It just occurred to me that since Trump is incredibly sensitive, he would make the easiest and probably the funniest trolling target out there. The best part about it would be that his insane reactions would be there for the entire world to see. We have an opportunity of a life time here.
Troll the president
hes been going on about how his crowds were the biggest. We could compare them to Obama's to piss him off
hes just a crazy old man. if youve ever seen someone with alzheimers, you will know what i mean
Well he checks Twitter, so we know he'll see everything
he hates it when people go for his bald spot
Why isn't anyone replying in this thread? I thought you guys were the real troll faces with the frogs. I guess you're all a bunch of gamer girls after all ::bitch please face::
I think that's a fantastic idea, OP.
Unfortunately, the only thing I can think of at the moment is using his son as b8. Like, posting pic-related all over the place with the caption, "scientists have discovered a link between Donald Trump's genes and autism". But that would probably just generate sympathy for him and hatred for us.
Any ideas?
I'm not sure about that one, barron seems like the type who would really fit in here with us and going for him feels like we're attacking our own
This can work
Anyone who thinks that Kek is not simply a tool of Eris is simply wrong
Yeah, it's not a great idea… but it would work. And it would really get under Trump's skin. In fact, I think the only reason why Trump has these half-cocked ideas about vaccines causing autism is because he can't stand the fact that it might just be his shitty genes – he needs something to blame.
As I said, it would probably backfire though.
see pic
I don't like the idea of using a kid as hostage to get to his father, that's some terrorist tactics right there m8.
also I don't think vaccines cause autism but they are overrated imo because they were brought up at the same time soaps and hygiene became popular, say for example the flu vaccine is useless if you just practice good personal hygiene unless you have someone sneezing and coughing in your face
This is some incredibly low quality bait.
Yeah, I agree, I was just tossing out an idea.
Let's hear an idea from you, OP.
OP's idea is insulting his hair. Great effort put into that idea if I do say so myself.
Trolling Trump is simple. He gets dramatic about every little thing. I'm sure you guys can think of something clever. You don't need to use his son as ammunition. Leave the kid alone, please.
yeah insult his hair lol XD that'll show him haha
he seems to be secretly very insecure.
like how he overreacts to everything.
how about just say he is very insecure?
we need to try to really avoid sounding like butthurt hillary-loving homo's
Trump isn't going to respond to some anonymous nobody on the internet lol. The dude went through the media's fiercest attacks for almost two years now and has shown no signs of buckling. When he does respond it's like a couple sentences on some cable news show or a tweet or two that completely BTFOs them and then he gets back to work a minute later.
He's probably the dumbest target for trolling you could pick. This is some very low quality bait but hey you got me to reply.
why don't you try calling him racist? Or liderlly hitler? Surely that will work.
couldnt we just start some chain reaction?
make all those rebel-hilldogs bark for us?
they're too busy eating each other alive for not being progressive enough
why would he ever react if he gets screamed at by those every day?
He'll just call them retarded fake news on twitter then immediately get back to MAGA.
how about all those people shouting "trump took me baby" on the steets?
Not if it gains enough traction.
forgets that not all liberals are reporters (even tho they think they are)
Lol go back four months and look at how he handled himself when the pussy tape came out. Trump's jimmies are diamond tough.
Reporters and news organizations are the only things he'd actually respond to.
what are you talking about?
the anti-trump protesters…
and some celebs.
couldn't we possibly just use the back lives matter movement?
Yeah, but that was irrefutable evidence. Just imagine if it was totally fabricated.
Also, it can't be mean-spirited. It has to be patronizing ("I just feel really sorry for the guy")
I mean post a source on that so I know what you're talking about, googling trump took me baby brings up this video
If it's totally fabricated he'll just call it retarded fake news on twitter and then immediately get back to MAGA. That's only if it got enough traction to be reported be a major news organization or celeb or something. If it doesn't get that he'll either ignore it or never even hear about it.
wait did they actually dress him up as trump?
oh and the "they took me baby part"
i remember seeing it somewhere but i dont remember where anymore.
so… what you're saying is.. what everyone already knows?
we need important people to reach important people? damn you sure are smart. wish i knew that before trying to visit the queen of england.
And as long as it's being propagated, he'll feel the need to address it over and over. "Real" and "fake" is being more and more obscured, largely because of Trump, himself.
