Porn Addiction

Have anyone here successfully managed to stop watching porn?

I've come to the point where i feel fucking awful about myself. I've been trying to stop for a while now, but its like a heroine addiction.
I feel like such a beta masturbating 8 times a day. I've tried doing 30 day nofaps, but i hardly last 1 day before getting bored and having a relapse.

I don't have much going on in my life and i'm pretty much limited to sitting in front of my computer all day, which makes it extra hard to stop because i don't have any other activities to keep me occupied.
Having porn just 1 mouse click away triggers my impulses, and i fucking hate it.

How do i stop this shit? I'm getting sick of myself, its taking over my life.

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I have little self control*

Cut your balls off.
Alternatively you can have a little self control

Congratulations, cuck. Why don't you go to a church and pray.

it's not

Just quit being a beta faggot and stop, it is fucking simple:
1) Unhook your computer and leave it in the closet for a few days/week
2) Start exercising and reading to keep yourself occupied, or pick up a hobby. Leave the house, even if it's just to go for a walk
3) Quit masturbating for as long as possible during this time. You can do it after a few days but keep it to a minimum and only once per day, in the shower.
4) Once you have this down plug the computer back in again, but simply abstain from watching porn. It is degenerate and fucks your brain up. Play video games or watch movies/tv shows to occupy yourself. If you feel the urge just turn the computer off.
5) If you fuck up repeat from step 1

After this you just have to keep up the schedule. I used to be like you but now I rarely watch porn, maybe once or twice a year if I'm in the mood. You will notice a huge difference. Good luck op, and quit being such a faggot.

I am confuse. What is the pron of which you speak?

I've been trying for a while.
My primary problem is, honestly, Holla Forums.
You can't be here without seeing porn. I'm able to resist the urge to go to actual porn sites for a while, but eventually my blue balls from seeing stuff like OP's pic just get too sore. If I ever really had to quit porn, I'd have to quit screentime in general: no PC and no phone.

Start by reducing the times you jerk off..If you jerked off 8 times yesterday make it 7,then 6..You can't just stop entirely..Its a slow proccess..I think a good point is to masturbate about 1 time per 2 days..I do it most times and its fine

Spotted the christfag