Linux is secure and respects your freedumb goys
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This. This needs to stop. Right now.
I don't speak nigger-hieroglyphics, can someone please translate the OP so I can dismiss his screaming more accurately?
I'd just like to interject for moment. What you're refering to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.
Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called Linux, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.
There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called Linux distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux!
He's talking about Zeitgeist
Thats exactly what happens when normalfags come into free software community. Fuck off nigger, you are not welcome here.
That was a spicy meme in 2011.
Are you saying that this GNU can run on a computer without linux underneath it, at all ? As in, without a boot disk, without any drivers, and without any services ?
That sounds preposterous to me.
If it were true (and I doubt it), then companies would be selling computers without a linux. This clearly is not happening, so there must be some error in your calculations. I hope you realise that linux is more than just Open Office ? Its a whole system that runs the computer from start to finish, and that is a very difficult thing to acheive. A lot of people dont realise this.
The Linux Foundation just spent $9 billion and many years to create Ubuntu, so it does not sound reasonable that some new alternative could just snap into existence overnight like that. It would take billions of dollars and a massive effort to achieve. IBM tried, and spent a huge amount of money developing OS/2 but could never keep up with linux. Apple tried to create their own system for years, but finally gave up recently and moved to Intel and BSD.
Its just not possible that a freeware like the GNU could be extended to the point where it runs the entire computer from start to finish, without using some of the more critical parts of Linux. Not possible.
I think you need to re-examine your assumptions.
are fucking dumb, he is talking that OS so called Linux should be called GNU/Linux because OS is assembled from userland and kernel. He wants to point out that we are forgetting GNU. nigger. If systems should be called only after kernel then windows will be NT and OS X should be called Darwin.
Why exactly are you replying to really old copypasta?
Hurd looks very interesting, even if some of the screen colours and menu options appear to be a little out of the ordinary.
But you are missing a vital point, a point which takes some experience and depth of knowledge in the field of computers. You see, when a computer boots up, it needs to load various drivers and then load various services. This happens long before the operating system and other applications are available.
GNU is a marvellous operating system in its own right, and even comes in several different flavours. However, as good as these flavours are, they first need Linux to load the services prior to use.
In GNU, the emacs might be the default for editing your wordfiles, and you might prefer guix grey over the brown of the ubuntu desktop, but mark my words young man - without the linux drivers sitting below the visible surface, allowing the gnu to talk to the hardware, it is without worth.
And so, by choosing your gnu as an alternative to linux on the desktop, you still need a linux licence to run this operating system through the linux drivers to talk to the hardware. Hurd is only a code, it cannot perform the low level function.
My point being, young man, that unless you intend to pirate and steal the Linux drivers and services, how is using the gnu going to save money ? Well ? It seems that no gnu fan can ever provide a straight answer to that question !
May as well just stay legal, run the Linux drivers, and run Open Office on the desktop instead of the hurd.
The world would actually be much safer if everyone just ran windows.
All that shit like heartbleed, shellshock etc. happens only on linux.
So literally a clone of the NTFS Indexing Service that win32 has had for 15 years? Or Spotlight? This autist is sperging out about one specific DE having that?
Report to >>>/cow/
Linux Internet Defense Force is already on the case i see...
What the fuck is happening with all the effortless bait lately?
Who was that dumb faggot who came up with the original versions of these pastas, anyway? I'm pretty sure he's got an ED page.
Have fun with that buddy ;^)
Are you implying that if GNU/Linux had >90% desktop marketshare and Windows had 1%, that GNU/Linux wouldn't be the target of virus' and exploits? Or that GNU/Linux is incapable of being infected with virus' and incapable of being targeted by exploits?
What practical difference does this make for 99% of people? Please no arguments about "muh rights, muh rights" since nobody cares and is anyways a subjective argument. For 99% of people, will they ever be inconvenienced by a backdoor?
I'm certain that plenty of viruses would be made for Linux, but they would be able to do much less since Linux is pretty much bulletproof without root access.
