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Plenty of time to reconsider.
[anglos eternally]
Brexit NEVER going to happen. It will NOT be allowed. Especially since this cucks are making (((Theresa Merkel))) their prime minister.
been nice knowing you, britbongs
Better make another vote in 6 years to see if people still want brexit.
It's the only democratic thing to do.
Rused again. Wow. The cynic in me was right again.
The scum in charge will never hand us anything
What are you talking about? Bongs need to officialy announce that they leave by Article 50, which they can do whenever. Except the current MP is to much of a cuck to do it so they'll wait for the next MP, whoever that is considering Boris and Nige already scurried off.
The EU-laws say that once article 50 is triggered, the exit has to be done after a maximum of 2 Years. It's shouldn't take that long, but 2 Years is the deadline it has to be over.
The additional 4 years that article mentions is the UK making new treaties independently with other Nations, nothing to do with EU.
All of this could have been prevented if Nige didn't fucking leave the moment his time in the spotlights was about to begin.
Of course we will have biannual votes to ensure that brexit is still the will of the people throughout the entire process.
Have bongs even set a date yet to enact Article 50?
Not a single member of the public voted for her user.
She has been made PM without a popular vote by default as a result of David Cameron quitting and the frontrunner for his replacement dropping out and then her nominated competitor in the race dropping out before a vote could take place.
No one selected her apart from some MP’s who selected her to go into the leadership election so members of the Conservative party could vote for her IF they chose.
The whole thing is a total mess and she is going to be very damaging for Britain but don’t try and pin this on the public.
We voted for Brexit, we ended up with Hillary Merkel.
This is a good thing.
It insures that a violent revolution will occur across Europe.
Nigel had no power. He was the leader of a party with one MP (who doesn't even like him).
You mean "dropping out", right?
Such an abomination…. worse than giga-nigger… I pity the bongs.
Presumably so, we will never know. You don’t understand corruption until you study the way corruption works in Britain.
No our police officers won’t expect a bribe on a traffic stop and no you won’t have to bribe your local council to get permission to build a conservatory on the back of your house but when it comes to high-tier anything Britain is the most corrupt country on the planet.
It is expected.
She is pretty terrifying. The next four years are going to be dark and what a shame! Brexit was supposed to be a new dawn for us. At least I have a month of optimism between the vote and this happening. I got to taste hope, to breath it in. To go to sleep with optimism instead of despair for a few precious weeks.
So this is how they will do it.
They will just ignore the vote.
Where is that image detailing how EU ignores votes it doesn't like to force itself on nations?
He who makes peaceful revolution impossible makes violent revolution inevitable. Britbongs rise up already. They've shown you you can't accomplish anything with a vote, better to start killing and hope for the best, come what may. The odds don't matter anymore.
Try shooting them until they go away, Britbongs. That often works.
Reminds me of when Germany wanted to see their gold and we (the US) showed them a bar or two and said they'd have to wait seven years or so to see the rest.
It's not going to happen.
Can you imagine three of the most important and powerful countries in the world ruled by this triumvirate of batshit crazy, neocon bitches?
Everyone keeps forgetting that Boris Johnson was made foreign secretary. Nice.
Is that how long they predict the genocide of whites under (((EU))) policies will take?
its annuda shoah
If voting could change things they would make it illegal.
In 6-7 years, they'll have yet another generation of cucked Marxists. No way they'll follow through.
Good luck.
Seriously though, that would be an absolute nightmare!
They aren't. They're all lolbergs or gommies.
"Soon" "Very soon" "Be patient" "Almost" "Why?" "Relax" "Okay, okay, just calm down" "We hear ya"
Germany eventually got 40% of their gold out. Ford Knox is full of tungsten bars.
Yes, Donald Trump is the new President… It's just going to take Obama a good 6 years of emergency governance to resolve the endemic civil unrest.
