Children can consent to having sex with adults prove me wrong Holla Forumsros OH WAIT you can't.
Yes they can
Other urls found in this thread:
Actually it is :^)
Spotted the moralfags get the fuck out.
v& all marabros
I do not believe most child sexual abuse cases as most of the time the kids are just having nice lovely sex with the adult but later when they are older somebody tells them they were abused and than they feel bad it's called brainwashing.
Here is a tool to measure the pedo level of an individual
get cancer and aids SJW scum
umm, is that a girl on the left?
Get out
not clicking that shit.
Spam? saucenao is spam? pixiv is spam?
It's impossible to prove wrong because If you never did it you know nothing. And if you did it, it will only be your own experience and opinion of it. Whether you lived it or hated it does not speak for anyone bt yourself.
Old enough to nod old enough to bonk
Wow, fuck those victims and how they subjectively felt about it. Relationships are about a pedophile/hebephile/ephebephile's objective.
Very true user.
There is always a victim or two for everything. If you're gonna live by the university of Google, it may kill your brain. But it won't stop anyone else from doing it. The world goes on without you.
how about we err on the side of caution?
i dont think kids understand the implications of sex. are you going to marry them? are you going to let them know the science of sexual bonding? sex DOES affect them, just like it affects a grown woman.
Oh, someone's feeling nihilistic/emo tonight! What's wrong, are you a pedo?
What do YOU know about it? Absolutely nothing. Go out and fuck kids, then come back and we will listen to your story. Nor for learning, but for entertainment.
I'm the love guru. And if you don't feel love for pedos, I'm gonna kill your family and force you to do it. LOVE LOVE LOVE.
ur fucking insane, and i dont even necessarily hate pedos
if nature thought it would be a good idea to fuck kids, it would have made a kids vagina big enough to take a grown mans cock. youre the one who has to prove his argument, not me.
I already feel love for my former "'partner", i just hope he doesn't abuse anyone else. It seems that I was his only target, so I have nothing to worry about.
It's important to be specific here, but judging by your image, I'm guessing you mean prepubescents.
Sure, they can consent. However, the idea is that they're not mature or developed enough to make well-informed decisions for themselves. On top of that, they look to adults to provide for them and for guidance, and so this makes them more vulnerable to manipulation and exploitation. It's also worth noting that the adverse psychological effects of adults fucking prepubescents have been well documented.
If you believe that it's natural and acceptable for an adult to have sex with a prepubescent, allow me to be among the many anons who've informed you that you're mentally ill.
Many people consider 16yo's to be children, and if you're talking about 13+, then I tend to agree that they generally know what they're doing – whether or not an adult SHOULD have sex with them is another matter.
Nature? You are talking to a computer, you sick fuck.
Seems like he chose the rotten apple. It can happen to the best.
the earlier you teach kids about sex the better that way they will know what they are getting into and they will be able to consent.
computers are natural, borne of our natural intelligence
Get the fuck out Rin you stupid tripfag.
It's about love and sex and intimacy. It's good for the kids in a cold and violent world. Your view on this are very egoistic.
They're natural only insofar as they're not created from thin air, but you seem to be confused about the dichotomy between natural and artificial.
There is nothing intelligent about a computer. What the poor and starving children needs are food and water, not a computer.
You could just be a mentor.
Children die and suffer because you use your energy on computer games instead of them. The plasma screen you look at are made in poor countries and a cause of caner to those who make them.
A mentor yes. Be soft and patient.
I'm not the one who's advocating that it's ok to for an adult to satisfy their sick obsession with fucking children despite the abundance of evidence that shows the adverse psychological effects.
Plus my other points that you conveniently chose to ignore.
Serious question: have you ever been diagnosed with a mental condition? I don't expect you to answer honestly.
I am also all for child adult relationships and parents fucking there're kids to help practice and show them what sex is like and what they are getting into.
she was saying "i love pennies" and said it wrong, that is clearly consent. Let me fuck her little pussy.
