Do you guys have any information about the risks or perhaps legalities of running a 'controversial' website like heavy...

Do you guys have any information about the risks or perhaps legalities of running a 'controversial' website like heavy criticism of governments and such? I once heard that for example criticism of Israel was illegal in some places. And then there's holocaust denial.

Of course this wouldn't have to do with classified or confidential information as obviously one should be posting that to wikileaks or something, but I would imagine just attempting to share and redpill people from a website would put you under a list.

For anyone else interested there's a very cheap and seemingly legit host but they are still hosted in the US. Should one host in Iceland or Iran or something instead or would that website suffice, at least if the person registered is in a different country?

Other urls found in this thread:

Depends where you live. You will need to live in a free enough country *and* host your server in a free enough country. One or the other is not enough, theoretically. You are best off hosting on for and paying with Bitcoin you bought with cash.


Depends on what you're hosting you dingus

You're obviously not educated/motivated enough to do this, so delete the thread and shitpost with the rest of us

what? is the FBI going to send swat teams to knock your door down because you call trump/shillary a poo poo head?

the only """controversial""" thing governments care about these days is pedophilia, because its their ultimate supreme boogeyman that they need to keep the goyim in fear.




can you expand upon that? i mean anybody could tell its 'murrica from the accent of their english alone.

Not sure what you mean. This is what all Americans do at the weekend.
Unless they've become too fat to move, in which case they stay at home, and send their life savings to a televangelist.

Context? It's Pastor Anderson. His every sermon is like that.

Judging by the filename, it's based Pastor Anderson telling pedophiles what to do.

with retards like that on religions, i'll stay a fedora.

If you're a pedo, it's quite obvious that you've given your own life to sin. Yes, killing yourself would be a sin, but that hardly even matters when your sole existence is one. Under a fair system, pedophiles would be killed, but if they do it themselves, I'm not complaining.

I can't speak to the part about web-hosting (though nearlyfreespeech is pretty cheap if you're just starting out, which may be a blessing).

The risks and legalities will depend on where you live, and possibly where the server is located. For example, a server located in a country where Holocaust denial is illegal might be adverse to hosting a website advocating Holocaust denial. And, even a website hosted by an American company might still be taken down, depending on the host's willingness to 1) host controversial content and 2) deal with people who might harass them over hosting a website with controversial content. These are things you're going to have to look up on your own, and if you can afford one, it might be worth it to consult a lawyer about laws regarding free speech and the Internet and your liability in whatever country you're in, if you're not in the United States.

If you are in the United States, and the website is hosted in the United States, you're pretty much fine to create whatever kind of website you want so long as you don't break any laws regarding child porn, piracy, &c. Depending on what you intend to publish, you'll probably need to fund through your own means and donations. I remember some time in the not too distant past a website called AntiWar ran into trouble with Google AdSense because of family-unfriendly pictures--of the wound from the Syrian or maybe Ukrainian civil war. As an anti-war news site, posting those pictures was obviously pretty important, but...

If you can register the website through a pseudonym and handle hosting stuff anonymously or through a company who guarantees anonymity, you probably don't have to worry too much about being "put on a list". Someone else may know more about maintaining anonymity. But, unless you're calling for violence or something, you probably will escape government notice until and unless you gain a significant following.

I realize that's not the most helpful or germane information, but as someone who reads "controversial websites" of a sort, I don't really believe you have much to worry about -- at least if you're US-based.


nice trips tho



kill yourself

but that's a sin

Not when you do it, no.

Do it user, do what your parents failed to do.

Wanting to fuck kids isn't a sexual orientation, sicko. And it's not about what I like or don't like, it's the will of God as it's written in the Bible. If you want to fuck kids, you're a reprobate, and there's no hope for you. You don't care about sinning, so you might as well commit the final sin. You will do actual people a favor.

is being an ironic-christian fun?

whenever i encounter "christians" like you i think that jesus wasted his life.
so much effort trying to spread love and forgiveness, in the end getting tortured to death as a reward.

and to what purpose? all he got was assholes like you as followers. "christians" like you are even worse than pedophiles.


