poni did nothing wrong
Pony Holla Forumsread
Other urls found in this thread:
what the fuck
it's off to a good start
Is this "not bot" your doing SKittz?
kek, hello canon
yeah, just wrote a quick script to cap threads so people don't bump them when you make a new one, that way nobody complains. unfortunately I seem to have accidentally run it in the wrong thread kek
Friday is lasagne and anime night
Tfw this site is so shit it cant handle a mobile phones camera image cus reasons, stupid limits
Well done Skitty *slowclap*
Good idea though
I don't watch anime, but if I did. every night would be anime night
Oh calm down you
Nice potato phone. Test
u calm dwn
I'm perfectly calm mate
1v1 me
It malfunctioned ;~;
also i only made it cause it's not hard to make and people complained at me a lot for making threads before and not feeling like capping them so others don't bump them and spam the front page with horse tred so i just made that thing to do it for me lol
meet me at TESCOs m8 imma shank ur nan swer on me mum m8
Kek, there will be less anime and no proper drinking tonight cus the housemates gf is round, I had to make TWO lasagnes cus of this bitch, and I miss drinking games+swimsuit anime, Fucking girls.
If nat was here, he'd make dinner, watch anime and drink, then have disgusting cosplay trap sex until we passed out.
Why do girls even exist smh tbqh
Are you this retarded every day, or is it a special occasion?
and it did so magnificently
Yeah it's actually a good idea, I never would have bothered
Wtf is a TESCO.
Nah mate you don't bring a knife to a gun fight.
Girls are the worst, they ruin everything.
>disgusting cosplay trap sex
FYI we've made embryos with part human part animal tissues, so catgirls are becoming real.
Trumps making anime real, we are in the best timeline.
Ur a fag
lol that gif
bless the nuketowns
I suppose it is a thankless j0b
never played black ops
Trump caused it, the scientists get praise when it is completed.
meme maplike all the other cod levels
but putting it in a boy butt does
but a shame
He may have promoted it.
cato wtf
All hail
You spend half your posts here whining for him.
You're literally worse than me about the guy I've literally had my dick inside.
Are you gay for Nick? Are you his bottom bitch?
let's just filter him
That's not even true you turbo douche.
sure it does
filters are for fags user!
The king lel
Thats why it was a question, bumboy
*god emporer
you are for fags
ok I'm filtering you now
there is only one fags i am for
not he person USING the filter is a fags, nerd
Just the emperor is fine
He doesnt like being called a god you know
I'm talking about your assertion that I spend the majority of my time whining for them to be here which is an exaggerated fictitious claim on your part you bloviating belligerent fucking baboon. Pull the broom out of your fucking ass already, fucking cunt.
Sounds like some heresy user
I dont put things in my butt skitty, are you mixing me up with yourself?
Good morning pony friends!
Where did all the posts go?
user-Kun you're such a fucking faggot holy shit!
Buses transmission blew. Stuck in the middle of nowhere aka Utah. So enjoy one of my shitty drawings
tfw want to play 'post your desk and let people cunt the degeneracy, but cant cus pics wont work
user STOP
Hai Skitty
Had it set on low ey?
how's u? :3
Your dubs has halted my actions for now but know I shall be watching you.
it was just a script to cap a thread so ppl don't bump it back to the front page, it's not something I made to spam something quickly…
Pretty decent! All my hardest exams are past me, and i did great on all of them! yay
It's good to see you again, it's been a while
Heya Skitty! Dont listen to Skye, I think you and Nick are cute together!
What does it mean if I havent worn underwear all year?
hows it goin?
it means you are pervert!
I thought this said 'Worn womens underwear all year', then i realised that was still technically true!
Yay user!
You only read what you wanna read dork
But I havent done anything perverted all year.. or the previous years
? huh ?
heck yeah
If you havent worn any underwear, you havent worn womens underwear.
Mornin Skye!
Heya Tirky!
might I ask why you dont wear underwear? what if a cop had to strip search you? they'd be totally weirded out. Even the nigger crackheads on Cops can manage to afford underwear
So you did have it set on low!!
Glad to hear!
Yeah, it has
I've been better, but doing okay for now. It's pretty chilly today, wind like crazy! caused a street lamp here on the street to snap off
Hiya Blewewewew!
how's u?
im doin good, and you?
you big hunk o fag♥
Hiya blew, how's it hanging?
I'm mostly lurking atm but I read it all.
responses will be slow
Oh lel I see
I have done nothing that would warrant an arrest.. kinda.. Nothing that requires a search. Besides, no one touches me unless I give them permission. And even still they dont make me you take off your pants.. Do they? I dont remember that being a thing.
They may be weirded out but Id just sit and smile if it came down to it
I recommend that you put on womens underwear before mens.
does all that junk in the front even look good in womens underwear?
Boy does it!
havin my breakfast and scootin! you?
no pressure, glad to know we're being watched over by such a good pony! its goin pretty good for me here
You dont have to be arrested to be searched, they can pat you down just for probable cause, and if you act weird they can strip search you if they think youre concealing drugs or a weapon. All I'm saying is you dont want to disappoint the nice policeman with your lack of underwear. Besides underwear can be fun! popduds.com
I value my freedom to choose jeans.
Eating lasagne
Jeans /and/ womens underwear
Then search away officer I hope they get there sick kiks off of it
mmmm nom. How's the lasagna over there? here in the states you'll get jiggaboos that try to sell you a bunch of noodles and meat sauce with hardly any ricotta or good stuff.
well… what if someone pantses you then?
uh, we get a dolmio kit and make it ourself.
