I've recently had a chance to try Manjaro and in my opinion it is a pretty solid OS. I've been using Xubuntu for a couple of years now and want to try something else.
Does Holla Forums have any recommendations/favorites?
I've recently had a chance to try Manjaro and in my opinion it is a pretty solid OS. I've been using Xubuntu for a couple of years now and want to try something else.
Does Holla Forums have any recommendations/favorites?
Manjaro fan here.
I used windows all my life and a few months back I completely switched to linux, manjaro. I had a background in distro-usage and got everything running without a hitch. I recommend you switch an arch based distro if you've already used a *buntu for a few years.
In the distant future I will probably move on to Gentoo but that's a whole other ballgame.
I'm on openSUSE Tumbleweed here, and I'm not moving. Ever.
The Manjaro devs forgot to renew their SSL certificate not once but twice. I appreciate their official openrc support, but that's it.
I think that OpenSUSE Tumbleweed and Void Linux are better rolling release distros, where you don't have to rely on the aur that much for obscure packages and offer an easy build system to create your own packages.
Enjoying the systemdick?
Does OpenSUSE respect my wishes to run proprietary software, such as nvidia drivers?
you know with the technical know how. You can do that on even FSF approved distros. (Just be prepared to compile n shit)
Very much so.
So no, it wasn't them 'forgetting' to.
I'd love to try Manjaro one of these days but all three piece of shit installers for it do not properly detect dmraid partitions.
Learn to install Arch without a mouse, only the keyboard. You have not had the real GNU/Linux experience until you have done so.
maybe 5 years ago
Where do these new users keep coming from :^)
Gentoo Linux
Manjaro is pretty nice, especially if you're coming from *buntu. It's got cozy defaults and generally just werks. Personally my recommendation is MX Linux. It's Debian based, no systemd if that matters to you, has a lot of really nice tools and a community repository, and I find it to be a good blend of stable but with more up to date software (due to the community repo).
install gentoo you faggot
Gentoo or bust
I have a low opinion of Gentoo GNU/Linux.
Gentoo is a GNU/Linux distribution, but its developers don't recognize this; they call it "Gentoo Linux". That means they are treating me and the GNU Project disresepectfully.
More importantly, Gentoo steers the user towards nonfree programs, which is why it is not one of our recognized free distros.
See the GNU distros list gnu.org
here, have a gnutwo
If you like Arch-based distros, you also might want to give Antergos a try. It's pretty much a pre-riced Arch once it's finished installing.
manjaro openrc is absolutely the best modern desktop based OS
i only have a FEW issues with it
there are a few other little quarks but it is nothing compared to the shit storm that is debian-based or *ntoo
aur is nicce but some packages are SHITTTTT
what are you fucking gay/want systemd?
Get it from AUR you pleb, there's a binary version kernel you can get from there. No need to compile shit.
Some maintainers are quite active on fixing those shit. Make sure you let them know what's the problem in the comment section.
funtoo is neat but unnecessary for me.
Why MX over Devuan?
OP here, I've been testing out OpenSUSE Tumbleweed with the gnome and KDE desktop environments. The KDE desktop environment is much better in my opinion. So far I've been enjoying OpenSUSE.
I also see some anons recommending Slackware and Antergos. I'll have to give those a try too when I have the time.
you can just use mhwd to use 4.8 but it not coming with it by default makes it so live media will not work on rx cards