Dans ce fil on parlons français.
Je suis un burger qui essaye d'apprendre le français. Le français a l'air sympa, mais ça semble gay quand on parle d'hommes. Les filles français peuvent être mignonnes cependant.
Dans ce fil on parlons français.
Je suis un burger qui essaye d'apprendre le français. Le français a l'air sympa, mais ça semble gay quand on parle d'hommes. Les filles français peuvent être mignonnes cependant.
pouvoir blanc
such a beautiful language. sing to me like one of your french girls
♩ ♫ J'aime les grosses bites dans mon cul. ♫ ♩
i am crying such a powerful and touching song.
Ma grand-mère la chantait pour quand j'ètais jeune.
arabe ou noire, je m'en fous
dans mon trou tu peux carrer du tout
i would like to meet her someday
Elle est morte après un surdosage decoq.
*de coq
Trois gros pénis dans mon cul
Baiser jusqu'à ce que les boules soient bleues
casse toi, gros lard avec ton fn shill campaign. do you think we haven't been warned? tu pisses dans le vent.
Un peu de réalité dans ce monde d'illusions.
LE PEN 2017
le penis tout de suite
Someone translate this into frog
Omelette du Fromage
Spanish guy here, please, meme Le Pen up to presidency. We need someone like her (or like Trump or Farage) down here.
women in politics = trash
y'as que des gens qui essayent ou y'as vraiment des francophones ici ?
Kill yourself!
c'est ton choix
tu es un burger vous dites.
Apprenez la différence:
Femme de principe forte et indépendante
Pute en manque d'attention mal fringuée
take that horrid jewess cunt outta here
tttt triggered leftist cuck
take trump's dick deeper in your anus, faggot
kike-fellator detected. your transition to cuckold is programmed for may 2017. bon voyage. nous sommes fiers d'avoir accuelli un membre de la co-operative islamo pederast ce soir sur Holla Forums.
est-ce un surdose de foutre par voie anale qui t'a rendu bête, ou est-ce plutôt que le sperm n'est pas une denrée alimentaire comme les autres?
LePen is gonna win and no one can stop it
you sound like an expert in trans-sexual bodily fluids. stick to your competences, cumguzzler. it's obvious ou know nothing of france.
Tiens, si tu veux enrichir ton vocabulaire, je te conseil VALD
bruh i'm French.
nobody is gonna vote for the left, Macron is a faggot, would be like Holland bis and Fillon just get rekt by his wife's supposed job.
I don't speak French, but I would like to know how are things going in France? Do you guys really have hundreds of "No-Go zones"? When will the Civil War occur there?
Is it that bad?
18 million voted for hollande. who are they gonna vote for this time?
anybody but the fn. even dracula.
this was 5 years ago, Holland fucked up pretty bad.
if you ignore the anti-brown people rhetoric the FN is the most left wing party in France after Melonchon le front de gauche
Well, we have a guy with 4% of popularity as our president, Lefties living their lifes like brainless sheeps always praying for no mudslim goes akbar.
A French Bernie Sanders who spit on workers (Mélenchon)
Thatcher with more eybrows and a deeper pussy (Fillon)
Clinton 2.0 (Macron)
"The straw man" obliged (Hamon)
And the mysterious cunt who don't say shit because the others candidates are literally doing her job (Lepen)
Well, let's say there is a little bit of detroit in every "big" french cities.
At this moment, if somebody propose me to go in the USA get the citizenship and be a hobo since I don't have a job (because I CAN'T FIND ONE SINCE 3 YEARS while I'm in college).
Let me tell you.
I will forget everything about France exempt her glorious past.
I will join the US Army
And I will go back the day Donald J. Trump decide to get troops to France to purge every niggers,sandniggers and degenerates crawling in this country.
But since this is just my fantasy and I will probably join the French Army to get a life.
I've been discussing with some of my normies friends and at this moment, they are like headless chicken, running around.
The good news is that most of them are ready to vote FN if Fillon or Macron are in the round two.
Apporter des baguettes si vous venez en Amérique.
J'espère que le pen rend la france grande encore. Bonne chance.
wouldn't call that good news, Marine is gonna fuck us beyond repair.
are they pro FN or they just down't want Macron and Fillon?
how old are you bruh?
Better,I'll bring the original recipe and make it with patriotic love.
I know, but I see that as the "less evil"
They're against PS and UMP (since both fuck France in the ass since decades) but most of them told me they'll vote mélenchon at the first round because "he'll legalize weed" (fact is, I smoke more that all theses faggots united to cure my depression and still, that is not for me a reason to vote for that senator son of a bitch lefty jew.)
Franchement, au point où on en est, à la capacité GLOBALE (en prenant en compte tous nos possibles dirigeants), et a leur capacité à crée des emplois alors qu'aucun n'a vraiment bossé de toute sa putain de vie,
Je veux bien qu'on supprime le RSA et toutes les aides pour un revenu de 900€ min.
Et vu que ensuite la CAF ne sert plus à rien, bah les branles couilles qui venaient en France faire 8 gosses pour toucher les aides, bah c'est fini.
Seulement si le texte de loi est bien travaillé…
Je suis un étudiant américain qui a un projet pour ma classe de français.
Ce ne doit pas un essai ou quelque chose ordinaire.
Il est un projet créatif sur quelque chose français. I wish that I could differentiate between the words "some" and "any" in french.
Est-ce qu'il y a quelque chose intérassant pour mon projet? Je ne suis pas un ouiboo.
Aussi j'ai dix huit ans avant quelqu'un crie "underage."
Nous vivons dans un univers électrique.
Tesla avait raison!
