Tit Types

Post you Favorite Boob type

Huge / Tiny / Puffy / Veiny / Long Nips

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I love these



all tits



Nr. 2 from the the left looks pretty good







I'm a fan of the "bottom heavy breast shape" nipple right on top

I can agree with that.


Back to 4cuck

only recently ive noticed theres a special tier boob which seem pretty rare that i will try to describe, although i dont have a pictures that show it, i would appreciate any that could post some

1. the boobs are big, so big that they kind of meet in the middle and crate a upside down Y shape, with a riased area in the middle but are not so big that the main mass of the boobs touch, kind of displayed in the second gif in this post but it's obscured by the rope

2. this is the best example of this kind, boobs are completely by themselves while at the same time being a nice size

3. lowest tier, example in 3 and 4 pics in this post, boobs are so big they crowd together, imo boobs that get to this size and bigger lose their appeal. pretty much guaranteed to have no firmness, and almost certainly to belong to someone who is fat or given birth to another mans child

ruined tier: implants

honorable mention: flat chest - have their own appeal, but debatable whether they count as boobs

Big and brown

Like this user?


#3 is the best size and shape OP

Sounds like you're a faggot.


man those beat up mummy boobs

i get can sense the plight of her aids infested offspring through those stretch marks

more like

4th pic

Im not a fan of any of these. Ew










#4 big tits tiny nips are great

What a shit use of the PNG format. 460KB for that tiny ass blurry image!

Fucking Windows 10.

I'm more into asses btw





























Add some puffier nipples to pic 3 and that's my ideal pair of tits. Good for milking.



The black girl is hot as fuck

>Post you Favorite Boob type

Anime tits. No questions.



Unquestionably the best.


Nothing like a tits thread to cheer up my day :3

Fuck your shitty hentai








This is now an ecchi thread







hentai thraed?

Huge puffy anime tits

Tiny anime tits.



those are great

Natural big fertile looking titmeat.

The last one

The last one looks healthy. A healthy little boobanimal with a good amount of bodyfat.

Look at the faceā€¦.

These are my favorite boob types

hah gottem

Doesnt look to bad to me?!

Do you mean the blonde one, because she doesnt particularly look ugly.

That's funny. My favorite boobs were always Megan's

Holy Fuck #4 Sauce it up

#1 pic Ideal Tits. Huge, dark nip, light areola

my favorite boob type: a variety :)





Probably anything that isn't 3D


Pic #2 All Day

So you are a mouthbreather neck beard then?

Japanese porn: Julia.


You know I think I'm one of those people who don't give a shit about actual size, so long as they are nicely shaped.










Let's trade bodies my friend. Ill be in the astral plains next to the giant statue of robot hitler.


#3 almost poked Her eye out

"Fashion" Is never supposed to be worn, is it?

How anyone can get a hard-on to fake unnatural silicon tits is beyond me. Each to his own and it's very popular but don't don't think you are any better than a pedophile who likes flat chests.






#2 is a trap
Bailey Jay






I'm glad you enjoyed it.



i didnt see any boobs though. wtf?

i think the banana squad is invading guys. We need to defend ourselves from these attacks.


i'll fuck u up nigger

my kind of thread

God Damn that is sexy


It's like some monkey paw shit. I wished for it non-stop from the age of 14 on, and then they just started falling into my lap, but it's like whatever granted my wish went "lol shoulda been more specific, you didn't say shit about mental health"



Please sauce for 4th one over holy fuck

her tits have tits

I'm glad I didn't use the downloadthemall pre-emptively and scanned to see what was dumped because aside from the general bad taste posts there's tons of fatties and shit-tier posts to avoid.