Just good old pasta sheets, tomato sauce, mince, lasagne sauce and cheese.
forget your wears!
awww but auzirah
I'm doing day, last day of mourning was yesterday, and my dad arrived yesterday, also today a storm was passing by, pretty windy and rainy, even a street lamp post on my street snapped and fell on the road…luckily no one was passing by at that moment
I sleep in jeans with belts good fudging luck, (although I do sleep on a pillow on the floor)
This makes me sad…
ok well, howabout this: what if you DIE while not wearing underwear? Do you REALLY think they'll let you into heaven without underwear?
sounds tasty!
oh wow that sounds like a pretty intense storm, i hope there wasnt any damage or nothin.
Why? Id end up there if I went to sleep on the bed?
Friday night is lasagne night, s'pretty darn good
Damn that's some strong wind.
And i'm glad to hear you're doing at least somewhat alright :3
do you do a roast on sundays? that sounds like a fun tradition
okayish is better than bad-ish!
Would you rather be trapped in a room for one month with travis or blewberry?
fair enough
Nah fuck that shit, anime tittys, alcohol and lasagne on fridays is our tradition
Travis, he probably wouldn't smell like shitty diapers.
for how long have anime titties been a tradition in Great Britain?
owo whats this
Since about a month ago
cool! im watching my dvd collection of Cowboy Bebop, good stuff tbh fam
I might put madoka magica on later
On my street nope, but there was a crane that fell in the Capital that did a bit of damage to some parked cars, but no one hurt thankfully, I'll look for the vid
Yea, 2nd pic related, I hear something heavy fall and I thought "that couldn't be some simple sign that toppled"
thx, yea a bit better than before
Well having 5 pillows and a yknow, mattress is better
care bears, please care slightly less
glasd you made it through that safe Canon!
Ive made a career out of making newfriends feel disgusted
bad touch bad touch
metal lamp, dang
you are all of those things
Thats from behind though
Send nudes
Silly, I'm always watching
I'm also good, got drinks and changed the coil in my vape so now all is good.
haha thats a comforting thought!
ah, you vape huh?
is this one any better for you?
twilight is inblizzible
I do, tried it to quit smoking, kept it up because of the taste, so gud.
I just think the package in the front the panties won't be able to hold it and it will look weird and feel awful
Sweetheart, I dont want the panties holding it.
Ask Nat how it feels.
I think it looks fine though
So you want the bits sticking out?
Thats hot tbh
heh fair enuff. I dont think its terribly good for you, but do what you like.
Bingo boyo.
Can't be worse then smoking
youre a wise man Skye
Fucking GAAAY
dot dot dot exclamation mark
hi skitty
Trips dont lie.
I cant argue
good evening
Darn right i am
It is 20;10.
I hope you did not just wake up.
good morning Reeceypet
it's pretty difficult to make a horse cum with hands, would be a pain in the ass with feet
How do you know?
you're clock is 5 minutes fast
I've been around a lot of horses
being a good boy?
Yay, my nes, mochi, gundam and book all arrived!
Fight kid show r34 with more kid show r34?
You sure you haven't jerked one off?
Barney is the best
So your a scalie?
i don't know really, i haven't done anything beyond terrible anyway
Read this plz guys
https:[email protected]/* */[email protected]/* */6892a6fe7#.9r6ifvti8
the fuuuuuck?
sup nose
well thats something at least. still, I cant award you any good boy points for that
you wanna get slapped the fuck up, nigga? I aught to pull out my gat!
did your dolls arrive yet?
more of this please
what do i have to do for good boy points
Not the nendoroids, but a new gundam literally came ten mins ago, gonna be building that later
I was sorta implying i had.
no lol
I'm this is the last one I have
you gotta be good, silly.
nice. nice.
I was thinking you could possibly have seen someone else do it.
Wow, literally cant post pics from phone at all, dunb site
Wing Gundam Zero Custom Gundam W Endless Waltz series
Thats what im building
frick wrong image!!!
forgot one
oh shit son! wqith the angel wings and stuff? I love that movie. You should give it a watch, its a decent standalone film and a lot of fun!
Right, i like to to think jerking off horses is a private affair
Yeah, with wings and shit
i also think that about a lot of things people seem to do and say here, especially skye.
here is different tho, for instance i would have no issue jerking off a horse with you
Good afternoon.
this is now my favorite new e-card
is it?
Hows everyone?
There was an user here last night threatening suicide.
Didnt occur to me till this morning that it was probably TH
Just double checking that that is the case
It is if you're in Texas.
Eh if it was he probably got drunk and forgot about it
not even then for me. it hurts skits
Yeah thats why i ask.
No point in worrying if it was him cause he lies through his teeth about that shit as harsh as that sounds.
yeah, the people who talk about self destructive bullshit that much are just after attention usually.
ps i would totally jerk off a horse with you.
do i get royalties from this
He should've done it, and livestreamed it
i'll pay you in horse ejaculate
Also nick if youre here, ill be starting monday with the paper account its downloaded installed and with a few tweaks will be fully ready to go.
Plans are being shifted forward faster than id like thiugh, work had a few policy changes and while i still enjoy my job some of those cchanges will make it untenable to continue for extended periods of time.
So if i can make myself profitable to a decent degree over the next six months ill go live and see what happens and hopefully be able to work from home by then.
Lol Blewbly please ~
As much as he tries to cause trouble for a few of us here i still wouldnt wiah that on him or anyone.
Hes just mentally ill and needs help that we cant provide.
that's more than fair
fantastic, the journey is about to begin. that would be great if you can find a way to make an actual living from this, that's the goal after all. i think you'll have a knack for it, start reading all the financial news you can and don't forget your due diligence even for paper trading, practice doesn't count for much unless it's as close to real as possible
This is kinda cryptic and I don't get it, not even then? It's 3PM for me.
What hurts? How's it going?
Yeah definitely.
