I'm trying to build an MP3 player using an old HDD and an Arduino but i'm having a problems finding information about...

i'm trying to build an MP3 player using an old HDD and an Arduino but i'm having a problems finding information about head contacts
they seem to be identical on every HDD i'v seen but i can't find data about them.

any tips ?

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Here's what you do:
1. Buy gun
2. Place gun in mouth
3. Load barrel of gun
4. Pull trigger
5. Enjoy your homemade MP3 player!

edgy and original.

>>>Holla Forums


That's a pogo-pin assembly. Never seen that on an HDD. They usually use SATA.
Figure out a SATA-USB ocnverter, then use a USB host shield on your Arduino.

I don't think you're going to be able to turn raw data from a head into usable information, and I'm sure if you could, Holla Forums wouldn't be able to tell you how to do it.

You could always buy two identical old hard drives and cut one of them apart.

I would not expect that contact pinout to be the same from drive to drive unless they are the exact same model.

>>>Holla Forums

Why not just skip the hard drive and use an SD card instead? A full SATA HDD seems pretty big for a device that's supposed to fit in your pocket.

doing this from a hdd is going to be very, very difficult.

This guy did the job on an old cray disk:

There he used a stepping motor and leadscrew to slowly move the heads over the disk surface. It looks like the original disk used a linear voice-coil. Your drive probably has an angular voice coil. I have no idea how the position feedback on the heads on a modern hdd works.

Thinking about your project though, getting digital data into and out of an old cassette tape is nearly the same problem, but the data rates are low enough for an arduino to handle, you don't have to worry about driving the brushless spindle motor, or keeping the heads aligned over a track.

Kill yourself.

Don't send him to us, we don't want him.

tfw the anti-bully ranger couldn't stop the Ardunio twitter feed from triggering me

diversity is our strength but my culture needs to die... feels bad man


why not ?

bitrate and storage, i don't think there are 500Gb sd cards out there and if there are, they're probably expensive as fuck !

i just had this HDD laying around, ib thought i'd make something useful out of it.

not gonna carry it around, just need something to listen to my FLAC att home.


I don't get the picture. Why must nerd culture die?



But the guy didn't even mention gamergate.

It was in relation to gamergate during the orchestrated pile-on. Raspberry pi did it, too.

What microboards arent cucked?

Nerd culture is not diverse enough. We must not Tolerate Intoleranceā„¢*, user! That would make us hypocrites!

* The SJW Council reserves the right to determine what's intolerant or not.

You mean small SoC computers? Beagleboard Black, Chinese RPi clones (Banana Pi, for example) or even CHIP, despite how much their marketing smells of Leddit and 9fag, have remained uncucked. If you mean microcontrollers, pretty much anything that's not being marketed to hipsters, which are all microcontrollers ever except Arduino.

could we get back on topic pls

Go ask reddit if you want help with SJW hardware. This would be a dubs thread on a faster board.

>>>Holla Forums
>>>Holla Forums

op is talking about interfacing, like you say, to the raw data coming from the heads. I have seen a few chips on the flexible boards that connect the head contacts to the heads themselves (that would need to be reverse engineered 1st btw). But those chips are not doing anything except maybe a little signal conditioning.

So: you need some sort of brushless motor driver to turn the platters.

#1 the disk platters need to be turning very close to their desired rpm in order to keep the heads floating on a few molecules of air over the disk surface, else you crash the disk.
#2 then you have to build the analog signal conditioning electronics to read and drive the disk heads driven from some digital electronics.
#3 then you have to read and process the raw analog bit information coming off the platters at whatever insane bitrate that is (can't slow the platters, remember).
#4 you have to decode the position of the disk heads from the parallel stream of data coming from the heads (pretty sure that is how it is done).
#5 then you have to write a control system to control the heads well enough to stay over a track.

#6 then you can maybe start to implementing reading and writing data from a hdd.

The dude that read the cray disk pack above just sampled the raw analog data from the heads and post processed it.

The new stuff is gong to have way higher data rates and far higher positional accuracy demands from the heads.

sooo, you could do all of the above, or just buy a $10 spi flash chip (or a sd card - most of which have a spi mode) and read/write that from an arduino.


But I think op just wants a mp3 player, so he should buy a raspberry pi, plug in a disk with a usb to sata adapter, install linux and call it done.

The Arduino is just a fancy development board for the Atmega microprocessors. There is nothing in the world wrong with an Atmega16/32 microprocessor. I personally like TI's MSP43x line because the software available to program these little boards is leagues ahead of anything else I've used.

Not to leave out how Arduino and its clones are a large Collusion racket-- $30+ for a two-layer Atmega board? For designs that you can copy?

At the moment Australian electronics blogs are spazzing out how the only national electronics bricks&mortar store left, Jaycar, after ~5 years of letting a guy name Jon Oxer sell his overpriced Arduino clones (under the Freetronics brand) through them, have finally sought out a Chinese shop (LinkSprite) to produce Arduino gear for them instead and sell it at a cheaper price. OMGWTF THEY'RE STEALING FROM JOXER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fuck off retards, who have no idea of FOSS because you're ProAm cunts who think the Maker[tm] scene is for get-rich-quick.

Use computor, dumb nigger.

Just get a used iPod, it's the same price.

Nigger just buy an MP3 player. Ipods are cheap and have WiFi.