Did black women create miscegenation?

Honest question, not a shitpost. I've noticed their "strong indumbpendent womyn" bullshit drove black men away.

Black women are the biggest proponents - and cause- of black/non black pairings. Black females are so fat, disgusting, and arrogant that black males will take anything else (think of all the obese white women with relatively successful black males). Black females, despite being white-haters to the max, would murder their entire fambly to get the attention of a white man.

Spend any amount of time around nigresses and you will notice two things: and overwhelming, unwarranted confidence and their burning hatred of white women, especially attractive white women. They will go on and on and on about their "degree"(likely a social science from a diploma mill), their looks(ugly face, bad makeup, smelly weave and all), and their so cuuute bastard children, but the second they see a white woman they instantly go into attack mode. Remember how adult nigresses attacked a 12 year-old girl on twitter because the girl had box braids.

dubs, nice.

there was a very young white child with her mom at the bowling alley, and when the niggers came up to say hi to the child….

its more than a social construct it has been ingrained into our genes to avoid the groid.

even dogs hate niggers.

Well 3D drove me to 2D but I don't see it that way OP, from my experience a 5/10 white girl will act as entitled as a 7/10 girl of any other race not to mention most of the high profile feminists are either white or kikes.

Nah, your social incompetence and need for a narrative drove you into isolation.

Women that aren't intolerable barely exist outside of us in flesh and blood form.

How many friends do you have? I was just pointing out my observations with women, white women know they are demand and act like it.
No its just something I came to realize puts it pretty well.

no, fucking and defiling the women of some others guys tribe has always been a way of establishing dominance and telling other races to go fuck themselves. When the mongols would sack a place they would rape literally every women. They fuck white women because they know it pisses you off and it makes you a cuck.

Why would I get upset over a women who voluntarily burn coal? Rape is one thing but a women who would freely chose to do that was never worth anything to begin with. A cuck is the only one who would get upset.

This is why we have a mulatto and mestizo problem today.

I think they were always like that.
I believe they used black women to keep the black men in line when they "waz slaves and Sheet".

your probably a nigger trying to be accepted. Trying to fuck and ruin women is a time honored tradition of masculinity. WHY WOULD I CARE!!!! This is why you are a cuck, in the old days we use to take niggers who talked to white women and hang them from a fucking tree, this is how masculinity works.

They are still doing it right now.

I think they used whips chains and the threat of hanging to keep blacks in line.

Years ago when I was blue pilled, I knew a black guy who was into white and latina girls.

I asked why, he answered that black women are arrogant controlling bitches that chimp out, talk badly to their men black men and do nasty shit that disgusts even male niggers.

TLDR; Even chimps don't want chimps.

Honestly why? Back when I was in highschool and into following the mindless sex pursuit like Hollywood said every good boyim should I may have found some common ground with what you are saying but not now that I'm older. A non virgin means nothing to me let alone a race mixer a women who would do something like that was already ruined



Anyone posting below this line is a retard:

of death


We all die sometime, Slugger.

but not a virgin


Well based on that grammar I would say YOU'RE probably the least likely person to be white here.

Amerindian Women are like this too, but the more subtle cunt variety. You can practically hear it in their voice.

I've been dealing with enough blacks at my job that it's a noticeable pattern.

Okay, Jamal.

also the concept of marriage or monogamy in general isn't something niggers understand, so expecting them to stay within their race is foolish

stopped reading at fat

what are you doing with fat women?

The worst part about women isn't that they're difficult. I'm a handsome man. I have a very nice body. I lift for an hour every single day. I take care of myself. I'm eloquent.

I have no problems with women. The problems I have are that they aren't any good.

After going through the motions and getting to know a girl, and even when I have her totally under my spell, I discover something disgusting about her. She's been in a gangbang, or with a black guy, or she's done drugs, had an abortion, been with more than 3 guys, etc. They all say the same thing,

All this time, working hard on myself. I've avoided making stupid mistakes. I've never done anything I regret. Because I wanted to earn the love of someone valuable.

Women don't think they have to earn anything – they feel entitled to it.

I think your autism did.


