With the market hitting new record highs while all other recession indicators are flashing alarms, the market is completely fucking disconnected from reality and entirely centrally bank driven at this point.
If the current trajectory holds following the same pattern before the 08 crash (pic related) there should be a full blown market crash in the next 2-3 months. With record highs comes record crashes. The only thing that can kick the can down the road a bit more is QE4, which is very likely given the election coming up and maintaining the perception the system isn't going to crash. Even if it accomplishes a delay (I think it will trigger a crash anyway, but say I'm wrong), the system will still crash.
Anyway, if you aren't already prepared for what's coming, you still have some time to do so.
ya i broke my apartment lease and will be moving my gf in to my parents house to wait out the storm. the dotcom blew for bush, the housing popped for king nigger, and 8 years later here we are. im beginning to think the shemitah is 8 not 9
Ethan Fisher
Justin Johnson
Time between recessions is approximately every 7.5 years on average, we're already overdue. Considering this market is complete and total central bank bullshit, this next crash is going to be insane. Then you have the subsequent pension systems collapsing like dominoes.
My gut tells me this will be the one that resets everything.
Carson Martin
Wyatt Perez
I understand where you are coming from, and I used to think just like you until I realized the world is a big place. In that big place you need to park money somewhere. Everyone does.
Lets look at your choices. Europe has an impending banking crisis and failing currency, China has shady accounting and can outlaw short selling on a whim, Japan has a currency that has strengthened by nearly 20% for the year. Europe and Japan are selling bonds with negative interest rates.
So where do you park money? Where is confidence. The dollar, the US market, and US bonds. This market is going to break 20,000 very soon. When Europe collapses from banking money will flee to the dollar and gold.
Joshua Russell
Metals -> Gold and Lead.
Jace Peterson
I just posted approximately this on cuckchan, agreed.
Ian Ross
In a post-apocalyptic scenario the things that people would want most is food (already too late if you haven't got a farm or growing your own in a basement), medicine (anything past the early 20th century couldn't be made though), weaponry and ammunition. They couldn't give two shits about some shiny rock or brick that the Jews have ascribed an arbitrary value to. That's not the way the world works.
Juan Parker
Well gold will always have value long-term should civilization arise again. During the chaos of the short-term transition, it will be effectively worthless relative to ammo/food/medicine/alcohol/tobacco/coffee.
You could also trade lead for gold during this time period under the assumption that at some point a new country/economy will rise from the ashes of the old.
Carter Williams
So is this THE one or should I be amassing as much liquid cash as I can so I can BUY THE FUCKING DIP?
Ian Peterson
This is THE ONE. Not because the market itself, but because of the cascade effects on the public pension systems. The assumed rates of return for public pensions will never happen with ZIRP, and so they will continue to deteriorate. Only option Fed has is to use QE to prop the market up, but it still doesn't solve the ZIRP problems.
Game over man. Shit's fucked.
Luke Ross
whats the deal with oil?
Caleb Martinez
Your not wrong, as an individual that is a good plan. But if you have those things and are trying to simply secure more wealth get in the US market now, or buy gold mining stock.
Oliver Howard
Last QE guys. When Trump wins: expect your NEETbux to stop, expect there to be 12 hours/day infrastructure work at $3/hr and tent cities of workers, expect a gaming computer to cost $5,000-$20,000.
Start hoarding hardware now! Start hoarding methods of getting electricity out of nature now!
Brayden Kelly
No demand. Slowing global economy. Lots of production. Strong dollar. Are all keeping oil low. None of that is going away anytime soon.
Hudson Bailey
Oh well, I'd rather society reset really anyway.
I don't really want anything but land and that can be taken or taken from you when TSHTF anyway.
Parker King
I keep saying this.
Jackson Reed
All this (((concern)))
Henry Ward
Strategic reserves are capping out. They'll have no choice but to cut production, there won't be anywhere to store it.
Henry Jones
Autism circles really are our version of Piccolo Dick, aren't they?
Connor Johnson
How do we prepare?
Jason Johnson
Only way to purge the corruption at this point is a total collapse. Hopefully we can learn from this and a new Constitution can be written to prevent the Jews from spreading like cancer.