Two reasons why this is bad. First one is if the NSA / Other agency is hacked (like they were, what, a month ago?) and the backdoor is leaked, ~ 1 billion Windows computers would be belly side up. Second reason, Privacy > No Privacy. I don't want my data being sold or give to companies for a profit.
Good thing privilege escalation doesn't exist!
Is there any proof these backdoors have been used by other groups? I haven't heard of it but I haven't been looking for that information.
Linux runs the fucking Internet m8, that makes it more of a target for exploits than a fucking grandma's computer. Why do you think people panic when some exploit is found for Linux and literally nobody cares on Windows?
With reliable places to get applications, such as repositories, it makes getting a virus onto a secure Linux installation pretty difficult. The simple fact is that the most secure overall modern operating system is an encrypted LFS or Debian installation.
Yes, with Metasploit. Regardless, even if there were no known cases of exploitation through leaked backdoors, that doesn't make a possible scenario were they are leaked to be any less disastrous for any windows user attempting to keep their computer safe.
I see your point. I'm not positive things would be the same if GNU/Linux had the same marketshare as windows does now, but I guess that's just a hypothetical.
I agree that things might be different if Linux had a majority in the desktop market, but on the other hand almost everything else runs Linux.
Your phone, modem and / or router, satellites, car (luxury cars), supercomputers, weather prediction computers, and most of the internet runs on Linux.
BSD blown the fuck out
RMS refers to the "shopping" results in the dash, which have little to do with zeitgeist. This feature has been controversial, mainly because it's on by default, and because it operates from the "home" lens instead of from a dedicated lens - so one is always sending local search queries over the network when using the dash.
10/10 Holla Forums, fucking ebin my dude.
Are you having a stroke?
The windows use has no excuse, though.
Speak for yourself shlomo
Are you implying that if GNU/Linux had >90% desktop marketshare and Windows had 1%, that GNU/Linux wouldn't be the target of virus' and exploits? Or that GNU/Linux is incapable of being infected with virus' and incapable of being targeted by exploits?
Linux is on all kinds of industrial control systems and Internet infrastructure. There are literally more systems running linux than Windows.
What practical difference does this make for 99% of people? Please no arguments about "muh rights, muh rights" since nobody cares and is anyways a subjective argument. For 99% of people, will they ever be inconvenienced by a backdoor?
Facebook and Google have already been shown to censor and falsely inform people that they don't agree with and the NSA was shown to target completely innocent people. Privacy is a right that people have. Besides, we haven't had to worry about soldiers being boarded in our houses for a very long time, but that doesn't mean we should do away with the third amendment.
shit nigger learn how to quote properly, plebbitor
Don't mind me, just playing awesome video games with my friends, both of which lincucks lack.
You don't belong here
You dumb fucking gnucucks, it was clearly stated if it had 99% market share for DESKTOPS it would be overrun with malware just as much as windows.
t. butthurt BSD fanatic. Just take this loss and go home, no need to make people hate on BSD any more than necessary.
Supercomputer users generally care about their OS not randomly losing data
what the fuck are you talking about ?!
Do you even understand what you are talking about ?
Steeling linux driver ?
Their are under gpl, except the non free binary blobs.
The hurd already uses drivers that were made for the linux kernels via a framework (to compensate the lack of userspace drivers)
The hurd is coming they have already almost finished a day to day use of it.
What is missing ?
Usb and Sound support
What is almost finished ?
64 bits support
What is new ?
The 32 bits support will handle more than 4GB of memory.
This is pretty encouraging. I might try out a Hurd distro soon.
Macintosh master race. Won't even turn in shooting spree faggots to the authorities.
Linfags BTFO, even windows outclasses your shit
Steam exists, with ~1500 games available on Linux.
Wine exists.
Your argument does not exist.
That's one way to rewrite it in Rust
Considering that most attacks today are aimed at getting control of your online services linux users can easily fall victim to it too.
Unless you block javascript you can get exploited by drive by shit just as much as windows users.
no point wasting a good bait post
You can't be this retarded
Can you elaborate?
More likely is that you and OP are CTR. Holla Forums has its own tech posts and those that aren't on linux are curious about switching.
and when its not baitposts then the board is dead. shitposters are the only posters on chans.