Ive alreadt subbed to investopedias different news letters so ill chexk out all of sundays news for monday.
its a deal!
holy shit no! not Mizzy! Hes a certified cuteboi! I recall he'd been having family issues ongoing but damn I hope hes ok. I just made him a new pic yesterdaay
oh, i thought you meant the good part not the afternoon part. i feel better now but as i wrote that i was experiencing somewhat intense pain. it happens sometimes the morning after i take these pills which seems very counter productive. you disappeared, sorry if that ws my fault
good man, there are so many resources out there it is overwhelming but you will find the ones you like. let me see if i have some good ones
oh wait that was from like a year ago. Shit I was worried for a second there.
this is silly but it made me smile, thank
So whats up?
Currently on my phone walking to work so it might need to wait till tomorrow before i can get any links sorry
right okay, you probably have seen them anyway and have your own stuff but here some are. i will show them later if you want and i remember
ura dubs
Am not
so r tho
dragon pussy?
Thank you, I'll ask you later on to repost them if thats ok, I'll remember ~
No real way for me to save them currently unfortunately.
The other thing i need as well which im actually not certain the paper account came with is a market scanner, not sure of those cost money or what though…
cool cool
of course you must know by know that all you really need to succeed is one of these
But of course!
How did i not see it sooner?!
You should just like avoid things that don't put the good in your afternoon. That's good, I'm glad. I think you should avoid those if they're harmful and unnecessary.
better watch what you say partner, the sherrifs outta town, and youre outta luck, i sucked the dick of the last man who called me a liar
Just had a look, it appears theres plenty of scanners available and it shouldnt be too hard picking one I like
im not sure how you misssed it but now you know so it's okay. youve seen movies, all the rich business men hav em
yeah maybe but they feel real nice when they are working, and im okay now. u put the good in my afternoon.
Did he ever call you a liar again?
Im going to the market right away to find out where to buy one!
that's the thing, no man ever called me a liar
watch out for gypsies, they don't want you to be financially independent
Neither do jews in the federal reserves.
I gitta go now guys, have a good one. See yoy all probably tomorrow
see you then
I think I could tell, idunno.
there is no excuse to not get a seven whenever you desire on this board
could tell what?
That it makes you feel good.
They already used that strip of sheet metal on that giant tire I was talking about. I wasn't sure what they were going to do with it but I see now they made a makeshift hoist for the tire, which probably weighs close to 1000 pounds, probably more.
you really like that picture huh?
uh oh. was i being more retarded than usual?
good lord. that has to be an enormous tire, you should flip it around and hit it with sledgehammers for exercise
not even dubs but sure
well I do.
mind if I steal it?
damn you
nice sevens fuckboy.
No, I wouldn't say that.
It is pretty big, and it's going to go on one of the tractors here. I wonder when they will put it on…
send nudes
no am ugle
you can't steal what already belongs to you
so just the normal amount of retarded. good. yes i think i saw a pic you post once with a tire and it was bigger than car. you can do a lot with tire that size are you sure you want to put on tractor?
No way
No r butifil
Anf ur art r butifil
how deep.
no u tho.
not really.
Fine. Whenever I read your posts I'll imagine a morbidly obese unshaven man with a pink ponybon his stained shirt posting anthropomorphic cats.
there ya go.
I am the neckiest beard.
No u dubs now
oh shit it is friday
and you know what that means.
joel's FMV FRIDAY!
Praise Frigga.
is that something good to watch?
not unless you like some diabetic swede talking over shitty FMV movies.
heh, we have a spare one that's no good. I wouldn't be able to move it, maybe roll it if it's upright and risk it tipping over and killing me.
yes this is the type of thing i can waste my time watching. thnaks.
i was thinking you could get inside it and roll down a small hill
I see you, quads.
I'm hung like a kangaroo, jack.
just fuckin try to flex nuts. I'll blow your ass out of the water like its made of rubidium.
Aw yeee
square up nigga.
I've got iron for hands and radium for testicles. I'll fucking give you radiation burns after I knock your ass down!
Step up white devil,
I spit arsene and piss napalm. Also, I propably should go see a doctor for that. Burns like hell
How have you been
I can imagine!
Miserable for the last month. Still am. Something is wrong in my body and causes pain. Up until now noone was able to help me.
You can't. It's worse than autistic screeching. How'su?
pets u
bored as hell. if you couldn't tell.
I've been trying to teach myself javascript all morning. I'm on conditional statements. my understanding of returns is a little shaky, but I'm pretty sure I understood it well enough to continue.
how have you been dude? I don't think I've seen you in a while.
youre welcome! what are you up to?
fucking why are there so many of these threads now. do you not have a cyclical thread anymore?
not really, no.
Shit's broke m8.
We want a cyclical thread as much as you do.
i feel like i'm sitting on 80% of my brain
parents are sleeping, and i'm stuck to my own devices
Yes I was. Busy. Life. Study.
I'm bored as well. I'm sick since a month and well…. things are pretty boring.
Also, I suck at javascript. All i can do is an alert(fk,0);
I used to be good at java. In fact I'm still using my desktop program to browse this thread.
we've been busy arising
well, why dont you find something to tidy up? do something to say thanks for having you over
aw, sorry to hear that man.
you're keeping busy though, and that's good. without anything to do, I'm sure we'd all go mad!
I dunno what that means. yet.
you made a desktop program that browses this thread? how the heck does that work?
I kinda want a sigur ros Agaetis byrjun shirt.
but I dunno how people would react to me walking around with a fetus on my chest.
the dishes are done etc and i'm noisey enough to wake most so….
nick pls
So it's friday, anything planned? I certainly don't.
it works like this.
No Browser needed. Only Java.
It has it flaws. But used less RAM than Firefox on my machine.
hmmm well in that case i guess you should just shitpost quietely with us and be a good boy
God damn that is neat
that's lit as hell dude.
still in walden style isolation. except for the whole internet thing. and i do my own laundry. so i plan to post at you until i pass out
i saw a thing and wanted to try it
member this
thanks. It got it's problems with gifs tho.
