Bernie Is Now Officially Part Of A Rigged System

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It's at 229,686 now.


if he was actually for real, i would think of him as one of the dumbest motherfuckers alive

that's almost at the post limit nigger. but op should have made this thread 2.

this better swing the bernouts over to trump as rebellion to sanderberg

whoa whoa, it's the new one, the first one was made before bernie endorsed her.

what does that mean


Your post is retarded, but I love your digits.






What do you think goes through peoples heads when they shoot themselves like that?


A bullet

No vindication, no passion for what he says, it was all a lie in the end.



You'll have to go back, carlos.

We said this was going to happen but they didn't believe.
We tried to warn them.
We tried.
They just wouldn't believe.
Don't call it a failed campaign its the future they chose.

i made a thing

As the other OP said in the other thread.

And like I said, I really hope it happens. I wanted to try some encouraging of fueling the flames here, but the Bernie supporters are already doing it. No refunds, mentioning all of the money in the end went to Hillary. I even suggested encouraging rioting.

Maybe we should still do that shit. It's so fucking easy now.



Well.. people preferred to starve and give him donations..

rpgcodex is enjoy this.
have their seal of approval


Always gets me.

Still, feed their ego. The whole "it's not your fault for going broke. He promised everything then gave all of the money to Hillary."

Can somebody paste the faces of Hillary and Bernie on this one or on a similar picture?

Bernie is a weak submissive man who sold out to Hillary and got NOTHING in return.

Fresh Molyneux spreading philosophy to bern victims.


I still cannot believe that CNN tweet is real. Too good.

Who's that aryan godess in the first pic?


That one can actually get a 'chargeback' though the poster would go to prison for CC fraud.

Ha! I didn't saw that one

That nigga made a killing


Is This real?
If so……

This is obvious to us. But bern victims are naive retards.

That CNN tweet is simultaneously hilarious and blood boiling.


Alex Jones.

Other side of the wall.




Daily reminder that you'd have to be #MentallyHill to support hillary.




No, he crawled back and endorsed Hillary without any concessions from her.

I'm talking about monies. He doesn't give a fuck about policy positions. He got paid tons of cash to ride around and shill communism. He was never in it to win or change anything.

Now you too can make your own salty memes

I like it!

Holla Forums on SUICIDE WATCH!
Man when will these cucks accept Trump.

How mad is Holla Forums?

Someone needs to sing and record this.

they have taken the ever correct stance


We will force them to walk to Canada using self-deportation.

The Trail of Queers

I know, I know. I just couldnt help myself when I saw that question.


Oh shit


I'm just now processing shit. All those fucking bernouts that donated to bernie. All those cuck libs that have donated their life savings and shit in hopes for bernie.

Holy shit, the suicide rates will sky rocket, and Trump hasn't even stepped into the oval office yet.

The autist BO of /jewpol/ will ban anyone who says anything critical of jewish interests.


The "no refunds" pick made me lol.

A Jew jewly jewed jewishly-indoctrinated goyim.

And none of them is smart enough to realize this was the plan all along.


Everything flows back to their seducers.


jesus fucking christ

"j-jews are based m'goys i am one of you fellow anarchist rebels we must fight the man racists are so stupid and Holla Forums is SO dumb haha, we are enlightened let's burn the world to ash with the fires of revolution Holla Forumsacks!"
-Holla Forums jew shill, reportedly a pedophile and murderer

Perpetual failures these people. They really never learn.


are these people mentally ill?


Who is this yoghurt catcher

Kill yourself

I'd rather hang out with someone from an insane asylum.


I have high blood pressure, but I've been gorging on salt all afternoon.


user, if you really do have high blood pressure, you need to fix that shit. I have a friend that isn't even 21 yet and all he does is play video games and eat junk food and he has to take medication. Well he doesn't HAVE to if he would just get off his ass but he won't so he does. I mean I play video games too but exercise and proper diet is a must. Please respect your body
t. concerned bro


on an unrelated note, some scam nigger called my phone, and I tried out what I've been puzzling to do. I answered going: "Thank you for calling the democratic party suicide hotline, how can I help you" and they hung up almost instantly after I finished. I had a hearty kek


When famine strikes, don't call me!


Me too bro.
Your body is a temple.

The candidate who ran against special interests is endorsing the candidate who embodies special interests.

The candidate who ran against TPP is endorsing the candidate who helped draft the TPP.