I completely forgot this was actually for real. I thought at first this was supposed to be a temporary thing until the Brits had an election. How the hell are they just accepting another government figure that got her position WITHOUT the vote of the people when they just voiced their desire to LEAVE a union that's full of unelected suits dictating our lives.
This entire thing is just ridiculous.
There is no Ft. Knox. There never was any gold in Ft. Knox. The dollar is quite literally backed with nothing tangible. Hasn't been backed with anything real since Silver Certificates.
same thing m8
So what you're saying is that women should never be given a seat of power
Only Putin could save us
All of them are Israel Firsters. All of them support shady wars benefiting nobody but Israel. They fit the definition.
Lolbergs may be clowns but they don't push for endless wars as for commies…..Neocons are commies of the Trotskyite flavor.
The same way Americans accepts a president that encourages and justifies the murder of police officers by a Marxist created hate group.
The same way Californian militia’s accept their right to carry being revoked.
The same way people in the west have been accepting their slow demise for 70+ years.
We are fighting a very powerful beast that is without any sense of shame or compassion.
The individual is weak and there is no unity.
I don’t know, Queen Victoria was ok…
Theresa May has named Philip Hammond as the UK's new finance minister,
This is a total insider establishment pick. He was named transport secretary when the Conservatives took power in coalition with the centrist Liberal Democrats in 2010. In 2011, he moved over to take charge of defense. In July 2014, he became Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs.
Hammond described the United Nations findings regarding the detention of Julian Assange in the Ecuadorian embassy in London "ridiculous." In October 2015, Justice Secretary Michael Gove cancelled a £5.9 million contract to provide services for prisons in the Saudi Arabia, saying "the British government should not be assisting a regime that uses beheadings, stoning, crucifixions and lashings as forms of punishment." Foreign Secretary Hammond accused Gove of "naivety."
He campaigned for Britain to stay in the EU.
Bottom line, Hammond is a complete establishment tool and boring on top of that.
British broadcasters have referred to him as "Box Office Phil" because he rarely makes headlines.
It is doubtful he knows anything about finance. Expect him to keep his head down and take orders from the backroom boys.
He looks like a bumbling idiot if i've ever seen one.
lolbergs are nearly as far "left" anarchistic as gommies.
Well. Probably more anarchistic but less corporate. Gommunism is purely state sanctioned corporatism.
We don't vote for a President here, we vote for MPs that form a party. Each party has different methods of choosing their leader. They chose May, so as the ruling party she becomes Prime Minister.
This. Someone is going to have to fire the first shot. It will most likely need to be a small group of white nationalists. They will be caught. They will be horribly tortured. So will their families. Only then will change come. It saddens me that it will take that.
The only way I get by is an oldish phrase;
There's almost no light left and that phrase gives me hope.
Which is why nations that gave us their gold along with our people need to band together and force an investigation of where it went.
It is a fair question, just where DID it go.
Plenty of nations have been amassing gold within the last couple of decades so it could be anywhere by now. Possibly China?
NUH UH. the markets went down IMMEDIATELY. every "common sense" aka "intelligent" television pundit/comedian/it-getter like john oliver and samantha bee were telling us how STUPID and INSANE everyone was to vote for this bullshit. THE MARKETS WENT DOWN IMMEDIATELY. last i checked markets going down IMMEDIATELY don't take 4-6 years to get into effect.
look, you can go and cite all of your biased/made-up "facts" and "studies" and "whatever" but i'm going to go with, uh, the people on TV who are A LITTLE MORE SUCCESSFUL THAN YOU, and therefore A LITTLE MORE CORRECT THAN YOU even if only because they happen to have a TV show. that counts for something. and those people all say brexiters are INSANE so yeah, i'm thinking you're full of shit and we're already feeling the IMMEDIATE IMPACTS of this INSANITY voted in by OLD PEOPLE WHO SHOULDN'T BE ALLOWED TO VOTE.
