White Power Music

Do you listen to RAC, NSBM or other forms of white power music?

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Unfortunately, it's all bad.

Nothing explicitly pro-white or white power, but I like music which attempts to represent pre-christian European culture.

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I listen to a diverse selection of diverse international music.

The only 'white power' music is Clasical and Folk music. All that screamo trash and those who listen to it needs to fuck off.


only good nazi band musically is landser, everything else is garbage and you are all niggers. maybe pantera too but i dont realy consider them natsoc



best one

I like martial industrial, even if it's a bit of an acquired taste


I find it funny how certain right-wingers talk up the glories of classical music while neglecting the fact their composers were often as fucked up as artists of today. While musically a genius, Mozart chronically mismanaged his money and took great pleasure in scatological humor. Without a lick of business sense, he could neither sell himself nor his music to any appreciable degree. The notoriety his music continues to bask in is entirely posthumous, and scholars today still struggle to explain away and contextualize his fixation on shit jokes or the fact he was a terminal fuck-up.

Face it, folks. There's a reason why most artists live on the periphery of respectability.

hue not music but goethe was even worse in the fart and shit jokes dept

Another person who the far right idealises; Hitler.

That said, if you don't like your niece urinating on you, you might be gay.

Sorry, I don't like smelling like piss or shit.

Holla Forums worships a degenerate, incestuous, man (kind of?) with whom sex is so bad, it leads women to kill themselves.
How does this make you feel?

fuck white pride all identity politics is the same

Really… are you serious?

Is the only thing you have against mozart is that he had no idea how to manage money (similar to your neet ass.) and he liked fart jokes? Is that it?

You sound incredibly salty and have failed in your attempt to even refute the worst of the classical composers. Next you'll go on to say that Beethoven wasn't great because he was deaf and looks like he didn't shower, or how Wagner was an anti-semite. The funny thing is, even with mozarts disgusting humor and "failure to manage his money"(which is a myth btw.) he still probably got more ass than you ever will.

What drives them apart is pitting them in the same environment and forcing them to be with each other, as equals, when in reality that isn't how human biology works. We become friends with people that have similar interests, that is similar how people want to be with their own people and their own culture. Diversity is no remedy, but a poison to undermine unity. Equality is a false god.

French tribute to the Klan









Oh wait




the niece bit is kinda unconfirmed but he was definitely a raging drug addict towards the end there

Stalin really liked hitler to an almost bromance extent, he fucking sulked for weeks when addi betrayed him

they were both lunatics but hitler was way more autistic

Say no to identity politics says the jew, because whites would win

Hitler was a pathetic manlet, only 5 foot 8. His attempts at world domination were likely driven by his Napoleon complex.


i rade 14/88 :DDDDDDDDDD

I am 5'9" and i destroy people. I have fought many many guys much taller than I am and never had any issues, in fact, my height gave me an advantage in most of the fights. 5 feet 8.5 inches is the World average height for a man. He was just an average guy who became a great hero for all of mankind. How much better of a story could their be?

5'7, ass destroyer in LA and i am poor as fuck.

Hitler, Napoleon, Putin, Stalin, Churchill, just a few of the powerful manlets who have walked the earth. Don't forget MMA fighters, e.g. McGregor or Mayweather - both manlets.
Manlets may very well not be as successful with women, but when it comes to holding power or fighting, they excel.

Some 80s Punk from LA is good, but most of it is edgy shit

If you're pro-your race, then the worst thing you can do is listen to that trash and lower the standards of your race

What does you being poor have to do with anything?

And as to the guys saying that men of average height NOT getting women… This is very untrue. While you cannot just be a tall goon with 0 game or skills, I have had sex with more women than I can count, all across the world and I am the father of 5 children. Just bought a house, cash, last year and I am currently retired until all of my kids are in school because it is good to enjoy life when you have enough money not to work.

Average height men can have awesome lives, don't let the neck beards get you down guys, but don't be a fat loser either… or anti-white.