The candidate who ran in opposition to globalization is running against the candidate who has led the push for globalization.

The candidate who warned that open borders destroy the working class is endorsing the candidate with the most open borders policy in our history.

The candidate who wants to reform H1-B visas is endorsing the candidate who supported lifting the caps on H1-B visas.

The candidate who wants less war is endorsing the candidate who launched wars in Iraq and Libya and would lead us to a new war in Syria.

The candidate who wants to get money out of politics is voting for the candidate who has made a career out of making money from politics.


It's under control. Thanks fam.


If he'd have thrown in a Peppi, that would be Holla Forums tier.

How do you watch the Trump ad now, hothead?

Bernie was always a tool to rouse the millennial leftists into caring enough to vote for Clinton after what was 8 years of lame duck shit with Obama. The poor fools thought Bernie Sander was "the real deal".


He made some cash along the way.

Can it get more jewy…


Summer start late for you?


What is the likelihood of enough super delegates swapping to Sanders during the convention?

How soon before she gets bought out too? They never fucking learn.


Jesus, I think I just got literally triggered. Like, my head twitched a little to the side when I read that.




Still makes me kek

Green party pulls from the left, letting her shill can only hurt Hillary.

This. We should push this while highlighting all the shit he is endorsing in endorsing Hillary. Also point out that he could have just abstained or waited for the convention like the cuckservative candidates did.


I fucked up and thought of the wrong person.

Killing myself now

The next family dinner is going to be amazing

Post the text messages, faggot.

I can feel the smug radiate from your post, thank you

May I attend?

Remember these? A shitload of Bernouts got these tattooed on.

What are they gonna do now?

I feel a meme coming on…

I can see the scene :

Time to bern out those tattoos

May I bring my pet frogs?


It's like those tweens and young teen girls who were cutting themselves after a rumor got out justin beiber was doing drugs and shit.

The results will be hilarious.




The delicious irony of this one…

I'm so glad to not be a leftist.




plz be real

Now is the time when its most important to deploy this meme. (presented without embellishment in pic)

Scott Adams had spoken about how effective Trump's "I'm with you/I'm with her" contrast is on a persuasive level, but I think that meme was actually only the setup for THIS.

Now that Sanders has betrayed his followers, they are primed.

What kind of tattoo do you want?

fuck my arm up

We need to archive all of the tattoo stuff before people take it down out of anger.

We need these images to remind them in the future.

Trips decided, post it.

should be O'Bama not O'Malley

anyone got the pic of Bernie with money and he's saying something like "we lost but thanks for your donations"?


You can embed youtube links

hahahahaha. This is the funniest thread on Holla Forums in a year


You got Jewed kids.


Damn that's good. Firing up my leddit.




Plz keep us updated user.


The bernie tattoo is just the cherry on top

Remember the millions people donated to him?
I wonder what'll be their reaction when it goes to shillary.
Some redditors actually gave hundreds or even thousands of dollars to him, if anyone remembers their threads.


And people think they'll never regret getting a tattoo.


Why you say that, user?


kek demands it

Match me!

Can I get some applause, please?

Fucking disgusting

Sanders is a Democrat. Did people actually expect him to endorse Trump?

Jim Webb is a democrat. Did people actually expect him to say he "may vote for Donald Trump"?


This absolutely proves it. The liberal only hears what it wants to hear.

Truly a dumb beast.

We expected him to cuck harder than ¡Jeb!, and he did not disappoint.

Jim Webb was never a major contender for a Democratic nomination. Webb is the Zell Miller of the 2010s.

People were expecting him to maintain his integrity. He's been calling Clinton an under-qualified corporate stooge for months; how do you think it reflects on him that he's endorsed someone he supposedly finds so reprehensible?



Webb is the controlled op "republican democrat". His job was to gobble up the voters who would side with him only to have them shift to whomever of Sanders / Clinton when he (Webb) dropped rather than go to the GOP.

The Clinton-spider needs a Webb, after all.

He signed the oath that he would back the Democratic nomination regardless of who won. He did maintain his integrity by sticking to his oath.













Maybe we need the autistic oathanon to talk to Bernie.

Fucking autist spams pol for months.

One time you need him.. and he's nowhere.

No. He would have if he went until the convention. He didn't. Therefore he lied.

Even the plebbiters nuanced that out.
Even the plebbiters admitted they'd be okay with that over this.