The example of Holla Forums should be instructive for you. Back before it became a 4chan clone, this website pissed a lot of people off. Did Hotwheels get extradited? Did the FBI/DoJ/etc seize the Holla Forums servers, which were located in the U.S.? Nope.

But third parties made life extremely difficult for the wheelieman. They flooded the .co registrar with bogus complaints and got Holla seized, they harassed every payment processor than Holla Forums tried to use to fund itself, and things of that nature.

Same with Wikileaks. Of course various western governments did marginalize Assange by getting the Swedes to pursue bogus rape charges against him, tying him up in legal and extradition proceedings for years, but the main way they put pressure on Wikileaks was by putting pressure on Visa and MasterCard not to process donations for them. They complied.

So keep in mind that if what you're planning on publishing is controversial enough, anonymity is your friend. Because even if what you're doing is legal, there are plenty of ways for people who don't like you--or the government, through various third parties--to make your life a living hell. You can be sent spurious cease-and-desist requests which, nonetheless, you will have to either comply with or pay lawyers to fight, in addition to enduring other forms of harassment.

Think about the recent NYT article about the women who are accusing Trump of trying to grab them by the pussies. Trump's lawyers sent a threat to the NYT, demanding a retraction. The NYT didn't fold, not because they're in the right (though they are, as what they published does not constitute libel or defamation), but because they have a team of lawyers who responded to Trump's lawyers and told them to fuck off or file a lawsuit. They're not going to do that, so the matter is at an end.

So if you publish something that pisses off a powerful person, or even a not-powerful person who has a cousin who's a lawyer, and you get a cease-and-desist, are you going to be able to hire your own lawyer? Are you going to chance going to court?

The best practice is to give a potential enemy nowhere to send a cease-and-desist, or a DMCA notice, or a SWAT team: publish on a Tor hidden service or I2P and practice good opsec.

You can believe whatever you want. I won't try to convert some pedo enabler on a taiwanese stop-motion film making board, but you were wrong about something and I needed to correct you. You don't like religions? Fine, but at least know before talking shit about it.

I guess you're one of those faggots who think judging is up to God. Because full blown anarchy is what God wanted, right. Yes, love Satan.

there's no difference between you, your "god" and "satan".

all three are personifications of hate, violence, and death.

you're one poor fucker. i hope you'll be able to rid yourself of the demons inside you at some point.

How come wikileaks is still up? America is pretty mad about everything they release so why haven't they done something about it yet?

In many legislations Jewry is a protected class and you're not allowed to directly criticize or question them without ending up in prison. The woman on the left is in jail for asking inconvenient questions.

The government will keep a file on you if the website is of any relevance, unless you host it in a tiny country that doesn't give a shit and don't give them your name (the tiny country will give you up if you become important enough for the US to ask them). There are companies that can anonymize the hosting for you by paying for it in your name and you paying them in buttcoins, but if you connect to the website without tor or a safe vpn they can still get you.

Look into freenet. It's a network similar to tor, which means normal users won't see your website so it may not work for you. I think nearlyfreespeech is good, but can't say for sure.

Wikileaks is too big. Once you're in the public's eye they can't just suicide you. Bringing the website down is also very difficult, look how it worked with the pirate bay. You down one host and two more pop up.

he also wants to execute all faggots and whishes obama had brain cancer

for those who don't know him. pedos are not the only people he wants to see dead.

christcucks in a nutshell

you sure you don't want to try posting an MSpaint comic about it?

He's a Christian you dummie, of course he wants faggots surely put to death. Although I have to agree with you that wishing for cancer is the worst way to execute traitors.

Well guess what, sometimes you are right sometimes you're wrong. You said stupid things about the religion and I corrected you. Then you bring up my belief in said religion because losing is boring, I guess. Also you might want to check the definition of cuck, I'm all for killing subversive elements such as pedos AND pedo enablers.

christcuck logic goes in circles, color me surprised, the sky is blue.

