How do you expect to die? Try and keep it realistic, but obviously you don't have to. But yeah.
And yeah, that's realistic I've got problems. Pic unrelated; pillows
How do you expect to die? Try and keep it realistic, but obviously you don't have to. But yeah
Your thread you start jew my friend
Heart attack while fapping
I expect to die from suffocation from 2D waifus. Remember, more than one waifu will ruin your laifu
If a mod is on they can confirm same ip from my post. But hey, drug overdose is an answer. Want more detail?
Doing too much intentionally is pure autism and is asking to die. And if you live, you will be feeling like shit the entire time wishing you didn't take it.
Unless you want to die, of course. But there are much better ways of suicide than that
This, they find me dead under a shit ton of waifu pillows
killing myself
Dakimakuras are gr8 m8
probably hiv, i do enjoy poz
probably gonna follow this user
It'll be daijobu user
If only
Assuming I live until old age, when I start to reach the point where I'm decrepit enough that I can't remember my loved ones or wipe my own ass or whatever, it'll be time to an hero. Probably via drug overdose. Just stick a few dozen fentanyl patches to myself or something.
I don't want to be a shell that just sits around shitting himself and not knowing what's going on.
either suicide in 15 years or cancer in 40 years
Something bad will happen between the ages of 30-32 i can feel it in my bones
Although I'm nothing but bones to begin with. Yohohoho!
Probably from a car accident, a gun or blade (my banter), or a flue, cancer, or virus.
We're all nothing but just bones.
Well, I am quite a thin person.
I have a fetish for unnaturally thin people (not anorexic with flabby skin tho)
Do you happen to have a gap between your legs too?
I'm a man by the way, and yes, I suppose I have a gap between my legs. I'm not "unnaturally thin", I've just always been thin, despite eating much more than typical people my age throughout most of my life.
I used to hate it as a kid, but now I see it as a blessing. Judging by my parents, my metabolism will slow down later on in life and I'll fill out.
I assumed.
Now i just need to see that. Can i?
Well if you're talking about that, I used to be a skelly too. Eventually I decided to bulk up a bit and now I'm only slightly underweight, kind of missed those days though since I could eat anything I want I doubt it was healthy though.
Sorry, but I'm straight. Nice pic though.
You're right that I'm a skelly, but I have been working out. I need to find some way to test my arm strength to see how much progress I'm making.
A'right, sorry for the bother.
I'm super high so i couldn't contain myself.
Have some more.
Don't worry about it. I like traps, but that's as gay as I'll go.
Checking how many kilos whatever you're lifting has is a pretty good way to determine it.
Why contain it?
I have two tiny weights (not sure how much they weigh) that I cram into one hand. They're light, so I lift for hours while I watch anime and stuff.
traps are literally men you faggot
I get real annoying while high sometimes.
Not that i would know anything about it, it just seems the common consensus.
Ever heard the name AverageGuy?
But they look like girls, so I can trick my brain. Also, I would feel guilty if I used a female purely for sex. I know how hard it is to find virgins, so I (try) not to ruin girls for other guys, which I've managed so far.
Lift something really heavy and set it on a bathroom weight to weigh it, that's what I do since I'm a poorfag and do calisthenics.