Well, let's examine the question thoroughly.
It has become evident to me that there is a problem between black men & black women, in general. Much of it is self-inflicted, as are most of the problems in black society.
Black women see beautiful white women everywhere, women who simply won the birth lottery by being white. They then look in the mirror every day, and with few exceptions they see a more monkey-like face staring back, a face that is black with brown eyes, brillo-pad hair that only takes to a few styles without hours of chemical treatment to make it more like white-women hair, a flat gorilla nose, and large, liver-colored lips.
This has got to be disheartening for anyone, and with the sad admission that she can never be truly beautiful, she stops caring about her looks, with the exception of simply trying to draw attention to herself with more and more outlandish makeup & face-flak. Soon, as eating is her only solace, she balloons into a dark zeppelin-like figure, which makes her even more despondent.
She simply does not realize that black men might well have found her quite attractive, before she gave up on herself. You see, black men also have monkey features, and to find HER monkey features ugly would mean they find themselves ugly.
But living in a world peopled by a superior race, she has compared herself to that race, and simply comes up short.
There is also the harsh reality that most black men will never treat her with respect, will never work to help support her and her children, are simply, in the main, not someone she can build a life with. They won't even stay and help her take care of the children. For all of these things, she would need a white man, and white men are not interested in her.
And when she watches television, or goes to the movies, or sees a Disney animation that FINALLY depicts a black princess, what does she discover? That the black females that are chosen as leads because of their looks, all have white features.

This kind of constant depression would drive anyone to despise their own kind, and would bring even the strongest to the brink of madness.
So have a little understanding, don't judge too severely…who knows? If reincarnation is real, YOU may be reborn as a black woman. As a matter of fact, the statistics give you a better chance at it than being born white.



Pat yerself on your encephalitic head, Sigmund Floyd. If you kikes hadn't brought 'em here, they'd be absent all that distraction. Drink plenty of water, chaim; we're gassing up the ovens.

Projection or samefag.

Or summerfags

tbh how is dying a virgin bad? ejaculating is just an animal reflex, its like taking a shit. materialism makes men into pointless electro-chemical automatons. having sex just to have sex is valueless, it only obtains animal value for reproduction and it gains "human" value, in the hegelian sense through the purely ideal desire of love which exists through and at the same time without the animal reflex.

tl;dr dying a virgin is not insulting unless one ascribes to the schema of jewish materialism

also sage for stealth cuckbait thread

Actually, this is a falsehood. It hearkens back to "Uncle Tom's Cabin" which was just Christcuck propaganda.
You did not whip or harm your slaves to keep them in line, they were too expensive. The vast majority of slaves simply did their work & accepted their food, clothing, & shelter for it. Even when Atlanta was ringed by the northern army, the blacks in the city helped build the fortifications. There were a few slave uprisings, and they were pretty brutal, but that was one of the few reasons slaves were killed or hanged for their actions. Most slaves got along pretty good, and some even earned their freedom.
There WAS the underground railroad, and many slaves did want to escape to freedom, but that was probably because they thought that if they became free they would have the same trappings of wealth provided to them that the normal white had achieved. They found out differently, however, as ex slaves in Canada or the north were worked in factories that treated ALL men like slaves, anyway.
And I think you'll find out that when there WAS a lynching of a black in the U.S., it was normally not for a trivial reason, the black had done something despicable. And there have been more whites lynched in the U.S. than blacks, anyway.
And did you know that white Irishmen were sold as slaves in the U.S. by the thousands, at one time? Or that the first person to own a black slave in the U.S. was black? And that he had to go to court for the right to enslave him?

You simply have no tolerance and understanding, do you?
Jesus would not be proud.

come the fuck on..

Its a honest question. Do you feel like you have accomplished more the Da-Vinci or Newton just because you had sex? I don't

Wow, moralfagging andchristcucking!
You shills sure do suck a fat wad when it comes to blending in.

Da Vinci was a fag.

Why am I a shill? What did I say that was not Holla Forumscentric?

And he still accomplished more then you.

B-but I wrote two books…
What have YOU done?

I never wanted to be them.

can't you write books and fuck pussy at same time?

I already do.
What does fucking have to do with accomplishing anything?

Had sex with a girl 4 years ago nothing much else.
Well then whats your name? I should of definitely heard of of you then.

And you talk like Satan.


Thank you.

Exactly there is no way to tie it back to you. And if you were really a author who was more renowned then Da Vinci I should of at least heard of you.

wait, the virgin fuck made only one post..

Your Watchtower articles don't count.

South American woman had a huge amount of african american man to deal with since they didnt want their woman but latinas instead, many ended up serving as "bulls" there. There are documentaries about it, their women are simply crap

Yeah, you managed to be more autistic than a virgin fuck.
That why normalfags are and will always be a joke, most of the time, being the goodest of the goyim.

Hardly more renowned than DaVinci
And it would not tie ME at the moment to my name, but it WOULD tie my name to Holla Forums…a bad move, as I'm sure even you can understand.

Articles are not books.
And I've never written articles for anyone, but I was considering trying it.

No it wouldn't I could tell you Bill Gates, its not going to be in the tabloids tomorrow.

niggers will fuck anything, that's the reason they exist and the reason they're the living embodiment of human vice in the first place

but if a nigger knows he can "do better" than a negress, he will try. Just like with black women, once there is a baby involved he will disappear; this behavior is both predatory and parasitic, but because females are at the mercy of their hormones they keep falling for it.

for what it's worth, negresses aren't as "bad" as black males and often attempt to be decent human beings (not always)

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume it's all true. Unless you get lucky at some point you're going to have to make some pragmatic decisions.