Let's call him a nazi XDDDD
nah, not really, he's never done that for anything the media has talked about
>>>Holla Forums is that way fags
What I'm trying to tell you is the best thing you can hope for when trolling Trump is a quick tweet or two BTFOing some celeb, reporter or news organization. Maybe a quick two minute phone interview with a cable news show if you're extremely lucky.
That's objectively false. But if you're talking about falsehoods, it's because there hasn't been a coordinated attack which lasts for an extended period of time.
nobody said trolling the president would be easy..
(oh and btw ignore OP)
.. or worth it
You fags will talk shit for a few minutes but nothing will come from it
Trump is the best
I feel so sorry for Melenia. She deserves a real man, someone more like Barack Obama as a husband/
Check em
nice quads son.
we could try and get him to go on a mass blocking campaign for his twitter.
If we find something stupid which his twitter account blocks, then we can keep on tweeting it at him.
It'd have to be something new and fresh though. Something normies could pick up and tweet at him too.
I'm going to post this thread every day on 8/4/b/.
Trump, I know u like Torracat cock
lol come back when your 18 kid
his two soft spots are the hands and the minority presidency. of the two, the minority pinches him most. it'd be easy to link the many sjws already mowing hay over that, but the second you retards arrive with pepe, hitler and trapcocks, we'll all be banned. a twitter attack requires some planning. sockpuppets must be assembled and profiles created or it'll be one crap tweet and goodbye forever.
Daily Reminder that Hillary Clinton got more votes than any white man in history. Daily Reminder that Hillary Clinton got more votes than any Republican in history.
Smart post
I just got a twitter account, so I'm locked and loaded
Uh huh, now subtract the illegals and Mickey Mouses who voted. That'd be the actual number.
Trump logic
Cites: "studies"
You should kill yourself. Or at least overdose yourself into a coma or something.
You should provide evidence for your claims. And no, doesn't count.
This thread right now
was a claim in and of itself, I don't see anyone proving that. Oh my, could it be you have no proof and only use "burden of proof" on me to hide ==your== baseless claim?
see what i mean? mention the minority and every shill and his bf crawl out of the dungheap. trump himself is even thinner skinned.
there are groups of likeminded kekminers on the interwebs, anons. Holla Forums is an alt-right urinal. spread ur wings. make a break with this shithole. reacquaint yourself with fun.
See: voting results
Are you really this fucking dumb, or are you just pretending?
I think you have my script there, buddy. You have yet to prove all those votes are legit.
You could say the same about every election throughout history. Gee, I wonder why it's a more contentious debate now…
Could it be because Trump and his minions are whiny fucking faggots who can't accept the fact that they won on a technicality?
So you're a pro-Trump shill falseflagging so you can cause a backlash where anons start making pro-Trump posts because they think it angers you.
it's pretty much up to Trump to prove there were millions of illegal votes. it was he who made the claim and the b.o.proof is his alone. that's why he has dictatored an investigation and will no doubt dictator the commitee and its result. he has to prove there were at least 3 million illegal votes and they were all for clinton.
Honestly I would have forgotten about your butthurt entirely by now if you weren't constantly crying about your loss.
Okay, now we just wait until we have the exact number of illegitimate votes for Clinton so we can see the real number.
I think you're the one having trouble accepting the fact that he won, hahaha. A technical win is still a win. I'd bet a pretty penny you wouldn't have been so butthurt if Clinton won the same way.
Still not proof or even an argument, just more deflections.
So, criticizing Trump's policies and cabinet picks is "crying about a loss"?
It's ironic that you people use the word "cuck" to describe anyone.
Their constant displays of negative emotions sustain me. It's really helping with my depression.
Pretty sure he's referring to the people who literally cried when they announced that Trump won.
Funny, I always thought the same thing about Holla Forums
check em
Nice singles.
You claim that voter fraud helped Hillary Clinton win the popular vote. The burden of proof for that claim is on you.
That's a big heel
You know exactly what I'm talking about, and I never said he shouldn't be criticised.
Stop putting words in my mouth, you're dancing around the highly observable fact that leftists have not stopped throwing tantrums about him winning.
eh, thanks
I don't think YOU know what you're talking about.
You supported a guy who whined about the results BEFORE THEY WERE IN. In fact, he's STILL whining about the results and so are his supporters kek.
Seriously, go fuck yourself.
Nope, I didn't vote actually, since it's pointless.
I just like calling you out because it clearly makes you very angry, as evidenced by this little pissfit you're throwing with all of these Trump threads.
