't wait to see what kind of background you put in there
welp, I was already working on my own colors, but oh well.
I guess we have two now.
I'm proud of like 1/5 of my work. I dread the day I'm proud of all of my work, because then I will stop improving.
Besides, I could feel myself dragging my feet while drawing this, so to speak. Doing stuff for the sake of finishing, and noticing errors without fixing and all that.
Not sure, just drawing whatever picks my eye I guess
From what I've seen, people who are proud of their work mostly end up being deviantart austists who post shitty sonic artwork for their 7 followers and think themselves the new michaelangello
keep hating yourself, user. That's what makes you good
He said it would take a week, user.
It's already been a week from where I'm from.
Same request as usual.
So, it occurs to me that being in the shade, the vomit stream should probably not be reflecting the light source. I don't know, which do you think works better?
requesting a fusion of SGT Slaughter from GI Joe and Bullet from Marvel comics
I like the second one, I think it's neat that the vomit is actually different than the stream above.
Requesting this scene(left) with any of this 2 girls.
I was waiting for the weekend to get a chance
here's a wip. The problem I have the sketch done how do I stylize it to look like Tradds style without spending hours trying to do lines and hatching like him. I might still just do something like the original request and have them posing together. something about her pose bothers me. Mostly her right arm but I'll make adjustments.>>677486
Okay. Thanks, m8o.
Take your time, cunt.
Got busy for a while and wasn't able to work on this, did I fix most of the problems?
Still waiting on my request,
Other than cleaning up the lines, I think there needs that extra "oomph" in Vicky's… eveywhere; crossed arms, legs, pincers, tail, etc. just to make the drawing look much more confident and lively. Also, Timmy without his buck teeth looks weird. Just my two cents.
You're gonna have any luck with your request here, pal. Try Holla Forums or /a/.
I forgot to add "not" replying to MIST. Besides, that girl is not Holla Forums related at all and your constant bumping for her is annoying.
it's cool
Do these characters count?
Some anons wanted lewds of them, if you can do that, what would be nice.
Do these characters count?
Some anons wanted lewds of them, if you can do that, what would be nice.
Can someone delete this?
Nice! Thanks for the delivery, drawfriend!
The angle on that arm does seem a bit off. That said, it looks decent enough overall that I'd be happy with just Mania and Ghost Rider posing together.
Request: Lori Loud sitting in a throne. You can put her in her dictator outfit from No Guts, No Glori.
Seconded, would like to see Lori on this style of throne.
Here ya go.
Thanks. It's dandy.
requesting redneck Garnet being lewd
And the finished product.
Pretty fucking cool.
Hey that looks nice! Looking forward to you finishing it.
Is that Sylvester the Cat?
I don't know.
No, it's the yellow presidental Cat from Capitol Critters.
I'm just happy you're working on it fam
Hey, does anybody remember Dan Vs?
It was a good show, and probably the closest thing to an adult animated comedy The Hub will ever get.
With that in mind, here's my request:
Requesting Dan (reference is on the middle-left) and Imposter Dan (references for him are on the middle- and lower-right) in a version of the above photo, with Dan instead of Mick Jagger (top-left) and Impostor Dan instead of Keith Richards (top-right). Dan should be wearing his kitty-cat boxer shorts (image of them is on the bottom-left corner), as shown in the episode "Dan Vs The Magician".
Fuck my narrow pop culture knowledge.
Request: A teary Lori Loud holding Lincoln Loud's bloody corpse. Asking what's she fighting for is optional.
lewds already? nice.
/r/equesting a female anthro chimpanzee, dressed like a noir detective
Requesting Vandal Savage as the Emperor
seconding that.
Is there any chance that badass Swamp Hogan drawfag could do that?
eeeh. outlook not so good. I said I'd give the Mania one a try but I was having so much trouble because I suck at female anatomy.
I got sidetracked just trying to make it not suck. I'll probably just leave it as a Mania drawing since I still like her as a character.
