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my theory is that op is a faggot
in b4 flat earth
The divisions we take for granted in life aren't real but are mental constructs.
There is no cartoon line dividing "you" and "not-you". There is only one continuous reality, undivided, and it is the essential goal in life to overcome the "this/that" divide.
The earth os fspherical
(guess where this goes)
yuck. no thanks.
wow so original
It's bliss, pure, absolute bliss to drop the this/that barrier.
hello hybrids from systemshock 2
really, no thanks there's a good reason why certain things are seperate.
what happens if you mix all the colors of paint into a bucket and swirl them around? not something good user.
I didn't say everything gets mixed, I said to "drop the this/that barrier". We're not paint.
Where is the line that makes the distinction between your lungs and the air in the room you are in? When does it stop being lungs and start being air? That air is also my air, over here in my location. There is only one atmosphere on this planet. You are that air, that air is also my air, and this air is also me. You, me, and the air are all distinct from one side of the coin, yet intimately interconnected on the other side of that very same coin.
Or, as another example, take food. When does the apple stop being the apple and start being you? Obviously not when it is still sitting on the table, right? And obviously not when you hold it in your hand, right? But what about the piece you just bit off and are still chewing? No, not yet? What about after you swallow it? Ruh roh shaggy, that's getting a little tricky. What about after it is turned into digestive goop in your stomach/intestines? What about after you've extracted the nutrients from it? You yet? What about the parts that you poop out? Now the apple is both you and not you at the same time!
But the reality is that this whole of the universe has been whole the entire time. These shapes/forms within it are in constant flux and change, and they appear to be separate, but again…where is that dang cartoon line at we were looking for earlier?
Women are a lot worse than most people assume and a lot better than MGTOWs assume. A sex drive and inherent desire to be with women clouds judgement and perception of women's true shittiness and those that have neither can see clearly
You had me with the idea that there are no objective divisions. What's this about though:
You're saying that changing your mind such that you perceive everything as part of a continuous whole causes pleasure? Is there more to this?
Speculation on my part,
Pleasure is jerking off. I'm talking bliss beyond comprehension.
I always understood that without problems. it disgusts me that I breath the same air as the people that I don't like, probably a survival instinct. did you know that we are breathing the farts of dinosaurs and drinking water that has been pissed out into lakes where dinos have washed their big soggy dino balls? just kidding… really.
you might really want to look up thesius's ship.
I have a theory porn shifted either intentionally or unintentionally to a focus on female pleasure (cock size obsession, constant reassurance of how good cock feels, etc) and that it has conditioned men to be more girly, submissive and slowly shifts their preferences to gay shit.
Some people think this is racial bit to reason it's appearing in whites first is just because other races have been deprived of a childhood on the internet like most whites - the next generation of brown people will be just as gay.
I actually think this is largely accidental and will result in a world of mostly gay males in 20 years or so.
I'm sure it's just for our safety and not to stop us from literally developing psychic powers.