Dammit I read that as "Fuck this, I just threw up all over my mom's cooch"


He probably got a month long ban for not sucking Trump cock.


You need to stop watching Jew porn. It's making you think of crazy degeneracy.

"How to fuck a million millennials in a single day"

I don't think he got b&, probably just curfew.

because you're apparently new here.

What a surprise.

takes too much to reach sign on keyboard

Oh my god that fucking maniac laughter

She really is a commie isnt she


Absolutely shameless!

He doesn't have to endorse her. He could have sat shit out until the convention or just ouright now give her an endorsement. Ron Paul endorsed 3rd party candidates when he lost. Many cuckservatives in this election have not endorsed Trump despite dropping out and many of them have outright refused to despite being front-runners or being big names within the party. You have no argument here Hillary shill.

he was controlled opposition from the fucking start, hence why he defended her on the emails for no logical reason whatsoever during the debates.

He copied some of Trumps talking points to try and win over anti-establishment early on and the dems hoped they would fold-into support for Shillary once he was "out".

change that too


What's wrong with being a racist billionaire?

Just like a true communist!

Boinee gave his followers something to believe in and he then stabbed them in the back. Few things can make a person more bitter and resentful than turning them into an idealist only to betray their ideals.

You're essentially watching their souls die. It's beautiful.



Holy shit. My mom came into my room to bring me a plate of chicken nuggets and I literally screamed at her and hit the plate of chicken nuggets out of her hand. She started yelling and swearing at me and I slammed the door on her. I'm so distressed right now I don't know what to do. I didn't mean to do that to my mom but I'm literally in shock from the endorsement tonight. I feel like I'm going to explode. Why the fucking fuck is he endorsing her? This can't be happening. I'm having a fucking breakdown. I don't want to believe the world is so corrupt. I want a future to believe in. I want Bernie to be president and fix this broken country. I cannot fucking deal with this right now. It wasn't supposed to be like this, I thought he was a true progressive???? This is so fucked.

That pasta will never stop being relevant when discussing bernouts.

The harsh slap of reality in their faces is hilarious to see the reactions out of it.

Oh look, it's Holla Forums.

Of course she's a fat communist feminist.

The only liberal females all seem to be fat ugly or both.

I thought that's actually an Adam Savage tattoo.

it's the mark of a mark. If I was a con artist, I'd look for Bernie tattoos.

this is just fucking sad. better than them going to shillary i guess.

This is why the left's meme candidate lost.

Leftists can't fucking meme

That reminds of GamerGoy, when all the Leftards kept going to their Leftist 'heroes' hoping they would help them, subsequently getting rekt, then frantically screaming bloody murder when people went to Right-wing figureheads.

yeah for the most part, i've only ever see them copy shit and fail miserably. watching Holla Forums do shitty ms paint edits to things and push their failed porky meme is just embarrassing

Best part is that they try so hard to flip our memes on us when the few memes they have are so much easier to flip on them. Pic related is truly excellent work.


ZOG hog was great, Holla Forums was fucking anal blasted for weeks.

he's not actually, he's an (((Independent)))





I don't get it.

This isn't just salt, it's salt and vinegar. In the wound.

I do not get it.

The average Bernie donation was $27.


Bernberg always touted that the average donation to his campaign was "27 dollars".

This pic was only recently added to Hillary's site.

Commit suicide, you multiracial cuck faggot

I know it hurts, Bern victim, but the skin grafts will make it almost look like nothing ever happened!

Report all "civic nationalist" faggots. It's a Brit/pol/ shitpost maymay that needs a permaban.

Go back to Reddit and never come here again

I dont see the issue in exploiting blacks for my own group's gain.

Jews would say the same thing.

Sure is projecting in here.

Worked out pretty well for them so far, hasn't it?

You already know the problem with that statement you cheeky cunt.

What, because they have a massive in-group preference among their own? And?

Thats like saying

In the grand scheme of things I dont care if I were to become vilified so long as I can achieve my goal. Someone has to do the wetwork.


It will still help whites immensely idiot

Also is not what the image is conceiving

How does reinforcing race-blind civcuck "nationalism" help our group at all? It just ensures that the budding nationalist movement is co-opted by egalitarian-lite disillusioned cuckservatives. We need to be promoting racial nationalism, not this oxymoronic bastardisation of nationalism.

You're the one promoting racial cuckoldry, you cunt. You're clearly not from around here

You're a bit delusional, matey

No, because they will exploit everyone and anything to move themselves forward, and it always fails in the end.

