Can you give yourself aids? Like, if you're jacking off and have a cut on your finger and some sperm gets into the cut, can you give yourself aids?
Can you give yourself aids?
Nigger what?
Do you understand what you're asking?
Yes, but it wont be anything you don't have already.
Worse than that OP.
The very smell of semen is enough around an open cut to give you AIDS. The virus can float in the air for about a day. Long enough to finally land on an open cut and infect you.
Yeah. Wear gloves when you jack off OP. I jacked off without gloves last week but I forgot I had this cut on the back of my right index finger. I lifted my urinary hose and some human juice fell into the cut and I passed out instantly and was diagnosed with aids. Shit sucks cuz I'm not even gay. I might as well be cause I got aids now fuck.
Just make sure to wash your hands before and after jacking off
You can easily pick up aids from anything from a handshake to doorknobs
I dont know about that user. I read this book about this girl who would do all sorts of nasty shit, like put her pussy on public bathrooms like under the toilet seat where all the nasty stuff is. She would also rub it on door knobs and alsorts of nasty shit. Its a true store, i dont know the name of the book but she dont have aids…
What if someone who had aids gizzed on your hand and you rub'd it unda u arm pitss? And and it drid up and its allz crustys would u gots aidz thun?
What if you put aids with mustard on a hotdog? Would the mustard sanatize the aidz orz wouldz you getz the aidz?
what was the poin of the book?
Was no point. It was more like just about her life, and her nasty habits.
really i should write a book too. sounds like they publish anything
All right i didnt read the fucking book, i dont read books, just wanted to sound like a normie. My sister read it and told me about it.
tell us more about your sister, user
She is asian and was switched at birth
greentext sexy stuff
No, AIDS is a disease of the blood, so you either have it or you don't. But many other STDs infect either your mouth, penis/vagina, or anus, so self-infection is possible. Worst case is if you get any gonorrhea or herpes in your eye – you can go blind!!
If you stand on your head while you jack off, you are immune. Post pics.
Probably for weird people to masturbate.
why the fuck not?
who would buy a book to fap? u gotta be really stupid
no because you already have hiv the virus that causes aids in your bloodstream.
You could give yourself aids if you knew somebody had aids and specifically attempted to get it from them, or if you had a syringe of it that you pumped into yourself or something to that effect.
Otherwise, no, you could not contract aids from yourself, because you already have it, therefore, if you had aids, and jacked off onto an open sore, for example, you wouldn't be contracting aids, because you already have it. Either you don't have it, and would not contract it, or you did have it, and would also not be contracting it at that point (as you would have contracted it prior).
einsteins lost sperms been found
dub dubs of truth