Masterchan censorship

Masterchan is being censored by SJWs they are out in full force how can we put an end to this pedo-anons?/.

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Boards that are being censored

I only see tons of cp there, if anything it needs more censoring

Fuck off SJW.

SJWs are trying to take it down.

I thought the site was already taken down

You could just an hero

It was just a ruse

There is zero cp there newfag

This the SJWs are reporting a lot of it.

No (you)




Good. It's about time.

Fuck off sjw.

nobody cares about masterchan

Why don't you host your own chan where everything is allowed? Let's see how long that lasts.

librechan didn't last long. At least there's still modelblog chans

Pedos didn't do shit for librechan, they won't do shit for masterchan. They're exploitative little parasites who drain their hosts of everything they can get and then just move on to the next victim. It's part of their pathology.

Got news for you, faggot, most people hate you. I report pedo threads, not because I'm a SJW, but pissing you off makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

nice meme

because you need someone to hate to feel better about yourself

It's the truth, parasite.

No, because nothing is sacred and pissing you off is hillarious.

you can always try ;)

Anti hate is mostly muh feelers, ignorance, trolling, and projection.

how is it being censored? is gad doing this?

Gad is v& the FBI runs the place now
I suggest you stop posting there

kill yourselves

yeah not at all
in fact SJWs are pedos or pedo-enablers themselves

where do I go chums

Into the garbage.


Fuck off we don't want 'chums'.

They will get gt shutdown too.



fuck you we do wat we want

where where

Please sauce to girls taem

by killing yourselves

May the good Lord above be with you..

what is this shit?

Ahaha! Masterchan will soon be no more, and the woes of have just begun! The hand of Artemis shall lay waste all the dens of filth you pedophile rats make peeps in! Excelsior!

no fun allowed

Shut down while you're at it.

how fucced am I?


Spotted the SJW.


Dont visit with your bare ip like a nignog did yesterday

But it's true. Places like Salon, Slate, Huffpo, Buzzfeed, etc. have written articles defending pedophilia.

pedophiles are mostly non-white liberals who enjoy fapping to young white girls.

they can fap to white girls as long as they're not black. black people should only be allowed to fap to niglets

non-white fapper detected

what the fuck it's literally full of CP, actual CP! this must be a honeypot..

no just someone who hates black people more than any other ethnicity

well that's fair. have you ready much on the Jews, user?



Like masterchan's "legal" models or actual child love slaves

it actually is, I hope you had a proxy

guess I'm fuccd

Me too =(

wat do?

Burn the PC and run to Belice.


so how do i go without getting v&nned with the force of ten suns?
i assume private browsing is a little less than required

to whom does these jean shorts belong?

called it

stop snitching Rin

Is there any way to get Heidy-model stuff without also needing a premium account for something?