Why is there almost no engineering software for GNU/Linux?

Why is there almost no engineering software for GNU/Linux?

I recently started using Revit for work, and it's cool and all, but there seems to be no version for GNU/Linux, much less a version that uses a free software license. The same goes for all other kinds of CAD software.

Has anyone here ever attempted to use software like this?

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Because commies don't work.



The first one is probably what you want.

I took four years of CAD in high school and can barely remember any of this shit.

GNU/Linux isn't communism, Schlomo.

engineering software has to be safety critical.
free software developers don't have the cash to get through the red tape

I wonder the same about medical/bioinformatics 'ware. I get kinda sad whenever I see an Ivy League-educated doctor running on Wangblows.

write autodesk a stern letter

The biggest fuck-you that you can give someone like that is to make competing software that is superior and libre.

Well, Autodesk has a monopoly on nearly all this sort of graphical design/engineering shit. It would take an absolutely sysephean effort to even make a dent. I'm not saying it isn't possible, but I'm saying those moditivated to do so are likely already locked into the Autodesk platform with no desire to change.

It doesn't just have to be superior, it has to have perfect compatibility with the competitors. Since Autodesk doesn't want that, they purposely fuck with their file formats every year which ensures all engineering firms update. If you don't have perfect compatibility, then nobody's going to use your program because they wouldn't be able to do business with everyone else that does use Autodesk's crap.

I think compatibility is less important than developing open formats to be shared among the open projects. CAD is the last frontier, we've already made huge strides in media production.

Having said that I don't trust most libre CAD software: every project starts as a hack, then a shitpile, then is revolutionised by a single refactor.

CAD is between a hack and a shitpile right now.

Because Linux is a software toy for people who have nothing to do but rice the shit out of their "super lightweight and suckless" desktops. It has no engineering software because those kinds of people aren't smart enough to even be engineers. To them, installing and ricing the shit out of Arch Linux is a highly demanding mental task (if you ever criticize Arch these people will call you a low IQ retard because they really think using Arch is a sign of high intelligence).



CAE Linux and Scientific Linux can help you.

It really depends on what exactly you want?

How does it work for programs that export to AutoCAD drawing files? Do Autodesk provide information on their format or is it RE work.

Reverse engineering.

Yes it is, porky.

Try taking a look into who runs the (((FSF))) sometime

There are no communists running the FSF, pajeet.

The mascot of FSF is an atheist Jew[1] boldly fighting for (((democracy)))[2].

[1] ia802307.us.archive.org/23/items/The_Basement_Interviews/Richard_Stallman_Interview.pdf
[2] gnu.org/philosophy/surveillance-vs-democracy.html

Le based Jewish-led cult meme

Isn't it ironic that the proprietary software developers call us communists? We are the ones who have provided for a free market, where they allow only monopoly.

Who cares about that shit ?! he rejected is Jewishity when he went atheist and offered free/libre software without asking any counterpart.

That isn't how Judaism works

Please do tell.

Monopoly? Plenty of competition remains on the market if one excludes Free Software.

wew lad

All he's asking for is your freedom, goy. Better license all of the work you do under GPL, because who needs money anyway? The state will concern itself with distributing goods you need!

Seriously, have you actually listened to some of his talks? He's a hard-left statist social democrat, which means he's basically a communist.

Are you aware that the GPL forbids people from stopping people from selling the software? If you can't sell it it's not free software.

I don't know a GNU equivalent to Revit, but if you're into industrial design I know Siemens NX has a Linux version:

D26E0924B372FD5CB505AF9FAA6451644A31A7B1 and

Be sure to firewall that program. Siemens vs 100 John Does seems to indicate they collected IPs not from torrents but from an analytics mechanism which may or may not detect the presence of a cracked license. Also note NX part files generated from cracked version may randomly display an error on uncracked versions (another alleged and historical license failsafe mechanism).

What competition is there on the desktop OS market? Microsoft ships Windows with pretty much every PC and they have the complete monopoly over the software: no one may see how Windows works and no one may improve it. If you have a problem with Windows play to the god of Poo In Loo that MS bothers fixing it. There is no way anyone who can do better than Microsoft could offer to fix the shit. People would be willing to pay for a Windows that works. Windows does what Microsoft wants, not what its customers want.