i think this user here @ has it totally right. this gives them plenty of time to GET RID OF THE OLD CRAZIES and have a "common sense recall vote" for the people who KNOW WHAT THEY'RE DOING and therefore in the end SANITY WILL PREVAIL because even tho i have no idea what a "brexit" going or staying means in terms of actual real world policy-change and therefore repercussions, but what i DO know is that a lot of VERY SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE WHO DIDN'T GET ON TV BY BEING WRONG AND STUPID have said that all the brexiters are INSANE. and i'm sorry, but when THAT MANY SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE simply say "THEY'RE INSANE FOR BREXITING" then you gotta go with the successful people who know what they're talking about, not some "facts" and "stats" made up by INSANE BIGOTS/RACISTS who basically want to blame their lack of a quality life on muhammad and his family for daring to come into the UK and seeking a piece of THE ENGLISH DREAM that evidently racist whitey thinks they're 100% exclusively entitled to via coded racism like "ENGLAND FIRST"
TLDR = too many successful people with TV shows have (even arbitrarily) decalred pro-brexit people as FLAT OUT INSANE for them not to be insane, so yes, clearly they're INSANE. it doesn't matter if the people on TV haven't given me any sort of compelling reasons as to why the pro-brexiters are INSANE, just the mere fact that so many of them are acting holier-than-thou style pedantic about this brexit vote means that we don't need any research / stats / etc….. it's flagrantly obvious that pro-brexit people ARE INSANE because everyone on TV says so, and if that isn't enough for you then god help us all because if you reject what you hear from the media then you might as well go david koresh style and prepare for the ATF to come knocking on your door cuz only INSANE PSYCHOPATHS don't believe what the TV tells them, and in this case the TV says pro-brexit = INSANE, and that's all you need to hear. BREXIT IS INSANITY SO GET RID OF IT ASAP BECAUSE TELEVISION HAS SPOKEN. SHOMER SHABBOS! * POUNDS TABLE *
Plenty of sarcasm was abused during the typing of this post. as a matter of fact it was thrown on a table and raped repeatedly by people in guy fuckes masks saying WE ARE LEGION! WE NEVAR FORGET! YOU'RE INSANE!!!!!
>TLDR TLDR TLDR = pretty much what said because will end up being spot on, if only because of the thesis of what i said (too many talking heads on tv/internets/media are simply saying YOU'RE INSANE FOR LEAVING THE EU, so that and that alone will cause a "swell of public sentiment" to rise up and get ppl their EU back with only the most modest economic soul/crushing going on as a "lesson" or "alimony cost" just to prove the point that you can't just up and even SERIOUSLY CONSIDER LEAVING THE EU, LET ALONE TRY TO without facing repercussions that will learn you good even if there technically was never any realistic change in "business as usual" because of this 4-6 year window. the lesson still has to be taught that if you even so much as THINK about going against the system you're going to face consequences that WILL NEVER BE THE SAME AGAIN!
TLDR TLDR TLDR TLDR TLDR = disregard me: i suck cocks
Damn libcucks and their bureaucracy.
You know very well that is not true. Ron Paul is constitutional conservative, as is Nigel Farage. Neither one is an anarchist. Cool it with the lies.
This has been created
Tip top kek m8s.
Remember when the American colonies tried to peacefully negotiate independence through diplomacy? You can't just "vote" independence lads
That's exactly what I was talking about and I was being called a defeatist faggot. What now britfags? There is no peaceful alternative, get it through your heads already.
God damn. Fuck the fire, you Brits jumped out of the frying pan and went straight to hell without ever really leaving the frying pan
Where the hell did I even say anything about either of the two?
They've always said it would take years. Nigel Farage said it would take years. They've just created an entire government department dedicated to leaving the EU, and May has promised Brexit. She'd be utterly destroyed in the next election if she doesn't deliver.
If there is a woman worthy of power, she'll reach it without the aid of men or laws.
Quite right.
During that time, they will sabotage the UK to the best of their ability.
