Don't Forget To Racemix, Goys, It's Your Civic Duty

New Miscegenation propaganda from Hollywood, will be sure to win lots of awards. Remember, whitey is evil, unless whitey hates himself and all other whites.


Other urls found in this thread:

Holla Forums should really make a showing in the comments. Don't let the kikes control the narrative.

m8 either you take a stand for marriage or you don't. God got nothing to do with it.

What the fuck are you talking about?

Civilization, bruh

Jesus fucking CHRIST. Look at those comments.



well get in there m80


Citation needed

Aight fuck it abolish the human race


Jeff Nichols is a piece of shit sell out, about as token as it gets. He made a few decent movies with all white casts usually placed in Arkansas, then just recently got two big studio movies, this being the second one. He sold his soul.

le friendly kike lawyer

I've been seeing more and more white man + black woman stuff around the place the past year. I think they're doing this because the media is swamped with black men + white women propaganda so much so that no-one takes notice anymore. It's not enough to turn white women away from good white men, they're going to attempt to turn white men away from good white women.


Virtue Signalling: The Movie

It's not immoral if it doesn't hurt anybody.

This guy is a Jew with his own youtube channel. Tear this kike apart.


Are you him?

Anyway its literally the other way around. I've seen niggers attacking white guys for dating black girls a hell of a lot more than the other way around. Jewish Hollywood portraying the opposite of reality like always.

Best turn back the way you came boy.

Protect us, oh Lord, from the the fury of the Yale journalism majors!


In an emergency, feces, like bananas, may prove to be a suitable substitute for hydrocarbon-based lubricants but only until the next workshop.

lol wew



I really enjoyed all of his other movies.

I guess it's to be expected.


Bump in support


Which one of you is triggering that libshit with me?

are you Fritiof Fittcranz?


lmao top kek

Hi supanoseinpone.


We've got nothing to worry about. There is literally no amount of kike propaganda that will ever make Negresses appear attractive.

That's a good point about religion. But Christianity is cucked and supports race mixing.

Jew lawyer at (1:21).

No intl.

Catholicism is.

Some Europeans really do have a fetish for segregation era U.S. history. It's like they think George Wallace was president and niggers hung from lamp posts on every block.

They see propaganda like this along with BLM niggers marching and they must think Jim Crow is still in effect.

not D&C, I know there are some Europeans who have a realistic view of current and past U.S. history

Fedora's on Holla Forums confirmed for bots.

The religion is based on Jew worship, but I don't want to derail this thread, so lets just agree that we both hate these fucking cucks.

It doesn't. The Bible forbids race-mixing.

That's how you can tell today's 'Christians' are nothing but Leftist faggots who don't even follow their own religion.


All of you are filtered. This isn't an argument about religion and you're trying to derail the thread

Source? Or just elaboration from the Tower of Babel story?


This is why I come on Holla Forums. I had a loud audible laugh user.

We should go full Holla Forums. Try to get the vote count reversed (more downvotes than upvotes) and post redpills in the comments

Go full Holla Forums 24/7, normalize it. Make racism the norm, fight cuckery with redpills, that's the only way.

The truth will always outshine the lies if they are both given the time of day.

I'm responding to shills you cancer.

Fuck off back to your safe space.

It's the reason God abandoned the ones you know today as jews (Edomites), they wouldn't stop race-mixing even when God told them to cut it out.

You can't even make it up. You just can't.

See goy?!? It's 0% Jewish! Therefore, you should all start mixing it up! Don't you want love too goy??! Diversity prevents in-breeding!



A damn shame, I really liked his previous movies.

not even he can escape (((Hollywood)))

Always do\think the opposite of what (((they))) say.

No (((Casey Neistat))), we are nicest people on the planet, until we are not.

16 year old nigger loving christian missionary girl in La Ceiba Florida. Mother is also a coalburner and the father is a cuck. scammed money from MTW Ministries to build a school and instead blew it on themselves.

I suck. La Ceiba Honduras.


I wonder if Steinmeier is going to put his boot in his mouth again.

I can smell her stank through the screen. That's one nasty whore.

I remember being forced to watch a documentary about these fucks a few years back; along with every other student in my county, all in one theater.

Well well well.

Some cuck is unironically arguing for white genocide, but I'm guessing he doesn't know that.

It's a fake profile. Stop being dumb.

So I found that picture here:

The guy is: billus nye

That guy is one of the ugliest kikes I've seen, but that's a fake account. His real account has 3.5 million subscribers.

Hes not dumb. He's driving a narrative.

Abolishing human rights.

fake profile confirmed. thanks user

The worst part about all of this is he's so deluded that he thinks just because everyone is mixed they would stop killing each other.