Something we can actually agree on
I didn't even make this thread
←–cuckchan is that way faggot.
We president on this board
My mistake.
You're still a whiner though, and accusing others of whining doesn't fool anyone.
No, no, no. My friend, as I said, I was responding to this original claim , which I have still not seen any definite evidence for. All you keep doing is shouting "MUH BURDEN OF PROOF".
go back to fucking tumblr jesus fucking christ
Troll harder, faggots
This is what happens when you allow Holla Forums to recruit users from Reddit.
So sad when a chan becomes /establishment/
But she did. See
Fellate a shotgun
Nice strawman. It's one thing to lean left or right, it's another to practically be Trump's personal army of bootlickers.
Go to 4chan if you want a lol ebin :D troll thread
Honest question (that I'm sure you won't answer honestly): Why would you not want to troll the POTUS? Especially when there's a good chance he'd respond
Not him, but I'll answer honestly for you.
1. I like the current POTUS. I voted for him. I only want to troll people I don't like.
2. You and all the other faggots in this thread reek of reddit and I want nothing to do with you or anything you set out to do.
Because he's doing a pretty good job triggering half of the American population.
You like a thin-skinned manchild who feels compelled to respond to every little criticism? Holla Forums's frequent use of the term "cuck" is some hardcore projection.
It's a bit more than that, pal.
calm down cuck boy. sorry to invalidate your fetish
he didn't say that word.
Although I do think we should troll the president. Since when was Holla Forums against trolling?
It's like you're caught up in some kind of retarded libshit fervor, I never even called you a cuck.
Try to make sure you're quoting the right person next time.
Holla Forums has only ever trolled people it doesn't like. Holla Forums at large likes Donald Trump.
More happens on cuckchan in an hour than in an entire fucking year on Holla Forums.
I was just pointing out the irony in servile Holla Forumstards using the term.
While quoting a completely unrelated post written by someone who doesn't go to Holla Forums.
How bout you stop and take a moment to collect yourself.
I doubt that, but ok, my mistake
he's the target of more scrutiny than any other person in the public sphere and that was before he won the presidency because of over half the voters going for him
i don't think you'll be very successful
Your preconceived notions are so deeply ingrained that even when told flat out that you're wrong you refuse to believe it. Sad!
That's because they're not doing it right.
If we start something more coordinated like pointing out a nonexistent speech impediment after every speech (or something like that), I guarantee he would end up getting triggered and responding to it.
We just need to do it over twitter. Easy.
The irony…
he's dealt with the news lying about him for literally decades
that's not original
Yes, the irony. Something you aren't very good at spotting.
But in this case, it's not the news, it's public opinion being spread on his favorite propaganda tool.
Forget it, you're an idiot, and you're obviously on his dick.
If you don't have any ideas, gtfo.
Do you even know what you're talking about at this point, or do you just wanna get the last word?
Looks like the redditor is losing his cool again.
Desperation is a smelly cologne.
We could pretend to be muslims who want to instaure sharia law and legalise pedophile mariage.
You're criticizing me for having "deeply ingrained preconceptions" while assuming that I use reddit (which I have never used even once). I'd say that's a bit ironic.
But go ahead, I'll let you have the last word since your day wouldn't be complete without it.
That's bullshit. You troll the people you can get the best reactions from, not for some vindictive reason.
look at this country right now
half the people listen to the news and hate trump because of a lie about hookers peeing on a mattress
the other half of the country doesn't watch the news, and also doesn't fall for bullshit about a germophobe liking pee from strange russian prostitutes when he makes people wear hair nets while they clean his plane
No, it needs to trigger him as much as possible.
Yeah… that's totally why most people don't like him.
it is right now because the news forms public opinion for idiots
He said, while trying desperately to have the last word.
Face it kid, nothing your undeveloped mind could cook up would even show up on Trump's radar. This man has faced the full force of the lügenpresse and come out on top. He's been through scandals that would have utterly ruined anyone else and come out smelling like roses. He's the president of the United States of America, and you? You're some retard on an imageboard you clearly don't frequent getting pissy whenever someone calls you out for the retard that you are.
No, that's how /cow/ operates. When Holla Forums targets someone it's usually some asshole that has been brought to their attention. This is how it's been with nearly all of Holla Forums big name targets.