Blake Taylor
No, that's what crashing economies, stopped cheap electronics imports, and desperate people fighting starvation look like…
Jackson Rogers
Sebastian Fisher
That's all you need. It'll be interesting to see how bad this gets, the "elite" are going to reveal themselves when the shit finally starts, some will bail, others will attempt to maintain and/or seize power/control.
I'm looking forward to it. We're living in a great time in history.
Joshua Harris
Doesn't matter, because
Nolan Kelly
Don't risk it. Amass a bugout bag and a plan for moving out of urban settings, a skill usefull in the countryside, etc. Best case scenario, second recession. Worst case, oil reserves are actually well past their prime and thus we're headed towards a second bronze age collapse event. End of economies, civil unrest between mixed populations, illegitimacy of governing body, secession conflict, wars provoked by ideology or economy, famine brought on by a changing environment, it could happen. Not to mention a chance of Fimbulwvinter.
Aiden Cooper
Am I out of my mind moving to the uk with all my savings in September?
Aaron Russell
If you live in the US, you should wait a couple months after the election.
Bentley Howard
I've never been to the UK, so I don't know if there is sufficient land available for bugging out. I wouldn't be caught dead living in any of the densely populated areas.
Does the UK even produce enough food to feed their own population?
Henry Wright
Keep a close eye on the market + Fed announcements. QE/NIRP/HELICOPTER MONEY are all signs game is completely over and they've lost control.
This will all happen before elections.
Kevin Moore
why would you choose the UK?
Eli Martin
75k is guaranteed by the government per account if the bank collapse.
Christopher Bailey
fyi i read a headline yesterday saying investors in japan are hoping for "helicopter money" to prop up the market. actually used the term "helicopter money" too.
Levi Robinson
I'm not assured that 75k in collapsed bank money is going to buy me much
Logan Allen
Nathaniel Cook
concern shilling isnt explaining what an economic collapse will look like you fucking newfag
Luke Wright
Jose Martin
Change of scenery, better employment opportunity in construction.
Carson Sanders
Will do, thanks.
Samuel Moore
The free world isn't going to collapse until niggers overpower the white man. This will just be a cyclical 8 year dip where if you have money, you will end up profiting compared to the hordes of faggots who live off welfare and or credit. I have 50k in the bank and I keep making that number go up. When homes in the bay area go from 1 million down to 300k, I think I will buy 2 homes and become a millionaire by the time things return to normal.
David Murphy
Cooper Kelly
There won't be a return to normal this time. The public pension systems collapsing by themselves will be sufficient to tank the entire system, and that's only a single drop in an ocean.
Jaxson King
William Davis
Anthony Murphy
zerohedge.com/news/2016-07-12/mystery-who-pushing-stocks-all-time-highs-has-been-solved '''' "One conundrum stumping investors in recent months has been how, with investors pulling money out of equity funds (at last check for 17 consecutive weeks) at a pace that suggests a full-on flight to safety, as can be seen in the chart below which shows record fund outflows in the first half of the year - the fastest pace of withdrawals for any first half on record…"
What the update reveals is "a surge in net global central bank asset purchases to their highest since 2013."
Thomas Hernandez
What are you sliding?
Jeremiah Perez
I'm absolutely convinced you faggots are JIDF plants who try to control the board by saging good threads but simultaneously claiming they are slide threads.
You're clearly some worthless faggot.
Bentley Gonzalez
Ok tell me the last time throughout the thousands of threads accurately predicted a market collapse
Nathan Ramirez
Last and September faggot
David Moore
I'dcsiggest all user build an AR and stock up on some basic foodstuffs. If this shit does actually happen, starvation and violence over food will be the biggest killers.
Brandon Reed
People can look at the evidence and decide for themselves, I believe the next crash is coming and it will be brutal. There has never been a single time in US history that hasn't had a recession within 10 years. We're pushing 8+ now. Probability is just going to continue to increase until it hits 1.
So given the historical cyclic data and the fact we're overdue for the next crash, it's simply inevitable. Math always wins.
Aaron Gray
This. Even if it doesn't happen as soon as OP is predicting, the inevitable is only delayed and made worse.