Do it user LOL.
This thread actually upsets me
And why is that?.
because it's full of edgy ppl
Those people are just newfags ignore them us intelligent users are having a nice debate here.
There is no debate, if I catch a pedo molesting a kid, I'd snap his arm. Your debate is mere mental masturbation at this point.
See here faggot -
grooming is not education, you have a selfish agenda
LOL not apart of the new world order conspiracyfag and yes it is.
fuck off
LOL somebody is triggered
nah but fuck you epic troll xD lol lel lulz gtfo back to reddit
As evinced by every one of his posts, he's obviously literally insane. Best to ignore
Humans are sexually dimorphic - while males reach their "peak" for reproduction and potency at the beginning of puberty and stay at that point steadily for a long time, only later acquiring "secondary reproductive" traits like hair and whatnot, women don't reach the point of their safest reproductive age well into 25 and then, soon, begin to steadily peter out. Anything extraneous to this is cultural and/or social engineering.
Yeah he is, or he's a massive faggot that needs a dick up his butt
Not trollin it is how i truly feel and when i have a kid they are going to know about sex at age 4 and i am going to practice sex with him/her and you moralfags can not do shit my kid my life my choice and as long as they have the knowledge and know what they are getting into there should not be a problem.
Spotted more SJW moralfags
You're trying way too hard.
Your child will rat you out, that's a child's nature - to share, and seek healthy interactions in order to grow. "My kid my life my choice" sounds a lot like a father that kids would seek help from, and unless you intend to keep them in a closet, they will find it - society's built around making assistance like that highly available around every corner.
This thread is bananas
I fucking know right? Hebes.
By having sex with children and teaching them about the enjoyment of sex they will be better prepared for the teens and demand the goods amd nust just fuck with whoever for experiment and get aids.
bifag here.
as someone who consented to intercourse with an adult when young, yes, you can consent.
there is a distinction. and its one that matters/.
Nope not if i tell him/her not to tell everybody because it is to keep him/her safe and me safe.
That something is bananas in your head does not mean that is is bananas. It's why mental institutions exist.
Donald Trumpp is also insane. Insane is the new normal. Get used to it. It's here to stay.
Go back to Reddit
It's just a place to start. The agenda is to touch. You just have to reach out and touch first.
Agenda is to teach.
There is no agenda you NWOfags back to Holla Forums.
That's violent and egoistical. You don't have much thought for kids, do you.
Please, get a brain or fucking jump of a bridge.
No it's just instinct.
It's a sick obsesion in your head. It means that you need help. You see sickness in something that is natural and intimate and soft and deliscous and Gods gift to human kind. You have a brutal spirit. It destroy children and it makes me hate you. You are the pest.
Asexual computer geek.
Destroy yourself. It's a gift to the world.
It's because you are selfish wimp.
Moralfags get out!!.
Fukcing haters. You're just a piece of shit incpable of love. Stop blaming the pedophiles for it. We all feel sorry for your parents.
I would argue with you but you'll just scream moralfag like having morals is a bad thing. Fucking children is a disgusting act, but if you're going to do it at least use some 2d shit so you dont harm the children.
It's digusting in your mind. That does not make it disgusting. It only makes your mind disgusting. Shut the fuck up and stoip spreading your mental retardness.
It is on Holla Forums.
Anti contact faggots moralfags and SJWs get the fuck out.
I love pedo. Pedo loves me. Pedo is love in a brutal world.
I know, i regretted putting that in because Holla Forums.
Fuck a child in the street then
Sex is intimate and personal and private. Unless exibitionism turns you on. It's what makes cp.
Not all CP is bad.
I support minorities. We are living in a wolrd now where racism is on the rise. If normies don't start to understand all kinds of people, we are heading for war. If you have kids, I would start to love pedos, musilmas and all kinds of sooner than later.
I laughed my ass off.
