>>>/rel/ here,
do you believe in God?
>>>/rel/ here,
do you believe in God?
I believe that God can suck my fuzzy white dick
I think there could be a possibility, but it is worthless to think about or decide on one thing. There is no 100% proven side yet, so why pick a side?
How did you conclude that it is worthless to think about?
It's not worthless to think about, it's worthless to pick a side before it can be proven.
How do you know it is worthless? There could be value in choosing a side even though there is no 100% certainty, especially if you have chosen correctly.
if I had a piece of garlic bread for every god that exists:
This is why. It's like betting on a game, but with your life. I refuse to bet, until I know.
But refusing to bet is also a bet…
No, it's doing nothing. Waiting for death, not caring what happens after.
Which god?
what a bunch of shitty people in this thread.
Do YOU believe in God?
The universe is a mathematical structure. The class of contradictions C is the class which implies all other classes:
∀c∈C. ∀A. ∀a ∈ A. c → a
Implication is the same as generation, so the class of contradictions is the God which generates all things. Conversely, everything that implies a contradiction (like the existence of a largest cardinal) is a pathway to God.
Fite me IRL if you disagree. Also there was no boat into which some Jew loaded penguins.
If there is a god, either he's powerless or he needs to answer for his crimes.
No. If I did, I'd hate him with passion.
data mining thread for hell
gona b rough 4 u guyz
not as rough as my dick in God's throat
Pretty much this.
Yes I believe in the one true God – just not the Christian god.
tough kids in the town
and some satancuck
Today I will tell you about the one true God, but I am not a Christian, nor a Jew or Muslim. Please swallow any distaste you have for these religions and realize I do not promote them. I am, however, a seeker of Wisdom, and finding a sliver of Understanding, I hope to offer you a portion of that Knowledge.
Approximately 500 years before Semites began worshiping their so-called One True God there lived a Wise man who would later become the world's first true prophet. Zoroaster, who was also called Zarathustra, had visions and encounters with a being whom he later learned was the one true God. Indeed, the concept of monotheism was first fathomed and actualized not by Jews who even to this day take credit for originating monotheism, but by a Persian - Zoroaster - who as a Persian was an Aryan.
Ahura Mazda was the name of this single deity, and through His worship the Persians became the most influential peoples of their time. Their wise men, who were known as "Magi," were so skilled in medicine, science, mathematics and psychology that even the Babylonian sorcerers adopted their title as a sign of respect. And this is why those who study the deeper Mysteries, even to this very day, are called magicians.
The Pagans who worshiped many deities were divided by their worship. A woman who desired a child, for example, would worship a fertility goddess. A man who desired strength in battle would worship a war god. Their goals and desires were divided and no true unity was found among them. But by the worship of a single God who was limitless, all-wise and most importantly all-good, the Persians were united in goal and agenda. For their God did not ask for sacrifice of animal or human, but instead demanded the Zoroastrians to live good lives and to be good to others. The motto of their religion was no "conquer" or "dominate" or "convert the entire world," but was instead
For just as the mouth speaks what the mind contemplates, the body performs the Will of both. And therefore training to be a good human, according to Zoroaster, was the highest goal. It is said that Zoroastrian children were trained in three things since early childhood: Horseback riding, archery and truth-telling.
The Jew, seeing how powerful the meme of monotheism was, and seeing how blessed the Zoroastrians were not only of body but also of character, chose to co-opt the monotheistic faith of Zarathustra. The one God of the Zoroastrian people became the one God of the Jewish people. The Chosen Ones of Ahura Mazda – the Zoroastrians – became the Chosen Ones of YHVH, the elected "one God" of the Jews who was originally one of their many deities. But the Jew, lacking the character of the Aryans who arrived at perfection through lifetimes of dedicated practice, perverted the monotheistic system.
No longer was the God all-good, all-compassionate and all-peaceful, but now the God became a "man of war" (Exodus 15:3 ). No longer was magic composed of the study of mathematics and the workings of the human mind, but now the Jew has lowered the practice into the realm of superstition and "miracle-working." And this perversion is the progenitor of Judaism, and naturally of Christianity from whence it comes, and Islam which comes from those two.
The One True God does exist, and I humbly request that you do not form opinions about monotheism based in its perversion, neither by the Jew or the Christian, or the Muslim. But that you re-evaluate the meme based in this Understanding, so as to procure Knowledge which leads to Wisdom.
In the Name of Ahura Mazda, and in all of the Names of the Single Point, I call out to your Spirit and the fire which burns within it – to seek the Trinity of Faith: Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding.
did y really just wrote that
sorry cant believe really
this isnt south park, kiddo
There is One God, and his Name right now is Kek.
are u high on autism, son?