I think I won't announce what I am doing anymore unless it starts to work out well like the Swamp Hogan one.
that pic ain't finished btw. I just haven't filled in all the Tradd Moore lines and lighting.
it looks fucking awesome, though.
OR here, I think it looks good as well. Thanks for giving it a shot, user.
I spent like 5 hours redrawing it and checking references. That kind of put me off the image for now.
I understand how frustrating that can be, but at least I can tell you that those were 5 hours not wasted
Requesting Margaret, CJ, Eileen, and Starla from Regular Show, all of them with their backs facing the camera and teasingly showing off their underwear-clad butts.
(Each of the girls' underwear has a picture of their respective boyfriend on the back. Margaret and CJ both have Mordecai's picture on the back of their underwear, Eileen's underwear has Rigby's pic on the back, and Starla's underwear has a pic of Muscle Man on the back.)
(And yes, this was inspired by the recent episode "Ugly Moons", where certain characters wear underwear with a pic of their enemy on the back.)
Hows this?
Good shit, yo.
Requesting some work of the girls in the Once Upon A Time episode about cavemen.
I don't think we even had different races back when Vandal was born.
well, negroid Savage makes marginally more sense, since he was born in the caveman times. We can argue if "out of africa" is real or not, but we do know that cavemen did sport flat craniums, bulky brows and square jaws.
Either way, any Vandal is good Vandal
requesting Princess Teggra and Jessica Rabbit lezzing out
Requesting a Lord Raptorlike Luna Loud. One Luna can be her normal version but blue without pupils, the other all rotten and total zombie.
Same user as the user who requested zombie Luna. Ignore the . That's a screw-up.
I am working on it. After many tries, I managed to finally get the car more or less right, but I am stuck on Robbie. How do I make him leaning against the car look more accurate, and how should I position his right foot so it doesn't look awkward?
I think the leg position wise looks fine.
I think Robbie's positioning there is pretty good.
requesting Anissa (Left 3) dressed as Atom Eve (redhead) aggressively flirting with/showing off to invincible.
and maybe Atom Eve Dressed as Anissa, encouraging the amazon?
Requesting Nega-Timmy crossdressing as a trap version of Timantha in the same pose the one in the link:
Make sure he has some sort of annoyed/pissed off expression on his face. Thank you in advance.
artfag here, trying to get more into drawfaggotry (I'm training to do CGI work) and this thread seems like a good place to ask, what does Holla Forums think of inktober? Would they be open to having drawthreads for it where people draw Holla Forums related things?
I'm asking /tg/ drawfags this question as well.
The problem with this is that we don't have enough drawfags (and the ones that are here are irregular) so unless you goad cuckchan's drawfags into coming and staying here (no getting banned for drawing furry or loli) then maybe that could happen.
I'm currently doing it with friends but I doubt they would be interested in drawing here but taking requests from here could help if I have artists block for a day.
The way I see it, Inktober is more for wannabe drawfags that pussy out everytime they draw becuase they rightfully think they're shit but way to get good is not to give up or be scared. The point is to get shit done and get past that hump not to make something amazing.
I think there might be quite a bit of potential people that would like to draw but are scared. It's basically a 'don't be a pussy' challenge.
Oh, cool! I kinda forgot I even made the Colossus/Juggernaut request, thanks.
What? They're not allowed to draw loli there? What is this, HITLER'S GERMANY????
It's always cool to have new drawfags come by. But things are pretty slow here. I might start a thread later on /comic/, take simple layout requests or little things to help people get their comic started.
Fitting for a pre-halloween event.
Looking good but the back of the car is a bit iffy
Sorry if this is a bit uncalled for, but does 4chan's co have a Drawthread?
Probably. They have a larger population in general.
Indeed they do, but they don't allow certain requests ( for example)
wow they really went down the shitter haven't they?
