Piercings peeking/hiding


ITT any pics of girls with nipple piercings showing with/without clothing



I really like the first pic you posted OP

There's some wonderful big jugs here.

How can i say no to this? Your make'n it really hard to say no to more

Shit fetish. Don't ruin nice jugs with your dumb degenerate faggotry.


Now post some that arnt fat as shit

This is the only boob thread here so i gotta bump it





Keep on posting OP.

Come on OP! I know you got more, fuck'n post that shit















That's all I got.

doesn't that fucking hurt? it doesnt even look hot.

Sage goes in every field.




Tits with nipple piercings can be pretty damn hot.

Third from the left.

Fourth from the left.

First from the left.

Fourth from the left.

Second from the left.

I can kinda go for this.

All the above ^^^^ are good to me. Mhmm.. Would suckle those lovely tits.

Wouldn't nipples piercings make them numb or less sensitive?


Delet this

(2nd pic)
(3rd pic)



Some relatively old OC I posted to halfcuck forever ago.