What's your ringtone?
Mine is 1:00 - 1:30 of this video youtube.com
What's your ringtone?
Mine is 1:00 - 1:30 of this video youtube.com
chiptunes and cracktros are the best ringtones
I don't remember
favourite ringtone tbh fam.
sage because thread isn't about free software.
hold it you dummy - mp4 has free as in freedom implementations + it just werks which is a nice feature.
I didn't know being poor was edgy these days
Here it is. Choke on it, faggot.
It's patented.
i just fuckin with you m8 if you couldn't tell by my first post.
have a rare stallman.
Tunak tunak tun
smh tbqh fam
it's like you want to deliberately miss calls from your mom
sorry for shit normalisation, it needs to be loud for phone
Get off my lawn!
* youtube.com
* youtube.com
get out you fucking pleb