Being reminded of jewish tactics seems to have struck a nerve. Deep down we know it's dishonourable behaviour.

We need to start a Holla Forums salt thread.

It would just be a Holla Forums archive, commies are never comfy.

They are so fucking gay, holy shit. They say they are above SJW-ism, but if you spend 10 minutes there you can see that is clearly not true.

guys, I don't think we fully realize the meme potential here. We have a solid equivalent of the "Current Year" meme, so we have to act fast and effectively. Let me explain:

"Ugh, s/he's 'with her'"

"Why don't you just come out in support 'for her'"

"They must be 'with her'"

The emphasis and disdain must be placed on the 'with/for her', since that'll be the new trigger for betrayal, incompetence, cuckoldry, you name it!

We could start on twitter and get #youmightbewithher trending to drop redpills and the dankest memes we got.


I do know it is dishonorable. And I do not expect anyone else to think otherwise. I think to do that would be unfair.

Personally, however, I am willing to cross that line. I am tired of losing and if I have to sacrifice my own honor to make sure that we are able to win at large, then so be it.

Good luck with that.

Enforcing civic nationalism in the US and enforcing border control will save white americans because they are still the majority and it will stop the flood.

You don't get it.

fucking genius, do it. use their egos to make them our puppets. the jews must lose their hold.


Look at these fools, going on about the Cucknited States. They think they had a say in their country, lol. Now that we jewed them all, we can drop our pants and rape them dry, like we do with every goyim. Grab the last shekel, and then let's go! There's entire new countries for grabs, lets wind up the fed and start all over again..!!

Easy, they donated thousands to (((SANDERS)))
whats a few thousand more to remove a tattoo?

Cannot wait for the "Removing my Bernie Tattoo" twitter spam. I am already reaching salt capacity omega, but I want MORE.

there's also cultural nationnalism. One can be a part of the nation if it share the same culture. Which is also a no to immigration. On the other if someone is born a grew with the "x" nation blood's but didn't lived there, he's most likely not welcome to "x" country because he doesn't share the culture.

all that to say that nationnalism that isn't ethnic nationnalism aren't necessarly civic nationnalism. If you feel like so, youmight have fallen into an extrem just like most civic nationnalist.

I bet if you wore a Hillary/Sanders t-shirt they would be triggered to death.

Hey by the way I fully support you guys kekking at idiotic buttmad Sanders supporters who assumed this wouldn't happen when he said literally from the beginning he would support the eventual nominee, but don't call it "cucking" or "lying" or anything like that, he's going to go on with the political revolution and announced that he's going to be starting a PAC of sorts to keep his agenda going, like the Council for National Policy but much more important. He knows that this is the best way to proceed. He knew when he declared he wasn't going to win the primary in official numbers, and he probably knew most of the way along his campaign too. And before I get called a hill shill I won't be voting for her, especially with her support for the Puerto Rican """rescue""" bill.

This meme regressives of all types spout is pretty funny considering the group that came up with the term was talking about capitalist/religious promises of "pie in the sky when you die" and it was coined by the communist labor union, the IWW.

Yes, people killing each other because they dislike the group the other is in is a social construct.

1. When Trump wins the presidency (won't happen)
2. When Trump accepts the presidency instead of just handing it off to his VP pick (I mean, why do you think he's giving it so much thought?)
3. If you don't renounce Trump when you find out that he just wants to add "CEO of America" to things he accomplished in his life and will let cuckservatives and teabaggers ruin the country, which, assuming he could and did win, would happen

/r/ing that pic where a bunch of Holla Forumslacks found out they were Jewish with so many fucking people are at least a little bit Jewish, some rich guy's great grandfather isn't evidence of your shitty conspiracy theory. You realize they trace descendancy through the matriarchal line, right? If some guy's dad is Jewish he still isn't Jewish technically, much less culturally. All my Jewish friends are poor. Explain that one.
Also no, your memes are much easier to flip because they're made by rednecks with a fertilized fish egg's critical thinking skills.

I guess we kind of were a bit upset but that's because it's a shitty edit and it's stupid too.

GG was primarily casual leftist but ok

Literally everyone said this was going to happen including Bernie, you're not some original insightful genius for saying as much yourself.

See, he's going to hold her accountable to her campaign promises.

Hey friend that's really dank but he literally doesn't have any of that money left over except a little bit so his net profit was very little and he's not going to go home and sit on it first of all he's really old and secondly it'll be going to his new organization.

