How exactly are Christians being persecuted again? Personally I find religion inherently foolish no matter which following, but the last time I checked Christians were still the majority in the USA. I don't ever see them being bullied. The gay marriage ruling for instance was merely to have their marriage fully recognized, so if the queers found a priest who was willing to oblige them, then they could then get it done. No one is actually forcing priests to marry gays if they don't agree with it.
You can't hate SJWs and then start whining about being bullied when you objectively aren't.
They're not. But the religious right is so used to having everything their way that anything less than theocracy is oppression.
Asher Young
go away sodomite
James Carter
Fuck off, breeder.
Ryder Phillips
That seems pretty fucking lame of them user
Jackson Diaz
The "fun" in fundie doesn't stand for fun
Nathaniel Rivera
Does that mean people like this woman will be in control now?
Dylan Hughes
He's not talking about USA, he's talking about the middle east and Africa where ISIS is cutting off infidels' heads.
Jonathan Reyes
part of the sectarian conflict in the middle east
Henry Martinez
Yeah I know, but the article reminded me of the narrative going around that christians in the US are being persecuted and marginalized these days, Trump has said this before too. I've heard it in conservative talk radio too. I just want to knwo the logic behind the statement.
Joshua Cooper
I hope not. Trump doesn't strike me as anti-porn but Pence is nuts.
Hudson Phillips
Also Trump doesn't understand a thing about Christians or the pro life movement. Listen to how Ted Cruz spoke about "Christian conservatives" and how Trump can only talk about how much he loves Scalia and the Bible.
Liam Gray
He is reffering to christians being persecuted in islamic countries. Christians are treated equally to homosexuals in the middle east. You have to pay a tax to even live there as a non muslim. Killing a christian isnt even a crime. Also how can american christians living in america be refugees? Are you retarded op? Nice bait you faggot
Angel Wilson
Colton Anderson
He told you in
Benjamin Gonzalez
Evan Bennett
I know theres some persecution in India, but groups that do that are treated about as equaly as islam persecuters here
Ian Morales
You should kill yourself, OP. Fucking fedoralord.
Cameron Ortiz
Blake Stewart
it's from /newsplus/
I take it you must not like them
Gabriel Hall
who is them? the retards jim pays 5 bucks an article to plagairise and re-spin mainstream news into a money spinning web of bullshit that links to his datamine? i despise them. i also despise you for using it. yes.
Luis Wilson
hey r prosecuted, cuz the silent status quo is being made fun of by vocal minority
Thomas Green
Lol how can persecuton b real if ur eyez arnt reel? Tehhh fuhkk???
Asher Jenkins
The real silent majority are the moderates and slightly left-leaning individuals who stayed home because they didn't like Trump or Hillary.
Don't get me wrong. There's plenty of butthurt, poverty-stricken white people blaming everyone but Porky for their predicament, but they are by no means a majority, nor are they silent.
Evan Hernandez
Muslim refugees are given priority over Christian refugees.