Einstein était une fraude.
Si ça peut t'aider:
"Any": tout, n'importe
great idea. free money for a population already expert at abusively exploiting the welfare system. you can imagine the influx of gibmedats that would follow the announcement of 900balles par mois pour rien.
france is in dire straights: the entire political class is bankrupt of ideas and incapable of acting decisively. the socialist are losing their traditional support not because of their left wing policies, but because their policies aren't left wing enough for the ideologues de gauche who dominate the debate.
Le Pen is the last thing we need. the anti trump demos would pale in comparison to the organised militancy and strikes that would follow her election. an anti-immigrant dictat like trump's would be uncontrollable here. there'd be millions in the streets and nobody at work for weeks.
Everybody know shit's fucked.
At least if they legalize weed, It could be both the opening of a new market and more antidepressant since no one want to move or to do something and just watch it sink.
If you want my opinion, none of theses candidates should have present.
All of them are awful and no leader, no savior for us.
No french Nigel Farage, no french Trump and that's because this timeline is fucked up for France.
Our laws date from the 1950 and since we became a full member of EU in the 70, we've been losing, again and again. We can't create, we can't develop, we can't do shit (And trust me, I've tried everything, and that's why I go in the army, because being a part of this fallen system and use it while you can is the last thing you can do when a society is collapsing.
Hell, my family is half Spanish and 75% of them quit France because of "MUH DIVERSITY" and "EUROPE IS NOT MULTICULTURAL".
The way I see it:
Mélenchon: We get fucked in this ass by a fucking commie who can only yell to people with no arguments and a charisma close to a drunk hobo.
Scenario 1, 5 more years of Holland 2.0
Scenario 2, the guy is cool and listen to his people (ayyy lmao)
Will fuck us in the ass without even spit. More power for the banks, more power for the bosses, less job, more taxes, the Sarkozy 2.0
She get her strapped dildo and fuck us in the ass, but with asmr words.
Either she goes full tard and fuck the country up more that 70 years of socialism, multiculturalism, globalism (and other things finishing by "ism") could do and then, civil war, revolution (like we use to do honhonhon), beheading, maybe even a cultural purge.
Either she calm down, use her brain and praise kek.
For me, we are doomed anyway, so why no trying the thing the medias told us to not vote for? What do we have left to lost now?
an enlightening post.
very french. everything is going to shit so i'll get what i can out of it for myself. you are part of the problem, user.
Well, going to the army is the last thing I still can so since College here is a joke (It's free, but it's shit, for example, in english, you're not evaluated on the vocabulary, nor pronunciation or grammar, nonono, you need to lean that britbongs fucked up with climate to get a 20/20)
So, college is a no no, Mc Donald can go to hell, I can't have a loan from the bank for projects because "a 21yo is too hothead", can't do ulule because most money go to hipster shit from the capital, and being an artisan will probably make me end like my father: alcoholic, unsuccessful marriage, less money than before, can't help my kids to do better than me and probably fuck one of my clients before hang myself in the cellar.
I think I just need to go away from France once my duty is paid.
education is organized along ideological lines in france, both in content and in its delivery.
there is less room in the system for bright pupils than for disrupive morons. the pre-uni curriculum is dumbed down to be accessible to all which, while not disadvantaging the lazy and stupid, does nothing to encourage the clever or talented.
there are fields in which france still excels, notably mathematics, but most are low budget theoretical disciplines in which there are no retards to hold back the rest after a certain level and very few job prospects afterwards.
leaving france is an option if you are happy to be an immigrant. the problem is where to?
First, your dubs are check'd
Second, I don't know.
But look, the situation is just getting worst and worst. Now you can forget all that was "adverbs, adjectifs, COD, COI…", now, you have the "Predicat", google it if you want to lose faith in French education.
I can't even imagine the fact to have kids, because the last think I want right now, is my children to live in this shithole.
I was thinking about Siberia (because lots of gopnboo told me it's cheap, but I think it's the new catchword to replace "gulag") but I'm looking for a place where I can grow weed in the backyard and shoot some cans to pass time.
Or make Rhodesia great again…
lets hope Marine makes it then.
you are young and very emotional user. a life has to be hewn from the bedrock. it doesn't turn up readymade in the mail. the french have some difficulty with this because generations of their social model has created generations of increasingly entitled kids, to whom all is owed but who owe nothing in return, not even the effort required to grasp the freebie.
quit. go and freeze in siberia or get hot, hungry and aids in zimbabwe. whatever happens to you there will at least be of your own doing and you'll have nobody to blame.
or, you could grow a pair, stop whining and do better than the rest. even in france it can be done, despite the best efforts of the state to thwart your ambitions. box clever and never give in.
Une nana sexy!!
Y'a pas de nana sur internet, balance les boobs ou casse toi
The google translate is strong in this one. Fuck off with your freedum fries and white flag jokes, braves soldats américains.
On est ici, on est prévenu que les connards Américains essaieraient.
il y a une tentative par Holla Forums, oui.
Holla Forums se fait manipuler facilement. vis, trump.
resistons. que ce soit nous qui choisissons.
leur base est sur discord. buzzfeed a les details.
women only do this when the bottom of their face is ugly lol
they also do it to avoid being gratuitously trolled across the social media landscape by fat, attarded chan-addicts with nothing better to do than play with their cocks and eat packaged candy-turds from the microwave.
lol no they don't
Mademoiselle Cotarello? Puis-je vous appeler Kennedi? I've heared so much about you. I mean, I'm like wow. This is such a privilege for me.
Peut-on voir vos adorables et abondantes sourcils, s'il vous plaît?