How do we fix this shit?

how do we fix this shit?

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We are in quite a predicament. The whole stack of network techniques, languages, software and standards is shit. Expanding on that, most software is crap, but this particular area takes the cake.

Webassembly and WebGL. Use browsers as a glorified application loader, obsoleting 99.99% of their code. Make a version of that 0.01% remaining code that can be bundled with a packaged version of your "web" app to load it natively. Congrats, the problem is solved and we can move forward again.
The issue here is text. If you've ever tried to write a serious WebGL app that can replace a web page you'll have realized that font handling is a total clusterfuck and there's no easy way around it. And before you say something dumb like "just make a texture atlas!", try that shit with multiple unicode languages, multiple font faces, and multiple font sizes on the screen simultaneously. We need a solution for this as it's the only thing now preventing the transition away from HTML.

IE is the standard all other browsers should be held to.

Kill everything that isn't IE

But we already determined that all browsers are shit, so they're all up to par with IE. :^)

Basically: The code people work with is shit, the way they implement it is shit and the features they add for largely no reason are shit.

Create a browser that does nothing but display raw text, then carefully go from there. We've reached a point where loading scripts is at best a hassle and at worst a security risk, so why even bother?

If you've ever tried to make a webpage using WebGL you need to fucking kill yourself.

That's pretty much the main problem. I don't want or need someone shoving apps to run on my computer. Send me HTML text, that's it. At most some images (that I can load at my leisure).

The GUI was a mistake, and a big, fat waste.

Sometimes I seriously think that

If only we had some more common abstractions over how text was displayed, perhaps with some sort of nested structure and denotation tags. Im thinking maybe a common markup language, along with something to allow styling and some light scripting language to enhance the page; LISP or something somewhat like it.


I've had to make a complex chart editing webpage out of HTML + SVG. It was a disgusting nightmare of complexity and bloat but would have been straight-forward in WebGL were it not for the font problems. Sorry to tell you but your webdev skills (likely your only skills) are going to be worthless once we have a solution for this and it's being worked on.

Making web browsers into mini operating systems was a serious mistake.
They should just be a way of sharing documents and files, and all a webpage should be is a minimally interactive document that displays these things.

It would also be fine for a browser to serve as a manager for programs that rely on the internet. Like compiling notifications from them and such. A package manager even.
But those programs should run natively on your computer. Holla Forums would be a client you download, for example.

apps are the future.

99% of people are probably fine only ever visiting 5 or so sites.

Just make an app for each and retire browsers.

Big sites like Facebook, Twitter, Youtube could probably get away with blocking browser altogether and forcing people to use their apps instead.

Agreed. There's no reason for a lot of websites to be websites.

This is where WASM will hopefully take us.

That sounds horrible.

Sounds like Holla Forums alright.

Use a java applet :^).


In that case the browser situation is great cept for Safari.

Case closed.


Why? What's so special about running it in your browser? The software wouldn't be total garbage either.

The web is already dead. If you're on mobile you've likely chosen to read this through an app rather than use the browser. The only thing keeping browsers relevant is they are installed everywhere and provide a portable execution environment to target. They will gradually morph into being nothing more than a virtual machine.

Having to download and install an application for each website you want to visit is very inefficient. The point of having sites to visit is it provides end user efficiency. If you require each user to download and install a client for each website you lose that efficiency. And anyways, it's not as if making a client would remove any of the actual stuff that your browser does right now. All you're really doing is moving responsibility from the browser to the client. What's the point of that?

IE is miles ahead of FF and spinoffs. It's more efficient than Chrome and if you enable all the safety controls it's probably as or more secure as well.

Dillo is part of the FLTK master race, is faster/leaner with better CSS support (for now).
Netsurf is still developed, has/will get JS, has a clean modern arch and supports shit like HTML5.

So Dillo, until Netsurf gets better.

Unicode is a character encoding, and it doesn't care about the language.
Maybe read the W3C Web Accessibility and Design Guidelines and don't rely on pushing your own fonts on users. (think about Tor/NoScript users too)
Start with using a generic family as fallback {font-family: ...., sans-serif}

How the fuck do charts require using fonts?

Like the Holla Forums API which gives you a minimally interactive document, and the Overchan app which displays it on your mobile?

1) IE is discontinued
2) V8 is king, deal with it
3) IE was always the first browser to get hacked at sponsored whitehat speedhack competitions. Second was usually Safari, followed by FF. Chrome often never got hacked within the time limit.

With no security features enabled sure, whatever you say.
Please stop.

Surely you're taking the piss. Dillo doesn't even support putting two block elements side-by-side.

Now I'm sure you're trolling. Only the default security matters and of course Safari is worse off than FF.

Yes, but FF is no where close to as secure as IE11.
If you're trying to get money from a grandma sure. Actually, has anyone breached IE11EPM+EMET? But go live in your fantasy land where FF is super secure and no one enables even basic security features ever.

Build a new non-profit that can't be corrupted by executive greed and fork Firefox.

Is there any money in that, when it's a given that someone stupid enough to install Windows 10 is part of the security chain?

You're already doing that. Try turning off javascript.

Jesus fucking christ this place is dead. Windows sympathizers everywhere is one thing, but endorsing IE? By god let it end.

