Favorite wallpapers
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Do you live alone?
No, I have a wife. Makes my friends awfully uncomfortable when we watch movies.
Tifa is my waifu. So you faggots can LOOK at these wallpapers BUT DO NOT SAVE!!!!
My wife is cool with that shit too. I used to have nudie wallpapers too untill the kid turned two. Now I've got a Sports Illustrated daily calendar on my desk instead.
I cant see how you can have these backgrounds with other people around you honestly. I could never do it.
Yeah, I don't ever have to worry about kids.
My friends are uncomfortable when they see it, but they definitely aren't shocked. I'm a pervert who's constantly talking about sex and hitting on about half the women I know (and some of the men).
I 'made' a lot of these wallpapers myself from normal images.