China bans Cisbusters over Promoting Cults and Feminism
Looks like Cis Christain White male China just killed Progressive Ghostbusters.
Cisbusters Bannned in China
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Guaranteed to fail without the Chink market. I didn't think it was possible, but thank god the Chinese have a insane 1984 country that hates foreign influences.
Fun fact.
Jews are alraady complaining that China taking over Hollywood because China hates LGBT shit and black actors.
Hopefully the Chinks continue to fight. It will especially be the icing on the cake if the jew fieg gets kicked out of Sony for ghostbuster being a dud.
Fuck yeah, good move chinks.
This movie is fucking toast. Doubt it will even break 50 mil
One hour til review embargo lifted right?
didn't a china group talk shit about zootopia?
what else have they 'banned' ?
inb4 I wanna fuck the bunny comment. Way to buy in to the jew propaganda
Thats from capser isn't it. Random ass nastolgia.
Yeah, but at least it wasn't JUST nostalgia like this movie forcing the old cast to ponder suicide.
boring slide thread
go here instead
I know they banned Paradox's games because they show an independent Tibet.
This isn't /n/.
Its right in one of the links, actually read it nigger.
China consider Zootopia to be immoral American proapganda.
Chinks aren't stupid. They've seen what cultural rot has done to the West and they want nothing of it.
hopefully someone doesn't post THAT gif
Yeah I could see Jews being really butthurt about this. They probably lose a lot of when Chinese don't allow their bullshit propaganda films.
If a war breaks out im running over to help the chinks kick ami heads in god knows they deserve it
Banned more likely cause it promotes race mixing and fur faggotry.
Good for the chinks. I noticed the new Independence Day tried to promote chink-feminism and even race-mixing.
Tbh, China is the last place on earth that needs feminism. They spent thousands of year castrating their men anyway.
It's a shame it wasn't banned everywhere.
So the fucking logo, slimer commercials, original cast cameos and the stay puft fucking marshmallow man are what?
Sweet fucking dubs of truth.
This might be off topic, but can you give me the app that marks jew names with the ((( ))) around it like in your picture?
Well the fact that I'm on 8ch at all should prove I'm not a Hillary Shill.
Sounds completely shillary to me
There goes any chance they had of not completely tanking. Sooner or later these leftist agenda films aren't going to be made because they're guaranteed failures.
Females Aged 18-29 646 8.2
8.2 > The Shawshank Redemption
These women are fucked in the head.
Females Aged 45+ 102 5.3
Looks like the older women actually have some sense. Difficult suggests feminism has had a major cultural impact on women. It'll be interesting to watch this numbers.
Definitely suggests*
I dont think youre a shill m8 the person who replied is new,probably from 4chan and still thinks he needs to be edgy to fit in here, hence the 'kys faggot' in big red letters instead of being helpful. It is summer after all.
I think the applestore removed the app, i think its gone im afraid.
Hunt around,you might still find it
So now it's pretty much guaranteed to flop
Oh, the sweet, sweet tears that will flow when despite all (((their))) propaganda, it's outdone by the Warcraft movie.
Will it flop as hard as Fantastic 4?
Lucky dubs of god says yes
I hoping more so. Fantastic flop actually was realise on China
It was kill yourself nigger.
He is too stupid and lazy to Google coincidence detector plugin. You're a double nigger for enabling him. Fucking iFag applestore user.
The Asian Market will save Hollywood. They just want good, old-fashioned shoot-em-up n'explosions flicks with no niggers or gays or social justice messages.
They're not even banning it for ghosts.
They're banning it because it sucks and they don't think anyone will want to see it.
Top fucking Kek
Otherwords 80s action movies that celebrated masculine heroes. Instead of condemning masculinity?
Basically, but its not specifically the Asians, literally nobody but champagne-sipping kikes want some dreary flick about the plight of upper middle class transvestites from Portland or some shit. The Asians who don't give a shit about SJW whining.
If every game developer, film developer and actor who secretly can't stand the subversion of culture just said 'Into the trash it goes' for every snotty-nosed review by beardcucks and purplehairs the whole movement would be dead in months. Its literally only the volume of their protests which keeps this shit selling.
No wonder.
They first one was full of freemason symbolism.
-even in the first scene and the ghoser final boss came from a pyramid.