It depends on how the child look at it later, as a grown up. It is a chance to take. Most cp is also incest, dad and daughter and stuff like that.
It's wrong if you dislike it. As with anyhting. There is nothing that is generally wrong. If you lick a 7 year old girl to orgams, that's fine, not wrong. Let her mebrace the good feeling and be proud of it, not ashamed.
agreed…. most "Pedos" aren't "bad"
"I know, right?"
Well that is what i mean.
They can.
You are doing it wrong. Try to be a better lover for her. Look at pron videos and how professionals treat women. You can do it. Practise makes perfect!
I would give anything… anything… for this girl to get an orgasm.
porn is degenerate
No, they are "bad" in some peoples head, just like muslims are bad in some peorple's head. It's a dangerous thing, to be incapable of understanding anyhting else but one self.
Well you don't see me complaining about it faggot.
No it's just a horny thing for the dick, not the mind. You can jerk off to porn and then go back to reading Kafka.
But there's rules in Muslim belief…
There's no rules in pedo love.
Do not reply to anyone posting swimsuit catalog images, he is a troll, pretending to be a pedophile.
He likes to fuck with pedos and normies alike.
He's been browsing this website for three years.
He is the Maraposter/Lollyposter/woman_in_shower_wearing_glasses_poster/harry_pottter_cosplay_poster
It should be.
I can understand it if parents don't want pedos to fuck their kids, but their hate and their treatment of pedos is disgusting. If a pedo likes their daughter, it means that she is attractive. They should take it as a compliment.
I guess you don't have kids.
I don't think you should have. If you're a racist, a pedo hater, etc. you should not have kids. You are making enemies of good people.
faggot detected….
I can't and won't, you are absolutely right OP
If you have kids, then it your repsonibility to get along with all kinds of people. It's not what the wolrd can do for your family, it's what you and your family can do for the world. So you don't bother people.
get fucked, faggot
Go for it user.
I can't stand pedos/ hebephiles are okay though
No, because you have no right to bea hateful monster in the name of "protecting" your children. It's evil,
get fucked, faggot
you too
girltime arent pedos, they're just tasteful art fans
human sculpture in living tissue is best
No, I want to teach you to become a better parent by loving pedophiles and let yourself and your kids love them. It's the least the wolrd can expect of generosity.
Sure, like the ppl that post in >>>Holla Forums or >>>/waifuist/
get bent, phaggot
get. fucked. faggot.
Tasteful artists are tasteful pedos. Theere are no normie geniuses, only medicore ones. Normal is a nice word for mediocrity.
Taking down will be the easy part, getting pedos off Holla Forums is almost impossible
I want to fuck your children and be a better parent than a violent and hateful person like you can be.
pedophiles think pic related is comedic
When they're at least 16, sure, but I'll instill morals and *gasp* standards before that happens
Pedophiles with a sense of humor maybe. Pedos are not one type of person,
wish granted, go get his children
fucking u in the ass is humor
When they are 16 it's time to fuck for pregnacy. I don't want their children, i want to enjoy as children.
You are a homosexual. I tolerate it. I'm not a closeminded person, I understand Your fantasy and lust.
get fucked with a sword
no. Teaching them how to avoid predators is what they should focus on. I'm so glad that i don't have kids, society is really messed upo
No, I just want you to know what being violated feels like, it's not something you get used to while sane.
There's children everywhere. What kids do is none of their parents buinsess. Children also have a right to privacy.
So you want them to be afriad?? yeah no.
You are the only one who is talking about violation here. It must be a fetish.
Nobody cares faggot.
I want them to be aware of ppl that stay up all night browsing pedo websites.
that way they know where to go get attention when can't have it at home?
why do you want them to be aware of harmless, nice and decent people?
You mean like Masterchan and this place?? LOL.