This is exactly how communism worked, and I mean the real actual communism. The government decided what was to be produced, how much of it and how much it would cost. So you could either buy the government's shitty soap or no soap at all.

It's about the user's freedom, not the developer's. You're like a business owner bitching about how you have to give your employees days off and pay them a fair wage instead of keeping slave. Where is the boss's freedom to keep slaves? Clearly this must be communism.

Stallman has autism and eats shit off his feet. Luckily for you you don't need his approval for anything. Unlike other systems you don't need to be a member of some special developer program to develop for GNU/Linux. Pretty nice having that Freedom, isn't it.

What does RMS have to do with a board game?

It requires you to distribute the source code along with the binaries! You can't profit a fucking dollar off of it. Everyone dual-licenses for a reason. If not, they profit from services built around the libre software. It's a meme license.

Except the government doesn't force Windows upon anyone, it's a free market. If it were up to RMS, his model government would force libre and GPL upon everyone.

And who develops the fucking software? The user? No, the author may forge his software in whatever way he wishes to. The user should be intelligent enough to discern what software he's supposed to use. GPL isn't a license for adults. It artificially inhibits social relations.

If not for GNU/Linux, a similar open-source amalgamate would have eventually risen.

Stallman's philosophy is cancer.

Do you really think some engineer is going to grab the source of your CAD program and start selling it as his own? Engineers are not computer scientists, at best he's going to know how to glue together some Python libraries. If that is the kind of competition you are afraid of then good riddance. You don't see plumbers going out of business just because everyone could just drive to the hardware store and buy the parts themselves.

Free (libre) and the GPL are not products. The plumbing in your home (if you are not a Pajeet) is libre as well: you can study how it works, you can make changes to it and you can hire howmever you want to fix it if it breaks. Would you hire a plumbing company that imposes the same restrictions upon you as proprietary software does? The way plumbers get re-hired is by doing a good job, not by holding people's important infrastructure hostage.

I don't even understand what you are trying to say. If I pay you money then the product fucking better by made for me to use how I want it in the first place. Yes, you can "forge" the software any way you want, you can write it in brainfuck if you want to, but once it has been forged and handed over you cannot hold it hostage anymore.

Sure, but I don't see how this has anything to do with anything. I was answering to the user who was trying to discredit all Free Software because Stallman is an autistic Jew. As I said, you don't need his approval, you don't have to mention him, you don't have to have anything to do with Stallman or the FSF at all if you want to make Free Software. This is the total opposite of communism.

What makes you think it would be some peon bathroom tile engineer who uses the software and not the tile factory floor boss who sees right through your clever little license?

If you know a bit more of the subject and made advanced research you'd know that:
-You won't maximize profits that's all.

You can sell software, but a better methods is to not sell it but to work around it.

Instead of selling the software sell support for it with a monthly cost you will have a much steadier influx of money coming for a longer time (depending of the quality of your services).

Indeed you are universally free to get butfucked but the sellers and manufacturers.

Governments are normally the ones making the rules to protect the people/consumers/users.
If no rule have been made to protect their freedom of use and control of their lives this is in hour time not the case.

Stop spreading misinformation if you’d listen more than twice to RMS you’d know that he talk to users to make that decision and not a government to enforce it.
What RMS asks to governments is to stop entities of removing more and more freedom of use to consumers and using free software , for example if you have read the apple contract when you buy an ithing you'd know that you don't own anything, it's almost has if you rent it.
You can also look at Peru when they responded at MS.

And who develops the fucking software? The user? yes
Because a developer is also a users of software.
Shure ther are more users than developers

Do you even go out sometimes ?
Did you ever tried to help people who were forced to user computers ?

Computing in general is not understood by 99 +more % of the population, most of them don't try to understand because they where forced.

This is why the situation of computing is a disaster because most of them are unhappy to change and don't want to change again because it was a pain in the ass the first time.

what the fuck are you talking about ?

No it gives the legal tools for anyone to interact without asking a layers if they can or not to this or that.

webm related

I really wish this was true. Linux still has a long way to go in desktop publishing.

The GPL isn't the only open source license in existence, dumbass





Take Stallmanstein's dick out your mouth long enough to make an argument yourself

Then you take their changes and incorporate them back into your software.

Sure, you can also use a "take my stuff and give nothing back" cuck license.

The CC0 is a cuck license as well. Those are only acceptable if you simply don't care about the software anymore and just want to say "here, do whatever you want".