You can't imagine how long it took me to get captchas working right.
(It was a stupid error on my side)
Oh, well I still don't know what I'll end up doing but by the look of things, I'd say the same thing.
A thing? I vaguely remember, did I make that? Maybe I had been drinking…
what ended up being the problem?
I'm very curious about this sort of thing.
hello Holla Forumsread
I opened up two individual connections for the challenge & response, which naturally fucked the whole thing up.
hey Miraclepet!
oh damn.
hello blew how're you?
hows it going rose?
heh. I'm going places.
how are you feeling today?
i bet you will be called away at some point. i think so, i shall visit the archive
Whoa, never seen this
Took me far too long to find out.
Also, it doesn't want to show emails because of this protection thing.
pretty surprised by that tbh
i'm good i'm getting ready for a big day today.
yea i do ^_^
Well, ya, me too
nah. it doesn't at all anymore tbh.
oh? have you got plans?
im glad
my parent's internet is laggier and more awkward than my internet for some reason though
i can't even use steam normally right now
well at least you can post here with your friends = ) thats whats important
I doubt it tbh
or who knows if my friend will call me, maybe I wont answer or maybe I will idunno
I'm also doing laundry.. and waiting for a relative to get here
yeah big ones since i'm celebrating the day i finally stopped procrastinating kek
you should do what makes you happy
what are you gonna do once they get there?
yeah, I do that a lot. don't take it personally.
you're about the only person who even speaks to me here anymore tbh
hows it going?
just dying of THC overdose.
If there is one thing that I'm not doing here is to take things personally. I learned that the hard way.
Not good. But I am working on getting better.
you gotta smonk a lotta weeds in a short time to do that.
I see.
well good luck
Ye. Internet made me an asshole.
Thanks, also interestig trips.
How are you holding up?
I typically do and so should you, unless it's something bad.. Are you going to drink again?
I was just going to help them unload some things they brought from the city, already did.
sounds like a bad idea.
but I'm not a doctor, so I can't say for certain.
it'll do that to ya.
not sure, i am in limbo right now. ah, how exciting. going through these archives is quite a trip sometimes. so much to see
Sadly. And at some point it even affected my real life. Not a very nice expierence.
I'd imagine not.
sorry to hear that, sev.
I think we all got to that point and got more or less involved in that.
But enough reminiscing.
It's late, I think I'll call it a night
Me neither, I kinda wanna but kinda don't. Idunno.
Using the phrase radio button selection helps only show things using the exact words you type.
until next time.
sleep well.
i think i will have some caffeine and then i can think about it better. do you have anything to drink? yeah but it is fun to try and find it by looking through the thread. didn't work so i will do this now
who knows.
don't you have a chickun of saving private ryan?
Not at the moment I don't. Just like two beers.
**I wonder if this is what you were looking for.
don't worry ill be fine theres no feasible way to overdose according to human and animal studies.
i have two!
I know.
just thought you might like a hug.
two is enough to relax or whatever. yeah that's the one, i just found it by searching the filename. interesting memories going through that thread. nice spoiler btw
Mira you slut
Gundam completed
Gundam completed
nice x3
Yes, I still remember most things.
what did you mean by this
c-combo.. breaker..
it means i don't forget u easily
the chain was broken.
by skitty.
skitty ruined a straight 6
These tripfags are relentless aren't they? Don't you horse fuckers have your own board?
goddamn that takes me back. I remember my best friend building those things back in the 00s
skitty does not forget, skitty does not forgive, expect him
hmm, i see
how do i make the head cloud go away
can you make one for us?
we came here to shitpost!
not that i've heard of.
hey smokey
i've wanted to build a shitpost all day, but i was a prisoner of terrible indian IT support.
Im gonna be paid 200 bucks a month to hand out 500 cans of monster
hey there.
your arms are going to get tired!
was the guy's name dave or something?
oh shit how'd you swing that?
don't drink it, it's basically poison.
i didn't catch any of their names.
they seemed nice enough but were totally impossible to understand. i caught maybe 50% of what they were saying.
They wont!
By convincing the right people that I'm competent
Free tho
I shiggy niggy,
dave is not here
do you bless the rains down in africa?
Don't do what you did yesterday. Ez.
Also brb, imma go buy some alcohol I guess. I do kinda wanna drink.
Im no toto
free poison is still poison.
years ago i saw this infographic that shows the monster logo is 666 in the hebrew alphabet. haven't trusted it since, even though i'm pretty sure jews don't believe in hell.
jeez what a hot tip
fun, drive safe and don't forget the doritos
a lot of the places ive talked to will have foreign tech support but instruct them to give American names as if people are going to believe them. Its silly.
so your job is to get people addicted to their stimulant and sugar cocktail?
Well that was your first mistake
Gonna take some time to do the things we never had!
Hey how're you?
oh my goodness me
i forgot my USB stick with 16gigs to move files too…. now i'm gonna have to pretend that i know what i'm doing with network homegroups again
yeah i've seen that.
i hope trump cleans house with all those fuckers.
by toto.
don't you know know?
hes set to sort out Chicago at least
exhausted after the day i've had. how are you?
I dont know know!
pink eye is no
drop a nuke on that nigtown and call it a day.
they can kill each other to death for all i care.
but it wouldn't be the last.
but then where am i going to get my deep dish pizza?
but no.
albino slugs don't have pink eyes.
nobody farts bare ass on their pillows at night.
that's not even pizza, it's like a casserole with extra tomato sauce.
i kinda like it tbh. little too greasy though, kinda like pizza hut.
just like you.
got a problem?
take it up with our complaints department.
Who do I talk to?
