Why is it that South Korea and South Koreans are just generally so much better than the Japanese?
Also the Japanese are scared as fuck that the lineage of the Emperor's may have come from Korea. en.wikipedia.org
Why is it that South Korea and South Koreans are just generally so much better than the Japanese?
Also the Japanese are scared as fuck that the lineage of the Emperor's may have come from Korea. en.wikipedia.org
I hope you are not a male
Korea is the thing everybody gets obsessed with after they get bored with Japan. K-Dramas, K-Pop, putting Hangeul on everything just to make it more exotic or some shit, kimchi, you name it. It's the same thing but it's more 'advanced' than weeaboory. That's why koreaboos are more annoying – because they think they've ascended to some higher level of Asian fetishism. But you're honestly not one bit better.
More along the lines that they have all the fun asian-ness about them without the faggotry of Japan
ye but the asians in that movie were mung or some shit not Korean
check 'em
Socialist Korea is far superior
gooks are fucking trash tier, their culture is mexican novelas, nigger music and justin bieber tier idols.