Evan Parker
September didnt even happen and I never saw a thread about the last one, Id gladly say I am wrong if you have a thread about the market collapsing before any economist or jewish douchebag said it was going to
Show proof for that with at least 50% consistency with that
Parker Ward
Are you suggesting the Fed will go down in flames?
I highly doubt it myself.
Adrian Turner
Did you blow all your money in September? Are you butthurt now?
Adam Jones
All of them. You think this is 1920's? These things do not happen overnight. We saw the initial red flag of Glencore needing some billions in bailout as the blood moon passed overhead. This is a monumental scale happening, involving every corner of the global economy. Every bit of profit, every bit of capital, it is being sucked out of every single market. Whole governments are being bought out as with Greece. It's a ravenous beast that keeps eating and eating but still starves. This is several magnitudes larger than anything ever encountered before. I mean for fucks sake, we have quantum computers now. Every brake is on, every stopgap and emergency action, every little turn thing that can be done is being done and the whole thing is still going down.
It's like molasses in an igloo in a blizzard on the south pole, but they can't stop it. It is happening, slowly.
Blake Cruz
It won't look like that, you fucking retard.
Hunter Baker
Nigger, you need to take a closer look.
Justin Gray
Anyone have the post of the slav dude who survived the collapse of yugoslavia or some shit country over there.
I remember another big commodity people killed for was lighters/lighter fluid and toilet paper. Just simple hygiene products he bartered for guns/ammo/food/women.
Leo King
What makes you think that? Are you that new that you think september was the first "LE BIG CRASH" meme?
Now youre just saying everything is inevitable. You have no arguement because that is a fundamental known law of nature. Almost all threads say when it is going to happen, even this one said in "2-3 months"
Nothing happened until late december and early january
Claiming a recession isn't coming, which has literally never happened in US history for a period longer than 10 years is completely fucking retarded.
You're betting on an event that never happened, I'm betting on an event that happens with cyclic consistency. If the central banks hadn't fucked the interest rates and QE up the ass, I would say it would recover, but we're long past that point.
This next one will kick off a systemic cascade.
Henry Hernandez
And we've had 14 recessions from the great depression to current year.
Levi Turner
I think it's safe to say sage user has been thoroughly BTFO
Jackson Lee
Sure but you are claiming there is going to be "a full blown market crash". These just count up small periods of economic slowdown, there is a huge difference.
Adrian Russell
It's all good, those are the ignorant faggots who get rekt when the shit finally happens.
Jack Thomas
Jace Johnson
is there a way to profit of this?
Jackson White
not an argument, OP has put up no evidence whatsoever but """PATTERNS XD"""
Leo Roberts
Could you explain how the Fed would die with this latest crash? They've survived over a century of crashes, do you really think this one will be that big?
Kevin Morgan
You haven't made any sort of argument you just keep saying it's not going to happen.
Grayson Robinson
What do you think economics is?
Evan Campbell
and this is a jubilee year, only happens twice per century
Ryder Carter
The systemic cascade will cause the crash, not the market alone. My money is on public pensions being the first major domino to fall. Why do you think the Fed is propping up the market? The pensions are entirely dependent on market returns and those rates assume ~7.5% (irony here) ROI/year on average. This is fucking literally impossible with ZIRP, but the Fed can't reverse ZIRP without causing a crash.
It's a perfect fucking catch-22.
Michael Taylor
which is how you know it's by design
Leo Gonzalez
Knowledge of alternative medicine (plants, teas, etc.) may be of great value.
Luke Hill
Nevermind, makes sense now
Juan Wright
I have minimal prep, enough canned food and water to last 2-3 months, a well-trained and intimidating dog (German Shepherd), keep the gas cans full, and enough bullets to shoot as many things as I want AND to use as barter.
My parents live a few hours away but they're wealthy enough that no matter how bad the crash could be they'll still be in a fine position. Also my dad is based enough to have a dozen funs, thousands of bullets, and a few pounds of gold in his safe. If SHTF I'll go hole up with them and be a good son.