That's not what happened but ok

My sides are in orbit

Hillary and Martha Stewart must share the same closet.

He's already got some key battle ground states under lock and we're not even close to the debates
Yes those in group preferences from jew aren't dangerous to whites at all
Yeah he spend it all on holidays and literally Hitler Sports cars

He has to win almost all of the battleground states, and his numbers are worse than Romney's. With full honesty, good luck. Hillary needs a spooking. But I don't see it happening at all.
America is huge, I'd argue that number's diluting. They make up more like 12% of the population of New York. Keep in mind that Jews have always been more literate than the general population because education and scripture was important to their culture despite being generally poorer with the exception of court Jews and the like. What I'm trying to say is there's no such thing as "Jewish trash" like Whites have "White trash" and "rednecks" and Blacks have "dindus" and "gibsmes", and it throws off the numbers. You'll also find a ridiculous number of CEOs are named John or have Art History degrees. Apparently you don't think it's the least bit strange that the rich are also ridiculously Irish. It's just as easier to imagine a globalist Irish conspiracy, or even White. Just ask a lot of Maoists.
That was a shitty photoshop and the trip to the Vatican wasn't that expensive.

Trump is going to go well in worker states like (West) Virginia and Indiana
No he defiantly bought that Audi


Well I accidently clicked new reply
The Jewish population isn't diluting when you have the Orthodox groups growing like wildfire in Upstate NY, and I'd Argue that your New York Jews are the Jewish Trash, people like Mark, while the number of "Rednecks" and "White Trash" are very small even in rural communities and that's mainly in the first place due to drigs brought in, which is a whole other story, while huge percentages of blacks are dangerous and commit crimes and I notice a few "Irish" CEO's like Bill Gates, who surprise surprise have links to Jewry and its impossible nowhere days to get rich without Kvetching up to Jews That's actually part of why the Jews are extremely pissed about Trump as he Jewed the Jews

You have to go back because you are human sewage, but I'll give you a couple points.
1. 40% of muh 1% are jewish. I don't mean Holla Forums gave them a gold star for no reason, I mean they identify as jewish and have strong jewish bloodlines and heritage. The same identity that makes up barely 2% of our population. By any reasonable definition of jewish, jews make up an unreasonable amount of our wealthiest tier.

2. Do you really think any leftist revolution is going to remove them from their wealth? Honestly? Isn't it weird how that's never happened? Very few leftists have ever pointed out this massive coincidence, and those that did were shut down. I forget the guy, but there was even a thing on Holla Forums about a socialist who picked a fight with Karl Marx about how he buddied up with jews (capitalist jews at that) and everybody took Marx's side! This despite the fact that Marx's father was 100% jewish (the last in a long, long line of rabbis) and his mother was a rabbi's daughter. While jews are in charge, you will never get your worker's paradise, and that includes Bernie fucking Sanders.

Holla Forums likes reading, right? I'm not asking you to read Mein Kampf, but you really should read Culture of Critique. It's a really thorough blowout of jews that's rigorously documented. By the way, your posts are nice additions to the Bernout salt pile.

I don't understand why bernie leftists are so surprised, I mean bernie isn't an alpha, he's literally cucked ass sissy. You can smell his pussy from miles away. Did they really expect some sissy ass mangina to be the leader of their "revolution"?

The leftists are slated for extinction because these are the types of sissies they see as "leaders".

Leftists have no idea of what masculinity and standing up for ones self means
Part of why they can't understand Trump

Do leftist alphas even exist?

wew nice job talking out of your ass again you fucking redneck, sasuga

That's what I was referring to.

um do you live here? what standards are you using? i'm just referring to generally uneducated people who don't have shit's chance at six figure salary.
I don't know what you're even talking about. If anything Sanders campaign should've demolished the idea that Jews are a monolith given how many spoke out against him and his Israel stances and the fact many Jewish organizations endorsed Trump.

Am I human or am I sewage? If it helps I'm Puerto Rican.
Source? The figure I cited, 47% of billionaires, is going with "anyone who has any Jewish ancestry, how the Jews actually trace ancestry be damned" standards and I assume so are yours. Regardless I already addressed that above.
No, no, and no. I don't know what you're talking about in regards to Marx but it sounds stupid. Are you referring to this idea that socialism is a Jewish invention that will never take away the Jews' money? That's inherently contradictory. The statement within itself contains the idea that Jews support capitalism and making money for themselves, you don't support an ideology ironically just so you can take advantage of it. Besides, plenty of socialist revolutions bankrupted capitalists. The only time I can think of of what you're talking about is this time (and yet it doesn't really count because Bernie wasn't actually proposing a socialist revolution to seize the means), but I don't know what you're even talking about. There's been failed or aborted socialist revolutions but those were all in the third world.

