Bernie Jewed the country, let them know Holla Forums
Meme magicians are needed.
Now is the time to teach these little cunts what it means to worship a Jew and follow the pyramid scheme of Communism:
Bernie Jewed the country, let them know Holla Forums
Meme magicians are needed.
Now is the time to teach these little cunts what it means to worship a Jew and follow the pyramid scheme of Communism:
Nice digits OP
This is a good idea, his digits confirm too
I'll rev up my account
Fresh meme off the printing press
Lord kek is with us.
I see a bunch of people already tweeting #NoRefunds and getting lots of likes and RTs, it's already got a start up, let's all help push it onto the trending section
Bernie would go on 4cuck Holla Forums roll threads exposing his lewd wrinkly body for shekels
He is such a jewy cuckold, it's insane.
Fresh meme
He may be the Jewish Jew in America today
Quick everyone! Give him MORE MONEY! If we donate more, he'll take back his endorsement, run and win!
Did you just draw that?
They kicked me off Twitter for #NoRefunds
Fucking Jewss
Keep it going Holla Forums
Sage. He lost, get over it OP.
>>>Holla Forums
thanks for the bump, Bernout
I drew that about 6 months ago. This is the first time I've seen it shared anywhere since then
Pic related is the original
It's good work.
whenever I see that pic of BLM taking over Bernie's rally I can't even feel sorry for him because he's so fucking pathetic, I feel more sympathy for ¡Yeb! than I do bernboy
Nice OC
wow, creepy
Feel the Bern
There is zero tweets going on with #NoRefund
Come on Holla Forums…. don't be this lazy. It's Communism and Jewry all wrapped up into one FUCKING TOLD YOU SO!
Here's a good combo
Here's Clinton lying for 13 minutes straight.
She's far worse than anything this country has known before.
Called it.
If Comrade Sanders' supporters didn't see this coming, they are true fools.
This is Trump's social media advisor: Please send him the hashtag… Also the Trump family
We need Trump to tweet this as Trump took no donations.
Added a pile of shekels to it for more affect
Here's the original I got it from
DOES ANYONE TWEET ON Holla Forums anymore? Are you all being shadowbanned? Tweet it to Hannity/Coulter or people's pages that wont ban you
We need the Emporer to tweet #NoRefunds
It will be a psychological victory and a hard redpill for young Commies to swallow!
Why can't I be his social media advisor?
His campaign ended the way it began. Beautiful.
I posted the one I made to the pinned tweet on bernies twitter feed so all the Bern Victims would be sure to see it.
Nice dubs too
It's the epitome of today's modern wymyn and she's a CFR puppet, she literally dangles on strings.
It's the worst candidate ever the US has ever had, it really is just 1 step away from George Soros or a Rothschild himself running for President.
Did you forget?
PLEASE SEND hashtag TO TRUMP'S PEOPLE: THIS IS A FUCKING GOLDMINE! WE HAVE REACHED HIM BEFORE (The snake was a tweet I sent him with Angela Merkel dancing)
PLEASE SEND hashtag TO TRUMP'S PEOPLE: THIS IS A FUCKING GOLDMINE! WE HAVE REACHED HIM BEFORE (The snake was a tweet I sent him with Angela Merkel dancing)
PLEASE SEND hashtag TO TRUMP'S PEOPLE: THIS IS A FUCKING GOLDMINE! WE HAVE REACHED HIM BEFORE (The snake was a tweet I sent him with Angela Merkel dancing)
PLEASE SEND hashtag TO TRUMP'S PEOPLE: THIS IS A FUCKING GOLDMINE! WE HAVE REACHED HIM BEFORE (The snake was a tweet I sent him with Angela Merkel dancing)
PLEASE SEND hashtag TO TRUMP'S PEOPLE: THIS IS A FUCKING GOLDMINE! WE HAVE REACHED HIM BEFORE (The snake was a tweet I sent him with Angela Merkel dancing)
PLEASE SEND hashtag TO TRUMP'S PEOPLE: THIS IS A FUCKING GOLDMINE! WE HAVE REACHED HIM BEFORE (The snake was a tweet I sent him with Angela Merkel dancing)
It's like poetry. It rhymes.