Did anyone else see the newest Budweiser commercial in which it tried to show the greatness of being Americans?

It only showed two Whites in the entire ad. One was delivering Budweiser, so you couldn't see his face, and another was a White woman holding the hand of a negro male. you only saw up to the forearm

Daily Reminder that (((they))) are conditioning us for our death

This is some heinous shit man. I've seen some pretty crazy lefty stuff, but this is tops the take. Also this is his GF.


Truly reptilians.

By his gf you of course mean your gf, rite?

All right. You win.

how's this for a summerfag? i think i hit a nerve because i got 3 replies for the cost of 1



Man she got triggered

A telltale sign of a normalfag being in full damage control is when they make multiple responses in a row telling you to get a life and asking whether you have something better to do at the cost of the irony of them dwelling on your truthful ideas.


I have been following the top comments in this video and the red pilled comments where removed and the positive remain.


The libtard salt is a plenty Holla Forums, Get in there while the gettings good!




This one is real common, but I've never gotten the psychology behind it. Does anybody have any clue?

I feel like they are staring right out of the monitor into my eyes.

Nigger, don't look long, seriously, and then cross yourself. There's a reason why the immediate reaction is revulsion.

No one else will

It's like pretending to have the higher ground or something.

Keep triggering this fool

Ugh it's that nigger from preacher. I fucking hate her

No, it's a way to insult someone while virtue signalling at the same time.


The idea is that you're supposed to be shamed and then apologize for your evil ways or face further ostracization.

The procedure you describe is not out of the ordinary. What is the criteria?

These niggers, man, smh tbh.

Holla Forums confirmed in comments

Probably talking about 4cuck Holla Forums


found the kike

You sound like a chatbot, I don't understand.

The race mixer being a dude surprised me a bit, but the blond hair still makes me notice it. Every time I see an interracial couple with a black dude, it's 90% a white girl with blonde hair.

What it this, Pokemon kike?
take a hike, fag.
Lotus blossom is ass

Its like chemicals don't exist in your world. Sad cave forest world.

They want the blondes gone first, remove the nords.


This piece of shit keeps posting in various comments: Go fuck yourself.

What a beta-male faggot.

Wouldn't it be best for white girls to racemix with black males so the average black IQ would raise gradually over time?
Eventually leading to blacks not being such a violent and ignorant nuisance?
If we give the black men our white women, then we can just take the asian women to gradually raise the IQ of the white race, creating an ultra-ubermensch.

You need white men to fertilize the eggs of our white women, if some other race does it, then there won't be any more white males, thus white genocide.

Lol, wish I had a google throwaway so I could troll the fat fuck.

Fuck off, Holla Forums. Just sterilize the niggers.

What's that? A Carl the Cuck-themed iPhone?

No, no it wouldn't. There's this great thing called genocide, we can do that to the niggers.


Some shitty show for teenage girls.

There's nothing you can really do about it anyway. White women are going for black men in record numbers. Just accept your fate. Whites are sexually inferior to the black man.

Nice meme. Got stats?

Do you do it for free?

I don't know what it is but this guy gives me the heepy-jeepies. What a creep.

It's called anti-charisma, it makes you depressed and disgusted by reality.

How did you get his unlisted video?
Are you him?

If it happens to one group of people not your own, what makes you think it won't happen to your group of people eventually?


But I am white…………..


Hop in an oven kike

Believe it or not, it can happen to your (((white))) group as well

Statistically black men are the least desired, white men the most. That's across every ethnicity but black women.

Approval =/= Amount

I wouldn't expect a nigger to understand words, though.

I'm not Jewish either. I'm only about 1/5th Ashkenazi(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)


There was a time when such a relationship was taboo and un-promoted, you know, which naturally means there would be less of that type of relationship.

Going from 1-5 is a very small leap for white people, perhaps you struggle with numbers?

Get in the damn oven.

Holy shit, you are hella stupid.
I must make up 20% of America's black/white couples then.

One fucking drop
That said, nicely rused. Look at all those (You)s

Ass pained subhuman dating genetic refuse trailer trash confirmed.

Trailer trash? LMFAO I probs make more in one month than you make in an entire year LOL.

Hardly the same as pulling statistics out of an ass like you just did.

I know who you are you fucking faggot.


With what, that associates degree? Or did you go all out with a BA in communications?

elitist passive-aggressive liberal who lives in his parents basement detected

You realize you can make lots of money without a university degree, it's called getting a trade

This is a dog whistle. Anyone who says white dudes is anti-white or an unknowing cuck.