No, most people hate him because they think he's a racist/bigot/misogynist/xenophobe/islamophobe/homophobe. And then you have people who hate him for his stance on trickle-down economics and crony capitalism. Not to mention the concerns about his half-cocked thoughts on anthropogenic global warming.
Unsubstantiated claims about hookers pissing on him is barely anecdotal.
First he was saying the election was rigged before it happened, and that he would contest the results if he lost.
Then he won and the left demanded recounts, and when they got recounts it revealed that Hillary got tens of thousands of votes that she shouldn't have, so then they went with Russian hackers.
Now he's actively investigating the election for fuckery just like the left was demanding for weeks, and now he's suddenly the one who is obsessed with the votes?
The leftist says you're a crybaby as he whines.
Hello there fellow channers! Wanna help me troll that racist pesky Donald Trump? Let's do it for the lols!
We could pretend to be muslim who want to have sex with Barron, under Sharia law?
anyone have popcorn?
For what?
for OP's autistic meltdown when no one helps him with his shitty plan.
We set up a fake Peña account, that calim he will pay for the wall if he can get a blow job from Barron.
It should be Ivanka. You know how much Don hates sharing.
thus spake zaratrumpa?
you're a moron and there isn't a retard who hasn't concluded that, even on Holla Forums.
the best you can do if you wish to advance the trump train is kill yourself. trump would be rid of a flea and the world a fleabite.
notice that in this thread, you're on the defensive as a trumpcuck. get used to it. it's gonna last like this until the impeachment.
no more popcorn? must be the tarifs. fucking idiot.
"If anyone other than her husband should get a blowjob from Ivanka it should be her father. Not that I would ask for one, because I'm her father. But if anyone should be able to it should be me, which would be ok if I wasn't her father"
Instead of actually addressing the arguments directly, whenever someone criticizes Emperor Trump, that person is often met with variations of "get over it, you lost".
Dont act like conservatives aren't just as fucking whiny, they just have a bit of a different style. Republicans pitched an 8 year hissy fit over Obama, only they didn't protest as much.
That's already happening though.
So far he's just thrown out 1-2/10 shitpost tier content.
He's very clearly enraged about Trump, but doesn't have the guile to throw anything noteworthy at him.
I think the man is just venting and trying to work through his rage by shitposting.
I know I've done it before, so why wouldn't someone else?
I addressed your argument directly.
I clearly pointed out how you're more obsessed with the legitimacy of his win than he'll ever be.
It was your choice to ignore it.
Continue making a fool of yourself though, people aren't buying your bullshit anymore.
Take it easy there kiddo, you're gonna tucker yourself out with all that butthurt.
Are we in the same thread? Most of the posts ITT are mocking OP and people like you
frankly pathetic. you convince nobody, not even yourself.
I dunno, I'm pretty convinced. Just look at how butthurt you and OP (probably the same person) are.
I for one am enjoying the show.
you have been undeniably destroyed itt. trump is not Holla Forums's waifu. go away and lick yan's dick. he too needs help right now.
I'm looking the thread over and it looks like it mostly consists of you saying we should go after Trump, and then whining and calling us Holla Forumstards when someone says your ideas are shitty and petty.
Maybe if you actually came up with some creative and funny way to piss him off then anons would be more willing to sooperate.
I'm looking the thread over and it looks like it mostly consists of you saying we should go after Trump, and then whining and calling us Holla Forumstards when someone says your ideas are shitty and petty.
Maybe if you actually came up with some creative and funny way to piss him off then anons would be more willing to cooperate.
All you've managed so far is the same kind of low effort shitposting you'd see on Holla Forums.
frankly pathetic. you convince nobody, not even yourself.
God damn, I posted while proofreading.
When did I say anything about the legitimacy of his win? He won based on a shitty system, but for the most part, he won fair and square. Well never know the extent to which the Russian interference helped him, so there's no point in bickering over it.
And I wasn't saying that you, specifically, weren't addressing my point, but rather the fact that variations of that non-argument are extremely whiny and juvenile.
You know what must be done.
i know. gullibility is the hallmark of trumpists. your destiny is the trashcan of history, the butt of historians' jokes. at least make an effort to be better than the other laughable online nobodies. trump needs you more than you need him.
Did you put another notch in your internets belt, fedorawitz?
Daily reminder that people like this need to be shot
Low energy, user… low energy
Do you have any proof of this Russian interference?
I've seen windows that weren't as transparent as you. But by all means, keep posting. I do enjoy leftist tears.
