Is the president of mexico retarded?

Is the president of mexico retarded?
I'm not a trump supporter, but given that he's the president of the us why would he not negotiate? He has no leverage and mexico would be absolutely wrecked with a 20% tariff imposed on their exports to the US. Can someone explain what they think is going to happen? Or are they still at the stage of being offended that inhibits rational thinking?

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The US has spent decades fostering Mexico's dependence on corn and coke for exactly this type of leverage. Mexico can't tariff the US back without people starving.

A 20% tariff would be illegal. Why negotiate when you know the man is bluffing?

Because Losin' Donald couldn't negotiate his way out of a paper bag.

They're corrupt as fuck and are betting on the American's fee fees. Once the deportations start, he's going to have egg on his face.

Mexico completely relies on US gimmedats.

His only hope is to go to UN and say Trump is holocausting Mexicans.

I don't think congress will pass a 20% tariff on Mexican goods because it's filled with necons like McCain and lidnesey Grahm and Rubio.

You have to remember that only congress can pass a tarrif, not trump.

kek, faggots what don’t you understand. the US doesn’t produce shit. if you start marginalizing all the country’s that produce the shit you consume. you are equally as fucked. and even if you start producing you’ll have no place to export.

Pretty much. A 20% tariff would harm US consumers, just as much as Mexican producers, it makes absolutely no sense.

The only ones getting wrecked here are the American people buying shit from Mexico.
Way to go Trump.