Infinity Next is the best Imageboard software ever.
Prove me wrong.
Infinity Next is the best Imageboard software ever.
Prove me wrong.
Other urls found in this thread:
I am m712 and I approve of this post.
It's actually 40
Lynxchan is the one that can only build 5-7 pages/second/core
sure thing bud
the people shilling it
How is it even possible for webdevs to make shit that slow.
By not having a document cache.
It's actually much faster than lynxchan, btw, when you're comparing the same thing. Almost 6x faster, in fact.
Lynx just likes to show off the fact that he doesn't know how to properly benchmark.
meguca engine is way better TBH.
infinity next was written with redundant frameworks. While it was fast at the beginning, the speed and performance fell that is because of not using NOSQL database.
Plain PHP would've been fucking fast but that lavarel meme just limited both it's capabilities and speed to the point no one wants to adopt next's engine.
I't would be fast if written with plain C + C libraries and just PHP.
PHP itself is bloat enough and I don't understand the purpose of lavarel aside from making it noob friendly. Jquery is shit. HTML 5 is shit.
If I'm gonna write another imageboard I'd use:
NOSQL database
#no SJW libraries and frameworks like Jquery or lavarel
WML (web markup language)
pure C
Please stop shitposting ironically.
b-but jim!
"muh realational databases" are not a serious concern for anyone but google
you'd have to be a fucking retard not to use a framework, it cut down time to implementation drastically and I can imagine the clusterfuck that would've come from reimplementing good database migrations and querying, protections like CSRF tokens, and so on.
C is just a meme for the web, you'd probably want to use C++.
jquery makes cross-browser compatibility easier, even in this day and age.
the rest is blatantly obvious meme spouting, as if what I've already addressed wasn't obvious enough.
it's ironic shitposting.
OP status:
$$proven wrong$$
cripple dicksucker btfo
You did it wrong
Seriously you stupid newfag, it tells you in the options menu up top
Dollar signs were originally for LaTeX but do to server issues HWs permanently disabled it
A teasing or joking remark.
So while we're still shitposting about Imageboard software. How come nobody ever talks about TinyIB? Is it because simple IB scripts are dead and every fucking chan needs board creation these days?
It should automatically archive every link that posted. This feature should be implemented on 8ch.
>Happy Birthday Holla Forums
Great, 3 years already, may this place exist for 3 more
That can be easily done with javascript, but gookmonkey doesn't like
Nigger, is slow as it is. Having it archive every Holla Forums thread that gets purged is asking for them to block all incoming archive requests from us
I'm talking about links in post themselves,not the woe thread.
It'd optionally replace all links with that, which queries archive and can also prompt you to save if it's not there already, or save it if it's out of date.
This would be done in javascript.
But of course, the incompetent gooks running this site are incompetent. Ya know, what with 3/4 of the fucking site disappearing a few days ago, and still gone, because their NIH'd cache shit the bed.
I never got the fetish.
If that site ever dies you are left with a whole heap of dead links.
Firefox is doing something where it redirects 404 to the Internet Archive which sounds better.
Some sites won't let you archive through the wayback machine,some times websites get the wayback machine to delete content.
I don't care what site is used it's just that the wayback machine is not perfect.
Oh shit I'm retarded. You mean URLs posted. My bad
It doesn't matter what it replaces links to.
In fact, it could also be an optional replacement to That also supports the querying, and saving automatically if it's not archived, via the same URI.
But again, Gookmonkey is too busy larping on Holla Forums about how he can integrate @tay into the site. Ya know, while more than half of the threads and indexes on the site are throwing the Gook's version of 404, because a desktop in shitty FreeBSD cluster probably died?
The " fetish" originally came from GamerGate, where it was custimary to post archive links to news stories to deny corrupt journos ad revenue
Then is sort of trickled down past GG
Oh, and numerous thumbnails and sometimes even custom CSS too.
If I had my way every time a post is made the site would convert any web page that posted.
So you get the original link,wayback machine link,and link automatically.
Because it sounds like me when I was showing off my shitposting bot on Holla Forums. Which is basically just a python script that uses the chatterbot API. I was saying I can remake Tay by having the machine learning AI shitpost on Holla Forums for a few hours.
That would be an innovative idea, but too bad MS would shut it down.
I would like pol to train the AI and have it harass chat bots or whoever.
