3D printer

Hey everyone, I'm a /k/ommando coming in peace in the land of tech.

My birthday come close and my parents wanted to buy me something and I've asked to them to get me one on theses 3D delta kossel XL from aliexpress.

I dont know jack shit about being a programmer (since my childhood was based on guns and sniffing black powder while masturbating to my nugget) and I was wondering what to do with this new machine.

I have a friend that can help me to build this, but if I'm here today, is for plans.

TLDR: I don't know what to do with my new printer, please dont bully

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Idunno, download stuff from thingverse and print them?

But, there is only thinkverse?

Oh come the fuck on

3d print sexy cyborg and hot glue her then post it to her twitter



Unless you want to print things that other people have made, you should get a modeling software. You can make basic shapes with Blender and export STL, then use your printer software or Slicer to make it print-ready


Your best of with a SolidDoodle 4 or UpMini btw, heard good reviews from friends and the guys at NASA MSFC.

Print a gun you tard.


Assuming you are competent enough to tune your delta printer.

print dragon dildos and sell them to faggots on etsy. charge extra claiming they're made from recycled plastic and manufactured by poor, disenfranchised starving africans.

once you're comfortable with the basics with your new printer i suggest following this anons advice and learning yourself some cad. for practice you may consider also custom designing some 3-d printed dragon fleshlights and also selling on etsy.


Print another 3D printer.


Assuming you were competent enough to assemble the entire thing, Your next step is to plug in the printer, install Arduino's IDE, discover your chip(should be com3 or com4), then upload and install the firmware that most likely came with said printer. If not, look for a similar kossel firmware online. After that, install repetier host and mess around in all settings until they're all correct.

Assuming that gookbay printers don't come with firmware, you can either try building one up to your own printer using a blank marlin template, or try using one from a similar printer, such as this:

Also do be aware, you probably would've been better off spending more getting a reputable prusa/cartesian printer rather than a gooked out delta. It's like the difference between building an AR in a build party and building a 1911 from a rusty parts kit

This is shit

Fortunately, I have a thinkverse X201t which I'll put on a Linux OS (think I'm going to stick with debian) but what is FreeCAD and how to?

etsy or /k/, some of our targ...I mean furry like them a lot, also what is CAD? (sorry to be this new)

This is a good idea, thanks mate!

By reading your comment, I can imagine you had to deal with this kind of bullshit, so thanks to prevent me. My STEM friend will give me a hand to built it, and I shall get it in 4 days in my mailbox.
And yeah, building a 1911 from a rust parts kit can be a pain in the ass, but once he operate right, you're more proud of yourself than with the AR. Also AR is American shit propaganda, go buy an AK.

Checked, and agree that the AK is a better design too. Don't just build new machines and accessories, build something, anything! But don't fall into the "I got a cool machine and I'll spend the next few years building accessories and refined versions of my machine" trap. Just my opinion, have fun!

So the better for my sake is to be creative and do thinks who never be done before to increase the original content... Heh, I think if more guys think like you, boards like Holla Forums should be great again.

The 3D plastic printer has been compared to the bread maker of the 1980s. Everyone gets really excited about it, they use it over a single weekend, then it sits on the shelf never to be used again. I owned a bread maker, I know from first-hand experience that this wasmy experience also. For the 3D printer, it depends on what you hope to do with it. The average quality of print is not what some people expect. The funniest review I read was some guy motherfucking Makerbot (who deserved to be for ethical reasons) because he thought he should be able to print propellers for his mini-quad copter. "wtf, why is this print resolution so shit, this is a total let-down, I just wasted $2000". wew lads... anyway, plastic prints are also fused deposition, its not a solid block of plastic, so the strength is also lower than what most people expect. Its fine if you do secondary fininshing for aesthetics, but generally the strength of the material isn't something you can improve on very much. The primary application for most people is rapid prototyping, to validate that the form factor of your desired item is pleasing when viewed in context of its surroundings, not just on a computer screen. Design validation using a model doubles as a nice sales prop. Another application is artwork, but you can browse sites like Thingiverse to get ideas of what others have done. For myself, I plan on using the local library's printer to make sections of patterns to be used in metal casting. This will save me time compared to carving intricate shapes from wood, and using someone else's equipment for the rare 3D print (a few times a year) is much more economical.