CNN said it, so it must be true!
Don't be upset because the boot fits user.
I have faith that the entire intelligence community isn't making it up; in fact, so does Trump. You should be a good little bootlicker and listen to your God Emperor.
Do you also have faith that they weren't making up the WMD's in Iraq?
Try to make at least one posts without putting your foot squarely in your mouth.
It's one more notch than you're gonna have after this thread, autismo.
Just because they're not flawless doesn't completely delegitimize them.
Btw, you have a really desperate way of pretending to win arguments. Sad!
How bout you put that image macro back with the rest of your parent's antiques kiddo.
Ooooooo buuuurn! What are you, 60yo? Kek
But you admit that they can and do make mistakes. So seeing as there is absolutely no evidence of dem ebil Russian hackers rigging the election, is it not likely that they're making another mistake?
Low energy, user… low energy
itt: trumpcucks get a mega load right up the crack.
they must enjoy a good rimming or they'd retreat to Holla Forums and felate each other assiduously.
I'd say it's more likely that releasing tangible evidence would expose intelligence gathering methods, and so I doubt it will be made public any time soon. But we can only speculate, so there's really no point in quibbling over it.
You choose to doubt every single intelligence agency and top official in the Trump administration… I don't.
Leftist desperately trying to convince themselves they weren't brutally reemed ITT. Sad!
Let's make a false rumor that Peña want a bj from Ivanka, do he nuke Mexico and make american suffers to death by extension.
It's as if they're unfamiliar with the concept of b8.
… or is it that they're incapable of not responding to it.
Forge ahead, fedora!
there are 17 american intelligence agencies, 5 eyes, france and germany who concur that russia hacked both parties to the root and then selectively released stolen fax from the dems but not the rbs at very carefully timed points in the election campagne so as to favor trump.
and you know better ofc. that's why you take a beating on Holla Forums Holla Forums rather than work at a sandwich joint.
dire is the word that describes your stance; no: beyond dire. you make me ashamed to be human.
You're not too bright, are you?
I'm "not too bright" because I pointed out gaping holes in your logic? Haha, okay user. Whatever you say :^)
Leftist eternally BTFO. They just cannot help it!
You've obviously not even read the report, they basically say Russians hired trolls to influence the election. Fucking retard.
or would you be, no surely not, lying through your teeth?
there is no public report. perhaps have the secret one presented by no less than the directors of the fbi, cia and nsa, all at once and in the same room as trump? u kno, the one that lead to an executive order for an investigation.
no? what a surprise!
This man is the biggest lolcow we've had since George Bush yet when you make all the obvious jokes, you'll get immediately attacked by the TIDF because of muh ideology, which he doesn't follow or even acknowledges
what happened to Holla Forums?
Who even says stuff like "best troll"? Is that you 9gag? I thought you died.
I should have known
this. we all know the answer. jim watkins happened. now we are a conformist sheckle farm masquerading as a chan. thank goodness there are better places to waste one's time.
u know what?
you can ram your notion of correct usage, be it of green text or a gorilla's penis, squarely and solidly up your ass. i buy nothing you have to offer: i vomit it.
The Trumpbots actually believed him when he claimed that the Trump campaign ran ads for months with no strings attached. He sold his soul for a few Trumpsheckels.
I don't see what keeping you from going back to halfchan. You can leave here, you know?
I actually voted for Trump, but i think many Trump supporters are way too easy to trigger. All you have to say is that Trump is not literally god-emperor and they tell you to go back to Mexico. I am so sick and tired of mindless identity politics.
i'm on " chan sites, reddit and discord. what are you talking about? i'm active, very active. Holla Forums is my urinal.
Do you know how I know you're not from here?
Nothing. Holla Forums has never been a bunch of limp-wristed leftists and Holla Forums has never been your personal army.
Hopefully that clears up any confusion. You can go back to reddit or 9gag now.
You ain't from 'round hee!
We don't take caandly to your kind 'round hee!
Every one of your posts screams "I have severe autism."
Every single one.
i don't really care but you'll find the means to tell me anyway, so go ahead. tell me how you know i'm not among the first 1000 posters on 4chan.
You should slow down there, you elite haxxor/memer. I'm sorry for everything I said, I doubted how active you were on all those Sub-reddits. I see now, that you truly are the pinnacle of our Mongolian paper-folding forum. Here's a (you), good sir.