Requesting Star Butterfly drinking tea with Lambdadelta.
You bet. I've requested that on Holla Forums 10 times in a row, and each time they deleted it. Where as here, it somewhat still up after 5 days.
Requesting this cute little one of yellow hat playing with a hoop like pic related.
Lincoln and Lynn Loud doing this Beauty and the Beast scene.
requesting female Gaston doing this with her boobs or butt or something like that
You'll just have to accept the fact that Candace will rape MLaaTR Jeremy in the ass.
Fair enough.
Shut up Speedy you whiny shit sucking faggot.
Almost done
There is a disgustingly low amount of cute and sexy Supergirl fanart in this world. Requesting more cute and sexy Supergirl fanart.
That's coming along nicely. Only advice I can give for you is that you learn and improve. You have a webpage or somethin?
Steven Universe is abhorrent.
Sorry, I had to say that.
You don't need to be sorry that you hate Social Justiverse.
Nah I just randomly post on chan boards when I have the time to draw.
To be fair I prefer to see artwork of Ben banging Peridot because Ben dealing with all those alien chicks and he ended up with a normal human woman? What the fuck man? Even his grandpa got himself literal alien tail (that he probably contact again after he was appointed the Magister) and his cousin ended up with some kind of mutated human and semi alien.
Requesting a very smug person wearing a tuxedo, and wearing a plate of cake as a hat.
Requesting Schnitzel and Coco as Trump and Clinton respectively at a presidential debate.
I wasn't exactly calling myself a hipster, but I honestly didn't completely expect a response in the form of a comic page. Oh well.
Requesting Paralympics mascot Tom and Oswald's Daisy on a date having a romantic candlelit dinner.
Fake SVTFOE posters I made.
It's funny because they can only say one word.
Requesting Stevonnie suckling on Frankie Foster's left breast and Frankie squeezing her right breast.
fuck off
No, stop, leave, chop your hands off so you can't post anymore. bye bye
how cute! What show is this character from?
School for Vampires
Requesting Bojack Horseman and Todd Chavez drawn in the style of these two characters. With Bojack being the horse, obviously.
Should've attached a picture.
Could I get some Lou Wright from King with Russel's crown on, sitting on the throne fingering herself in either hole if you'd like please?
I drew a thing. Not anyone's request, just a dumb idea I wanted to get on paper, and I also shared it on /comic/. Happy Halloween, Holla Forums.
Good job, user.
Are there any anons here who specialize in (or are capable of) pixel art who would be interested in helping out with a Holla Forums project? We're doing an RPG based on Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, and while our current artists are great, many of them are currently dealing with IRL shit, so having more help in that department would certainly speed the process up.
Pics related are some of the pieces we've done, and an indication of the quality we're looking for, let me know if you have any questions or need more info.
You can try asking 4chan's Holla Forumsco/
You are the 7th Stand User 2 guys right ?
We've wanted to avoid halfchan if possible but we'll put a notice up if need be.
Avoid them at all costs, user
nicely done user.
can someone please draw amethyst from Steven Universe eating chinese takeout?
what the fuck, krakowstudios is still making comics?
I thought their domain died years ago, and the quality is the same as back then too
Lol, no, Krow is doing Spinnerette now. That was his last try at drawing it himself before giving up and hiring a few regular artists.
But give the guy some credit, he improved since his first comic.
Dubs, did he make this in highschool or something?
I remember that one and I kinda liked it.
Lol, possibly. It was about 2000.
Still better than Megatokyo.
Maybe they should have stayed in cuckchan in the first place
waaaa, people use 2 websites
And people continue to ask why there's so much venom.
The dishonor comes from the fact that someone has time to take a post from here, go to halfchan AND get that request fulfilled before it gets even a WIP sketch here. We need to work on getting more drawfags, and making them to WANT to draw for us.
this was fun.
is this still on?
Just leave already. Your kind aren't welcome.
I'm one