Anti Jim Watkins Thread
Anti Jim Watkins Thread
Yo if you hate Jim so much then why doesn't every user put forth 100 dollars and then you have enough six gorillion dollars to buy the website from him?
Anti-Jim is a codeword for pro-white.
Because complaining is much easier than running an imageboard
and stealing much easier than creating something
All the postings in this thread are rude and make no sense.
This is now a pro-jim thread.
Suck a cock , cunt
Stop bullying Jim.
I think jim is a pretty good guy
He sacks mods and isn't afraid of selling out
That Jim guy is easy going on the outside but anti-social and violent on the inside. A perfect match for the moderators on the site.
ell oh ell
Despite using his website I know literally nothing about him besides the fact he owns 2ch too
Who en earth wants to own this dump?
is this a watkins thread that's anti-jim?
is this a anti-jim watkins thread
is this an anti-thread for jim?
state your're purpose
Null lost even his beloved Kiwifarms. This battle has been over for a long time.
It makes me wonder what ol' Josh is gonna do now. Is he gonna make a comeback or is he just going to move back in with his white-trash pill popping trailer park mom in Florida and live the rest of his life as a sad narcotic addicted fuck for the rest of his miserable life.
Josh deserves whatever shit fate has in store for him. He's the reason this site started sliding downhill.
bullshit. he did what was asked of him and fell foul of jim's kleptomaniac tendencies. josh wouldn't give away his intellectual property and jim wouldn't give him a job. next works better than the infinity fork we use here. it's free and open source.
that's what went wrong.
I hate Jim Watkins.
Jim Cherney, however, is a reputable newsman you should trust.
Josh was asshole but at least he did something right. Daily reminder Holla Forums is closed source data mining machine.
next could have been good, but thats what happens when you burn anons. Fun times though.