So you want to teach your kids that every person they meet is a possible enemy. What kind of monster are you in the making of?
no dickhead you actuially sound retarded they wont be molested by some faggot on a website my kids wont be retarded
And so what if your 7yo little cutie came home and said that she had the most wonderful experience ever, she gave a guy a blowjjob. You should be happy for her success! It's your duty as a parent.
I'm teaching them to be aware of everyone and i'll teach them to always have a plan. I'll encourage them to exercise and learn self-defense, both mental and psychical.
They'll have confidence AND knowledge. They won't need sexual contact from anyone until they're mature enough, so at 16 or so.
This triggers all pedos because they can't get their rocks off with smare, aware children
bait faggot
who are you to decide that? they should decide by themselves if they want to take a dick or not
The thing with children, is that they are different, just like grown ups. Some are sporty, others are bookworms… and some are curious about sex. If your daughter is erotic by nature then there is nothing you can do to sop her. She will find a pedophile and they will cuddle and fuck every day after school and you will never find out.
Okay, I actually agree with everything else, but it's literally a crime in most places. You can't just say it's not a crime just because it's not wrong.
Bait for wimps.
attraction is crime?
Not doing that but see here -
i'm done with that talk not even mad you ppl are just weird remember prison wont care for your non-arguments and rhetoric
deep down you know im right, Chris Hansen is still feared to this day and the prison system takes care of scum loser chomos such as yourself, so stay brave behind your weak ideology, you'll get a real wakeup call and no one will care about how much you dont like it
Someone as insane as you will get you and youll remember why morals are important , bitch.
tell your nurse you need stitches and morphine for your asshole pain plus snitches in prison always get it worse
It's a criminal act to torture people in the United States but Donald Trump embraced it officially anyhow. He throught itt should be legal. Fight fire with fire like he said.
That faggot did not go after real pedophiles he went after Hebephiles.
what a wonderful excuse for little child fucking!
For the asexual it is it is. They are offeneded by attraction.
why do normies always have such morbid and cruel fantasies? and WE are sick?
He hated pedophiles anyway, like most of the world
Most of the wolrd hate Donald Trump also. It's the fuel that makes him unstoppable.
dont act so innocent, we normies know what you're really like behind your fake politeness, my motto is hear what you have to say before pulling the trigger
Becaus they don't understand how it hurts children and everyone else by msaking hate legimate. Normies need someone intelligent to do the thinking.
If it is such a pain for you that some person might think your daughter is pretty, then you are weak and not worthy of being her father.
Right. Thanks you.
Donald Trump will enact the death penalty for child molesters, specifically. I know, at least Texas will agree.
no, you only need some boogeyman for your violent fantasies. you are what's wrong with the world!
public hanging?
He want death penalty for anyone who gets in his way. Who knows, maybe you are next.
Public sex with children. They would love it.
play dumb, you'll see
Trump is a famous sex maniac. If you google pictures of him and his daughter Ivanka, you will be surprised.
You have been found guilty by a jury of your peers of the crime of child molestation. You are hereby sentenced to die by having sex with minors in public. Sentence to be carried out on next sunday.
Will you stop .
those are out of context
Great. I'm not a pedophile of course. Only a beautiful angel who defend anyhting but evil closeminded normies.
In a sex context, they aren't. Feminists hate him for a reason.
Will Trump stop? No.
Trump will legalize CP
I am gonna do it to my kid when I have a kid and if you got a problem with that you can fuck right off.
Finally a cute gilrl. A little eye candy after all the baickering and bitchy normies. I can feel my elevent finger grow with the excitment.
Thik of hiw many who it right now. No one knows how huge it is, because it is kept a Secret.
We can only hope.
Isn't that the pot calling the kettle black as aren't you degenerates backed by those SJWs?
He can legalize the release of it after the girl is 18.
Who is she user? And where can I find those sets?.
Not as much as the first picture from the right.
It feels more at home when people act like pedophiles on Holla Forums and not normies.
Her early sets are good. Set 40-60 circa.
Someone post Laura in this epic thtead.