I think it's more along the lines of anti-Trumps will be as obnoxious as fucking possible (they're known for samefagging the shit out of their own threads when they don't get responses) until there's nothing left to do but make fun of them because they take over entire catalogs with their screaming.
There has to be a term for this that isn't simply "faggot".
The shitty thing is there's literally nowhere you can go to escape this shit. Ever since the election every board on every imageboard I've visited has been infested with faggots crying about Trump (or sucking his dick in the case of Holla Forums).
I thought people would've gotten over this shitty election two months ago at the latest, but seeing the never ending bitching and moaning I'm starting to think they really will be going on about this shit for four years nonstop.
God I fucking hate politics.
you are incapable of listing my posts. your ability to distinguish between one poster and a newfag's stoned ferret is inexistant.
prove me wrong
This. Anyone who's been on 8/b/ for more than 2 years will know this site can't even do a proper fucking Tumblr Raid.
'Member Aeryn Mccan? That transnigger who raped his friends and was the LGBT representative of the Scottish TUC? We were supposed to turn some Tumblr lolcow into at least a small news story, but it got fucking nowhere and I don't even think Aeryn heard a peep from us.
8/b/ is fucking useless. Go start raids somewhere else.
The thing that sucks? There isn't really a good place to start raids nowadays. And there hasn't been for years now. 711chan /i/ and all the /i/ boards before it…..dead and gone.
/baphomet/ was good for raiding at first on Holla Forums and they've descended into activism and newfags with vendettas. Doing things for a cause wasn't and isn't very lulzy (yeah I know people hate the term lulz in 2017 but its the internet and it applies here).
I don't think you can have a good /i/ in today's day and age. And if there is one it's hidden somewhere far away so people can't find it easily. I travel around the chansphere and it all seems to have descended to vendettas and politics. Which honestly isn't very fun.
Fuck this thread. We live in a time where the democratically elected leaders of two counties argue online via twitter. Where a man shitposts himself to the presidency. The political meme insurgency on 8ch is ruining this opportunity for the greatest lolcow shitshow to ever be perpetrated by anons.
The best way is not to call him out on legitimate political or personal issues but to incite the most livid and obtuse reaction to something completely undeserving. Look back on past lolcows and know that this is the key to a broader eruption of autism within the entire U.S political establishment.
This could be a renaissance of the way things were. Think about the glory of being held responsible for history changing trolling. Please don't let the net go to the ways of reddit and social media. Come back.
I propose this be taken elsewhere like to endchan or 76chan for greater organization.
8chans politics boards aren't as influential as some of the dellusional fucks here seem to think. Hell for boards of their size 8/pol/ and leftypol rarely produce anything that gets seen elsewhere on the internet but Holla Forums.
The place's with influence are 4/pol/ and reddit (a cancerous circlejerk with millions of users). If anyone shitposted trump to a presidency it's 4/pol. 8 Holla Forums isn't influential, it was just supposed to be a better place to hold conversations, 4/pol/ is way too fast for that and got way bigger during the election cycle and most of them haven't left. I don't have the chart ready to go but go look it up if you want to take a look. The only reason Holla Forums is boosted right now is cause mods on 4chan keep banning he will not divide us threads.
It has and there is no going back. And while I'm not fucking fond of it I feel fine. Holla Forums isn't going to become influential m8. It was a bit while firetires was running it, then the site broke, gamergate died down, hotwheels lied people died.
All that's left on Holla Forums are various flavors of Holla Forums and people like the anons on 8/b/ the sort of users who just don't have a better home to go to that they like.
Look into your heart you know it to be true.
I was actually referring to the tweets political figures are making as shitposts. You still make a valid point, especially about there being no going back.
I accept reality but find no peace with it. I am a nomad with no home.
why not link him to pizza gate? I mean , it's not like we would be lying or anything.
Lots of dick sucking and turning on a dime this week
Keep it up, anons
I never really thought of Trump as sensitive.
He did all those roasts and went on all those TV shows and he seems to have a good sense of humour.
He uses any opportunity to call out the media when they make up stories about him but that is a strategic thing to continually reinforce the fact that the media lies.
In fact I would go as far as to call trump insensitive.
sensitive is not the right word, thin skinned .
Since when did Holla Forums care about fucking jailbait.. oh yeah, when OP is not really a Holla Forumstard but a Holla Forums fagget.
fuck you OP.
fuck trump