>he calls me cuck

Wow my thread got lots of replies! Oh wait it got derailed due to pedophilia. What the fuck guys

Here are the only on topic posts

this is still a shitpost though
this too. thanks for derailing faggot

Thank you for the informative replies

I'm sorry. I hope the Lord helps make your site a reality.

i made a legit reply and the "i know better than everyone"-christcucks shat your thread up. the only thing that is controversial enough for authorities to give a shit is pedophilia, its that simple.

otherwise Holla Forums wouldn't exist and neither would Holla Forums, we even have a /zoo/ board for fucks sake, thats alright to the government apparently and not worth pursuing (unless they can use it to destroy the opposition like they do with pedophilia).

that is your reply, unless you're gonna have a pedo site, its free sailing.

That depends on the content though. If you post something really dangerous, you better make sure you're covering your tracks really well. I'm talking things like leaks or something like that, of high importance.

Holla Forums is alive and well because 1) it doesn't really have anything that's not easily deniable or dismissed and 2) it serves as a containment site, and because there's some fucko with money over the Philipines who either eventually wants some profit coming out of this shithole or has some other ulterior motive. When it was just hotwheels, pressure came on him from many sides. It was just unsustainable.

Intelligent people figured out long ago, absolute censorship doesn't really work.

the front page of Holla Forums has direct links to wikileaks and all those mememails that supposedly have bad stuff in them.

Yeah, but the source is wikileaks. You can't contain the spread to ther sites. Just look at Assange.

Yes it seems this is the best option. Without having access to a lawyer or support in general an individual can easily get 'legal' harassment...

I find it hard to believe that the government wouldn't notice websites that are legitimately criticizing said government. Hell Erdogan was getting the most tame critics of him into trouble in other European countries (though that probably isn't going to happen again due to his apparent falling out with western powers).
Anyways, as you say what really matters is anonymity. There's many instances of people who post "legal" content but end up 'suiciding' with 3 shots to the back of the head. If they can't find out who the host is then they can't do anything about it.
It's interesting that you mention having a significant following though, as it relates to what another reply says

I would assume this would be a non US host? Since anything hosted in the US/UK or similar countries would just be able to get accessed by the NSA/GCHQ/etc
Even with complete secure anonymity it seems the host would have shut it down with a cease and desist? Could they also get a warrant or something to get personal info?

This is actually very interesting. If a website already has enough attention and a following then it would be much harder to harass or legally attack it as the support for the website would probably then include lawyers or have enough donations to be sufficient or something.

Holla Forums is just an imageboard, a forum. They push no ideology or share facts themselves. They aren't responsible for what their uses posts. It's completely different; if someone was posting controversial stuff here and they really didn't like it then the NSA would try and find the user or something. That's why the website allows use of tor or vpns or whatever. Just encouraging the use of tor and allowing people to freely post doesn't mean anything (although even then it got harassed)

Is the website no longer hosted in the US? The rules still say to not break the laws of the US and one can make DMCA requests.

come on dude seriously lurk moar, doesn't seem like you know how the internet works. With that logic google would be illegal

This place is way too funny


what are you retards doing here anyway? according to your death cult computers are evil, fuck off.

all me

Are you just pretending to be retarded?

yeah, unlike christcucks who are legitimately retarded and can't even follow their own damn book

CIA nigger detected.

nobody ever said that.

I hope you get the killing of subversive elements going in your country, and I hope one day you will be the one they target.

I'm pretty sure Holla Forums has a much greater run of shitting up Holla Forums than /christian/ does.

why the fuck are there no ids on this board so I can filter all this filth and have a readable thread?


Good to know I can fuck/rape children after murdering their families and still get saved. thank you based jesus

Good to know I can fuck/rape children after murdering their families and still get saved. thank you based jesus

Considering Ted Haggard and countless others...

This guy is an obvious pedophile.


Thank you based Pastor Anderson

If I make some controversial websites, is there anyway they can find out who I am legally? I mean if I don't break the law and just report on stuff without making my own opinions other than what it can imply is that okay?

Who is 'they' you retarded faggot

read the thread you fucktard

Right back at you, you missed abortion.

I love this idea that if people keep repeating things that God didn't say in the Bible, it makes them true. We're also talking about people being cowards and needing a "book" as permission to do anything in their lives, with their lives respectively.

You give yourself permission. Nobody cares.

Also, he creates it too, just so he can kill it.