She's hot
2nd pic hory shet
She is. It's been a while since I looked at her galleries. I can feel a bulge. It's a good sign.
Normies. They use everyone and everyhting.
I think AMS closed down because of stalking. It's a shame.
lol what?
They showed private pics on Librechan but they did not give you their name.
I was a member of ams once. Years ago.
I'm not interested in stuff like that. I give people the privacy i want myself.
Yes, it's Cherish. You Holla Forums guys are hackers. Not good.
nothing I just thought that response was funny
You also have a right of privacy in an official setting. Stalking is a criminal act, on the internet or in real life.
It's your version of it. It's 7.2. billion other people with an opinion.
It's because you are evil.
why do you think that?
AMS went down because you don't resepct privacy.
If you don't listen to people's wish but run over them with your own, then you lack empathy.
It was a good site for those who liked it.
..just because I laughed at something?
I took it as an internal joke. That I'm not in on something.
Zuckerberg pls go.
Agreed but destroyed it anyhow
Being anonymous is privacy. It should be respected because the chance will dissapear if it is misused. If you are a pedo, the "privacy2 on the internet is good.
Hoo boy, this whole post is just pure concentrated normalfag delusion. Let's go one step at a time.
What exactly would you consider an argument, then? Somehow I get the feeling that your definition of a non-argument is anything you disagree with.
FYI, most of the world has the AoC set lower than 18 and they won't care for your non-arguments. The rest of the world hates America with a burning passion, and justifiably so. America has become a warmongering, fascist empire that they want nothing to do with, because America destroys genuine freedom and genuine culture. Other countries are waiting for any method of sabotaging the US and the people like you who populate it, and with someone as incompetent as Trump blowing up the whole system, they won't have to wait for long. Your threats become emptier by the day.
This is kind of fun once you realize the complexes behind it. Chris Hansen was and is a bigoted, freedom-hating piece of shit who, as mentioned earlier, went after hebes and ephebes almost exclusively, rather than actual pedos. In any civilized society, he'd be tried and jailed for hate crimes rather than having official government support, but more than that, he's a tool of the ruling class meant to stop the peasants from ever having access to the sexy teen hotties the ultra-wealthy bankers, oil barons and arms dealers plow with impunity. You concoct such violent, psychopathic fantasies because deep down you know that this system is cucking you every single day and taking away your access to the cuties that should be yours, so you have to invent all these pseudo-moral explanations that don't hold water when confronted with logic. Either that or you're a member of the ruling class yourself and you're trying to protect your privilege. No matter which way you slice it, you people don't listen to reason.
You made a post full of threats to torture, rape and murder anyone who disagrees with you, and you honestly have the nerve to lecture anyone about morality? The hypocrisy of normalshits knows no limits.
At any rate, I'm done with you. People like you are why the Founding Fathers created the 2nd amendment.
No I haven't. Is it essential?
no, he stated that he is friends with her on facebook and you brought up the stalking, I just laughed at this, nothing more- I'm not a stalker
If you condense it Down to Three important setences maybe someone will bother to read it.
All stalkers say they are not stalkers, just like all hackers deny that they are hackers. They just like to invade privavcy while they stay private themsleves.
In fact, privacy and anonymity are separate concepts.
what a pansy pussy….
well spoken sir
yeah man.. whatever
If you read whatever you want into things, it is.
Fucking ADHD kids can't even read a post anymore, jesus god.
Oh excuse me for being a decent person who like to treat people like I want to be treated myself.
I am.
Okay. Very "interesting".
I hoped AMS would find new models. And now it's done.
All the pretty pics were deleted. Only the ugly pics left. You are sick mods on Holla Forums.
cheer up buttercup, there will always be something new coming up
Not if stalkers rule the internet.
links to academic articles, pls
I agree
Kelly celebrates her 11th birthday
Even babies have orgasms
sex isn't bad, sexualization isn't bad
remove your cucked catholic world views
this goes to the antis, not OP of course
does not make any fucking sense
yes it does, the tabooization of sex is their fault
Well then you obviously tougth her wrong since she went a gave a blowjob to a stranger
sex is about love, only idiots who cant even control their most basic urges have sex for the sake of sex
Does that look like a boy to you, user?
