Bitmap fonts

I'm sure we're a majority here using bitmap fonts at least for terminal (emulators) and probably for programming too. So what font do you use and recommend?

Like a lot, I personally use Terminus (ter10 on 2560x1440 27") everywhere, but I recently discovered SGI's screen font which I find better for my old chinkpad ant screens (x61s).

Other urls found in this thread:

I'm using an xft font. Source Code Pro

I tried all of these but always come back to Terminus.

Terminus master race.

My nigga.

Tamsyn monospace

top pleb

t. TrueType master race.

DejaVu Sans Mono ftw


You get significantly improved contrast and sharpness with subpixel antialiasing.
Enjoy your jaggies.

How is Terminus so amazing? I refuse to use any other font ever since installing it a few years ago. What is it about this godly font, forged from the pixels by the Grand Fontitecht Himself, that deems all other monospace fonts eteranally unworthy?

Hack master race

Those moon runes look fucking disgusting.
Fix your fonts.

i use ubuntu mono because its comfy.

Bitmap fonts are shit that only looks decent when viewed at exactly the intended size and resolution, why would anyone use them anymore?

The guy who made it put weapons-grade autism levels of effort into it



How do I check my consolefont? I cannot for the life of me remember how.

Inconsolata 12pt

I use hack. I used the bitmap font meme for a while, but when I upgraded to a 156 PPI monitor, there weren't any good bitmap fonts anymore for my resolution.

Bitmap fonts are alright if you're into that thing, but good vector fonts with subpixel rendering beats the shit out of it.

And we're left with an artifact of pure aesthetic beauty. Let there be weapons grade autism for all things!

Made in Russia

Hack is almost an exact copy of DejaVu Sans Mono

But that is true for "scalable" fonts as well, at least on shitty, low DPI displays we are still forced to use today. You need your font to be properly hinted to match the pixel grid, otherwise you get an ugly, blurry mess.

Take your blurry as fuck fonts back to your gay Metro MSVS and fucking stay there.

I'm a vimfag, you cocksucking homosexual faggot.

What font is this? I love it.

I used to do the same for a long time. It's one of the best looking typefaces at size 9 and takes up little space. I don't know what happened but i started to tolerate the breadth of other fonts now.

Nope, urxvt*font: xft:Input Mono Narrow:size=9


looks like lucida console
not sure though



It's okay, but I see no reason to use it over Liberation Mono (if I were to not use bitmap).

i use droid sans mono slashed