I know. What I was saying was that even if Britain does vote out, (((they))) will drag it long enough to make a deal that will basically be the same shit except for UK being officially out of EU.
Also, them saying that it will have to take up to 6 years to leave EU is total bullshit, especially for a strong country like UK. Unless EU doesn't drown in its own shit in the few coming years, Brexit won't make your desired difference, not even close.
And I'm not saying all hope is lost or anything, just that you're not going to win by playing their game, with their rules.
*Unless EU drowns in its own shit…
Sorry Brits, guess you didn't learn how to take your independence for yourselves.
Day 1 and she's already trying to throw UK under the bus. She wasted absolutely no time at all.
Oh you were talking about your fantasy boogeyman.
Silly me, i thought you were talking about actual libertarians who favor small, local government instead of socialist superstates.
What did the cunt do?
God help you all. She's probably a crypto jew too. First thing she did was sign a pledge to "remember the holocaust."
And “Je Suis Juif" means "I am a jew," although you could say it's rhetorical.
why the fuck would they need to follow the rules and laws of something they are no longer going to be a part of?
can't they just give them the middle finger and say "lolno we're not EU anymore"?
And I was called a shill when I told the britcucks that it ain't over yet. I still have hopes for the bongs, but that revolution will be hard with butter knives and sharpened sticks. But if they managed to make old-style muskets and beat the cucked EU military forces, my sides would transcend this existence.
wow, britbongs
4-6 years…
That's at least one term of Trump's presidency.
What the hell are you gonna do?
It's not even gonna matter because of this cunt right here. You need to remove her. Fast.
Realignment is happening right now. Sith Lady May will not be PM for 4 years. There will be a vote of no confidence soon after all the behind-the-scenes musical chairs has finished and MPs have decided their allegiances in the new nationalist-globalist paradigm.
There are 3 possible outcomes:
1. It's been secreted away over time, through "banking" into personal stashes, by some sort of people who want money, and lots of it.
2. National reserves were melted down and sold as gold jewellery. This jewellery was then sold primarily in india.
Indian housewives then acted as an unintentional reserve. This had the benefit of not having to pay for gold storage, and also being in a poorly educated country where as soon as they can force the price down they can buy it back for pittance. This gets them money in both directions, and is passive storage.
3. People buying precious metals and building up their own stockpiles for when the crash happens. It was sold to them by the same group in 1 and 2, and they think that having gold and silver around when the bottom falls out of the economy will help. Gold and Silver will become worthless along with the imaginary paper money, the only things of value will be what always had value; these being food, equipment/tools and land.
The economy will stall and go bad just like ie was already doing. It will be blamed on brexit. There will be a new vote in a few years. They will vote to stay in the EU.
1. Nige was barred from EU negotiations
2. Theresa May, the current Prime Minister (PM) was a REMAIN campaigner
3. she likes Islam
They're trying to stall until after the 2020 elections
Fucking juden
They will use any tool in the book to stop it.
From Britain envoking it when they are "ready" in 2-5 years to EU requiring for preparation period of 3 years and then the actual seperation will take "longer than expected", liek 4 years.
Brits will probably lose hope and forget it when some war or economic collapse happens where they will "need to step together to battle it" with the EU.
JUST LEAVE! The EU has no power! Stop giving them money. Stop abiding by their refucktarded rules and regulations.
Have the Brits just given up thinking it was all over? We all knew they were going to pull out all stops. The fact Theresa fucking May is going to be the next PM should making it obvious as all hell.
I wouldn't panic over what some cuck has said. He was saying that trade negotiations will take 4-5 years… 2-3 years after the UK is already out, per article 50. Yeah, that's probably true. It's going to take the UK the better part of a decade to set up new trade deals.
We just need to keep holding feet of the UK politicians to the fire. The vote to Leave was only the first step in a long road to un-cuck the UK.