IE is depreciated, and even edge is behind chrome and FF in web standards. Not that the browser scene is particularly good at the moment, with the risk that chrome becomes defacto, leading to the usual problems associated with lack of competition, but at least google has a much better track record than monopolysoft. At least for now.

The web really went downhill after Lynx and Mosaic.

Getting into uncalled for, edgy angsty teenager territory there matey.

The point is if a user enables extra security measurements on IE, you should also consider a user using NoScript/uMatrix on FF with other security addons. Also the way you just shrug off posts instead of replying is retarded.

It's a very involved flowchart. If you've seen Blender's node editor or Unreal blueprints, think of those but with more text.


Do you think this is a real life face to face conversation here? Everybody says "kill yourself", all the time on any chan. It's not rare. I was just amused about the fact that you took it seriously and replied with a personal insult specially made for him.

You seem overly concerned, user. Are you sure that zing didn't sting?

I want to penetrate Inori's proprietary butthole.

Look at the benchmarks. Any one you want.
Chrome blows them away.
Has anyone audited the version of firefox you're running?

Build time.

Just outbid the internet for the location of the next Olympic Games.

I'm not even the user you were talking to. I was just laughing while pointing at your butthurt.

This tbh. If Qutebrowser is so good how come my work websites won't work outside of IE? Freetards btfo.

There's this wonderful project called palemoon. Many people consider Firefox 25 the glory days of Firefox, so why not give it a go?

I've been using it as my main browser, and i must say: it's very nice.

kill yourself

Nope, even normalfags have to do research for papers and shit.

The way browsers went is a mistake.

Having applications available by typing an address is not very efficient. We should be able to download anything we use from a package manager.

Yeah if I want a Celsius to Fahrenheit converter I shouldn't just google it and click a link. I should be able to download it through a package manager and use it once.

Browsers went downhill the moment they stopped just being text. Maybe images are alright, but having actual logic and providing interactivity available everytime you type an address without worrying about keeping it updated is just stupid.

I think GUIs were a mistake. Everything should be keyboard based it makes everything so much better.

Fuck no! This has to be bait.

Having a gorillion different webpages is everywhere is inefficient and if they ever to want to censor them they'll just remove them from google and for 99.9% of people the sites ceases to exist.

Agree 100%
Make faceshit, jewtube, leddit into apps only.

All the normalfags leave, and the web becomes le sekrit club again.

Stop whining about Windows moving towards app store shit, then. That's exactly how what you're describing will come to pass.

In fact, if you let Windows become truely app store shit, everyone worth a fuck will move to linux along with their software.

Cluttering up users hard drives with a gorillion different clients is also inefficient.

And then remove it from your hard drive when you no longer need it. Which is exactly what happens when you load a webpage designed to do this.

Only reasonable post ITT.

In the time it takes you to open some shitty apt-based package manager I can Ctrl+Shift+J and write `F=C => C * 9 / 5 + 32; F(37)`

Normies would gobble up the marketing bullshit making it seem positive for the common user to not need, or be able to, use the (((service))) with a browser. And, of course the useful idiots will be fine with .

So I'm trying out Pale Moon but the tab switching is getting to my nerves. I just want ctrl + tab and ctrl + tab + shift to work like they do in other browsers, without fancy menus. There's nothing in preferences to change that. Any way to change it in the about:config menu?

nevermind, just found it myself. (browser.ctrlTab.previews parameter)

Use Pale Moon Commander.

Emphasis on the "at least for now". They seem to slide more and more to the arms of the jew every day. Eric Schmidt opened the pandoras box and ever since it's been going deeper and deeper into the hole.

I used to like Google. I even trusted them a lot even as a big corporation. I didn't mind using their products but these days it's like a giant ass spy network infringing on every aspect of my life. That would be a little less worrying if they at least acted as they did before, but now it's all about selling your ass.

install gentoo





Daily reminder that PM is trash if you use Youtube. Or any other site for that matter.

t. used PM for more than 2 years and ditched it for Firefox because I got fed up by YT being shit under PM.

It's over for the other browsers, chrome has fixed the rendering problems on high dpi screens.

Latza can't get dubs

remove winblows

Abandon normienet altogether, make a browser to browse ipfs html site exclusively.

At this point you'd have to make a whole new protocol. There's too much unnecessary bloat with current standards. There also needs to be a way to reduce fragmentation amogst clients.

Works fine for me. I don't know what you're doing user that I'm not.


Get rid of javascript. Maybe add a few fixed functions for commonly used behaviours, like having drop down or popup windows when you hover over links (like when you hover over a >>postnumber here) and for playing videos and audio.
Allow for updating parts of webpage without having to refresh the entire thing without js (do websockets do this? I don't know much about modern web developement tbh).

fuckin lel


js is good though

No it isn't

Tech normie here. Can someone explain to me why in hell all browsers suck these days?

Firefox is shit
Chrome is shit
Safari is shit
Egde/Safari is shit
Vivaldi is shit
Brave is shit

The rest look shit or are too fiddly. What the hell happened?

Is it too much to ask to get a browser that works, doesn't look like crap, isn't NSA disguised as software?

It's too much to do because what you ask for is impossible. It's impossible to write general software that also simultaneously satisfies your subjective and incoherent demands. What is possible is to have a list of highly specific demands instead of nebulous descriptors like "Firefox is shit".

Good argument.

No argument

chrome and opera are fine.