God damn slide threads! Trump must do his! Kek demands it!
Fat communist shit dancing like a nigger.
Not even surprised.
That's where Trump got his snake story
Just as many Jews hang around Hillary, they're just not as blatant
damn huma fine as hell
E wants his money back!
Did you message Trump's people yet, goy?
Hillary Clinton is considering Admiral James Stavridis as VP.
Berned! The price of loyalty to Hillary
NATO commander and Navy Intelligence, parents Greek immigrants. Must be a hardcore Commie that would send us all to FEMA camps
damn i miss non-candidate Trump twitter, he gave no shits whatsoever, now he has to mind the language and shiet
Don't let the narrative shift. It's already started. Check out this bitches Tweet and comments
Should #NoRefunds be Memed?
Is it time to meme #NoRefunds?
And they will accuse Trump of antisemitism
send to Trump's people goy
yeah we need to make a million meme march over to the lefties and bombard them with our digital creations.
You morons got bigger problems now. Like, nuclear extinction.But go on, care for bullshit… your country is run by the devil and it will end like him
Top Kek. I never followed Trump before he started running.
A politician… telling lies?
What shithole country are you from?
That's funny
HAS FUCKING ANYONE of you sent anything yet to Trump's camp?
Don't forget to employ these techniques on the demoralized bernouts, some are still capable of the emperor's salvation
Did any of you even tweet to Trump's people?
can someone mp4 this? I don't have the skills. It keeps breaking into pieces
Pure liberal hysteria nonsense. If she was serious, she'd already be painting a train red or wearing a rope necklace by now.
Why are you still calling them Jeffersonians? They are NOT Liberal. They are COMMMMMMMUNISTS
can someone find a reddit comment during the Super Tuesday (I think), which some Sanders supporter admitted of using all of his money and taking loans to Support Sanders?
Did you contact Trump's people yet? Or are you arguing with a 13yr old again?
Felt like posting this because ClF3 (Substance N) is actually a stupidly dangerous substance.
Sage for off topic
jesus christ.. those fucking tomatoes.
Did you contact Trump yet with the hashtag???
Even worse than Obongo?
Me posting the video was offtopic and I didnt want to bump the thread, also I dont use twatter or any social media for that matter so I cant tweet the hashtag.
No, he will just keep them as his retirement.
Shouldn't you fuckheads convince the Plebbit retards who supported Bernie to use this hashtag?
Wow, Burnie is always bowing down to bitches. He looks so despondent too. If he wasn't a Jew I'd feel sorry for him.
Why would you feel sorry for a willing cuck?
Pathological empathy. It's a biological weakness of white people, useful in homogenous societies but blatantly abusable in integrated ones.
Like a poltergeist knocked it down. Nobody touched it.
Trump's twitter is fucking legendary. Bantz as far as the eye can see.
Put mobile before for easy downloading of video. Some britbong piece of shit already wasted the file on an unfunny copypasta here
And it won't let me deselect a file to upload so have this Jehovah's Witnesses redpill I guess.
This is a lucrative salt mine enterprise if I ever saw one.
Looks like Bernie supporters are flocking to Trump now that he betrayed them.
making some fodder
magical engineers specializing in the field of advanced memetics
2nd picture would be perfect except for program mistaking white hair for sky.
Does it need to be meme'd? Bernie's a Jew. Nobody's getting a refund.
It's always the eyes.
#BLM lost Bernie the nomination
not sure if recognizable
Sorry op. But that pic has weak memetic force
Those knifes aren't even sharp. What are you? 10?
dumping another
"Number 1. Once you get their money, you never give it back."
Ferengi Rules of Acquisition.
Jewish mothers…they raise them to be betas
Holy shit that's scary
even if she has a solid phenotype, shes still a sandnigger. one drop etc
oildrilling is gasyourself tier
The jew never stops does he
Reminds me of aeon flux.
So many shivers ran down my spine.
That's fake though you fucking idiot
"jewy cuckold"? Are you serious?
That's not what happened but OK, he said from day 1 he would support the eventual nominee. Not everything is a happening.
He does what he has to do to keep his movement going.
bowl movement.