Hopefully it takes them forever. You don't need some massive treaty apparatus to have trade, all you need is for the government to get out of the way and allow private parties in both countries to conduct their business without interference.
These "trade deals" are cloaked attempts to parcel out the sovereignty of the nation to foreign Jewry and to restrict, not to enable, free trade.
Amerilards here, you so.much like Alphabet soup, but if you aren't. You think that just because someone has a tv shos that they understand economics, do you think that the people running your country really have your best interests in mind? Do you actually believe that your government that won't let you have knives, let alone guns, really cares about you? Because if a government thinks that they need to disarm people, then clearly that government is doing something to make the people a Threat.
Also retard, the markets went down because of fear, it happens all the time whenever some big vote happens, "gun control, abortion, ect." it has nothing to do with leaving, your still in. Anyone who has half a brain knew that the markets would plummit due to public fear.
Wow, it really is going to need to be us Americans that save your sorry asses
Sorry for Typos I am usig mobile and my keyboard switched back and forth between English and German because it's retarded.
*You Sound so
*Tv shows
Unlike the US, Britain has a vote of no confidence for the prime minister and it can be administered at any time by a referendum. If she doesn't trigger the referendum by October like Pig Fucker said she will not be at Downing Street come this time next year.
Finally somebody else whose actually read it.
The (((media))) is pushing the Article 50 will take years to sign thing hard.
It doesnt matter really. At the very least the EU has to pretend within this narrative, whilst Trump's busy red piling the US.
Brexit was a massive propoganda success. Other countries (more likely to resist their government) have heard the call.
Its just all part of the Jewish downfall. But the kikes wont go without blood being spilt first.
What is wrong with you people?
Most people here knew it would take more than a vote. It was still worth voting to send the message to the world though.
You're either with the White race as a collective or your race-betrayers. There is no in between.
Fuck off back to Brit/pol/ if you can't handle the bantz faggot.
The sooner the better
British race war when?
That's such a long time that it might as well be never. Too many things can change drastically in that number of years. Get fucked, Britain. You're never leaving the EU, and you've destroyed all your political capital in it. A new government will have been elected on a Regrexit platform long before these negotiations are due to be finished.
Did you send in your however many hundreds of millions of pounds this week? Also, thanks for continuing to accept each ad every EU migrant that comes your way. :^)
Actually, there has been a surge in support for the EU all across the continent. The numbers of citizens who wanted UK-style referenda have absolutely plummeted since Britain voted to give up control and leave. The political chaos that Britain has fallen into is another turn-off.
The Bongs need to elect the UKIP into power, if not, this process could drag on for decades.
I think Farange needs to come out of retirement.
Brexit is never going to happen. Just accept it.
In the immortal words of Sam Hyde, we're just gonna kill em!
No, you're not. :^)
How does it feel that you have become the latest country to have the EU say "nah, we don't like the result of that referendum. Try again"?
EU is an organization with no Democracy that treats Terrorists better than Electors.
What else is new?
This is why you don't relent when the government demands you turn in your guns.
What the fuck does this mean?
haha just as I predicted, they weren't going to let the britbongs go free, you're all a bunch of Euroslavepussy for the NWO globalists.
Y'all niggers don't even understand.
Prolonging brexit is massively strategically beneficial for Britain as it gives us time to create free trade deals with the entire world whilst the European Union languishes from the constant uncertainty.
Every trade deal done by us in the next half decade will bolster our economy and the city of London whilst Central Europe will be gutted by the prospect of free trade being gutted by the looming prospect of the EU's biggest customer no longer buying their shit and the possibility of large tariffs once we are finally gone.
The EU is fucked.
And we fucked it.
On purpose.
Vid related.
Are you fucking nuts or just dumb as fuck? Literately anyone or anything can get views you can see that on MTV, any other entertainment channel, and on youtube.
The crux of your argument is "Shits bad, because popular liberals/socialists say it is." Yes the economy took a bit of a dive after the first few days, but that was inevitable. I doubt there never going to recover over this, and if you think so then why?