You have a complaints department?
i only went to chicago one time, in the 90's.
i was wearing a shirt for the band bush, and all the niggers thought it meant i liked president bush.
i was like, it's a band. also he hasn't been president for several years.
man i loved that shirt. it looked like the logo for the tv show mash, but it said bush.
call out toll free number at:
1-800-fuck yourself.
of course.
see here:
high celebtating the day I havn't procrastinated.
i am also high.
they just knew he'd become President again. Precogniggerition!
wow wude
smoking weed cures everything even exhaustion cause it increases your urge to sit down.
hek u
they were talking about hw bush.
i should have specified.
does it? i pretty much always am sitting already when i smoke.
yeah I forgot the name of your current bong what was it?
I'm back. Hi.
Thanks for reminding me, I had forgotten to pay those back yesterday lol. Already did now.
what time is it in mexico right now discordio?
the only bong i currently own is made out of an israeli gas mask. it doesn't have a name, but there's probably a few humorous options.
quit what?
Ill hurt you
time for the peso to lose half its value.
Muhhamad al zeezy
how do I stop if you won't tell me what I'm doing?
Post a pic
I'm not discordio here is 02:55am
let me see if i can find it.
it's in my storage room. i usually just smoke a pipe. i'm not a fancy smoker.
I figured since it was the 90s.
pets u
name it Zyklon Baked!
You are gondolaing
I hope you can find it, sound like an interesting piece
sounds good
that room is a mess. i'll have to look for it when i'm not so stoned. i could only find the mask part, but not the smoking tube. i made the water drinking tube into a smoking tube, otherwise it's a normal gas mask.
gets you super high too.
I bet
when i was a kid, we had this thing we did called the gas mask. it wasn't a real mask, but rather you took a baseball cap and held it over your face, and had someone blow blunt smoke into the snap back part of it.
Como mueve la matamoscas.
How to move what flyball?
Just look at how it moves that fly swatter.
I can't believe 1899 was 118 years ago.
tfw u killed the thread
Su lengua en mi culo
No seas mañoso
7 git
Meh, whatup ponies?
Thats cheating
there's no rules in this game so u better watch ur back i play dirty
i liked that movie
Have some honor atleast
i'll allow it.
the only unrealistic part was where the nazi guy went to jail for curbstomping that nigger.
where i live the cops would probably give you a pat on the back and buy you a beer at the cop bar.
lol this dude looks like snoopdog and albert einstein had a kid
Who made you the >7 judge
Damn youuuuuu
me, when i invented the concept of getting >7 after moot stole our dubs.
I haven't seen it yet but I have a feeling I will like it.
not even once
more like once a day.
several times a day.
You like in a big city right? Do people get PI's for drinking in public? I was always curious because I know here they give you PIs for drinking outside a store or something, I saw a kid make a chair out of the waterbottles they have outside the store and sit down to drink a 25oz of beer he just got when the police showed up and tackled him, some indian kid. then his parents showed up and started screaming about him. When I was in Houston Texas though, it's a different story. I learned the cops didn't care if you drink outside, I'd never do that here unless it's on the bridge to my house or my family property. but I have a video where me and a friend got a gang of ppl together , like 20 or so to drink around the back of my truck while we sat there asking them questions about what it was like there, cops were stopping by the store and ppl were being loud, some shouting and singing and they would just look at us and we could drink right in front of them and they wouldn't even care. the guys said they don't care and I was wondering if it's typically like that other places or maybe houston cops just dgaf
it was pretty good tbh
live not like*
Eat some bean-tacos skitty
this shit is hard when the board moves as slow as it does here.
*unzips taco*
I want >7 to be a fuckng gamle''
social experiment gone sexuel
where i live you can drink in public as long as the bottle or can is inside a brown paper bag. otherwise you get arrested.
sunset is not for sexuals
i'm as shocked you are.
tfw no ScSquirrel
massive lag coming out of internets butt
what kinda weird law is that and why is it even a thing
the bag just makes it looks all suspect
brown bag special
i bet nick went to bed
Dont stop now
good you are not a thief anymore
you aren't far off. i shut my eyes for like two seconds and bam here i am, just passed out on this couch. sorry
you never heard the song brown paper bag by roni size?
it's a weird law, but it's basically so vagrants can drink in the street without cops constantly having to arrest them. when i worked as a cashier, you always had to give the niggers a bag for their tallboy beers and OE 40ozs.
Who ever recommended touch fluffy tail by kencorp is a genius. I love it
can't stop now
the pony is cute but i always wonder wats going on in this pic
Fucking normies..
🙏ride wit me on the journey of more success 🙏
She's a giant sea monster, so she is on a pier, I dunno what that is on the right
You want me to ride with you… oWo~~
nope, not my kinda music tbh.. I kinda like some faggy music so I've been told, rap, slim thug, spm, snoopdogg and synthwave, EDM and techno/trance… I expect my tastes would by significantly different due to our almost otherworldly backgrounds
talking about the bag thing, I think that is a thing here too but I never thought anything about it, but now that you remnind me, sometimes when I go buy alcohol and I try to leave, they will say WAIT!! u can't go w/o the bags and they just stuff some brown bags in my bag when I get a 1 or 2 tallboys… imma ask about that next time I do that… it's weird
trippy song btw
lol heee
im kinda drunk now, that happened to me the other day when trying to watch silence. I kept falling asleep that entire day when i said i'd be binging on netflix
what's up?
uncle told me someone had been living in my abandoned trailer at the ranch and found out it's a female cousin… stupid kid.. I sometimes let drunk ppl go there and one of them shot at that trailer when he was high so I called that person to scorn them again for doing that and told them someone's been living there and what could have happened.. they were all apologetic but i still need to talk to that cousin who's staying there.. didn't even tell me
looks like it's coming out of the ocean and climbing a boat dock with a giant lunch box
i think i seen iza post that a lot and asked them once
fukkin cool. it looks like there are hinges on the bottom, and maybe a handle with a hand on it on top. what could it be
it sukked but i feel better, now i have to figure out what to put together for dinner.
lel. that's pretty funny, is there even water or electricity? yeah i remember you getting mad at your friend for that, good thing it happened then and not now
yeah i thought it might be a lunchbox too.
but what is on the box i wonder 🤔
it's been a while, how's it goin
Hey, Reece. It's going alright. How are you doing?
it takes a while to build up, but that song is sick as fuck around the 1:10 mark. also i linked the wrong version of it. fucking vevo spam.
