charlize theron never had childeren, insted she adopted two moneys.
this really ruined my day.
i'm not a Holla Forumstard and i'm not into that Aryan maymay, but she should have kids ! and many !.
not because she's white, but because she's a magnificent bitch, her gene should not be wasted ffs!.
i would buy her eggs if i could and raise the kids myself.
Charlize theron never had childeren, insted she adopted two moneys
Jeremiah Ramirez
Liam Hernandez
Xavier Lee
Or at least clone Charlize
Nathan Phillips
Gabriel Edwards
Brody Long
she was south African, never stood a chance
Henry Ross
maybe the hollywood kikes told her to do this if she wanted to get a new movie role
Logan Long
thats so fucking wrong!
i don't get it
Nolan Gonzalez
She never had children becasue she born male.
Lucas Allen
well in that case, i'm a huge faggot