Trades are really the way to go for most. Unless you're pursuing a degree in a STEM field, college is a waste of time and money.

the saga continues

Links in pic related:

Dude, they shadowbanned your comment, I'm not logged in and I can't see it.

They always do that when you beat them with logic, the "lel get a life angle", but they lack a life so to speak as much as you do since they're clearly wasting plenty of time in YT comment sections as well, especially when they post 3 comments to you in a row.

Look at this shit, they censored your comment.


They also closed the entire comment chain under "supanoseinpone" with the Mosley picture after I was arguing with that "miss melle" cunt who posted that rationalwiki link. My comments were under Canned Pork, but those are gone now.

You did well, summerfag. Stick around.

>is half native-american

Honestly fam I don't know if I'll ever find such a cultured and pleasant woman again in my life, the idea of having %25 non-white kids conflicts me.

Actually all races on Earth prefer whites.

Also keep your cuck fetishes to yourself Schlomo.

Holy fuck Jewtube is shadow banning.

I know a 1/4 Injun. He looks like one too. Do you want your kid to look injun, not to mention all the other potential hazards with it?

We're dying as a people, user. We're at extinction levels. This isn't really a time for your true-love fantasy and you know it. Sorry. At least you're a man so you can always marry younger. You have time.

Show me a virgin white woman whos intelligent

That wasn't the point. The point was that your race is dying and being destroyed by the jew, and even knowing this, you'd still serve the interests of yourself and the interests of the jew.

When I looked at this I said to myself "well at least it's not white woman + male monkey again"

Become a polygamist. Solves everything.

Yeah yeah /intleftypol/, not like we haven't seen this post a hundred times before.

Damn they must pinch pennies until they scream



Yeah, but saying a group of people should be burned to death is never going to help us. It only hardens their hatred of us by confirming their biases that we're irrational, completely evil haters.

Use reason and have links with data if possible.

I thought that's what always happens when you post a link. I think you have to break it up somehow by writing dot in place of the actual dot or putting spaces somewhere.

The majority of the population cannot understand statistical data of any depth, and don't have the attention spans to bother even if they could.

And they don't trust you. Period.

Redpilling is a slow process that takes place mostly when one is alone and thinking or investigating.
Most will never bother to do such, that's what TV and video games are for - so you don't have to think, let alone investigate.

You won't win this through argumentation.

This non-ideoligical, jesus fuck i am not going to burn anyone to death for ojh jesus oh god there is no god why do i bother posting


It's more effective than you think and is infinitely better than sounding like a cartoonish villain to the simpletons. They'll never accept or even hear the truth if no one exposes them to it. If you give the impression of an expert on the subject, they'll remember it. Then they're subject to a new confirmation bias. So the next time blacks rob their friend or a Jew talks about how Jewish he is on TV, some may remember hearing that blacks are the scum of the Earth or that Jews own everything and are extremely nepotistic. No one else is telling the masses this stuff. Either we do it or this place is effectively just a circle jerk for masochists.

There is no truth

"Supanoseinpone", you're doing god's work. I would not have the patience to deal with normie bullshit, absolutely infuriating tbh

Let some injun man tap that shit, find a white woman for yourself

Thank you mods

They're all garbage in my area, either single mothers or soon to be single mothers, whores.

I've been warning you guys for months the lefties would eventually start pushing MANDATORY inter-racial marriage.

They are nutz, and will defend their position as if its not Genocide.


nice trips

that is when you double down to spit them

I've noticed this as well, its always a Blonde or a redhead that is race mixing.


To be fair, it's the same with us, but in reverse. Normies here see foppish young dandies sucking Jamal's dick and giggling in funny accents, so they assume England or the UK in general is the center for tolerance and leftism. They have no true idea of England's history, literature, wars, anything.

It's quite sad

She'd look semi-okay if not for her lips and degenerate nose garbage.

her lips look very kissable
nose-ring needs to come off tho

Those are some seriously disgusting kikes. Goddamn that's the faces nightmares are made out of.


That means we're winning.

Good job!! This is the kind of tenacity we need. We are connected in mind and spirit my European brother.

After making my last response, I went to sleep for the night. After waking up this morning, I found the entire comment thread to be deleted.

Thankfully, I still receive email notifications whenever I get responses to a thread I'm posting in, and our friends have left us with a few parting gifts prior to the thread deletion. Here are those email notifications.

Sadly, Paul's final rant gets cut off. The entire comment was too long to all be in the email notification, and because the comment thread was deleted I cannot get the rest of it.

Why do you guys hate US petrochemical industry?

They literally did that in Paraguay in the 1800s.

hahahaahhahaha, emotional overload

When whites interbreed with asians, it's still Rassenschande, while you get more IQ into the white genepol.