Jaxson Carter
I don't think it is by design, I think it's the result of perpetual short-term financial policy. If anyone had the long-term foresight to see this shit coming to this level of detail, well they're more intelligent than anyone I've ever heard of and they've already mapped out everything that comes afterwards.
Nicholas Baker
How am I supposed to argue against an argument that doesn't exist?
Show proof for the fed setting up public pensions other than meme ZIRP and NIRP has, although a jewish conspiracy, to keep an economy afloat allowing it to develop under high economic tension
Isaac Davis
Put the gun in your mouth and pull the trigger
Angel Price
Not an argument
Kevin Barnes
Kill yourself, Moishe
Lincoln Watson
Economics is looking at how markets reacted in the past to certain things in order to make decisions about the future yes.
Next you'll argue that politics is muh patterns as well.
Camden Young
Proof and a great website to keep track of pension news:
Watchdog: Another tough year for CalPERS as retirement fund loses billions
Public workers are pumping more money into retirement funds. Public agencies are pumping more money into retirement funds. Yet the market seems distinctly unimpressed. The California Public Employees Retirement System – the nation’s largest – lost about 2 percent of its market value in the fiscal year that just ended, according to unofficial numbers published last week on the CalPERS website. This came despite doubled-down efforts to beef up its bottom line. The value of CalPERS investments was $293.7 billion on June 30, down from $301.9 billion one year earlier, according to CalPERS’ daily valuation report. That number accounts for daily movement of some assets but not others, which are updated quarterly. Challenges are expected to continue for years, even as the wave of graying baby boomers heads into retirement. CalPERS is slated to release its official 2015-16 numbers next week, and declined to discuss details with the Register beforehand (though officials noted that the fund’s July 7 value was nearly $295.7 billion.) But last month, Ted Eliopoulos, CalPERS’ chief investment officer, tried to prepare officials for a bumpy ride going forward. “Last fiscal year, our return was 2.4 percent,” Eliopoulos said during a committee meeting. “And this fiscal year, as we head into July, we’re likely to be flat, which is a nice way of saying zero.” The next three to five years are shaping up to be “a challenging market environment, not just for CalPERS, but for all investors,” Eliopoulos added. “It’s going to test us.” Projections from independent third parties are “materially lower” than what CalPERS forecast just two years ago, he said. With its current mix of investments, CalPERS can expect a total return of just 6.4 percent over the next decade. It has assumed a return of 7.5 percent.
Ayden Long
We will need it until the jews stop fucking around with everything else, ZIRP and NIRP make the goyim calm
Cooper Green
Weak. You won't convince anyone with that low effort shilling here.
Go back to 4chan and try again.
Camden Turner
For Trump too?. No?. He will be new aristocracy, when we'll be living in tents making barely food money?. Oh well. How much will be guns, so we could shoot his ass?.
Wyatt Hill
I sorted through the news and I found nothing else on losses
Caleb Perez
Oh Mordecai, go give yourself a shotgun headache.
Landon Phillips
You want to stay an ignorant faggot, go right on ahead, I honestly don't give a fuck. I'm prepared, and hopefully some other anons will open their eyes and prepare for themselves and their families.
Andrew Cooper
I've seen "evidence" like this before, I'm just saying, The economy will only fuck up if king obongo decides to chimp out if Trump is elected
Alexander Cook
You're not an intelligent person. I'm sure you know that however.
Dylan Myers
You sure changed my opinions with that hot post fagtron
Ethan Myers
Bump and reported.
Camden Wood
Your opinion doesn't mean shit to me and neither do you. Believe whatever the fuck you want.
Mason Morales
Ill screenshot this thread so I can open it in a couple months and have a good laugh
Austin Richardson
I love thinking about preppers eating their shitty can food when world didn't end yet again. Can't throw away perfectly good spam!
Jacob Butler
Jose White
Original document related
Jeremiah Ross
Don't forget to include this archive of thread in your screenshot.
2) Fed announces QE/HELICOPTER MONEY/NIRP -> delay OR crash (crash if people aren't entirely ignorant fucks) -> market crash -> systemic cascade
Kayden Bennett
Only ~2% of all the dollars in circulation are tied to any tangible material like gold.