Right mate, only the EU languishes. Because uncertainty is magically good for the UK.
The EU won't last another 6 years tbh
Except the EU has now got a common goal to unite around. And support for the union has surged all across the continent as a result of Brexit.
If it's a mixed competence, all the EU national parliaments have to individually approve the deal.
Wrong, oh, and wrong.
It should take 4-6 minutes to tell the "EU" to fuck off and discontinue what ever "EU" bullshit they've been subjected to.
Some fucking liberal cuck literally said to me that the referendum wasn't "legally binding", and that the government "could just stay in if they wanted to". I argued that what the cuck just said described tyranny and you know what he said?
He'll choke on those words some day… And those words will be in the form of a big black cock…
We didn't vote our way out of the British Empire.
Can we just WW3 now instead?
Fuck you buddy. I'm not with your country, you are not my people. I am only with my own nation, the United States, and if you don't like that you can fuck off.
I got into an argument with a friend after the workplace violence in Nice.
They were fucking convinced that the man wasn't a muslim and wasn't influenced / commanded by ISIS. They fucking pointed to a news article about how the guy ate pork and drank alcohol and said "see he wasn't a muslim, if you bomb ISIS it means ISIS wins."
1 day later and ISIS claims responsibility and there's info linking the terrorist to radical islamic groups.
This happens every fucking time.
I am legit fucking mad at the fucking braindead lefty shitfucks who are standing in the way of using force against the people commanding and organizing these attacks.
It's the same thing in the US. Every time Trump is brought up, I hear the exact same fucking line.
It's like I have to speak individually to every person in the country. They ALL repeat the same shit more or less. Some just ending with "fuck trump". They don't want to listen even if you provide proof. They immediately get bored when you start speaking more in depth about it, but somehow they "oooo I hate him sooo much!".
Some are just goners. Fight past them.
Theresa May is a Man. Check the finger ratios!
A bunch of other 'female' politicians and political spouses are too.
You bongs better get out your teaspoons and oyster forks. Yes, have an orderly vote and the tyrannical bureaucracy will just let you have your freedom back… If nothing else at least the true face of the EU has been exposed, and it's horrific.
This. you fucking redcoats get your just desserts now. Oi, hey, hey, how about you take your own lesson and fuck off with controlling Ireland and Scotland if they want to leave? Britain is always crying foul, when they're the dirtiest scum out there. Fuck you gnarly toothed chip-butty-eating cunts. You enslaved and oppressed how many? And whites on top of it. Ass buddies with curries and pakis, and how you treat fellow whites, the irish, the polish, the french… English are race traitors and have been for a thousand years. Now you get a taste from the other end.
Fuck your dreary little island, fuck your boiled unseasoned food, fuck your fat pig women, fuck your two facedness and hypocrasy, fuck how you embrace your own destruction and gun grabbing and erosion of freedom of speech. Now who's laughing you dirty little inbred? "Who needs a gun, it's current year tm." Now you know, chum, you do. Too late.
I wish I was a mod so that I could track you between threads and find out that you're posting "1/800th Irish-American, up the IRA!" in other threads.
I've never seen a post so ignorant and inflammatory in my entire life. Capped so that I can come back to your cringe-worthy dialogue and laugh whenever I like.
also worth nothing it was a single issue party
nobody will vote ukip, they accomplished their goal.
It also took 13 million votes to score that 1 seat IIRC.
You got that wrong.
If two years after you activated article 50 you don't have a new treaty, then you have no treaty. Period. You're cut off from the comtinent, you'll have to pay the same tariffs as eg. Russia.
He wanted his (German) wife back.
kill yourself pathetic bong you will never be white
Brexit was saying no to white immigration and yes to continued darkie immigration.
Fuck. I figured this would happen, but then I didn't think brexit could win the vote in the first place so I was ready to be pleasantly surprised.
Soon enough it'll be: