

Movies with Chat 24/7 MOSTLY HORROR with some Sci-fi/Gore/Cult/80s/Weird Films

Now Playing: A BOY AND HIS DOG

A talking dog helps Don Johnson get laid in the nuclear wasteland

This movie channel doesn't play everything under the sun. You won't have to sit through pablum like Avengers 2 or Batman movies. There are no cartoons, no musicals, no music videos, no TV shows… just movies. Specifically, It's mostly horror movies. Tons of stuff you have never heard of or seen. There are some sci-fi movies, 80s movies, cult movies, and just bizarre off the wall crazy shit like you have never seen, all mixed in to the horror movies. Over 700 movies that play randomly. None of that polling/voteskip shit, that shit doesn't work - because democracy doesn't work. No safe spaces here either. You can make rape jokes and insult minorities until you run out of edgy things to say if you want. The admins only police things that actually matter. Fìlmclub isn't here to have broad appeal or as many viewers as possible. It's here as an alternative to all the tired repetitive BS you get from the average vanilla stream. 24/7/365 movies most other streams won't play. Even classic XXX. Check it out.


And he's back. Remember when you said, "Guys I don't spam! I only post twice a week!!!!!"

You got the IP address, the reverse lookup, and the registrant wrong. I wonder how many hours you wasted trying to do that while you mom was asking you to pick up your room.

now playing




Still butthurt about nobody liking your channel?

I'm not the one who made that. But haven't you noticed no one is interested in your repetitive stale threads?

They actually get more people when you keep bumping them, even on a Tuesday. Great job.

This has been shilled on Holla Forums for 2 years and no one had any problems til now. What are you chimping out about?

What do you mean when you say channel?