Gookposting thread

How does Holla Forums feel about gook women?

I'm of the opinion that they can look cute but due to their facial features, namely having a flat face and nose, prominent cheekbones, big lips, and underdeveloped chin and jawlines, they tend to look absolutely retarded when sucking dick.

What say you gents? Are gooks the absolute worst race of cocksuckers or no?

that's fucking hot I don't know what you're talking about op

They're good revolutionaries

Yeah I have to agree with you on that one. No matter how thick a black girl's lips are, she won't look as bad as an Asian when sucking dick. It's a shame really.


How the hell is that pic hot? She looks like a retarded fish.

thats what gets me going.


It was a war bud. And The US committed a lot of warcrimes don't forget.

How can you anons even tell that it's a gook in those pics?