QCAD is pretty good as an AutoCAD replacement. LibreCad is a fork of QCAD and it's has a really shitty interface in my opinion.

KiCAD is really good schematic cap
ture and PCB layout software.

I also use Revit at work and have not found anything similar in the open source world.

WTFPL is the superior license for that, user.


Why are so many threads devolving to this bullshit? Why are windows users even here? Windows is anti-tech by nature. How do these people even think they have an argument? Where is this anti-GPL anti-linux sentiment coming from?

It takes more than just being a retard to reach this level of autism in shilling for closed software made by a for profit company that has had multiple anti-trust cases brought against it and very clearly cares more about making money than progressing technology. It is literally in almost everyone's interest for linux and other alternatives to do well.

monopolization of the industry

Free software.

"Open source" is correct there. Open source software is free software based on the license. There are open source licenses that make a program not free, such as the D compiler license.

In other words: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunning–Kruger_effect

desktop publishing is applied text editing.

layouts have the scribus/inkscape workflow.

ebooks are better edited in .txt with a makefile to compile the finished ebook.

This board is deteriorating into dipshits who know nothing about technology talking like experts; instead on trying to learn about technology they wallow in their stupidity and ignorance.

Holla Forums's Holla Forums is meeting it end.

I'd say chans in general are meeting their end.

I think that it is because of normalfags invading/exploring shit that they didn't know about before or (paranoid mode on) shill armies are trying to fuck up boards in general... well except for Holla Forums... what a *coincidence*

I sell GPL software all the time. My business model revolves around making a profit the first time I sell the software. For example, if I value my time and effort for a particular program to be $3000, I'm not going to charge anything less than $3000 to my client. They get their GPL software and I get my profit.

They are dying or at least they in their current form they are; chans need to evolve or die.

The only chan I have even a little hope in is Endchan at the moment and I don't think it'll last seeing what's been happening with chans recently.

Take the circlewank to >>>/gnu/

I thought Autodesk had support for Linux OP? I know Maya runs on Redhat, et al.

I barely even use this place anymore, moved to LainChan and NNTPchan

Except you know, selling development as a service and software CDs to people with no internet.

No one likes commies.

ahh the tireless d&c posters still at work.

we're going to burn all of you in the oven.

Guess what?
The shills don't exist.

There aren't any payed shills on a technology board on Holla Forums. There just aren't. No amount of biased-for-pol memes are ever going to change that.

People really do have differing opinions

*==It's impossible for two forums (boards) to be "allies", forums are consisted of different people with no leader.*==

shitty bait post tbh

snowden leaks contradict you tbh

what is crossposters tbh you idiot...

>paid shills try to divide the politics and technology boards
Pick one.

Holla Forums somehow refuses to believe people don't like them

Point me to the Snowden leak that *in particular* references Holla Forums users.


People who do that are idiots, they do more to derail threads than any shill can.

those original posters i replied to are doing d&c to set Holla Forums and Holla Forums against each other. they come in here and post >"kek, stallman is kike"
what possible outcome can be expected from that? if those aren't shills, they're doing the shills work for them.

if it describes the subversion of online communities and Holla Forums is an online community then it's implicit. your post is low energy tbh.


If a Holla Forumstard doesn't get told to uck off, they start to think their shit's welcome.

if you tone-police and meme-police, and you post off topic to do so, all you do is derail and drive people away. it's you that's the bigger problem.

Yes, politics should be allowed on a technology board

tone / language and memes aren't politics. posting "nigger" / "kike" should be allowed for example.

off topic, not Holla Forums related threads shouldn't be allowed.

note that there is often overlap between technology and politics. snowden / nsa / fcc / faa and drones / ashley madison, etc. that's inevitable with technology. in this case, deal with it.

umm there is a lot of engineering software out there. software center on ubuntu had a lot of engineering software available for random applications, free to download.

for matlab, the better implementation is octave.

see for cad

home design:

quite a few for project management

coding obviously is comfy and too many to mention

learn how to search tbh.

LHC confirmed plebs

Shouldn't those threads belong to Holla Forums because they're strictly political issues with themes surrounding technology.

NO. They have technological aspects and aren't strictly political. Those kinds of topics are relevant to both boards.

engineers don't use linux so there is no linux engineering software
there is no linux engineering software so engineers don't use linux