I think it's a titan from the movie…I can't remember the names but they were called yagers I think
Lewd alert ~~~
pacific rim maybe?
Yea, that's it. Looks like the Russian one
ill lewd ur alert
Jaeger not yager, lol
I used this too early
cool. nice call
i've been making troll-ish sprays for TF2 and unintentionally got a guy blocked from a server because the admin/mod guy thought it was the guy posting the sprays
it's been a interesting night tbh
What sprays were you spraying
What is that?
not in florida but that just makes it better
or yes in florida i guess
something slightly furry
i downloading something that can turn gifs into the valve spray files
sprays let you post images on a game's level when you're on a server for everyone to look at
I think they're doing drugs there, why else would u be there when you're not doing hunting stuff or anything outdoorsy
I did have a small 5,000 dollar photovoltaic array set of there, with a water reservoir but vandals stole the solar panels, voltage regulators, inverters and deep cycle batteries… so I lost everything but two large solar panels that I gave away to that screaming guy in the truck race video so he could use on his deer hunting blind
tbh I kinda liked the other one a bit more lel
what kind of music do you typically enjoy? I don't think I've seen you post too many songs before
yay reeceyfur!
what is your fursona?
I see. Well at least he got banned and not you.
this will sound dorky, but i really like video game soundtracks. pretty much every day i listen to stuff like this while i fly up and down the interstate.
this is the title music to the game revolt. i hae the whole soundtrack but this is probably one of the better tracks.
that makes sense, but maybe they just wanted to be alone and introspect. that is expensive as heck, dam that sux. what kind of drugs would they be doing? if it's heroin you should ask for a bit and send it to me.
2160p HD videos and above look pretty fuggin rad on this new 48" screen I use for the PC.. I couldn't tell the difference between 1080p and anything higher than that on my 22" monitor…
have you watched porn on it?
I do have some videogame music on my usb for my car too
that's actually a fuggin cool song I like this
They had this for the n64 right? I'm like pretty sure I rented that from blockbuster once and it was an RC themed racing game but i never heard that song
I think i remember at one point when i had just joined breads 4 chan would ocxasionally play weird music in the background and they had this one MGS song that sounded kinda arabic and I saved it and played it a lot in the car cause it sounded all climatic and dramatic.. I lost it tho, I wonder what it was… had some girl singing things that sounded more like an opera performance
(((no comment)))
show me what you watched
they were talking about reporting him to valve for cp or something because apparently they didnt like the guy already…. but the spray was 101% legal for anyone to know i promise
i'm a mixture of a fox/cat/loyal puppy i guess
Inb4 trap porn link
my favorite soundtrack is to destruction derby.
a lot of it was rumored to have been secretly done by the prodigy. i have no idea if this is true.
i once left my friend sitting in my car with this song playing while he was on acid. he freaked out and hated riding in it after that. said the disco ball hanging from the rear view exploded.
skye's gone to bed tho
hey solstice
What's up, my man?
think i'm about to play some more TF2
lag isn't fun doe
you feeling any better?
Just doing meh, my sex drive just fucking up and disappeared. I see things I know I like, but I just don't feel it.
yeah it kinda was. I had all that stuff set up for my room because I thought it would be interesting to make my room eco friendly and self maintained electricity wise… a few people who I'd invite over always made note of how I had things set up and thought it was crazy so they talk about it sometiems when they drink. then some time ago a friend (the tree company guy) took me to a bar here in town, I never go alone to those so I went and we were playing some games and getting drunk when this very peculiar white girl with an unfortunate handicap caught my attention, she was playing pool with the only hand she had and she was pretty loud and kinda acted and talked like me so I just asked her what her name was and where she was from etc, I was curious cause it was just very unusual to see a white person in this area who only spoke english. Learned she was from indiana but chose to be in this area cause she thought people were more friendly here. anyway several months passed and I got word that some crackhead poured gasoline on her and tried to ignite her and I knew who that person was and was like wtf, why is she in these peoples company.. I learned at the time that she'd hang a lot with a guy I more or less knew so when I did see that person I told them to suggest to them that they could move to my family's ranch instead of the town place she was, which was a bad part of town she was staying for free, very ghetto area, as long as she didn't make a mess and tl;dr we talked and I told my grandpa about them and she did move there and after a week I liked their personality and talkativeness and set up all those things there for them to live in the trailer. They lived there for about a year until I was able to get her enrolled in a welfare system in the city for disabled people, when she left some guys broke in through our fence line in the back and stole all the chit I set up there like a month later… I still talk to them sometimes just to see how they were doing. The only thing I regret from that is some friends poke fun at me suggesting I liked them in a lewd way which peeves me a lot, I just liked how they acted and talked so I enjoyed having them as a background character in my life tbh. anyway later I got to met their dad and turned out the guy was a richfag from indiana who owns like a billion acres of corn and gave me a truck so he was really cool. said he already knew about my family beforehand and was pleased that we were taking care of them.. that guy seemed really cool, i wish he'd stick around more or that i could drink with them but they're all businessy or something and just dropped by a few times to say thanks
I've never done acid or been around someone who's claimed to have done acid… acid, heroin and the likes are like taboo drugs here.
You should try acid, it's amazing
my brother burned his hand handling acid once.
never again.
are you me?
