Windows is best OS, prove me wrong.
Windows is best OS, prove me wrong
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just wait until clueless Holla Forumstards invoke decades old bugs like the scrollbar escalation one, or still think it's Windows 95, with it's hacked framework built on top of DOS.
Or invoke things that are tied to the license, not the architecture.
Windows 7 isn't a decade old
I do agree that windows did a great job in the architecture. The UI is far more CPU and power-optimized than any linux or unix DEs out there plus it has the most number of useful programs without the dependency hell dead-end.
I'm waiting until reactOS reaches its maturity
The only problem is that you can become an admin in pretty much any unencrypted disk Windows installation and this worked even in windows 10 tech preview.
By renaming osk,exe to cmd,exe you can invoke cmd with a user who has more permissions than a standard Administrator which is NT/SYSTEM. You can also unlock bde encryption on next boot making the keys available for LEA.
That accessibility tools at login screen for disabled people? Think again!>>669103
fucking cuckmonkey, why are posts with dot exes unpost-able? anti-spam or cuckcode?
XP was tolerable but it's been all downhill since Vista.
Pre-installed NSA backdoors.
XP was good and Vista SP0 is also good and by far my favorite. If you like XP then go for windows server 2008 which is like buffed XP and way better IMO.
Vista is a complete overhaul and rewrite of XP's code base. Windows 7 is just Vista with thousands of patches. Windows never re-wrote the source code ever again since vista and their just patching and piling everything on top of even more patches making it bloat. The new CEO is also a pajeet.
If you install vista SP1 and SP2 patches it becomes very buggy and may bluescreen frequently afterwards. The hardware becomes very unstable. This gave vista a poor reputation although the reason Vista was born is due to laptops with hi resolution 1K - 2K touch screens and Wacom pen digitizers.
You won't find many windows 7 laptop with Wacom digitizers. Some may offer windows 7 now but they used to be preinstalled with vista and if you're gonna ask me tablet PC experience with Windows 7 and 10 is the worst...
After the windows vista backlash everything's back to generic 1336x768 and a few 1080p (whereas they used to offer 1080p with XP and 2K with vista several years ago!)
Tablet PCs stopped production when they killed Vista and 7 cannot implement tablet experience properly (plus the laptop screens contain lesser pixels with that 16:9 abomination!).
There'd been a huge drop in laptop manufacturing that lingered up until today.
Makise you are old enough to know this is bullshit, why do you do this to us? Can you at least namefag in peace? Why do you want conflicts?
Btw all of you should grab a systems book before saying XP was even remotely acceptable. An operating system isn't just the UI you bunch of grandmothers.
A well-informed, sensible answer.
Hats off.
It's not unix
sage for /g/ tier OP
Neither are GNU and Linux, and not just because of names. What do you run?
Which Windows?
Also, it simply isn't. Have you seen anything from the developers? They talk about how shit the code is and how horrible everything works.
The only thing it has going for it is driver support. That's THE only reason to use Windows over Linux, however that's quickly becoming less true seeing as distros like Ubuntu have a fuckload of driver support. I've never had to plug in something and weight an hour for it to search for the driver to download because it's already there, so everything from GPUs to mice and keyboards works instantly and without flaw.
Also, always sage Makise threads.
A lot of errors in there, forgive me. I'm barely awake.
Maybe he's running something else.
You can't do that on an already running system. If we're talking about having access to an unencrypted partition, any OS is fucked.
Getting some déjà vu
The OP is an imposter. Nice shitposting though, very impressive.
Windows is literally malware.
would it be okay to still be on baseline Windows 8 or am I fucked anyway and should just upgrade to Win 10? video games, I need them and a bypass or VM isn't an option anymore
No u