Noted you fucking cuntboy smell fetishist

Masculinity is a spook. If you mean having some balls that's every socialist revolution ever.

"Chad Thundercock" alphas, "Benito Mussolini" alphas or "well to do, important, influential, bright men who have it all and don't take shit from anyone"? Because there's plenty of the last one. Like me. Just got my novel published, pretty happy about it, and my tech startup is doing as good as can be expected. It's a cooperative.

I'm not clicking on snopes and they're not a verifiable source
I'm Australian, and I know what archtype you refer to and honestly just because I don't have a $100,000 piece of paper doesn't mean I or any one else who isn't a uni fag a retard
Masculinity is most defiantly not a social construct, it is one of the mos hard wired parts of genetic being, as it has been sourced, measured and been identified completely
Yes ordering the death of your own people behind a desk like Lenin, Mao and Che did is totally having balls

You know right Jews play both sides

I can smell yours through the internet.

Top kek
There is exactly one picture that shows Bernie inside an Audi and it's a photoshop. Then a bunch of people started arranging pictures in a way that made it seem more legit.
You're actually mostly right about that one, I just dislike the way masculinity is talked about, like, "oh, to be a man you gotta hit your kids"
I'm talking about the revolutionary soldiers, dippie. Besides none of those countries seized the means of production. Well they did but they gave it to the government and not the people.

A-user stop uwaaa

Wow, so what you're telling me is that they're this huge super intelligent monolith that knows exactly how to make it look like they're not a monolith? And out of millions of people, not one of them speak up? Wow…

They don't see it that way.

They see in Bernie really smart person that "cares".

The age, the effete figure, the hair, the appeal to Colleague students.

Bernie knows his fanbase, they are a group of naive/dumb people that basically think their sociology 101 Professor could fix all the problems in American society if only he had the power to do so.

Apparently you haven't heard all the times he said the president isn't all-powerful and he couldn't fix everything.


I was too busy listening to him saying he will single handily battle the influence of every billionaire in Wall street, end racism, redistribute most resources in the economy by rewriting the entire tax-code and saving human civilization from a second Permian extinction triggered by global warming.

So i guess i must have missed that.

He never said any of those things except maybe the first one but ok


During the middle ages and renaissance the average Jewish family in western Europe was as wealthy as minor nobility and even in eastern yurop they generally were involved in some skilled profession and were much better off than the peasantry.

This sentence needs to be revised.

Its amusing reading all these posts, you can physically see them going through the five stages of grieving in real time, each in their own phase so far, and each progressing through them one at a time at their own rate… its truly a sight to behold, and going to be even more interesting to see how many move through the different steps or get hung up on a certain step as time goes on

The denial group, who think hes still going to "fight for them" and lead their "revolution"… delusional to be honest, and many who were here when he was going to "fight at the convention" have swiftly moved to the next stage because of this. I doubt this group will vote, they'll be apathetic at best about it, or might protest write in Sanders.

The anger group, who are up in arms and running away from the sinking dem ship, casting their lot in with (((Stein))) and the green party in protest, and condemning him as a sellout and fraud, but likely still holding hope they're wrong, which will lead them eventually into the next group. If they get stuck here, they'll vote green party or another third party, a tiny few will vote Trump.

The bargaining group who see this as a necessary step, that they have to do this to "make sure Trump doesnt win," and that they'll "keep fighting" and "keep the revolution going" with her in office, once again, delusions. We'll probably see a LOT of people in this stage for the two seeks around the convention as they're slowly worked on by the clinton campaign and indoctrinated from every side. But, as time and the campaign go on, and more and more about Shillary keeps hitting them, and her statements prove to be hollow and shes nailed on her support of the things they are against, AND the reality of Sanders disappearing into the background never to be heard from again sets in, they'll move to the next stage. Sandersfags in this stage will likely vote for Shillary, they wont be happy about it, they'll kick and scream, but they'll do it. *

