How do I fry a harddrive and render it unrecoverable really quick?

how do I fry a harddrive and render it unrecoverable really quick?

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Throw it away and get a new one.

Throw that bitch in the microwave and put it on for about a minute. Did it to a flash drive once and that fucked it right up.

One time, I took hammer to a hard drive that was already kaput and would have take a month and a half in DBAN and wreck it in 30 minutes, if you can remove the screws from it unlike my drive tho, then I would ether run over it or let it sit in peroxide and let it erode.

Cover the hole that says do not cover.

You can also take out the platter if it's a mechanical drive and take a hammer to that shit too. If I remember right, the platter will explode in the microwave if the cover of the HDD is off and the platter exposed to the elements.

Use a powerful magnet, then destroy the platters

sweet, will do!

I have a chinese Intel Atom tablet with a "Secure emmc erase" function in the UEFI menu that literally 0s out all the bits in the tablets main storage, including OS partitions

I think it can also be good for plausible deniability
Since thats more believable than

Shoot it.

Burn It or Microwave it fam.

Dremel it, grind the surface off the plates.


Wipe it. Like with a cloth or something.

forget the decryption key.

everything else is slower or less reliable.

Oscillating electormagnet

Write the word "Seagate" on the top of it


Hammer and something that can be used like a chisel. If you have a few good swings then that shit aint coming back. Alternatively a power drill with a proper bit to go right through it on at least 4 points.

Horse killer user, is that you?

The only sure fire way is putting thermite in it and lighting it.

you should have encrypted it, destroying all data just requires you to overwrite the masterkey stored in the header of Luks or of a truecrypt header

sudo shred -n 1 -v /dev/sd*

after one second you are done

Spill water on it.

Deep fry it then eat it.

At my work place it's common to do 3 passes of DoD with one extra zero pass afterwards.
High tier billion pound corporate computers Loads of Thinkpads mostly that are sent to us usually have the HDD's shredded after being wiped.

Theres something about tipping a box of HDD's and SSD's into a shredder i find oddly satisfying.

Melt it with some thermite in a brick chamber. Note that while your data becomes unrecoverable fairly quick, it may take some time to cool before you can take it to metal recycling.




what the fug