What the fuck is this?

Why would somebody so rich donate to fags instead of military veterans or such?

Other urls found in this thread:


Because liberalism is a mental disorder.
btw he didn't donate; he "raised" the money.
Rich liberals always fund their social conscience with other people's money.

protection money


because markiplier and his fans are retards.
"Oh I love mark so much! He fueled my mental illness of me thinking im a man!"
LGBTQ needs to just die out. they spread AIDs more than black people.

YouTuber fangirls are a species of their own, it's incredible. That whole demographic is both fascinating and terrifying to observe. Markiplier's fans would send him their organs in the mail if he asked for it.


who cares. We have pewdiepie :^)

Well the greatest threat to faggotry today is islam, so if they actually work on helping gays then I would be happily support it.
However I doubt it.

Was that whole thing just sarcastic, joking comments out of context or has he really taken the redpill?

because he thinks gay people are more deserving of his money than veterans?

in all seriousness, all pewdiepie is verifiably is anti-sjw. Anything else is pure speculation, but I like to imagine him as being full-blown Holla Forums, hiding his power level using semi ironic humor

He used to browse half/v/


look at his hair, he's one of them

also because people are automatically more oppressed than others in the privilege olympics by not the money they have but their conditions.

its the same reason moonlight won the oscars because it was about gay blacks.

Markiplier seems like a good person but he is definitely cucked. Did you guys hear about Jontron though? had an interview with Breitbart and went on Sargon's podcast.





There's a hide button.

whats the blue chick with the horns? i want porn of her

stay triggered, Sarcuck


because he can relate to fags and he can't relate to military veterans.

also, he won't gain any viewers by donating to military veterans. no one likes military veterans but everyone likes faggots.

Those are Homestuck horns.