I'd have to treat leprechauns and fairies with the same respect. If I did I would come to the same conclusion: That there's no evidence any of these things exist
If there's a god you don't know him. Assuming the existence of an afterlife (which is also hilarious fairytale horseshit) god may be such that he sends you to purgatory for not "choosing a side" and sends you to hell for "choosing the wrong side". She may send you to hell for "not choosing a side" and send you to purgatory for "choosing the wrong side". You don't know what will happen based on your actions, so the logical action to take is to not even think about the topic
not in a church sense, no. I think there is a "god", but not really a specific one (allah or jesus or buddha or that alien shit tom cruise believes in) and I think that most churches are bullshit, as if there is a god, there's really no reason to not communicate with him directly and vice versa, so it's like fucking tarot card readings in terms of pastors. I don't really think there's a reason to go to church, I think all communication should be personal, but thats just me.
Speak English homo
fuckin shitbag
Non virgin christian here, this thread is euphoric as fuck.
thanks we just needed that answer now everything makes sense
choose one, slut
Short answer: no with an if.
Long answer: yes with a but.
I do not believe in desert fairy tales being an more legitimate than native European fairy tales. Jews and their books of historical lies belong in the trash.
However, you can trace back the concept of the words "believe in God" to mean something entirely different. To "believe" would've originally meant "to value". This points us to an entirely subjective understanding of belief (just like, what's money worth? Only what you believe it to be worth at that moment. If SHTF, it's only good for fueling fires). So just shifting your thought to this makes "biblical literalism", and really almost all present-day religion apart from some (but not all) interpretations of Buddism moot.
If you then look at the root origin of "God", we find that word is fairly new among Germanic speakers, only maybe 3600 years or so. The word comes from an early word for "river", which can still be found in words like the River Gota, and Gotland. The people who inhabited those areas called themselves "Goths", and were among the proto-Germanic people who spread all over Europe after the last ice age. Later groups continued to be called Goths, although they were not necessarily anymore "pure blooded" Goths for ending up with this name.
The proto-Germanics themselves came to have a binary view of mystical figures: the Aesir and the Vanir. This is also what is found in ancient Iran (yes, this is the Aryan theory), with the Ashuras and the Devas, and this concept is even found in Hinduism (which is just a nationalist paganism, same as past European mythologies).
We can also focus back on European paganism and see the Deva/Vanir/deity concept with Greek mythology (largely personified forces of nature/human emotion), and the more solidly Aesir/Ashura concept of ancestral hereos in the German. Romans had an interesting blend, as they usurped much of the Tuscan and Hellenic culture, but implanting their own major heroes concept (such as Jupiter. He was a figure who came to be known as an ancestor/hero god, but his name sources from "Father Zeus", so you see both the German-type "father" and the Greek type "the force of nature from the sky who is Zeus").
Utlimately, what is the utility here? We can see a few patterns:
1. The original proto-Europeans before all this myth history, were simple people who had no concept of divine god for most of their prehistory. They later found ways to codify by tradition explanations of the world around them based on superstition. They also found a way to legitimize their competing tribal needs by claiming genetic lineage from beings who transcend the natural world, to make themselves conquerors.
2. This "rivaling paganism" was a tool of war between tribes up to before the start of the common era. Ultimately it was defeated when Jews usurped power in Rome and instituted Christianity.
3. We are now being increasing knowledgeable about these concepts & histories.
But does it change anything for you, the person? It's your choice. To me, I take little comfort in the notion of a "higher living power". But for self-help/staving off depression, a bit of neurotic self-belief (that you are the son and heir of a great ancestral being, with a higher purpose in life) can be a positive thing for a human. We, after all, are subjective, self-serving creatures who find our reality to be fraught with confusion. But on the whole, more confusion by religion will very well be a person's undoing as well.
Existence to the human mind can only be conceived as a joke, and the self is a question: do I choose to laugh or cry or a little of both? Every joke is bittersweet, tinged with the painful discovery of folly, after all.
i believe in it, and i truly do, it both gives me comfort and courage, it's the only thing keeping me being myself and not hero
stop givin me deep answers dipshit fight me
i supose i could do that, but you asked for a awnser and i gave it to you, why concentrate on the end when you know it will come. instead of enjoying the journey?
jesus christ
drink bleach
how so?
wtf u mean how so dipshit
why should i drink it, i see no reason my friend
you enjoyin this arent you
i always enjoy people who wish to talk to me or be with me
ok that does it take your stand
look at the file name
I did not know about most of that, very interesting.
I think people should follow some religion's rules either way to a point, wether they believe they will be rewarded or punished by something or not
(Reformed) Religion truely makes people better people
So to answer your question,no I dont, but to say that nothing exists doesnt signify anything about your own intelligence
That doesnt really answer anything but thanks, enjoyed reading that
I dont agree with you on your conclusions but I appreciate the effort and thoughtfulness
Are you Hindu? Make this post on >>>/rel/ , its beautiful
nope. Then I'd agree to their dumb and limited view.
not really, and if he is real, then he is a giant dick