You got it all wrong. A stranger gave her lesson about oral sex.
delet shut it down fuck this meme thread faggot, I hate pedos they should get help
Stop posting pedophilia is/is not a crime. It is not confusing, only annoying. Pedo is delicious..
Does anyone have download links to Ekaterina dolcemodz/kvetina? A chubby little cutie.
We hate you too.
it would be nice if pedos could go ask help without fear of persecution
For you of course, because your opinion counts. You are admired by pedophiles and everyone wish they were more like you.
I wish there was a alcoholics anonymous kind of place but for pedos.
Holla Forums used to be a place for pedos to hang out. Not for treatment but for socializing with other pedos. But the owners got cold feet.
Still kinda is.
very little socializing here these days
now its mostly poltards playground
I drop by to see if something has changed. If something like Librechan is rising again.
Pretty much indeed however CP is still posted here a lot and right now i see about 3 or 4 pedo threads up right now.
Mika, Heartfinn, Hannabro.. and all the namfags is not to be seen anywhere.
It's pedo threads. It's pedophilia themed discoussion threads.
Not pedo..
let's face it
this place is dying
Oh, cool. What are you doing?
Already was when Hotwheels left.
yes and now the suffering is about to end
Fuck pedos/hebes/ephebephiles/this thread.
Fuck you Teleiophile
LOL newfag.
Asuka is 14.
No it is not get out normie.
Parenting is grooming, educating is grooming, is there anything you wont try to twist. And not see the hypocrisy and stupidity? To all the non-contacts realize your feelings and the child's so you can see it's not bad at all. Quit lying to yourselves thinking you're monsters. Gays use to think the same think back in the 1900's don't repeat history make your own. Being a good person is all you have to do, your sexual feelings aren't and will never be the problem.
Curse of Eva. Pilots don't age.
Legal loli.
Fair enough literal kids wouldn't know any better and would just do what an adult told them to do, but say, 14+ clearly know right from wrong and know what consent is and how to give it to people.
it's fucking dumb. i'm not saying lower the legal age, but calling it "rape" at that age, unless literal rape is just ridiculous. i'm sure a 14 year old girl screaming "harder, harder!" is no indication that she's being raped at all.
user speaks the truth.
14 is NOT loli
a loli is a girl under 16.
it's 12 tops and even that's pushing it
Whatever you say user.
Mara is actually not too fond of pedophiles, after the school incident
In her case, pedophilia is a crime, literally.
kill yourself pedo
Well ether way still not a crime.
Fuck off edgy newfag go back to 4chan and Reddit.
make me
Kill your children.
She was a teen when it happened. If she is intelligent she will know that it has nothing to do with pedophilia.
You need a teacher. But it probably won't help.
She was a child when it happened
Teens are not little kids faggot.
ur so mature
no, I like it here so I think I'll stay
Says the faggot who tells pedophiles to kill themselves.
kill yourself pedo
Kill your children.
And so what. Stop raping child's brains.
ur a samefag, finally caught you
bait, ur a boylover
You have no right to randomly walk on to our territory get out.
It's better than being psycholocically raped by teachers. And the pressrue of parents. So many children who hates their mother and father.
right shmight, I can so I will
No just regular.
ur a troll
everyone, remember to sage all pedo threads
u do it lik this tbh fam
All SJWs crying for they're safe spaces edgy underage newfags and moralfags need to get the fuck off of Holla Forums DEAL WITH IT US PEDOS ARE HERE TO STAY pedophiles have always been on imageborads.
What a slut.
LOL i love how newfag edgelords like you give no argument and just spill out autistic bullshit very mature NOT.
Rin is a cuck not a SJW