And, again, optional, because it'd be done by javascript. This was already brought up on /sudo/ and of course it was shot down. They don't like any of that.
Not to mention, reverse image search links.
Referrer policy (being standardized right now.)
And so on.
I do hope that Nextchan comes alive again. I have some plans when I don't work as much to really make it great again. Not just the bot API, which is easily done with Laravel's controllers, but a bunch of quality of life and javascript features, in addition to fixing bugs and working on proper caching.
Thanks for correcting the record fam
Maybe I should put what I have on Github. I already have a bot that takes the OP of a given thread numbers text as input and then posts a response in the thread. I need the bot to reply to other people and such too though so it can really actually learn how to respond to input.
The one thing stopping me is that it might get abused by spammers
I dunno what you mean by that, the fact that he's larping on Holla Forums while half of the site is missing from his terrible NIH'd cache in the second image of that OP is fucking hilarious.
No It should be Mandatory as there been times where somebody posts a link,didn't archive it,and then 45minutes later the content was taken down.
At the very least I'd have it exposed as a board option for the relevant javascript to make a decision. Not global.
Which is quite easy on Next. They'd probably have to query te settings API on every page load with the way this shithole works.
in general they just broke the site completely for mobile and just don't care. it's still broken with their own app.
i wouldn't bother even trying to suggest any features, apparently some poor souls are on /sudo/ and are tired of the banter, trying to convince them to open source shit and add real features, but they're just optimistic idiots.
somewhat related, people on 4chaim are getting autobanned for posting the names of CTR people.
wonder how much CTR "donated" to Hiroyuki?
mode banuj nextczyka
t. czaks
$$nice try, josh idf. check my fancy italics$$
what the fuck? Stallman is actually good at flute?
Hitler did nothing wrong
Why not? He has plenty of time to practise between public speaking and taking credit for all that code he doesn't write.
Relational databases are a concern, if you get around 50 updates per second per decently active thread.
Once again, speed matters a lot with short update intervals.
Only if you care about IE8.
lmao, no.
i can smell the brazillian that you are from here, to be honest.
did you miss out on the last decade of backend development because you're an underage hue, lynx, or is it just because you're a fucking retard?
do you want me to mention the fact that you're actually slower than next when it comes to cache updates?
even josh's software can do 50 posts per second, with db transactions, and this was benchmarked on a fucking 2007 i5 by hotwheels himself.
you are just a fucking retard.
nah, compatibility is still shit
don't even let me get into the fact that there's still no datepicker
sorry that's actually 2011, big typo there. whatever the shitty processors jim gave us, as if we should've been grateful.
jQuery: A 30kb library which lets you do the same as 3 lines of vanilla JavaScript.
+Compatibility with ancient browsers (which literally nobody uses any more)
-Grindy inefficient DOM manipulation
-Hipster friendly syntax
jquery 2 doesn't even support IE8, you fucking retards
Holla Forums also pulls in jquery
also, if you're talking about consuming updates, instead of writing updates, there's this thing called a database cache, and further, document caches. have you heard of them? it's pretty good stuff.
ya know, shit that has been around more than a decade.
everytime I talk to this fucking brazillian it's like he's never actually developed web backend worth two shits, and his only experience is from writing the VIDYAGAEMS in nodejs, which he thinks makes him an expert on WEB SCALE.
You know, before shilling your project you should at least make sure it works. There is no excuse for this.
Also, don't use javascript alerts faggot.
Not Lynx.
I tried writing a simple post update benchmark for my imageboard and it can do 230 writes per second on my cheap laptop. But that is from a single single-threaded client, so most of the time it was blocking on IPC with CPU at around 10%. I'm not even sure how to write a saturation benchmark for blocking multi-process I/O and can't find any literature easily. Oh well.
Ah, I guess. It's better, if you only care about the evergreen browsers, but still quite bad.
There actually is, but not in FF or Safari. Honestly, with MS shipping an actually up to date browser now, those two are quickly becoming the modern IE.
Yeah, still need to integrate a cache too.
Yes, and?
That was not me. Looks like your NodeList is not not iterable. That should have been detected. What's your browser and version?
what the fuck?
what even is this shit?
good luck writing a secure website within the next year in C.
... Wait a sec. Is this actually Josh? That trip looks familiar.
Josh is webscale
Josh's trip was leaked. Post as "Josh## and Void" (because his other username is "null", get it?).
lynxchan detected