*(THIS IS THE MOST DANGEROUS PHASE FOR OUR SIDE. Its our job as time goes on, to get them to move beyond this step to at LEAST depression if not acceptance. If clinton can keep them here well enough, she'll have an increased voter base because of it, and this WILL BE their goal, and to make it appear for as long as possible that she will indeed take care of some of their pet issues, she wont, and we need to make sure they get this through their heads so they move on to the next step)

The depression group who has given up hope, who likely wont vote if they remain here until november. They've given up, their "leader" abandoned them, their movement is in shambles, their pockets empty, "their" candidate is now a criminal who will sell their futures for pennies and a tiny bit more power and will likely try to start ww3. Those in this group see that, and dont see eye to eye with Trump because of all the propaganda and indoctrination, they know a 3rd party cant win, so they give up. This stage is at least mildly helpful to us as it keeps them from voting, at worst they'll vote 3rd party just because, at best they wont vote at all.

And finally, the acceptance group, the smallest group so far, who have come to terms with it and realize the democrat party is full of criminals liars and cheats, and that their "socialist heroes" will betray them and sell them down the river as was done here, that their sides leaders are just as out for themselves as the rest and DONT hold to the values the common believes do. They'll begin to question their views to an extent because even the people they held in such high regard "on their side" sell them out, no different from the "crooked capitialists" they hate so much. they're open to suggestion in this stage, and CAN be convinced to vote Trump, and many in this group will. Because while they may not agree with him on everything, they can be made to see that if prosperity for all of us at home is their goal, to raise everyone up, then Trump is the best chance they have, and if it DOESNT work, then no one can fix it and true revolution will have to happen before anything gets better. Plus, Trump DOES have many moderate views, and on the downlow they can be convinced he will expand/help some of the programs they're after, because on them he does lean to the left, or has in the past, and can be made to believe he only tends to the right more on them publicly right now because thats what has to be done.

Hi ! I'm not banned, I'm working hard to make our world great (not again, only great)

9/10 post.
And you didn't fuck up the formatting.

We have to court berniecrats. The cleansing comes later.

Top cuck

Haven't looked at all the posts, sorry if this has already been posted.

casually mention that you saw Bernie endorse Hillary on TV.
make sure it just gently slip into a conversation.

watch her face when you say it…


made for lolz and dubs

guys, check this out…

Okay, I have to admit that's pretty funny.

my sides hurt

They are welcoming in their country illegals that rape their mothers & sisters, what do you expect..

These idiots don't know shit about politics. For a lot of them, this is their first election and so they flocked to the guy who offered them the most free shit. They're products of the modern day, Trump is scary to them because he's tough and unabashed and believes in responsibility, Sanders was sensitive and caring, told them the government could be their daddy and take all their responsibilites for them, and said nice things about everyone except those mean rich people so he was wonderful. They don't see that as sissy, they see it as being a perfect, kind, Christ-like figure (but not Christ because that's a Republican thing and they literally want poor people to die).

These people are so retarded that a lot of them are now genuinely cooing that it's OK that Sanders - whose campaign was about taking money out of politics and fighting the banks - endorsed the candidate owned mind, body, and soul by money, foreign donors, and the banks. It's OK they say, because they influenced the "Democratic platform" and forced Clinton to "adopt more leftish stances".

As though they genuinely think that the official platform is legally binding, that the Dems won't shit on their platform the second they get in, and that Clinton genuinely means what she says as opposed to pandering for votes like she always has from the second she stepped into politics.

If they're slated for extinction it's not because they pick soft, weak leaders but because the left are nothing but tools for the global elite to centralise power and divide society to rule it and yet have their heads so far up their self-moralising and virtuous asses that they don't notice it and think they're helping the "little guy".


Victory tastes so sweet. Dem vote is divided, new generation is disillusioned with the dem party entirely, Trump has this in the bag. Some might even vote for Trump out of spite. Gentlemen, we are set for the next decade. America will be GREAT again!



Man today is gonna be a great day, i know a ton of bernouts. Where do i even start.

Start by casually asking them how they've been recently, then softly insinuate that they look miserable today. They most likely won't be able to hold back their tears from Commie Jew Superman stabbing them all in the backs

To be fair, this is prety hilarious.
At least they are self aware.

Good. I thought they would be chanting "Stop Trump. Never Trump." in every post. If only they would have blamed shitskins on the loss instead of boomers, things would be perfect.