Holla Forums was never good, but once in a while there can be found among the garbage a good laugh or two, which is better than what you'll find most other places. Don't forget, you're here forever. Well, maybe not this place, but some reincarnation of this dump will bring you back like a 2-dollar whore after her crack fix.

Thanks Kurisu, for the kek and the shadilay.
It's true that the 3D printer got a big hype, but for me, I saw an opportunity.
See, I'm in college,I use to study Japanese but then I realise that is a pointless goal life and decide to join the army, and when I came to see what place was better for me, they asked me if I wanted to be a dronepilote, and was wondering if a 3D printer could improve any skill for that job.

I remember when my parents got a pastamaker. They made fettucini with it one time, it was the best god damn pasta ever. Blew away the regular non-fresh shit. Never used it again.

Now that I remember, I need to make some fresh pasta, it's amazing. I get pissed off that there are "spaghetti warehouse" type only-pasta restaurants that don't use fresh pasta.

Download dildo
That's not an excuse. Learn, bitch.

The issue is not if I should learn or not, but what to begin with?
Some dude told me to get some aldderal and then open some books

So, I recieve it today and the manual is actually made with a monkey's ass.
And the dirt cheap lemon nigger motor...
At least it's easy to repaire and now I have my own 3D printer, even if it's cheap!

jesus christ, what a piece of shit

you could have spent the money on some used metal working equipment instead to produce more useful things

Neh, for 260€, I'm lucky

what this guy said

I got mine from think3dprint3d over in GB and it's well worth the price over the aliexpress one. That said, if you:
- are not into computers in general
- don't know how to use a reasonable 3D CAD like catia, inventor, ...
- can't make your own STL exports
- are patient enough to set this thing up for good results
then stay away from it. You will only be disappointed. Printing pre-made objects from jewiverse sucks ass. Also you can't print sex toys as the surface isn't smooth enough.

If you decide to stay, though, then I can recommend the Slicer 'Craftware' for it's supreme UI and gcode generation. You won't touch Slic3er again then.

If you have a gasmask that only takes 40mm filters (or 60mm in my case) you could print an adapter to convert 40mm > 60mm if need be.

Make a liberator. It is a 3d printable gun. But be careful because some versions have been corrupted and will explode

I want to now why casting isn't even a small-time thing with 3D Printers. My 1980s Industrial Arts classes were hard into showing how this made /everything/.

1) make 3D-printed prototype
2) make mold
3) make cast
4) enjoy your cheap dragon dildo that's guaranteed not to break while inside your ass

It's been a big thing in jewelry for twenty years. I don't know why everyone else is being so slow.

Would the pilot part be the course correction/flight part or just the "move jotstick in vauge direction and push button"?

It`c called a UAV, dammit.


if you can't think of a use for a single shot pistol you're probably the sort of person who should be using one

Thanks mate, I know it's not that easy to get into the world of 3D Printer, but I have determination, plus, I know I will not be the most creative or else, but I use to break my stuff quite easy and with that kind of tools, I can fix it without get a noticeable amount of salt in my ass.
Plus, thanks for the software, Slic3r is crap.

Gasmask are not that usefull, get a 3M integral mask filter, it's more cheap, repliable and easy to find filters than surplus gazmask.

I prefer the PM Washbear (doesn't need to reload everytime and look like a nerf)

I'll keep this for later, at this moment, I dont have the space nor the tools to do that, unfortunately.

Again, go for a PM Washbear, the liberator is for tryhard wannabe dissident

It takes a lot less investment than getting a 3D printer for sure.

Making a kiln that can melt Aluminum or Bronze/Copper takes maybe $10 with new parts.


Oh, I thought it was more expensive!
The only problem is still the same: I live in a residential university and I dont have a garden.
Theses fuckers already complain when I lisen Death Grips a little bit too loud, so a furnace... I mean, I can't even have a dog right now.
But I'll still get the plans and build on once I can.