The original Ghostbusters was a unintentional libertarian movie
Never have I been more impatient for a Half in the bag.
well maybe the marysue awakens but they were bound to sell out for that one
China is buddhist, not christcucks, faggot.
What is Sarcasm?
Top Kek. Apart from it being a commie country, China can be pretty based.
Feels good ;)
Actually, China has a sizeble Christian population, which is presently booming.
it's called the coincidence detector and it was banned of pretty much everywhere awhile ago, video related.
(why would a shill want to know this?)
I hear you can still download it from some other website, you dont need (((Google))) apps or what ever to install a browser extension.
Do not mistake this for chinks being "based", they are still a bunch of psychotic communist dog-eating organ-trafficking degenerate yellow niggers.
Even a clock this shitty is right twice a day
I don't use Chrome but IIRC it doesn't allow extensions not from their web store. Chromium doesn't have this limitation.
Aren't they on a 24 hour clock?
That'd make it once a day.
Daily reminder that the current chinese form of goverment is not so much influenced by Mao but more by Lee Kuan Yew. He was Singapores Prime Minister. But what does that mean?
Singapore is ruled by a proto-fascist People's Action Party since 1959. It effectivly is a one-party Plato's Republic. It's not as good as european/ aryan fascism. But it's asian fascism.
it isnt about feminism you stupid faggot OP.
Le Trashman gets it.
It isn't about feminism it is about their retarded beliefs. They don't allow ghosts or skeletons visibly.
Namefaggots don't get to call anyone a double nigger.
I didn't know what the name of it was and I wasn't about to risk clicking on some jew site to be flagged, but thanks I was able to find it now due to you guys.
user, I'm sorry to say that but… this really fucking sucks. Not because of its message but because it just fucking sucks, okay?
I mean, they aren't wrong.
Meanwhile, this is the Singapore Ghostbusters promotion held at Marina Bay Sands
Looks like the only things missing are some burning crosses and a noose.
did this shite movie crash and burn already? haven't seen it mentioned anywhere in days
All you need to here is the wawawa-waaaaa sound from the price is right.
Both Feig and Pascal are going to be collecting unemployment by August. And they will never get hired by anyone again. The upside is that Feig will have a bunch of time to spend with those baristas he loves so much.
When did the KKK when full feminist?
I like how they still call themselves communists but they hate (((western values))), as if communism has anything to do with Chinese values.
To them, communism is just feudalism 2.0 (which isn't far off).
Was thinking the same thing. Movie culture is changing dramatically to please them.
1984 was about superstates. There is nothing wrong with hating foreign influences.
No surprise. This is just like women's sports. The feminists could have come on mass and astroturfed support, even dragged a few beta orbiters too, but they know it's shit too.
The USA had a "morality board" for Hollywood up until 1968 to keep the Jew at bay.
China is basically doing what we did just 45 years ago.
How far we have fallen.
Hollywood is tightly controlled, by the secret services and the government, and finance.
The CIA, and Mossad run the hollywood gang. The government decides if you get tax breaks, which is often 40% of a films budget, and the Jews control the rest of the money to make the movie, and the distribution and theaters.
So you got to please the Jew, the government, and the CIA and Mossad to get a film made these days for any kind big budget.
The is specifically why you see some good stuff on things like Netflix and Amazon, because they are bucking the traditional channels for distribution and finance.
How hard could it possibly be for an outfit like Red Ice, TRS or even Renegade to put out some seriously red pilled entertainment for the normies?
(colt dubs)
Not very hard. They're already alt-right faggots, which isn't that far from normie tier. But therein lies the rub.
Calm down, faggots. CCP bans all but a few foreign movies, just a handful per year. What's worth mentioning is which ones do they allow. Selection criteria has nothing to do with being based, but with choosing those that: do not promote Western values / Western nationalism, and are politically correct to the eyes of the Communist party (i.e. do not inspire the populace to revolt / think for themselves in any way). They had no particular reason to give this particular one a pass.
You pol/acks are a bunch of turncoats communist ass lickers.
I figured they banned it because the chinese hate niggers.
The movie could be chinese made though, it is after all a terrible copy of an American original.
Lol chinks
Yeah, but people still live like shit there.
Yeah but they're living there would anyone give a fuck about nig nogs and their chimpouts if it was confined to Africa? no
Some analysis of the film from halfchan Holla Forums.
This is anno/nge tier if true but nowhere near as cool
something something hitler something holocaust