Do you liek mudkips?
Do you liek mudkips?
I want it back ;-;
The internet never changed
It was the people using the internet that changed
The focus of memes left the hole-in-the-wall forums, early Deviantart, early Newgrounds, early YouTube (although thats a bit later down the line) and early 4chan and its instead shifted to Instigram, Facebook, Vine cancer, and modern post G+ YouTube. And it really shows
Damn. I miss fapping my little dick off to those old meet'n'fuck games.
Do you now?
It's okay
The old ways will return
it's an edit of a libtard that writes a webcomic
Why did we outgrow this guy?
no way, not even trump can bring back the good times
Normies normalized him.
they're alright
In a way, he lives on in Pepe, the only maymay successfully taken back from normalfags.
someone post the boardlogs link, I lost it