Touch bar replacing the F1-12?
Transparent keycaps with lcd screens under them?
I hope they didn't go full retard.
Touch bar replacing the F1-12?
Transparent keycaps with lcd screens under them?
I hope they didn't go full retard.
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I think it could be cool tbh, no sane tech person has ever used Apple anyway so might as well add these hip features, right?
If the keyboard rumor is true it would be a good way to make one model for all markets at least.
It is also coootfor remapable and custom keys.
I'm not sure if it's color. Here's the company they are supposedly working with.
you use an apple product for the software and support, not the hardware
you should know now that the hardware is largely inferior to other brands in most of apple's offerings. btw, if you're not a creative professional, buying apple products is a bit of a waste
Right, OS X with the included software like iPhoto is a great out-of-the-box product you can just give your mom and not worry about it. Or at least it used to be like that in 2009, I don't know if they have managed to fuck it up in the meantime.
That would be pretty handy for people using different languages all of the time.
Get a regular laptop and install Elementary on it.
I thought people like it for the hardware?
Not in terms of specs and power, but durability and battery life.
That's my reasoning. There are two types of laptops that can last over 5 years, IBM (not Lenovo) ThinkPads and Apple MacBooks.
Touchbars and transparent keycaps with lcd screens under them have been around for a while, I'm sure they won't fuck up.
I think he meant raw hardware power as in processor. My MacBook from 2007 lasted until earlier this year, and technically it still works except for the screen which has to be at an impossible angle in order to be lit. It's a pity to throw away a computer that still kind of works, but trying to get a new screen would not be worth it with such old hardware anymore.
That's like telling someone to date a tranny if he can't meet a nice girl.
What are you, some transphobe?
That's a perk I hadn't considered. The biggest problem with typing I'm different languages is the subtle keyboard layout differences. Most software is good enough at transliteration of Roman characters into foreign scripts though.
Of course. Whenever I see a trans person I get asthma attack, cold sweat and my heart starts beating like crazy as mortal fear grips me. My only course of action is to either run for my life or close my eyes and beat the shit out of the tranny until it's dead. Don't you dare to phobia-shame me for that.
use it as a server.
almost any computer going back until the early-mid 90s can be made into something useful. a mactop has more than enough power to stream, to be a file server, a mail server, a router, a multiplayer video game server, an irc network, tor node, and backup device, all at the same time. it isn't efficient at it, but it's much better than throwing away good hardware.
Macs have actually been pretty good laptops to install Linux on. How the fuck will Linux work with the touch bar? Do you think they'll get custom drivers? Maybe a BIOS default if drivers are missing?
Some company made these in the past, I think ten or more years ago. I've never seen or heard of anyone own them. But if Apple makes them then they'll become popular for sure.
no u
Their current version is $1500. The first-gen looked so much better, had actual individual OLED screens in each key. Current version is basically a transparent keyboard on top of an LCD screen.
I don't have a use for any of those suggestions. That's only for people who want to tinker for the sake of tinkering.
It's baffling why Apple would do this since it adds nothing in terms of usability. But that would be sane Apple under Jobs. This is current_year + 1 Apple, so gimmicky broken features are the order of the day.
lol wut
Optimus Maximus, the ATI Radeon X300 of keyboards.
You should see what they did with their Messages program. Tacked on with completely inane features that seem like a 12 year old's poorly implemented extension.
I have a macbook pro from 2009, I use that and an external HD a server (FreeBSD) for torrents and general downloads.
I had considered that, even wanted to buy a Raspberry Pi before I knew they are SJWs, but I have no idea what I would do with a server when I have only one computer I use. Plus I don't have any external screen to attach it to.
Closer every day.
I'd not worry too much OP. I'm a mac fag as well and no matter what some fanboys think I intend to stay with a mac until I get a better , non crappy heap of plastic shit laptop without aliens on it. I'm running linux on the side of mac OS and I love it.
I'm an old fag. I've got the money to spend so I will buy something I like and I don't give a fuck what people think. I'm done fiddling day in and day out, I just want to have something that fucking works out of the box. And on the days I feel like it I'll play around. The new MBP will be as great as the old ones and there will be a solution for Linux even if the f keys are gone.
If nothing else, he at least knew how to take neat ideas from others and attract a respectably-sized audience with them. Nu-apple is just sort of shitting out retarded ideas at random and expecting their userbase to love them.
Sounds like your screen's ribbon cable got pinched and needs to be replaced. Happens on a lot of laptops.
Already there.
Forgot pic.
jerbs ;-;7
wow I thought I was the only one like this
For a product that's supposed to be artsy the ad on their site sure is shit
If I wanted boypussy I could get boypussy, no need to resort to fucking boypussy who got their dick cut off.
Come on, macOS isn't that ugly.
How the fuck does Linux work anyway? Half the time it's just meme magic and weaponized autism.
Jobs was an asshole, but NeXT was tolerable.
I hate everything about it.
Trip trips. Motivated asshole's tend to be the ones that get things done in life. Donald Trump is an asshole, but he's going to make a hell of a President in a time the country is lacking strong leadership, as they're engulfed in a cabal of ZOG corruption... ahem, but yeah. My point is just that being an asshole isn't always a bad thing when it comes to the end result.
>>>Holla Forums
If I were to ditch mac, I'd get a Thinkpad P50, I'd load that mother up so bad it'd make your head spin. Believe me.
He's a bad goy gone rouge, are you too dumb to realize this? Or do you just want a #NastyWoman to embezzle more funds and bring us into WW3 with Russia?
Most Jews are not voting Trump you fucking dunce.
Try to exceed the speed of light next.
Hey, some guy that's not chump said something, lets attribute it to him!
That's what happens when you only have the backing of Netanyahu, Times of Israel, and Jewish Insider.
>>>/tumblr/ is calling for you. How does it feel to be represented by such a sad sack like Hillary. I mean really, you wanted Bernie at least, right? I've never met anyone that is legitimately excited for Hillary. Enjoy your new non-white friends if she wins, I can tell you that.
So, I reported you or trying to derail the thread
If you wanted to discuss politics why don't you go to /pol. yourself fam?
The problem is this: to what end? If not Trump, then who?
The die has been cast.
just report the bloody shitposter and stop replying to him you dumb fucks
So I reported you for trying to derail the thread.
If you didn't want to get triggered why don't you stay in /pol. yourself fam?
As if we needed any more evidence that Holla Forumstards are underage.
The "/po/tards" were actually staying on topic though. Enjoy your ban
Holy shit Holla Forumsacks got btfo
Reported for being triggered so hard ;^)
Reported for being this much of a stupid faggot
my sony vaio still is my daily driver, works great, 10 years old.
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kys faggot, this is Holla Forums not Holla Forums
fucking casuals.
freedom takes hard work you fucking cuck.
It's a way to get your muslim immigration numbers -> 0
Yeah, the guy who said he wants to restrict muslim immigration sneaked that in just to appear more moderate or something.
I want normies to leave.
Huh, so Trumpcucks really are low IQ plebbitor wiggers.
What the fuck is wrong with you people?
>>>Holla Forums
Get out commie
a shitposter from freech has been tryhard shitposting to start flamewars with Holla Forumstards pretty much since this election started. And the useless mods here wont do the proper thing and delete the posts, since its very apparently derailed this entire thread
Pic Related, Freech's nigger admin.
Don't forget the Jews who were conscripted to shill in this very important website by their lizard overlords
why not make a single lcd screen with the ability to change layouts instead of little individually lcds screens?