What the fuck are you smoking, you mental reject? Enforcing "civic nationalism" which is already an oxymoron and doesn't exist/never will exist, doesn't stop the flood of LEGAL immigration, which is an even bigger problem than illegal. White Americans are barely a slim majority, and that percentage is going to continue to decline with the continuation of illegal immigration

Civic "nationalism" is a complete bastardisation of the concept of nationhood. It rejects the organic racial aspect of the nation, and the important bond through blood that unites the people. "Civic Nationalism" is really no different than cuckservative state-worship, where any shitskins from god-knows anywhere can become an "American" as long as they're a good enough goy and worship the ruling political+economic system. It's entirely degenerate and anti-white in nature.

It's YOU who doesn't "get it"

I've been on a diet for the past few weeks, and accidentally gave myself a sodium deficiency. This thread is making me feel better.

Daily reminder that Holla Forums has been calling it on this point for months now. take note Holla Forums fags.

It was originally impossible because they have all been bought/intimidated by Clinton, it's now impossible because he's revealed his hand.

I spent a solid 5 minutes winding myself chuckling and "Oooh"ing at how painful those tattoos must feel.

I guess you have to begin the grieving process at step 1.

No there's not. There's only nationalism, and that entails a shared culture AND race. There's no such thing as a "multiracial culture". It's a complete bastardisation.
Not if they do not share the same race. "Culture" is intrinsically linked to the racial group that produced it. A paki cunt doesn't "become" British because he LARPs as a brit, just like a non-white cannot "become" American" because he's "integrated" into the disgusting kike consumerist culture we've had imposed on us. Shitskins will NEVER EVER integrate on a deeper spiritual level to the European civilisation/culture that defines our nation our bonds our people together. They know deep down they can never become one of us, and that's why they want to fundamentally change the definition of American as to include any shitskin from all over the world. We are not a propositional nation. We aren't just a set of worthless "ideas". Our nation is defined by the blood and spirit of the white race.
He belongs in that country far more than any shitskin who LARPs. Culture is linked to blood. You cannot separate the two without cheapening and destroying the culture itself.
By definition it is. "Nationalism" without the ethnic part is a total bastardisation of the entire concept of nationhood. A multiracial/multicultural nation is an oxymoron, because a nation is a constituted of a people with a shared cultural and racial identity, united by their blood.
What the fuck are you talking about? I'm not a civic nationalist. I'm a racial/ethnic nationalist - the only genuine kind of nationalism.

oh my god
I am crying at that pic, anyone have it?


Underrated post



Well, they have done one thing right for a change.

Sanders Raised $16 Million From the Unemployed and Retired

"A major chunk of Bernie Sanders' record fundraising is coming from an unlikely source: people without jobs.

Sanders raised more than $16 million in 2015 from more than 235,000 people who identified themselves as either unemployed or retired, according to filings with the Federal Election Commission. Almost all of it has come through ActBlue, an online platform for making political donations to Democrats."

It's slippery slope, in case you didn't notice, Trump's civic nationalism was already seen as EVIL NADZI RASYS and the establishment and left wingers are trying to fight against it with tooth and nails.

Once this is largely accepted, racialism can start to be re-normalized and people who support it not be marginalized. The jews themselves didnt convince people to racemix by a finger snap.

And stopping illegal immigration also do will stop the largest part of the problem, they will take centuries to accomplish it more by not having a free flow of immigrants in the mexican border.




That's a shitty, gay post though, and it's completely wrong. Bernie has said himself he's not going anywhere.

He actually got the stage back later. He was willing to let them say what they (she) had to say and told them to fuck off when they (she) started to attack him. Trump, on the other hand, shuts down any dissent, just like he would in government, because he's a fucking casual fascist.


gay and fake
The real "no refunds" memer is jeb, who got almost as much money and managed to take a lot of it home, and exerted no influence on politics. The next one will be Trump after November, for the same reasons

I secretly hope he somehow knows she's going to get fucked and is just planning on using this as a platform.

I like Sanders a fuck lot more than Hillary.

feels good

The point is that he let them take it over.
While looking like a complete weak cuck.

Bernie has always been a sell out. Did anyone really expect that a career politician wouldn't jump on whatever bandwagon pays the most?

Bern-outs are really stupid, not in the way that they disagree with me so they're stupid, but in that they can't see they're being played so hard stupid

Ty interesting read, the theme of uniting the weak under manipulative cowards against the strong is a theme often repeated in history and has been on the rise increasingly.