You don't understand. More than Holla Forumsacks browse this board, and many with the desire to attack and stalk any Holla Forumsack whose privacy they can destroy.
Why would I let myself open for that?

I'm sure you have a 12 inch penis and a supercar as well.

What is this, grade school?

You don't understand there is zero proof of your identity unless you post a face and a time stamp. Posting a name is absolutely meaningless


7 inch penis, and an old truck.
I intend to paint it camo to hide the dents.
The truck, not the penis.

Oh, cut it out, nobody on Holla Forums is stupid enough to fall for this tripe.

its true

She saw the picture get taken

If she lost weight she'd be doable, she looks like she browses tumblr though. Why does tumblr turn all women who browse it fat?

I'm glad you take such good care of yourself, user. It will pay off one day. Have you tried finding a nice, respectable woman at church? I know it's difficult to find girls that have gone to church since they were a child, but that is one of the last places that wholesome women remain.

Because they don't get off their computer chair

This is mostly true, and white women are simply far more attractive physically.


White man-Black woman couples are more common than White woman-Black man, so the effect black women have on miscegenation is minimal.

A far more important effect is the fact that black men abuse every girl they're with, have no jobs or prospects, and run at the suggestion of marriage or a child.

I've ALWAYS said it and I'll say it again:

The current social state of niggers is our future if the Jews have their way!

Not too long ago, in the south at least, most blacks lived in stable two-parent Christian households with both parents employed. Most blacks had jobs and went to church in their best clothes each Sunday.

Now, the average black is raised by a single mother on welfare with the babydaddy nowhere to be found, if the mother knows who the father is at all. Most young blacks are unemployed (more than 50% unemployed), leaching welfare in one form or another, and either sell drugs or engage in other criminal activity. Blacks don't go to church because fuck that stupid shit its the white mans religion keepin them down. (Sounds like what the Jews tell us).

Basically, blacks were far better off and way more civilized before the (((civil rights movement))).

The generation born right after the civil rights movement was borderline, and then children born to that generation (CURRENT YEAR) are fucking barbarians

The ones coming of age now are the generation raised by the barbarian generation, and they are total fucking subhumans. The ones most of us dealt with in school

Of course goy, and they were right to do so, diversity is strength so let's get rid of it by making everyone but we chosen people brown.

Seriously though, I fucking doubt it. I remember reading up on that data that dating sites had gathered on this sort of thing. Black women the least amount of attention on dating sites. Everyone is disgusted by black women, but whites especially.

What went wrong?

They were told that they should revolt against the whitey keeping them down, rather than at least pretend to act like human beings.

I watched "Pumping Iron" recently, which is a documentary following Arnold Schwarzenegger in 1975. At one point he visits a prison and poses for the inmates. I was confused when I saw the black people. Even though they were in prison, they just seemed so normal. Shit has gone downhill really fast.

So you lift an hour a day? That's it? You don't mention having a job, a good career, a house, a car or anything else of value. I'm sorry, but a semi-degenerate woman is the best you can do. Hot and high quality women have fit and rich men throwing themselves at them 24/7.

No, they were targeted by Jewish feminists earlier than Whites.
The Black situation is the a white situation in 20 years or so.
No male role models and mass criminality.

Actually I think it's a fucking tragedy. By some strange reasons whites and blacks have chosen to live together. You might say this development have been manipulated, and that's true in a sense. But we have all gone along with it.

And pictures like that shows it could have worked in a better world, without all the forces wanting to use our differences for divide and conquer purposes.

But we probably are beyond the point of no return. Now, all the race hate in communities like this… I won't say it's exactly wrong. When a race is pushed towards genocide, some sort of reaction must happen. And it's only whites that are under threat in this way.

But for me it's important to remember that there is trash and quality in every race. Although I would like my people to be able to live in peace, for ourselves… I would ally with those niggers in that picture over a weakling cuck marxist SJW sniveling drone any day.

I concider both outside my tribe anyways.

Many here are obsessed with the idea that we need all whites, but I don't see it that way. Cut off the infected, and form new tribes with strength and integrity. That's what I hope for with communities like this, that such tribes will be formed. It's better to be few and strong than many weak.

And when that day comes, I hope that we can ally with the intelligent and strong of other races too, apart but friends.

I have to say, that I truly don't think I have ever seen a black or dark skinned woman that I could even remotely consider "pretty" "cute" or "sexy". In an absolute best case scenario you might get very select one-offs who may meet a very broad definition of "attractive" in a strictly physical sense, but you could probably find a handful of random white girls at the local mall who are supermodels compared to supposedly "hot" black women.