I assume you've read the important parts of Web of Debt or Manifesto for fhe Abolition of Wage Slavery to know that almost every single dollar out there is just a worthless piece of green paper.
Stock your worth in gold&silver (silver preferred), guns, ammo, food, shelter, and amenities.
Sebastian Reyes
It's going to be the 2nd. We've come this far, I don't see why they wouldn't at least try.
Liam Cruz
Personally, I'd rather have a can of spam I don't particularly enjoy now then find myself waiting on a bread line in the future. But hey whatever floats your boat.
Grayson Peterson
Joshua Hill
Economy has been shit for months and Ron Paul warned us repeatedly through 2007-2012
Benjamin Johnson
Never a better time to buy, goy.
Nathan Nguyen
Ordering people to do something doesn't magically improve the economy. Everyone in communist russia had a job. It's the type of job that matters and building a wall in the middle of nowhere doesn't improve anyone's standard of living.
Samuel Brooks
They're struggling with all their might to hold it off till Trump wins/martial law narrative so they can blame it on him and start the media kvetiching throughout his reign off to a good start.
It probably did happen on the shemitah, they've just been holding it off and now Yahweh's pissed at his tribe.
Jordan Nelson
Aaron Martinez
the correlation is 1/4 year off
if it follows the same trend that big drop will be late november to jan
Jaxon Stewart
At least I know you're not a shill because you're shit with money.
Oliver Hill
Oh my goodness, that is brutal. We need to rename this meme to "The Oath Shatterer"
Charles Martin
That was Sarajevo and the city was under siege and sniper fire the whole time. That isn't what a economic collapse is going to look like.
Thomas Smith
Here's some more bad news, just for lulz
Sebastian Smith
You forget bail-ins. Bail-ins are now legal in the U.S. & Europe, and it means they can take the money in your account and replace it with their bank stock. When this does not save the bank (and it won't, they are simply going to use the money to partially pay off their largest creditors) the banks collapses & you are left with worthless bank stock. And the FDIC does not pay you for stock losses…thus saving the federal government from having to pay off on hundreds of millions of crashed accounts.
Jack Lopez
How does one buy shelter in a place where housing is sky high?
Average home is like $1mil in my city and still quite expensive in the towns.
"Speaking overnight in Australia, the Fed's Loretta Mester said "helicopter money" could be considered to stimulate America's economy if conventional monetary policy fails."
They wouldn't even be discussing this shit if everything was fine and dandy as they claim it is.
Justin Sullivan
t-t-thanks ecb-kun
Aaron Rivera
Logan Flores
Kayden Davis
A tiny fucking Island which was always a month away from starvation in the world wars and is now flooded with dindus and muslimes and relies on financial services?
Yes. You are out of your mind. Go to Australia or New Zealand.
Brayden Gutierrez
The only reason Greece keeps getting bailed is to allow Goldsachs pretend still operating, I just can't wait to see how/when will that charade end.
David Sanchez
Thought about it alot, too far away, too hot
Carson Collins
You move, dumbass
Anthony Wood
maybe its not that we're overdue but that you have to add a "recovery" period in between the cycles
Connor Anderson
holy shit its like you don't even understand econometrics
Joshua Ortiz
Come on QE4! Let's kick the can a little further then, lads. We all know we're screwed in this life time anyways.
Leo King
you and alex jones both have been saying the economy is going to collapse. It won't happen any time soon.
Even my parents and grandparents were telling me, they used to hear the same shit over and over and over again.
The world is ending… The market is going to crash… There is going to be nuclear war…
And yet we're still here.
Jonathan Morris
they play with the numbers how casinos play with slot machines.
all the numbers are fake.
Leo Ramirez
Joseph Reed
What the fuck, are you retarded? You don't eat food storage when one thing you were prepared for doesn't happen. You keep it stored.
You go to the fucking grocery store and buy fresh food.
Jace Thompson
Dubs comfi–aw damn it.
Still, you raise a very valid series of points. The who Jubilee cycles might have something to them, but the kikes have the Print Money button permanently taped down. This will be a massive shake up, but it's not like the entire infrastructure will collapse over night, complete with ebola-infected niggers falling from the sky to ruin the remaining sections of white america.