I once met some old man who convinced me to drink moonshine with him, so I did. I drove home about a mile from my friends place to my ranch, I wasn't even buzzed or drunk but as I began to sleep, I felt the drunkenness overcome me and things started spinning.. I forgot everything from then when I lay in bed but the next day my grandpa told me he unlocked the door to my room because he heard me shouting and found me trying to strangle a palm tree in my room, and my mattress, pillows and bedsheets were thrown about. If that happens to me with moonshine I'd rather not touch something like acid. I already have a really hyper personality and I think acid would just do really bad or something..
wow this is quite a tale. but it makes a lot more sense now that you would spend that much on a solar system. that was a really cool thing you did, helping this person out like that, karmawise it makes no sense that the stuff would get stolen but that's the way it goes sometimes. you did get a truck i guess which is wild so maybe that balances things out. am i a background character in your life? how did they lose their hand?
im srs u faget u better show me
I'm just a lawnmower
you can tell by the way I walk.
Do you want to fuck your own mother? Do you want to fuck a horse?
acid is hard to find here now, but in my youth everyone did it. also mushrooms.
one time i ate some mushrooms. it was the first week of college and my friend had already been kicked out the dorms for smoking weed (he's a lawyer now). so we were at his new house, and couldn't find any pot. just some mushrooms, which i ate most of.
then his weird roommate skip showed up and demanded i drive his truck over to a local beach community. i said sure because i didn't have my car at school that year, and hated not driving. so we got out to the beach and that's when i really started feeling the mushrooms. trees began to move and the truck seemed to pulsate with life. my weird friend finished whatever stalking business he had needed to do and arrived back at the truck. i was glad to head back to town.
problem was, there was a perilous bridge we needed to cross to get there. it was crazy rickety, like a hundred years old. and hundreds of feet high. "look down" skip said, at the height of my mushroom trip. he held the wheel as we cruised at about 65 mph, and i looked down to see the scariest drop i've ever seen. after that i never wanted to go on that bridge. this girl i used to fuck in highschool moved to town, but she lived on the other side of it so i was like "nope". never visited her once.
fiend just came over I'll brb in 30
yeah ibet
have fun, be safe
happy sucking.
beer and vodka best mixed drunk
I've had the absolute worst experience with mushrooms. Fells asleep in my truck doing over a hundred and slammed into a guard rail.. Almost kms then so I have like this phobia of mushrooms and acid which i hear are similar…
I think i wana experience that but I really don't wana try mushrooms kek
lel maybe mushrooms have something to do with that feeling.. like when I almost crashed really badly.. fug that
tbh I didn't spend much on it, most I spent was around 800 dollars and I'm psure I saved more using it so I don't regret it. I got it chheap cause I bought it from my shady friends. I'd ask them for what I wanted and they would go out on the streets to find the things I told them and come back and I'd pay them. I even saw some things they'd do on the news so it was kinda amusing. Unrelated to the things but i think u know what i mean.
I wouldn't say so. Many of the things you say and not to mention the ones you do are not negligible to me to say the least. They were born that way. They were handicapped and deformed. Missing an arm and one of their legs was significantly shorter than the other.
Also seems a terminal from one of the telephone poles malfunctioned in the rain, so my friend picked me up to go check it out and the firefighters are in the rain shooting water at it and im like wtf, aren't they afraid they might ground themselves and get shocked? spraying water at a life powerline shorting out and flaming hard… also u know i hate to talk about things here a lot
Good night bread and iap
when you say find things do you mean they would steal stuff?
wow, that blows. an entire arm gone and not even a cool story to go with it.
that's fun but yeah it sounds a little dumb to hose down a live powerline. but they have rubber boots and thick gloves maybe that would be enough to insulate them. i think you are crazy for not getting a picture. yes, but you will still show me
Hello old friends, I’m not a professional ‘quote maker’. I’m just an atheist MLP fan who greatly values her intelligence and scientific fact over any silly fiction book written 3,500 years ago. This being said, I am open to any and all criticism.
In this moment, I am euphoric. Not because of any phony god’s blessing. But because, I am enlightened by my intelligence.
sweet dreams shiny, goodluck nazi sleeptime dubs
Oh right, I forgot
Thanks you to when you sleep
I bet you voted for Shillery faggot
thanx, gnight
Fuck off Aeris you faggot.
as daft as always
thought aeris was like a coptic christian or something.
who were you again?
Is Aeris trans or just acting like a faggot again?
it's not actually aeris
But Trannies are faggots right?
every time!
I said acting LIKE a faggot.
Aeris is not trans, I can tell you that.
I don't understand the difference here.
Sup bread, finally burned out on Bloodborne and Dark Souls 3 online
hi nat.
HeyRose, still chasing femboy butt?
Hey you dirty homo man!
On my way home but i dont think ill have any time for bread upon arrival.
Howre you lot?
I'm not dirty!
Or all that manly either.
not at the moment.
you been keepin busy slut?
I'm fine.
how are you?
Trump went and painted all the streets gold and is having construction teams build every American home into a high rise skyscraper.
No, you're excessively feminine. I'm suprised you haven't grown a pair of tits.
Tired and stressed hon.
But I've got tomorrow off to finish studying and i guess thats ok.
Ive got together all I'll need for today.
But it doesnt help my nerves at all.
How is this still a serious question?
Yeah I built a Gwyndolin cosplay build in Dark Souls 3, took me days.
Yea you'd think I would, right?
There's a difference between acting like a fag and being a fag.
sorry babe.
not these past few days.
I've been trying to teach myself new things though, so I guess there's that.
What are you teaching yourself?
In relation to aeris theres no reason that question is valid.
Theres no way anyone still believes that hoax of him being a woman.
Its ok rise I'll manage
Damn girly man you are!