Agree or Dismiss?

no thanks

No offense but I clicked randomly at two tumbler posts about some racism crap within this thread:

Do you maybe have some scientific papers or just something just don't has tumblr flair?

I have read now like 5 threads and that's all stuff like I am opressed.


Kek, Humans can separate themselves into different nationalities but we are all the same race.

I hear this rhetoric from quite often. It may not work, but not trying at all will accomplish nothing. Of course, some are lost battles from the get-go but the power of suggestion is a force to be reckoned with. It even works on me time to time, which is why Holla Forums propaganda is incredibly effective in sowing the seeds of the redpill. A good example is that SPCA commercial: just look at what type of music and tone they use to convey the theme of its message.

Holla Forums has to remember the masses are constantly being barraged with how positive degeneracy, niggerdom, and Jewish antics are. Retrograde resistance is not a immediate solution but it's a start.

No major movies are made without jewish oversight.

They got that unfunny Jew comedian to be the defense lawyer

Top kek.


I'm 1/4 Jamaican and live in Britain. Father's completely white and Mother's 1/2 white. People are usually shocked when I tell them this because I look white.

Am I alright or am I banned from breeding?


Did the goyim mention the letter J again?

3rd pic

Wew. The mental gymnastics of these people sure gets me.


You're a fast thinker.

kek they are really pushing allot of kike psyop movies before the election. normies don't want to see this shit anymore though need the comic films

What I find disturbing is that the nigger is kind of cute in a retarded way in some scenes…

Kind of makes me sick. I-i would fuck her and then beat her.

Fucking shit actor. What kind of message they want to push when the nigger does not even look like the usual nigger?

Ew, that Negga is fucking ugly. She's got a weak chin, bad lips, and shit hair. I don't see what you see. Also she isn't fully black.

yeah, must have been the hair and some editing. I mean.. I was surprised she was not plain subhuman like the normal nigger.

What comments?


It's funny how people saying these things always think they're so intelligent when they're literally just repeating things other people say all the time.

Just red pill others to not race mix and never mix yourself.

Or find yourself a qt jew grill to mix with…

oy vey

"Comments are disabled for this video."

Jews are trying their best to eliminate humans.

But they seem to think the lessor species of man are somehow going to keep going. In reality we need to abolish the other non-human species outright. Humans are just too damned empathetic right now, that is their only fault.

That's not how you brainwash people.
You do it progressively.
I know 50% of Holla Forums will now cry "muh PR".

Report his comment for hate speech.

As ever, it is really easy to deal you creatures. State right here and now that the White race comes before God. State that if God told you to kill every last White and personally breed with a nigger, you would not do it.

You cannot. You are bound to Semitic spirituality before blood. That is why you are inherently a traitor. The most useful spirituality is not Communistic scientism/atheism, as you disgustingly pretend the alternative is thread after thread, it is racial apotheosis and ancestral veneration, of ending the repression of the forces of our racial psyche.

A mind that is still childish thinks of the gods as metaphysical entities existing in their own right, or else regards them as playful or superstitious inventions. From either point of view the parallel between Wotan redivivus and the social, political, and psychic storm that is shaking Germany might have at least the value of parable. But since the gods are without doubt personifications of psychic forces, to assert their metaphysical existence is as much an intellectual presumption as the opinion that they could ever be invented. Not that ‘psychic forces’ have anything to do with the conscious mind, fond as we are of playing with the idea that consciousness and psyche are identical. This is only another piece of intellectual presumption. ‘Psychic forces’ have far more to do with the realm of the unconscious. Our mania for rational explanations obviously has its roots in our fear of metaphysics, for the two were always hostile brothers. Hence, anything unexpected that approaches us from the dark realm is regarded either as coming from outside and, therefore, as real, or else as a hallucination and, therefore, not true. The idea that anything could be real or true which does not come from outside has hardly begun to dawn on contemporary man.

You are a human tape recorder, so I know there is no convincing you. All you have to justify your imported Eastern ideology's existence in European nations is shrieks of "heresy", appropriately from the Greek "hairetikos", able to choose. I choose my own people.

Have you read ?

You should really check that thread out if you haven't already; it's one of the best discussions on religion that we've ever had.

This is a good post.

embed related.
h-have I transcended the memes, Holla Forums?

I needn't go all 'do you support violence against me' because I'm increasingly ok with violence towards traitors.
5 months of 'if your not with me then you are against me' can do that to a libertarian.




Millatos are beautiful

this makes no sense at all
why would God tell me to do something He abhors?

God comes first than white race because theres no future for the white race without God

Nah. Usually they look gross. There are always a few attractive people of any race and combination.

The people that cry about PR are idiots.