Christopher Russell
you mean like last september?
Eli Brown
We've been in a recession for probably at least a year now, my prediction is depression. The feds numbers are doctored, the markets reactions are higher than they should be because the numbers they're responding to are doctored. The recovery from the great recession has been worse than any recovery in history and has actually been been worse than most recessions. There was no recovery, we either go Japan, Weimar, or start a new currency from here. Food reserves are good, but don't fall for the apocalypse hype. You should in any case have enough canned fruit and vegetables to supplement your diet for about 6-9months, however the United States is not a third world country, even if the currency implodes there is so much material wealth that a new currency can be established with relative ease. Gold, silver etc are there to buy the new currency when things level out. Food will most likely still be plentiful but to expensive to purchase, if you have a local farmers market you may be able to barter with them. As for firearms and weaponry, you should as a member of the militia have armaments already, do remember though that even during the great depression there was no particular increase in violence. This will likely only apply to majority white areas. If you live in an area with non asian minorities you should begin serious preparation or be ready to relocate.
David Nelson
Jayden Lee
Levi Thompson
Its extremely tedious and involved but for all you anons that can't afford gold you should be saving every gold plated electronics connector and chipset that you come across.
You need a whole bunch of such electronic parts but a 30 gal tub worth of em will net you 2 or 3 ounces of gold. You basically just need water muriatic acid and dilligence.
Dylan Hughes
great plan goldpumpfags, enjoy your fantasy world. Remember when gold was 1900 and you bought and then it crashed to like 1000? Yeah I remember, you were real quiet then. Dumb fucks.
Evan Hall
Finally, common sense dubs.
The end of the current establishment is coming in full force within the next 3~5 years, don't get me wrong, but burgerland isn't going mad max style any time soon. Buy as much silver as you can while the price is still around 20, and you'll be come a rich user.
Noah Wood
Remember when your daddy bought Enron and Worldcom and a hundred other Jew piece of shit stocks that went to ZERO? He sure took it out on your bitch ass and that pig you call mom.
Liam Rivera
Checked for good sense
Nathan Butler
Justin Lewis
Just like last year? Is this going to become annual tradition now? The happening that never happened.
Nathan Reyes
My dad bought a dozen houses with cash when the housing market crashed, he cashed out 3 years after that and took his millions and moved to Florida to play golf. Pretty sure your dad stuck his thumb up your asshole when you were a baby.
Samuel Hernandez
Ian Robinson
Nice. Makes sense. Checked
Alexander Garcia
Behold, the next Lehman Brothers…
Lincoln Rivera
Fuck gold, get disposable lighters, canned food and fuel. And make sure fucking no one knows you even have stockpiles, not even your immediate family. Unless you need to store huge amounts of wealth and can wait it out for a long-ass time gold is worthless in a collapse - you'll just sell it all for a few cans of Spam if you aren't prepared.
Also yes, it pretty much is a yearly thing on Holla Forums. It's always gonna happen just a few months from now… and it never does… but it is still a good thing to be prepared just in case this time it's for real.
Caleb Garcia
Imagine Yellowstone going nuclear before that.
Lincoln Walker
Just a reminder that current European banking laws prohibit bail-outs, leaving bail-ins the only legal option.
So instead of them printing truckloads of EUR and giving it to the banks they will simply take their depositors, so if you have €100 in the bank they will take €50 to pay off their debts and you cant do a thing about it.
Its probably not going to happen though as it would cause a bank run which is extremely worse, so more bailouts.
Well, thats how banks pre-government insurance worked and is one of the reasons banks pay you to use them. The bank is just an investment firm that allows you to withdraw and deposit investments on the go.
Unfortunately for everyone, that definition has become ever so hidden. If you want to store money with no risk, use a safety deposit box or personal safe. If the bank is paying you interest on your savings it is because it is your money that is at risk.
Josiah Reed
Guess why I build my new setup now before the big bang
Luke Gutierrez
I bought 5oz @1150 fggt
Damn i was planning on building a rig in the fall. Actually anons, I need to buy a car. Soon. I'm thinking of leasing something cheap since i dont need to front as much/deal with it later.
Got plenty of guns/metal so im secure on that front