Did you read the "stupid niggers can't sage" part
who cares.. its still on page 1
That tends to happen when people bump a thread.
Low effort.
Just get an eSATA drive and put Windows 7 on it. I don't need it very often because I play video games and not interactive movies.
Steam is shit.
Why would you use linux because of freedom, then install drm that spies on you?
That could be because you like freedom and video games and you like video games more. Switching to Linux improves your freedom and you can still play lots of video games.
It could also be that you install Linux because you like it as an operating system rather than because of freedom.
Fuck, I'm sick of the 7th major current ma exodusfaggots from cuckchan.
Fullchan is completely dead when cuckchan traffic goes here.
But that's still wrong. Linux is by far the most important, central, critical part of the os, so it should obviously be called Linux/GNU, or Linux plus GNU, or just Linux for short. The star of the show always gets top billing. GNU without Linux would be like a cell without a nucleus, or a car without an engine. Or a person without a brain, much like the idiots who keep spamming that garbage everywhere. It should be a bannable offense, like all other spam.
Is a car without an engine worse than an engine without any car? Linux without a userland is just as useless.
GNU works fine with several alternative kernels. Linux works fine with several alternative userlands.
Linux without an operating system is woefully incomplete. You don't run processes on a general purpose OS without a shell around the kernel that allows you to interactively enter commands. You don't configure a general purpose OS without a text editor. You don't write application programs (non-system administration programs) to target a kernel program directly, you target an operating system platform that forms the basic platform for the rest of the software stack. In accordance to the statistics, Linux is normally paired with the Android OS or the GNU OS. Linux is not an OS.
The only reason why you'd run application programs directly on top of a kernel program is for special purpose systems that exist to perform an extremely specific job.
No one is talking about running Linux without a userland. We're talking about running Linux without GNU. Tens, maybe hundreds of thousands of Android devices are using Linux without GNU. How many devices are using GNU without Linux?
Tons of devices are using at least some GNU, thanks to programs like GCC and bash, but it's perfectly possible to run a full GNU userland with another kernel. Just look at Dyson, or Debian GNU/kFreeBSD.
GNU existed and was even fairly popular long before Linux. Popularity is not an argument.
Done in the name of Cheese Pizza.
And it's still a broken piece of shit. Can't play a youtube video without having to look for 3 different drivers but then your wifi dies in the middle of your search so now you have to fix that too.
Just fuck my shit up fam.
Dat a Blackberry Classic your using?
fuck off BSD cuck
enjoy your ubisoft and EA games
That pic is a bit outdated. The latest TOP500 (as of June 2016) has 497 machines with Linux, 3 with another Unix, and... that's it. No machines with Windows at all.
this. Given how much malware is on the popular android, it;s obvious linux isn't some unbreakable magic panaceea.
The only reason super-comps run linux is because open source means you can mod it to do super-computery stuff.
Meanwhile I'm playing don't starve together on my Slackware machine with a friend on his Lubuntu machine pretty frequently lately.
Requires updates
Susceptible to viruses
De-facto standard in computing
Closed source
No required updates, but can upgrade to cinder block if needed
No viruses
De-facto standard in architecture
Schematics open for anyone to use
Winfags BTFO
Android malware is a joke, and unless it is a rooting malware (which is a bigger issue on phones than desktops due to how fucking retarded updates are there), removing it is as simple as deleting the app. Android's permissions system is tight as fuck.
Anyway, with Windows, getting admin permissions malware is as simple as opening the wrong PDF as admin (like 99% of Windows home users run) or downloading software from unofficial sources. You don't usually do this on GNU/Linux.
Because you can't find software elsewhere, except repos and steam(which Holla Forums is triggered by)
That's kind of the point.
Linux sucks, with the possible exception of Kali... But Kali is only good because it comes with everything that (software-wise) is required to get free wifi, no installations required. Still, BSD is, always has been, and always will be, superior to Linux. Naturally, that also means that Darwin, being a relative of the BSDs, is also superior to Linux.
Holy leaps of logic
Well there you go. Security holes are found then security holes are fixed. Problem solved.