What services are people using to replace Gmail now? Doesn't seem safe to have your data on Gmail if you're a shit lord and seems a good idea to switch to something else before they push you.
What services are people using to replace Gmail now...
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Isn't secure, has been raided before.
i just use teknik
Of course it's not, cock.li states security is client side as it should be, server side security has been practically dead ever since lavabit.
In response to the raid he moved the servers to Romania.
I run my own server.
use openmailbox or protonmail
Postfix and Dovecot
Anyone who own their own data is a fucking reddit normie.
you can use riseup if you're a Holla Forumsetariat and don't need a lot of storage.
If I was Holla Forums I'd use a toaster in a bath tub and do the world a favour.
Raided and owner got NSA'd
Also try reaching 99% uptime before competing even with botnets!
This if your ISP and electricity offers 99% uptime... otherwise get a VPS and set everything up in the WAN/cloud + crypto which is much more scarier.
Try openmailbox.
Although it looks like it's made with PHP shit its got lots of features.
gmail is still king
Why not just have your own private mail server?
Because I actually want my emails to be received, not sent to spam
So you're saying the parameters of email spam filters exclude things that are not known big names?
Then you're pretty much screwed by the nature of the beast, aren't you?
Maybe some forwarding scheme might be handy.
Forward through Gmail and have Gmail set up so it deletes messages after its sent them out and after its forwarded them to you too.
That way the only record being kept is on your private server and when someone breaks into the gmail account they'll just see empty inboxes.
How fucking stupid are you? "I'll use a 3rd party service known for collecting data but tell them to delete it so they totally will!". Your Inbox maybe empty but the data is still held by Google.
why not just
use gmail
and backup emails I need on my PC
and delete everything else
Oh your problem is with google giving up the data to people willingly?
Like who? The gubberment?
I'm sorry but i'm pretty sure every service is required to comply to court orders of that sort.
Your only real bet I guess would be a service hosted in a foreign country that won't give a shit about U.S. laws.
There is a big difference between a court order and what Google and Microsoft do. They are basically a branch of the government at this point.
Considering that email is inherently insecure unless you're using paranoia level tools (and everybody you talk to knows how to and accepts using them), I simply purchase email hosting from my domain registrar. That's about as far as I'm willing to go, avoiding free email.
It's as secure as email can be, because it doesn't prevent you from using Tor and similar stuff, and, for example, gnupg.
Try creating a fucking account in google via Tor without phone confirmation.
This is the biggest difference.
right, because tor does anything, especially with emails
Holy shit you dumb motherfucker, get the fuck out.
Openmailbox isn't taking new accounts and Proton has a limit on the number of e-mails you can send. Is Tutanota still decent?
Daily reminder that security is user side, anything else is just snake oil.
Either use your own server or use end-to-end encryption. Anything else is an illusion of security.
My email is underneath a swiss mountain.
gorgeous girl! do you have any more pretty girls with big hair bows in?
I love the Yandex email provider!
you don't /thread your own posts you newfag
are you dumb?
MitM between user and mail server is prevented by HTTPS, which is of course used by cock.li
There's a difference between targeted court orders and a dragnet.
Or even better, you could use the cock.li's .onion hidden service.
the email that came for free when i bought a domain.
isnt that why you have at least two servers from different providers.
Oh yeah. There's little practical difference though, Tor prevents webserver from seeing your address in both cases.
I'm using Swiss-based services, such as ProtonMail and Wire (email and messaging/calling).
Fuck, when did this become a thing?
Does it really matter?
Since I was planning on making another account yes.