It's okay as long as I'm cute, right?
was javascript. but wezdor convinced me to start on C++.
I have no idea what I'm getting into.
Neat, how's that going?
I don't know shit!
Well of course, as long as you're attractive you can do whatever you want!
if you want my two cents
javascript is a lot more fun, the results and things you learn are immediately applicable
although if you want to be a proper programmer and not some web dev then C++ is pretty good, even if a bit drier and easier to lose interest in
I do not know much about Aeris, wasn't around when he was posting the most. Hence, the question is valid.
C++ has a lot of complexity to it that can make it a very powerful tool in the hands of a skilled programmer, but in the hands of a novice, make it easy to write really shitty code.
I recommend everyone to start with C.
So more than me?
Fuck yee
wezdor told me javascript was basically useless, and I should use C++ if I want to actually do anything.
I don't know, mang.
I got as far as loops.
I like wose a lot
sock please.
you are the cutest tho
Tldr hes a cunt who pretended to be a woman to get free shit and often posted at himself anonymously to give himself the appearance of credability except he was caught out doing it.
Way more than me
the question then is what do you want to do?
to programmers, web development would seem "basically useless"
but like half of skitty's skills are web dev and he has done some pretty fun stuff for us with it alone
i think i recall recommending the CS50 course before actually, it covers the basics of all sorts of stuff
What the fuck is loops?
Khan academy might be good too
sock. you're drink.
it's basically nothing.
I really don't know…
I didn't really have a good argument in that area.
I vaguely remember that. I'm sorry, adhd makes it hard to stick with anything for long…
do same thing over until thing happen. basically. you can make the thing happen for a certain amount of times, or have it go on until you get some result.
I just started on the chapter before I quit, so my understanding may be incorrect.
I'm very drunk
I know.
grr haha >:)
a more fun question would be what the fuck is a more fun question?
and the answer is what the fuck is recursion?
haven't tried it personally but it's one of the reccomended sites
as someone who has been diagnosed with ADHD, dun worry mang, i know the feel
i haven't programmed in well over a year, couldn't keep myself motivated if i wasn't in an online course, couldn't come up with something i wanted to make myself
which is why in my two cents i mentioned javascript being more fun out of the two
honestly just watching computerphile vids is entertaining enough and you learn some concepts at least
Howdy, everyone.
Still more than me.
I learned HTML once I guess though.
Pretty much anything and everything web uses Javascript. It's a terrible language to use, but it is in no way useless.
No that sounds accurate.
What the fuck is recursion?
What the fuck is recursion?
What the fuck is recursion?
What the fuck is recursion?
What the fuck is recursion?
What the fuck is recursion?
What the fuck is recursion?
What the fuck is recursion?
What the fuck is recursion?
What the fuck is recursion?
What the fuck is recursion?
What the fuck is recursion?
What the fuck is recursion?
What the fuck is recursion?
What the fuck is recursion?
What the fuck is recursion?
heck recursion
I'll check them out then.
what exactly CAN I do with javascript?
oh? how was that?
I wouldn't know.
:D I can do the thing where it displays the message though. I made it say foul things!
Asri says hi too. :P
I can make a webpage and do some kind of design with it but not much.
I'll dot you
Recursion is recursion is recursion…
It's something that is repeatedly applied, typically by being defined in terms of itself.
uh. hello.
how are you this fine night?
more than I can do.
I'll kick u
Maybe you should lie down.
We both know things!
I know how to suck dick too though so I win.
already on thT
you read it.
do u want nudes?
it's a sort of a loop with an end, composed of a statement within a statement within a statement within a statement within a statement within a statement within a statement within a statement within a statement until we reach the bottom and we got what we need
think like an onion
if you or anyone else wants a better explanation here is a computerphile vid
heck you ♥
i forgot you may know these things as well concerning what you are learning, you don't really mention it
do stuff with web pages!
like maybe games, or scripts which do things automatically
you could build a better QR than 8ch's even
make a script which lets you blow up things on the page (already an extension for that, but it's worth mentioning since it's fun)
it's too late for thinking so i can't think of anything else but there is loads
hey there rubywubs
it's one of my favorite concepts so far
Now upside down!
it's not that difficult!
it is hard though.
nah… I was jk.
* You attempt to impose your will on the Monster Prince.
* This move is ill-advised, but met with a mirthful smile.
* Really?
That's my name, don't wear it out.
As: I'm feeling… better.
yuh, no need to I guess
can't; world is spinning
But I'm good at it
Spin with it! You need to catch up!
that does sound like a lot of fun.
can I make things pretty with it?
or is that html?
that's good news.
I'm going to need proof!
not that I don't want them.
Bruhcoli, just whip out your dick already.
heck, you've a point
if you say so
[ACT] → [NOPE]
Yeah it is.
you don't believe me?
been up to much there?
The usual. Trying to get better… reconnect with Azzy.
Ask Skye?
Demonstrate with a banana and some scarf around the rest of your face?
I've noticed a distinct lack of him these past few months. reckon he's ok?
hey skye, your boyfriend sucks a mean dick, right?
go lay down sox
you most definately can
although some CSS and HTML is eventually needed in combination varying on what you are doing of course, they are both trivial in comparison
CSS is basically a site's style which is why i mention it
Hey hey~ Don't know who this is, but I'm guessing Iza? snuggles
I swear to fuck, if I ever end up teaching recursion in an intro class when I'm working on my PhD, I will bring a physical onion into the classroom.
I believe in you wose
I forgot why I linked you… oh right, how's ax you haven't heard from him in ages.
Huh that could work.
I meant when he's up
colors, layout, where things are on the page, add and remove buttons and such on the page that activate scripts that I've written myself.
just. absolute control of literally everything I'm seeing. which, I guess would only work on Holla Forums.
is html and css hard to learn?
Also might try Aku's idea